Intel 21555 User Manual

21555 Non-Transparent PCI-to­PCI Bridge
User Manual
July 2001
Order Number: 278321–002
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2 21555 Non-Transparent PC I-to-PCI Bridge User Manual


1 Preface ..........................................................................................................................................11
1.1 Cautions and Notes ........................................................... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....12
1.2 Data Units...........................................................................................................................12
1.3 Numbering ..........................................................................................................................12
1.4 Signal Nomenclature ..........................................................................................................13
1.5 Register Abbreviations........................................................................................................14
2 Introduction....................................................................................................................................15
2.1 Comparing a 21555 to a Transparent PPB.........................................................................15
2.2 Architectural Overview........................................................................................................18
2.2.1 Data Buffers...........................................................................................................18
2.2.2 Registers................................................................................................................18
2.2.3 Control Logic..........................................................................................................18
2.3 Special Applications............................................................................................................20
2.3.1 Primary Bus VGA Support.....................................................................................20
2.3.2 Secondary Bus VGA Support ................................................................................20
2.4 Programming Notes............................................................................................................20
2.4.1 Addressing.............................................................................................................20
2.4.2 Transaction Forwarding .........................................................................................21
2.4.3 ROM Access..........................................................................................................21
3 Signal Descriptions........................................................................................................................23
3.1 Primary PCI Bus Interface Signals .....................................................................................24
3.2 Primary PCI Bus Interface 64-Bit Extension Signals ..........................................................26
3.3 Secondary PCI Bus Interface Signals.................................................................................28
3.4 Secondary PCI Bus Interface 64-Bit Extension Signals .....................................................30
3.5 Miscellaneous Signals .......... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ...... ....................................... ....... ...... ... .31
4 Address Decoding .........................................................................................................................33
4.1 CSR Address Decoding......................................................................................................34
4.2 Expansion ROM Address Mapping (Decoding)..................................................................34
4.3 Memory 0 Transaction Address Decoding..........................................................................34
4.3.1 Using the BAR Setup Registers.............................................................................35
4.3.2 Direct Address Translation ....................................................................................36
4.3.3 Lookup Table Based Address Translation.............................................................37
4.3.4 Lookup Table Entry Format ...................................................................................40
4.3.5 Forwarding of 64-Bit Address Memory Transactions.............................................41
4.4 I/O Transaction Address Decoding.....................................................................................42
4.4.1 Indirect I/O Transaction Generation.......................................................................42
4.4.2 Subtractive Decoding of I/O Transactions ..... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... .......................44
4.5 Configuration Accesses ......................................................................................................44
4.5.1 Type 0 Accesses to 21555 Configuration Space...................................................44
4.5.2 Initiation of Configuration Transactions by 21555..................................................45
4.6 21555 Bar Summary...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....................................... ...... ....... ...... ....47
5 PCI Bus Transactions....................................................................................................................49
5.1 Transactions Overview .......................................................................................................49
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5.2 Posted Write Transactions ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ...... ....... ....................................... ...... .50
5.2.1 Memory Write Transactions...................................................................................51
5.2.2 Memory Write and Invalidate Transactions ....................................... ...... ....... ...... .51
5.2.3 64-bit Extension Posted Write Transaction............................................................52
5.2.4 Write Performance Tuning Options ............................................ ....... ...... ....... ...... .52
5.3 Delayed Write Transactions................................................................................................54
5.4 Delayed Read Transactions ...............................................................................................55
5.4.1 Nonprefetchable Reads.........................................................................................56
5.4.2 Prefetchable Reads ...............................................................................................57
5.4.3 Prefetchable Read Transactions Using the 64-bit Extension ................................57
5.4.4 Read Performance Features and Tuning Options.................................................57
5.5 64-Bit and 32-Bit Transactions Initiated by the 21555........................................................59
5.6 Target Terminations............................................................................................................60
5.6.1 Target Terminations Returned by the 21555.........................................................60
5.6.2 Transaction Termination Errors on the Target Bus................................................61
5.7 Ordering Rules....................................................................................................................61
6 Initialization Requirements ............................................................................................................65
6.1 Power Management, Hot-Swap, and Reset Signals...........................................................65
6.2 Reset Behavior ...................................................................................................................66
6.2.1 Central Function During Reset ..............................................................................68
6.3 21555 Initialization..............................................................................................................68
6.3.1 With SROM, Local, and Host Processors..............................................................69
6.3.2 Without Serial Preload................... ....... ...... ....................................... ...... ....... ...... .69
6.3.3 Without Local Processor... ....... ...... ....... ...... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ...........................70
6.3.4 Without Local Processor and Serial Preload .........................................................70
6.3.5 Without Host Processor........................ ...... ...... ....... ...... ....... .................................70
6.4 Power Management Support..............................................................................................70
6.4.1 Transitions Between Power Management States..................................................71
6.4.2 PME# Support .......................................................................................................71
6.4.3 Power Management Data Register................................ ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... .72
6.5 CompactPCI Hot-Swap Functionality .................................................................................72
6.5.1 Overview of CompactPCI Controller Hardware Interface ......................................72
6.5.2 Insertion and Removal Process.............................................................................73
7 Clocking.........................................................................................................................................77
7.1 Primary and Secondary PCI Bus Clock Signals .................................................................77
7.2 21555 Secondary Clock Outputs........................................................................................78
7.3 66 MHz Support..................................................................................................................79
8 Parallel ROM Interface ..................................................................................................................81
8.1 Interface Signals.................................................................................................................81
8.2 Parallel and Serial ROM Connection..................................................................................84
8.3 PROM Read by CSR Access .............................................................................................84
8.4 PROM Write by CSR Access..............................................................................................86
8.5 PROM Dword Read............................................................................................................87
8.6 Access Time and Strobe Control........................................................................................88
8.7 Attaching Additional Devices to the ROM Interface............................................................89
9 Serial ROM Interface.....................................................................................................................91
9.1 SROM Interface Signals .....................................................................................................91
4 21555 Non-Transparent PC I-to-PCI Bridge User Manual
9.2 SROMSROM Preload Operation........................................................................................91
9.3 SROM Configuration Data Preload Format ........................................................................92
9.4 SROM Operation by CSR Access ......................................................................................92
10 Arbitration ......................................................................................................................................97
10.1 Primary PCI Bus Arbitration Signals...................................................................................97
10.2 Secondary PCI Bus Arbitration Signals ..............................................................................97
10.3 Primary PCI Bus Arbitration................................................................................................98
10.4 Secondary PCI Bus Arbitration...........................................................................................98
10.4.1 Secondary Bus Arbitration Using the Internal Arbiter ............................................98
10.4.2 Secondary Bus Arbitration Using an External Arbiter..........................................100
11 Interrupt and Scratchpad Registers.............................................................................................101
11.1 Primary and Secondary PCI Bus Interrupt Signals...........................................................101
11.2 Interrupt Support...............................................................................................................101
11.3 Doorbell Interrupts ............................................................................................................103
11.4 Scratchpad Registers .......................................................................................................103
12 Error Handling .............................................................................................................................105
12.1 Error Signals.....................................................................................................................105
12.1.1 Primary PCI Bus Error Signals.............................................................................105
12.1.2 Secondary PCI Bus Error Signals........................................................................106
12.2 Parity Errors......................................................................................................................107
12.3 System Error (SERR#) Reporting.....................................................................................110
13 JTAG Test Port............................................................................................................................111
13.1 JTAG Signals....................................................................................................................111
13.2 Test Access Port Controller..............................................................................................112
13.2.1 Initialization..........................................................................................................112
14 I2O Support .................................................................................................................................113
14.1 Inbound Message Passing ...............................................................................................113
14.2 Outbound Message Passing.............................................................................................115
14.3 Notes ................................................................................................................................116
15 VPD Support................................................................................................................................119
15.1 Reading VPD Information .................................................................................................119
15.2 Writing VPD Information ...................................................................................................120
16 List of Registers........... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ...... ....... ...... .........................................121
16.1 Register Summary............................................................................................................121
16.2 Configuration Registers ....................................................................................................122
16.3 Control and Status Registers............................................................................................126
16.4 Address Decoding ............................................................................................................130
16.4.1 Primary and Secondary Address ........................................................................130
16.4.2 Configuration Transaction Generation Registers.................................................140
16.5 PCI Registers....................................................................................................................147
16.5.1 Configuration Registers .......................................................................................147
16.5.2 Primary and Secondary Command Registers......................................................149
16.5.3 Device-Specific Control and Status Registers.....................................................156
16.6 I2O Registers....................................................................................................................165
21555 Non-Transparent PCI-to-PCI Bridge User Manual 5
16.7 Interrupt Registers ............................................................................................................170
16.8 Scratchpad Registers . ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....................................... ...... ....... .....174
16.9 PROM Registers...............................................................................................................175
16.10 SROM Registers...............................................................................................................179
16.11 Arbiter Control............. ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...............................183
16.12 Error Registers..................................................................................................................183
16.13 Init Registers.....................................................................................................................185
16.14 JTAG Registers ................................................................................................................190
16.15 VPD Registers............................................ ....... ...... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ............192
Index .....................................................................................................................................................197
1 21555 Intelligent Controller Application......................................................................................16
2 21555 Microarchitecture .............................................................................................................19
3 BAR Setup Register Example ....................................................................................................35
4 Address Format..........................................................................................................................36
5 Direct Offset Address Translation...............................................................................................37
6 Downstream Address Translation Example ...............................................................................37
7 Address Translation Using A Lookup Table ...............................................................................39
8 Upstream Lookup Table Address Translation ............................................................................40
9 Lookup Table Entry Format ........................................................................................................41
10 Dual-Address Transaction Forwarding.......................................................................................42
11 CompactPCI Hot-Swap Connections .........................................................................................73
12 21555 Hot-Swap Insertion and Removal....................................................................................75
13 Synchronous Secondary Clock Generation................................................................................78
14 Parallel and Serial ROM Connections........................................................................................84
15 PROM Read Timing ...................................................................................................................85
16 PROM Write Timing....................................................................................................................87
17 Read and Write Strobe Timing ...................................................................................................88
18 Attaching Multiple Devices on the ROM Interface......................................................................90
19 SROM Write All Timing Diagram................................................................................................94
20 SROM Write Enable Timing Diagram.........................................................................................94
21 SROM Write Disable Timing Diagram........................................................................................94
24 SROM Check Status Timing Diagram........................................................................................95
22 SROM Erase Timing Diagram......... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...................................... ....... ...... ....... ...... .95
23 SROM Erase All Operation.........................................................................................................95
25 Secondary Arbiter Example........................................................................................................99
26 Signal trst_l States....................................................................................................................112
1 Signal Type Abbreviations..........................................................................................................13
2 Register Abbreviations ...............................................................................................................14
3 21555 and PPB Feature Comparison.........................................................................................17
4 Decoded and Not Decoded Addresses ......................................................................................20
5 Signal Pin Functional Groups.....................................................................................................23
6 Primary PCI Bus Interface Signals .............................................................................................24
6 21555 Non-Transparent PC I-to-PCI Bridge User Manual
7 Primary PCI Bus Interface 64-Bit Extension Signals..................................................................26
8 Secondary PCI Bus Interface Signals.........................................................................................28
9 Secondary PCI Bus Interface 64-Bit Extension Signals .............................................................30
10 Miscellaneous Signals................................................................................................................31
11 Upstream Memory 2 Window Size ..... ....... ...... ....... ...... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... .......................38
12 Bar Summary..............................................................................................................................47
13 Delayed Write Transaction Target Termination Returns ............................................................55
14 Delayed Read Transaction Target Termination Returns............................................................56
15 Prefetch Boundaries ...................................................................................................................58
16 21555 Transaction Ordering Rules.............................................................................................62
17 Power Management, Hot-Swap, and Reset Signals...................................................................65
18 Reset Mechanisms .....................................................................................................................67
19 Power Management Actions.......................................................................................................71
20 Primary and Secondary PCI Bus Clock Signals.........................................................................77
21 PROM Interface Signals.............................................................................................................82
22 SROM Interface Signals.............................................................................................................91
23 Primary PCI Bus Arbitration Signals...........................................................................................97
24 Secondary PCI Bus Arbitration Signals ......................................................................................97
25 Arbiter Control Register............................................................................................................100
26 Primary and Secondary PCI Bus Interrupt Signals...................................................................101
27 Primary PCI Bus Error Signals .................................................................................................105
28 Secondary PCI Bus Arbitration Signals ....................................................................................106
29 Parity Error Responses.......... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... ..................................................................107
30 JTAG Signals......................... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....................................... ...... ....... ...... .... ...........111
31 Register Cross Reference Table ..............................................................................................121
32 Configuration Space Address Register.....................................................................................122
33 CSR Address Map....................................................................................................................126
34 Primary CSR and Downstream Memory 0 Bar.........................................................................130
35 Secondary CSR Memory BARs................................................................................................131
36 Primary and Secondary CSR I/O Bars .....................................................................................132
37 Downstream I/O or Memory 1 and Upstream I/O or Memory 0 BAR........................................133
38 Downstream Memory 2 and 3 BAR, and Upstream Memory 1 BAR ........................................134
39 Upper 32 Bits Downstream Memory 3 Bar ...............................................................................135
40 Upstream Memory 2 Bar............... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ...... ....... ...............................................135
41 Downstream I/O or Memory 1 and Upstream I/O or Memory 0 Translated Base Register ......136
42 Downstream Memory 0, 2, 3, and Upstream Memory 1 Translated Base Register .................137
43 Downstream I/O or Memory 1 and Upstream I/O or Memory 0 Setup Registers .....................138
44 Downstream Memory 0, 2, 3, and Upstream Memory 1 Setup Registers ................................139
45 Upper 32 Bits Downstream Memory 3 Setup Register.............................................................140
46 Downstream and Upstream Configuration Address Registers.................................................141
47 Downstream Configuration Data and Upstream Configuration Data Registers........................142
48 Configuration Own Bits Register...............................................................................................142
49 Configuration CSR....................................................................................................................143
50 Downstream I/O Address and Upstream I/O Address Registers..............................................144
51 Downstream I/O Data and Upstream I/O Data Registers.........................................................145
52 I/O Own Bits Registers .............................................................................................................145
53 I/O CSR ....................................................................................................................................146
54 Lookup Table Offset Register...................................................................................................146
55 Lookup Table Data Register.....................................................................................................147
56 Upstream Memory 2 Lookup Table .... ....... ...... ....... ...... ...... ....... ...... ....... ..................................147
21555 Non-Transparent PCI-to-PCI Bridge User Manual 7
57 Primary Interface Configuration Space Address Map ..............................................................148
58 Secondary Interface Configuration Space Address Map..........................................................148
59 Vendor ID Register...................................................................................................................148
60 Device ID Register....................................................................................................................148
61 Primary and Secondary Command Registers ..........................................................................149
62 Primary and Secondary Status Registers.................................................................................150
63 Revision ID (Rev ID) Register ..................................................................................................151
64 Primary and Secondary Class Code Registers ........................................................................152
65 Primary and Secondary Cache Line Size Registers.................................................................152
66 Primary Latency and Secondary Master Latency Timer Registers ..........................................153
67 Header Type Register ..............................................................................................................153
68 BiST Register ...........................................................................................................................153
69 Subsystem Vendor ID Register ................................................................................................154
70 Subsystem ID Register.............................................................................................................154
71 Enhanced Capabilities Pointe r Regis ter ....................................... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ............154
72 Primary and Secondary Interrupt Line Registers......................................................................154
73 Primary and Secondary Interrupt Pin Registers .......................................................................155
74 Primary and Secondary Minimum Grant Registers..................................................................155
75 Primary and Secondary Maximum Latency Registers..............................................................155
76 Device-Specific Control and Status Address Map....................................................................156
77 Chip Control 0 Register ............................................................................................................156
78 Chip Control 1 Register ............................................................................................................160
79 Chip Status Register.................................................................................................................162
80 Generic Own Bits Register .......................................................................................................164
81 I2O Outbound Post_List Status................................................................................................165
82 I2O Outbound Post_List Interrupt Mask ...................................................................................165
83 I2O Inbound Post_List Status...................................................................................................165
84 I2O Inbound Post_List Interrupt Mask......................................................................................166
85 I2O Inbound Queue..................................................................................................................166
86 I2O Outbound Queue ...............................................................................................................166
87 I2O Inbound Free_List Head Pointer........................................................................................167
88 I2O Inbound Post_List Tail Pointer...........................................................................................167
89 I2O Outbound Free_List Tail Pointer........................................................................................167
90 I2O Outbound Post_List Head Pointer .....................................................................................167
91 I2O Inbound Post_List Counter ................................................................................................168
92 I2O Inbound Free_List Counter................................................................................................168
93 I2O Outbound Post_List Counter .............................................................................................169
94 I2O Outbound Free_List Counter .............................................................................................169
95 Chip Status CSR ......................................................................................................................170
96 Chip Set IRQ Mask Register ....................................................................................................170
97 Chip Clear IRQ Mask Register .................................................................................................171
98 Upstream Page Boundary IRQ 0 Register ...............................................................................171
99 Upstream Page Boundary IRQ 1 Register ...............................................................................172
100 Upstream Page Boundary IRQ Mask 0 Register......................................................................172
101 Upstream Page Boundary IRQ Mask 1 Register......................................................................172
102 Primary Clear IRQ and Secondary Clear IRQ Registers..........................................................173
103 Primary Set IRQ and Secondary Set IRQ Registers ................................................................173
104 Primary Clear IRQ Mask and Secondary Clear IRQ Mask Registers.......................................174
105 Primary Set IRQ Mask and Secondary Set IRQ Mask Registers.............................................174
106 Scratchpad 0 Through Scratchpad 7 Registers........................................................................174
8 21555 Non-Transparent PC I-to-PCI Bridge User Manual
107 Primary Expansion ROM BAR..................................................................................................175
108 Primary Expansion ROM Setup Register .................................................................................176
109 ROM Setup Register.................................................................................................................177
110 ROM Data Register ..................................................................................................................177
111 ROM Address Register.............................................................................................................178
112 ROM Control Register ..............................................................................................................178
113 Mode Setting Configuration Register........................................................................................179
114 Serial Preload Sequence.............. ...................................... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... ........180
115 Arbiter Control Register............................................................................................................183
116 Primary SERR# Disable Register.............................................................................................184
117 Secondary SERR# Disable Register........................................................................................184
118 Power Management ECP ID and Next Pointer Register ..........................................................185
119 Power Management Capabilities Register................................................................................186
120 Power Management Control and Status Register ....................................................................187
121 PMCSR Bridge Support Extensions.........................................................................................187
122 Power Management Data Register...........................................................................................188
123 Reset Control Register .............................................................................................................188
124 CompactPCI Hot-Swap Capability Identifier and Next Pointer Register...................................189
125 CompactPCI Hot-Swap Control Register..................................................................................189
126 JTAG Instruction Register Options...........................................................................................190
127 Bypass Register........................................................................................................................191
128 Boundary-Scan Register.. ...... ....... ...... ....... ...... ....... ...................................... ....... ...... ....... ........191
129 Boundary Scan Order...............................................................................................................191
130 Vital Product Data (VPD) ECP ID and Next Pointer Register...................................................192
131 Vital Product Data (VPD) Address Register .............................................................................193
132 VPD Data Register ...................................................................................................................193
21555 Non-Transparent PCI-to-PCI Bridge User Manual 9

Preface 1

A brief description of the contents of this manual follows.
Chapter 1, Preface Provides information about the contents and organization of this book. Chapter 2, Introduction Provides an overview of the 21555 functionality and architecture. Chapter 3, Signal Descriptions Describes PCI signal pins grouped by function. Chapter 4, Address Decoding Contains details about how addresses are decoded.
Chapter 5, PCI Bus Transactions Chapter 6, Initialization
Requirements Chapter 7, Clocking Describes 21555 clocking support. Chapter 8, Parallel ROM
Interface Chapter 9, Serial ROM Interface Describes the 21555 Serial ROM Interface.
Chapter 10, Arbitration Chapter 11, Interrupt and
Scratchpad Registers Chapter 12, Error Handling Describes parity error responses and system error reporting. Chapter 13, JTAG Test Port Explains the implementation of JTAG test port. Chapter 14, I2O Support Explains how the 21555 implements an I20 messaging unit. Chapter 15, VPD Support Describes Vital Product Data support through SROM interface.
Chapter 16, List of Registers Appendix A, Acronyms Definition of terms used in this book.
Describes how the 21555 implements
Describes the reset operation and initialization requirements.
Describes the 21555 Parallel ROM Interface.
Explains how 21555 implements primary and secondary PCI bus arbitration.
Describes interrupt support and scratchpad registers.
This chapter contains all of the 21555 register information and contains a register summary.
the theory of operation about PCI
21555 Non-Transparent PCI-to-PCI Bridge User Manual 11

1.1 Cautions and Notes

Caution: Cautions provid e in for mat ion to prevent damage to equipment or loss of data.
Note: Notes emphasize particularly important info rmation.

1.2 Data Units

This manual uses the following data-unit terminology.
Term Words Bytes Bits
Byte ½ 18 Word 1 2 16 Dword 2 4 32 Quadword 4 8 64

1.3 Numbering

All numbers are decimal unless appended with a radix specifier.
h is the hexadecimal radix.
b is the binary radix.
A range of (numbers, bits, bytes, addresses and so on) within a larger group of numbers is specified with colon (:). The range may be enclosed in [square brackets] as well.
The left number is upper limit of the range.
The right number is the lower limit of the range.
For example: Primary byte offset: 13:10h.
12 21555 Non-Transparent PCI-to-PCI Bridge Use r Manual

1.4 Signal Nomenclature

21555 device signal names are printed in lowercase typ e. Prefixes and s uffixes are tagged with a leading or trailing letter and are delimited with an “_” underscore:
The prefix p_ denotes a primary bus signal. F or example: p_ad is the primary interface address/data bus.
The prefix s_ denotes a secondary bus signal. For example: s_ad is the secondary interface address/data bus.
Other prefixes might appear. l_(load), pr_(parallel rom), and so on.
The suffix _l means that the condition is qualified when that signal is low or approximately zero (0) volts.
For example: p_frame_l is a low-asserted signal.
If no suffix is applied, it means that the condition is qualified when the signal is high or approximately equal to
vcc. For example: p_idsel is a high-asserted signal.
PCI signals that can be on either the primary interface or the secondary interface are printed in uppercase, normal type. The names of low-asserted signals are followed by #. For example, “asserting FRAME# can refer to the assertion of the p_frame_l signal when the transaction is occurring on the primary bus or the assertion of the s_frame_l signal when the transaction is occurring on the secondary bus.
Table 1 describes the Signal Type letter s th at ap pear in Table 6 through Table 10 in Chapter 3, Signal Descriptions”.
Table 1. Signal Type Abbreviations
Signal Type
I Standard input only. O Standard output only. TS Tristate bidirectional.
STS OD Standard open drain.
Sustained tristate. Active low signal must be pulled high for one clock cycle when deasserting.
21555 Non-Transparent PCI-to-PCI Bridge User Manual 13

1.5 Register Abbreviations

When a register is associated with the primary interface, its name is preceded with Primary. When a register is associated with the secondary interface, its name is preceded with Secondary. When a register is shared by both interfaces, it is not preceded with Primary or Secondary. The byte offsets at which each register can be accessed from each interface are listed in each register description.
Table 2 lists the register access abbreviations.
Table 2. Register Abbreviations
Access Type Description
DCA Downstream configuration address. DCD Downstream configuration data. DIA Downstream I/O address. DID Downstream I/O data R Read only. Writes have no effect. R/W Read/Write. R/W1TC Read. Write 1 to clear. R/W1TS Read. Write 1 to set. R0TS Read 0 to set. R/(WS) Read. Write from secondary interface only. Primary bus writes have no effect. R/(WP) Read. Write from primary interface only. Secondary bus writes have no effect. UCA Upstream configuration address. UCD Upstream configuration data. UIA Upstream I/O address. UID Upstream I/O data . W1TL Write 1 to load.
14 21555 Non-Transparent PCI-to-PCI Bridge Use r Manual

Introduction 2

The Intel® 21555 is a PCI peripheral devi ce t hat perf orm s P CI bridg i ng f unct ion s f or em bedd ed and i ntel lig ent I/O applications. The 21555 has a 64-bit primary interface, a 64-bit secondary interface, and 66-MHz capability. In this document the 21555 non-transparent device is compared to the related 21154 transparent devices. Both devices have similar operating characteristic.
The 21555 is a “non-transparent” PCI-to-PCI Bridge (PPB) that acts as a gateway to an intelligent subsystem. It allows a local processor to independently configu re and contr ol the local s ubsy stem. The 2 155 5 imp lem ents an I2 0 message unit that enables any local processor to function as an intelligent I/O processor (IOP) in an I20-capable system. Since the 21555 is architecture independent, it works with any ho st an d local p rocess ors that s upp ort a PCI bus. This architecture independence enables vendors to leverage existing investments while moving products to PCI technology.
Unlike a transparent PPB, the 21555 is specifically designed to bridge between two processor domains. The processor domain on the primary interface of the 21555 is referred to as the host domain, and its processor is the host processor. The secondary bus interfaces to the local domain and the local processor. Special features include support of:
Independent primary and secondary PCI clocks. See Chapter 7.
Independent primary and secondary address spaces.
Address translation between the primary (host) and secondary (local) domains. See Chapter 4.
The 21555 allows add-in card vendors to pres ent a higher level of abstraction to the host system than is possible with a transparent PPB. The 21555 uses a Type 0 configuration header, which presents the entire subsystem as a single device to the host processor. This allows loading of a single device driver for the entire subsystem, and independent local processor initialization and control of the subsystem devices. Since the 21555 uses a Typ e 0 configuration header, it does not require hierarchical PPB configuration code.
The 21555 forwards transactions between the primary and secondary PCI buses as does a transparent PPB. In contrast to a transparent PPB, the 21555 can translate th e add ress o f a f orward ed tr ansa ction fr om a sy stem addr ess to a local address, or vice versa. This mechanism allows the 21555 to hide subsystem resour ces from the host processor and to resolve any resource conflicts that may exist between the host and local subsystems.
The 21555 operates at 3.3 V, but is also 5.0 -V I/ O to lera nt. A dap ter cards des i gned for th e 215 55 can be keyed as a PCI universal card edge connector, permitting use in either a 5-V or 3-V slot.

2.1 Comparing a 21555 to a Transparent PPB

The 21555 is functionally similar to a transparent PPB in that both provide a connection path between devices attached to two independent PC I buses. A 21555 and a PPB allow the electrical loading of devices on one PCI bus to be isolated from the other bus while permitting concurrent operation on both buses. Since the PCI Local Bus Specification restricts PCI option cards to a single electrical load, the ability of PPBs and the 21555 to spawn PCI buses enables the design of multi-device PCI option cards. The key difference between a PPB and the 21555 is that the presence of a PPB in a connection path between the host processor and a device is transparent to devices and device drivers, while the presence of the 21555 is not. This difference enables the 21555 to provide features that better support the use of intelligent controllers in the subsystem.
21555 Non-Transparent PCI-to-PCI Bridge User Manual 15
A primary goal of the PPB architecture is that PPB are transparent to devices and device drivers. For example, no changes are needed to a device driver when a PCI peripheral is located behind a PPB. Once configured during system initialization, a PPB operates without the aid of a device driver. A PPB does not require a device driver of its own since it does not have any resources that must be managed by software dur ing run-time. This requirement for transparency forced the usage of a flat addressing model across PPBs. This means that a given physical address exists at only one location in the PCI bus hierarchy and that this location may be accessed by any d evice attached at any point in the PCI bus hierarchy. As a consequence, it is not possible for a PPB to isolate devices or address ranges from access by devices on the opposite interface of a PPB. The PPB architecture assumes that the resources of any device in a PCI system are configured and managed by the host processor.
Figure 1 shows a hypothetical PCI add-in card used for an intelligent controller application. In some applications
the transparency of a PPB is not desired. For example,
Figure 1. 21555 Intelligent Controller Application
Intelligent Subsystem
Host Core
Host CPU
That the local processor on the add-in card is used to manage the resources of the devices attached to the add- in
cards local PCI bus.
That it is desirable to restrict access to these same resources from other PCI bus masters in the system and from
the host processor.
That there is a need to resolve address conflicts that may exist between the hos t system and the local processor.
The non transparency of the 21555 is perfectly suited to this kind of configuratio n, where a transpar ent PPB woul d be problematic.
Since the 21555 is non transparent, the device driver for the add-in card must be aware of the pres ence of the 21555 and manage its resources appropriately. The 21555 allows the entire subsystem to appear as a single virtual device to the host. This enables configuration software to identify the appropriate driver for the subsystem.
With a transparent PPB, a driver does not need to know about the presence of the bridge and manage its resources. The subsystem appears to the host system as individual PCI devices on a secondary PCI bus, not as a single virtual device.
16 21555 Non-Transparent PCI-to-PCI Bridge Use r Manual
Table 3 shows compares a 21555 and to a transparent PPB.
T a ble 3. 21555 and PPB Feature Comparison
Feature Non-Transparent PPB or 21555 Transparent PPB
Transaction forwarding
Address decoding
Address translation
-time resources
Secondary bus central functions
Adheres to PPB ordering rules.
Uses posted writes and delayed
Adheres to PPB transaction error and parity error guidelines, although some errors may be reported differently .
Base address registers (BARs) are used to define independent downstream and upstream forwarding windows.
Inverse decoding is only used for upstream transactions above the 4GB boundary.
Supported for both memory and I/O transactions.
Downstream devices are not visible to host.
Does not require hierarchical configuration code (Type 0 configuration header).
Does not respond to Type 1 configuration transactions.
Supports configuration access from the secondary bus.
Implements separate set of configuration registers for the secondary interface.
Includes features such as doorbell interrupts, I20 message unit, and so on, that must be managed by the device driver.
Generates secondary bus clock output.
Asynchronous secondary clock input is also supported.
Implements secondary bus arbiter. This function can be disabled.
Drives secondary bus AD, C/BE#, and PAR during reset. This function can be disabled.
Adheres to PPB ordering rules.
Uses posted writes and delayed
Adheres to PPB transaction error and parity error guidelines.
PPB base and limit address registers are used to define downstream forwarding windows.
Inverse decoding for upstream forwarding.
None. Flat address model is assumed.
Downstream devices are visible to host.
Requires hierarchical configuration code
(Type 1 configuration header).
Forwards and converts Type 1 configuration transactions.
Does not support configuration access from the secondary bus. Same set of configuration registers is used to control both primary and secondary interfaces.
Typically has only configuration registers; no device driver is required.
Generates one or more secondary bus clock outputs.
Implements secondary bus arbiter. Drives secondary bus AD, C/BE#, and PAR
during reset.
21555 Non-Transparent PCI-to-PCI Bridge User Manual 17

2.2 Architectural Overview

This section describes the buffers, registers, and control logic of the 21555:

2.2.1 Data Buffers

Data buffers include the buffers along with the associated data path control logic. Delayed transaction buffers contain the compare functionality for completing delayed transactions. The blocks also contain the watchdog timers associated with the buffers. The data buffers are as follows:
Four-entry downstream de layed trans action buffer.
Four-entry upstream d elayed transaction buffer.
256-byte downstream posted write buffer.
256-byte upstream posted write buffer.
256-byte downstream read dat a buffer.
256-byte upstream read data buffer.
T w o downs t ream I20 delayed transacti on ent rie s.

2.2.2 Registers

The following register blocks also contain address decode and translation logic, I20 message unit, and interrupt control logic:
Primary interface header Type 0 configuration registers.
Secondary interface header Type 0 configuration registers.
Device-specific configuration registers.
Memory and I/O mapped control and status registers.

2.2.3 Control Logic

The 21555 has the following control logic:
Primary PCI target control logic.
Primary PCI master control logic.
Secondary PCI target control logic.
Secondary PCI master control logic.
ROM interface control logic for both serial and parallel ROM connections (interfaces between the ROM
registers and ROM signals).
Secondary PCI bus arbiter interface to secondary bu s device request and grant lines, as well as the 21555
secondary master control logic.
JTAG control logic.
18 21555 Non-Transparent PCI-to-PCI Bridge Use r Manual
Figure 2 shows the 21555 microarchitecture.
Figure 2. 21555 Microarchitecture
Downstream Delayed Buffer
Downstream Posted Write Buffer
Upstream Read Data Buffer
Downstream Read Data Buffer
Upstream Posted Write Buffer
JTAG Signals
Upstream Delayed Buffer
ROM Interface
Secondary PCI Bus
Master Control
Secondary Arbiter
21555 Non-Transparent PCI-to-PCI Bridge User Manual 19

2.3 Special Applications

2.3.1 Primary Bus VGA Support

The 21555 provides hardware support that allows configuration of itself as a Video Graphics Adapter (VGA) device. The primary class code should be preloaded through the serial ROM (SROM) or loaded by the local processor with the value for a VGA device (Base Class 03h, Sub-Class 00h, Programming Interface 00h). This allows the 21555 to present itself to the host as a VGA device.
The VGA Mode field in the Chip 0 Control register (see page 156) should be set to 01b to enable decoding of VGA transactions on the primary bus for forwarding to the secondary bus. These bits can be set through SROM preload, or either from a primary or secondary bus configuration write. Table 4 gives addresses that are decoded.
Table 4. Decoded and Not Decoded Addresses
Memory addresses [000BFFFFh : 000A0000h]
I/O addresses:
Bits not decoded.
AD[9:0]3BBh:3B0h 3DFh:3C0h
AD[31:16]000h (No address translation is performed on these addresses.)
The 21555 cannot be enabled as a snooping agent on the primary bus. This is because the 21555 cannot guarantee that it can buffer and forward all palette writes, since the 21555 has finite buffer space and no backoff mechanism when snooping. The 21555 should not be configured to appear as a VGA device in those applications where it may try to configure the 21555 as a snooping agent.
The parallel ROM can be used to store VGA BIOS code, which is mapped through the Primary Expansion ROM BAR.

2.3.2 Secondary Bus VGA Support

The 21555 can be enabled to decode VGA transactions on the secondary bus for forwarding to the primary bus. This is done by setting the VGA Enable field in the Chip Control 0 register to 10b. The addres ses that are decoded are the same as for the primary VGA decode, and again the addresses are not translated.
Upstream forwarding of VGA transactions can be useful for applications that want to allow access to a primary bus VGA device frame buffer by local processors in intelligent I/O or embedded subsystems.
Note: VGA decoding must not be enabled for both the pr imary and secondary interface. The value 11b is
illegal for the VGA Enable field and can yield unpredictable results.

2.4 Programming Notes

2.4.1 Addressing

The non-transparent addressing model that the 21555 uses can cause problems if not programmed properly. Programming errors include:
20 21555 Non-Transparent PCI-to-PCI Bridge Use r Manual
Setting a translated base address for a downstream range to fall within an address range defined for upstream
forwarding. This would cause the 21555 to respond as a target on the secondary bus to a downstream transaction that it has initiated as a master. The transaction would then be forwarded back to the primary bus. The address on the primary bus depends on the translated base address value for that upstream range.
Setting a translated base address for an upstream range to fall within an add ress r a nge for down stream
forwarding. This results i n similar behavior described in the previous condition, but in the opposite direction.
Enabling I/O subtractive decoding in both directions. When an I/O transaction is subtractively decoded on the
primary bus and forwarded downst r eam by t he 2 155 5, and no t arget responds on the secondary bus, the 21555 subtractively decodes the transaction on the secondary bus and forwards it back upstream. Since there is no address translation for subtractively decoded I/O trans actions, this results in the 21555 forwarding the transaction downstream and upstream forever.
Enabling VGA decoding in both directions. Refer to subtractive I/O decoding in the previous bullet. Again,
there is the case of a non translated I/O address decoded by the 21555 on both interfaces as a target and forwarded to the opposite interface.

2.4.2 Transaction Forwarding

When using the indirect I/O transaction generation mechanism, the low tw o bits of the I/O address in the I/O Address register must match the byte enables as described in the PCI Local Bus Specification, Revision 2.2. The 21555 does not correct any discrepancies between the byte enables and address bits [1:0].

2.4.3 ROM Access

Parallel and SROM access mechanisms do not accommodate multiple masters. That is, when more than one master attempts to access the ROM during the same time period, wrong data may be returned or written to the ROM. There is no semaphore method to guarantee atomicity of the ROM address, data, and control register accesses.
This also applies to a parallel ROM access through the Primary Expansion ROM BAR at the same time a secondary bus master might be accessing ROM registers.
21555 Non-Transparent PCI-to-PCI Bridge User Manual 21

Signal Descriptions 3

This chapter presents the theory of operation info rmation about the PCI sign al interface. See Chapter 16 for specific information about PCI registers. Table 5 describes the PCI signal groups, function, and provides a page reference.
Table 5. Signal Pin Functional Groups
Group by Signal Pin Description See Page
All PCI pins required by the PCI Local
Primary Bus and Extension interface Signal Pins
Secondary Bus and Extension Interface Signal Pins
Miscellaneous Signal Pins
Optional configuration and expansion memory.
Arbitration Primary PCI Bus Arbitration Signals Section 10.1 on page 97 Interrupt
Error Error Signals Section 12.1 on page 105 Test Access Port JTAG Signals Section 13.1 on page 111
Bus Specification, Revision 2.2.
All PCI 64-bit extension pins required by the PCI Local Bus Specification,
Revision 2.2. All PCI pins required by the PCI Local
Bus Specification, Revision 2.2.
All PCI 64-bit extension pins required by the PCI Local Bus Specification,
Revision 2.2.
Two input voltage signaling pins. Section 3.5 on page 31
Power Management, Hot-Swap, and Reset Signals
Primary and Secondary PCI Bus Clock Signals
Interface Signals Section 8.1 on page 81 SROM Interface Signals Section 9.1 on page 91
Primary and Secondary PCI Bus Interrupt Signals
Section 3.1 on page 24
Section 3.2 on page 26
Section 3.3 on page 28
Section 3.4 on page 30
Section 6.1 on page 65
Section 7.1 on page 77
Section 11.1 on page 101
21555 Non-Transparent PCI-to-PCI Bridge User Manual 23
Signal Descriptions

3.1 Primary PCI Bus Interface Signals

Table 6 describes the primary PCI bus interface signals. The letters in the Type column are described in Table 1.
T able 6. Primary PCI Bus Interface Signals (Sheet 1 of 2)
Signal Name Type Description
Primary PCI interface address and data. These signals are a 32-bit multiplexed address and data bus. During the address phase or phases of a transaction, the
p_ad[31:0] TS
p_cbe_l[3:0] TS
p_devsel_l STS
p_frame_l STS
p_idsel I
p_irdy_l STS
initiator drives a physical address on p_ad[31:0]. During the data phases of a transaction, the initiator drives write data, or the target
drives read data, on p_ad[31:0]. When the primary PCI bus is idle, the 21555 drives p_ad to a valid logic level when p_gnt_l is asserted.
Primary PCI interface command and byte enables. These signals are a multiplexed command field and byte enable field. During the address phase or phases of a transaction, the initiator drives the transaction type on p_cbe_l[3:0].
When there are two address phases, the first address phase carries the dual-address command and the second address phase carries the transaction type.
For both read and write transactions, the initiator drives byte enables on p_cbe_l[3:0] during the data phases. When the primary PCI bus is idle, the 21555 drives p_cbe_l to a valid logic level when p_gnt_l is asserted.
Primary PCI interface DEVSEL#. Signal p_devsel_l is asserted by the target, indicating that the device is responding to the transaction. As a target, the 21555 decodes the address of a transaction initiated on the primary bus to determine whether to assert p_devsel_l.
As an initiator of a transaction on the primary bus, the 21555 looks for the assertion of p_devsel_l within five clock cycles of p_frame_l assertion; otherwise, the 21555 terminates the transaction with a master abort.
Upon completion of a transaction, p_devsel_l is driven to a deasserted state for one clock cycle and is then sustained by an external pull-up resistor.
Primary PCI interface FRAME#. Signal p_frame_l is driven by the initiator of a transaction to indicate the beginning and duration of an access on the primary PCI bus. Signal p_frame_l assertion (falling edge) indicates the beginning of a PCI transaction. While p_frame_l remains asserted, data transfers can continue. The deassertion of p_frame_l indicates the final data phase requested by the initiator.
Upon completion of a transaction, p_frame_l is driven to a deasserted state for one clock cycle and is then sustained by an external pull-up resistor.
Primary PCI interface IDSEL. Signal p_idsel is used as the chip select line for Type 0 configuration accesses to 21555 configuration space from the primary bus. When p_idsel is asserted during the address phase of a Ty pe 0 configuration transaction, the 21555 responds to the transaction by asserting p_devsel_l.
Primary PCI interface IRDY#. Signal p_irdy_l is driven by the initiator of a transaction to indicate the initiators ability to complete the current data phase on the primary PCI bus.
During a write transaction, assertion of p_irdy_l indicates that valid write data is being driven on the p_ad bus.
During a read transaction, assertion of p_irdy_l indicates that the initiator is able to accept read data for the current data phase. Once asserted during a given data phase, p_irdy_l is not deasserted until the data phase completes.
Upon completion of a transaction, p_irdy_l is driven to a deasserted state for one clock cycle and is then sustained by an external pull-up resistor.
24 21555 Non-Transparent PCI-to-PCI Bridge Use r Manual
T able 6. Primary PCI Bus Interface Signals (Sheet 2 of 2)
Signal Name Type Description
Primary PCI interface parity. Signal p_par carries the even parity of the 36 bits of p_ad[31:0] and p_cbe_l[3:0] for both address and data phases. Signal p_par is
driven by the same agent that drives the address (for address parity) or the data (for data parity). Signal p_par contains valid parity one clock cycle after the addres s is valid (indicated by assertion of p_frame_l), or one clock cycle after the data is valid
p_par TS
p_req_l TS
p_stop_l STS
p_trdy_l STS
(indicated by assertion of p_irdy_l for write transactions and p_trdy_l for read transactions). Signal p_par is tristated one clock cycle after the p_ad lines are tristated.
The device receiving data samples p_par as an inpu t to check for possible parity errors. When the primary PCI bus is idle, the 21555 drives p_par to a valid logic level when p_gnt_l is asserted (one clock cycle after the p_ad bus is pa r ked).
Primary PCI bus REQ#. Signal p_req_l is asserted by the 21555 to indicate to the primary bus arbiter that it wants to start a transaction on the primary bus. Signal p_req_l is tristated during the assertion of chip reset.
Primary PCI interface STOP#. Signal p_stop_l is driven by the target of a transaction, indicating that the target is requesting the initiator to stop the transaction on the primary bus.
When p_stop_l is asserted in conjunction with p_trdy_l and p_devsel_l assertion, a disconnect with data transfer is being signaled.
When p_stop_l and p_devsel_l are asserted, but p_trdy_l is deasserted, a target disconnect without data transfer is being signaled. When this occurs on the first data phase, that is, no data is transferred during the transaction, this is referred to as a target retry.
When p_stop_l is asserted and p_devsel_l is deasserted, the target is signaling a target abort.
Upon completion of a transaction, p_stop_l is driven to a deasserted state for one clock cycle and is then sustained by an external pull-up resistor.
Primary PCI interface TRDY#. Signal p_trdy_l is driven by the tar get of a transaction to indicate the target's ability to complete the current data phase on the primary PCI bus.
During a write transaction, assertion of p_trdy_l indicates that the target is able to accept write data for the current data phase.
During a read transaction, assertion of p_trdy_l indicates that the target is driving valid read data on the p_ad bus. Once asserted during a given data phase, p_trdy_l is not deasserted until the data phase completes.
Upon completion of a transaction, p_trdy_l is driven to a deasserted state for one clock cycle and is then sustained by an external pull-up resistor.
Signal Descriptions
21555 Non-Transparent PCI-to-PCI Bridge User Manual 25
Signal Descriptions
3.2 Primary PCI Bus Interface 64-Bit Extension Signals
Table 7 describes the primary PCI bus interface 64-bit extension signals. The letters in the Type column are
described in Table 1.
T able 7. Primary PCI Bus Interface 64
Signal Name Type Description
Primary PCI interface acknowledge 64-bit transfer. Signal p_ack64_l should never be driven when p_req64_l is not driven.
p_ack64_l STS
p_ad[63:32] TS
p_cbe_l[7:4] TS
Signal p_ack64_l is asserted by the target only when p_req64_l is asserted by the initiator, to indicate the targets ability to transfer data using 64 bits. Signal p_ack64_l has the same timing as p_devsel_l.
When deasserting, p_ack64_l is driven to a deasserted state for one clock cycle and is then sustained by an external pull-up resistor.
Primary PCI interface address and data upper 32 bits. The 21555 does not bus park these pins. These pins are tristated during the
assertion of p_rst_l. Signals p _ad[63:32] are driven to a valid value when the 64-bit extension is disabled (p_req64_l is deasserted during p_rst_l assertion).
This multiplexed address and data bus provides an additional 32 bits to the primary interface. During the address phase or phases of a transaction, when the dual-address command is used and p_req64_l is asserted, the initiator drives the upper 32 bits of a 64-bit address; otherwise, these bits are unde fined, and the initiator drives a valid logic level onto the pins.
During the data phases of a transaction, the initiator drives the upper 32 bits of 64-bit write data, or the target drives the upper 32 bits of 64-bit read data, when p_req64_l and p_ack64_l are both asserted.
When not driven, signals p_ad[63:32] are pulled up to a valid logic level through external resistors.
Primary PCI interface command and byte enables upper 4 bits. The 21555 does not bus park these pins. These pins are tristated during the
assertion of p_rst_l. Signals p_cbe_l[7:4] are driven to a valid value when the 64-bit extension is disabled (p_req64_l is deasserted during p_rst_l assertion).
These signals are a multiplexed command field and byte enable field. During the address phase or phases of a transaction, when the dual-address command is used and p_req64_l is asserted, the initiator drives the transaction type on p_cbe_l[7:4]; otherwise, these bits are undefined, and the initiator drives a valid logic level onto the pins.
For both read and write transactions, the initiator drives byte enables for the p_ad[63:32] data bits on p_cbe_l[7:4] during the data phases, when p_req64_l and p_ack64_l are both asserted.
When not driven, signals p_cbe_l[7:4] are pulled up to a valid logic level through external resistors.
-Bit Extension Signals (Sheet 1 of 2)
26 21555 Non-Transparent PCI-to-PCI Bridge Use r Manual
T able 7. Primary PCI Bus Interface 64-Bit Extension Signals (Sheet 2 of 2)
Signal Name Type Descrip tion
Primary PCI interface upper 32 bits parity. The 21555 does not bus park this pin. This pin is tristated during the assertion of
p_rst_l. Signal p_par64 is driven to a valid value when the 64-bit extension is disabled (p_req64_l is deasserted during p_rst_l assertion).
Signal p_par64 carries the even parity of the 36 bits of p_ad[63:32] and p_cbe_l[7:4] for both address and data phases. Signal p_par64 is driven by the initiator and is valid one clock cycle after the first address phase when a dual-address command is used and p_req64_l is asserted. Signal p_par64 is also
p_par64 TS
p_req64_l STS
valid one clock cycle after the second address phase of a dual-address transaction when p_req64_l is asserted. Signal p_par64 is valid one clock cycle after valid data is driven (indicated by assertion of p_irdy_l for write data and p_trdy_l for read data), when both p_req64_l and p_ack64_l are asserted for that data phase. Signal
p_par64 is tristated by the device driving read or write data one clock cycle after the p_ad lines are tristated.
Devices receiving data sample p_par64 as an input to check for possible parity errors during 64-bit transactions.
When not driven, p_par64 is pulled up to a valid logic level through external resistors.
Primary PCI interface request 64-bit transfer. Signal p_req64_l is sampled at secondary reset to enable the 64-bit extension on
the primary bus. When sampled low, the 64-bit extension is enabled. Signal p_req64_l is asserted by the initiator to indicate that the initiator is requesting
64-bit data transfer. Signal p_req64_l has the same timing as p_frame_l. When deasserting, p_req64_l is driven to a deasserted state for one clock cycle and is then sustained by an external pull-up resistor.
The 21555 samples p_req64_l during primary bus reset to enable the 64-bit extension signals. When p_req64_l is sampled high during reset, the primary 64-bit extension is disabled and assumed not connected. The 21555 then drives p_ad[63:32], p_cbe_l[7:4], and p_par64 to valid logic levels.
Signal Descriptions
21555 Non-Transparent PCI-to-PCI Bridge User Manual 27
Signal Descriptions

3.3 Secondary PCI Bus Interface Signals

Table 8 describes the secondary PCI bus interface signals. The letters in the Type column are described in Table 1.
Table 8. Secondary PCI Bus Interface Signals (Sheet 1 of 2)
Signal Name Type Description
Secondary PCI interface address and data. These signals are a 32-bit multiplexed address and data bus. During the address phase or phases of a transaction, the initiator drives a physical address on s_ad[31:0]. During the data phases of a
s_ad[31:0] TS
s_cbe_l[3:0] TS
s_devsel_l STS
s_frame_l STS
s_idsel I
s_irdy_l STS
transaction, the initiator drives write data, or the target drives read data, on s_ad[31:0].
When the secondary PCI bus is idle, the 21555 drives s_ad to a valid logic level when its secondary bus grant is asserted.
Secondary PCI interface command and byte enables. These signals are a multiplexed command field and byte enable field. During the address phase or phases of a transaction, the initiator drives the transaction type on s_cbe_l[3:0]. When there are two address phases, the first address phase carries the dual-address command and the second address phase carries the transaction type. For both read and write transactions, the initiator drives byte enables on s_cbe_l[3:0] during the data phases.
When the secondary PCI bus is idle, the 21555 drives s_cbe_l to a valid logic level when its secondary bus grant is asserted.
Secondary PCI interface DEVSEL#. Signal s_d evsel _l is asserted by the target, indicating that the device is responding to the transaction. As a target, the 21555 decodes the address of a transaction initiated on the secondary bus to determine whether to assert s_devsel_l. As an initiator of a transaction on the secondary bus, the 21555 looks for the assertion of s_devsel _l within five clock cycles of s_frame_l assertion; otherwise, the 21555 terminates the transaction with a master abort.
Upon completion of a transaction, s_devsel_l is driven to a deasserted state for one clock cycle and is then sustained by an external pull-up resistor.
Secondary PCI interface FRAME#. Signal s_frame_l is driven by the initiator of a transaction to indicate the beginning and duration of an access on the secondary PCI bus. Signal s_frame_l assertion (falling edge) indicates the beginning of a PCI transaction. While s_frame_l remains asserted, data transfers can continue. The deassertion of s_frame_l indicates the final data phase requested by the initiator.
Upon completion of a transaction, s_frame_l is driven to a deasserted state for one clock cycle and is then sustained by an external pull-up resistor.
Secondary PCI interface IDSEL. Signal s_idsel is used as the chip select line for Type 0 configuration accesses to 21555 configuration space from the secondary bus. When s_idsel is asserted during the address phase of a Type 0 configuration transaction, the 21555 responds to the transaction by asserting s_devsel_l.
Secondary PCI interface IRDY#. Signal s_irdy_l is driven by the initiator of a transaction to indicate the initiators ability to complete the current data phase on the secondary PCI bus.
During a write transaction, assertion of s_irdy_l indicates that valid write data is being driven on the s_ad bus.
During a read transaction, assertion of s_irdy_l indicates that the initiator is able to accept read data for the current data phase. Once asserted during a given data phase, s_irdy_l is not deasserted until the data phase completes.
Upon completion of a transaction, s_irdy_l is driven to a deasserted state for one clock cycle and is then sustained by an external pull-up resistor.
28 21555 Non-Transparent PCI-to-PCI Bridge Use r Manual
Table 8. Secondary PCI Bus Interface Signals (Sheet 2 of 2)
Signal Name Type Descrip tion
Secondary PCI interface parity. Signal s_par carries the even parity of the 36 bits of s_ad[31:0] and s_cbe_l[3:0] for both address and data phases. Signal s_par is
driven by the same agent that drives the address (for address parity) or the data (for data parity). Signal s_par contains valid parity one clock cycle after the address is valid (indicated by assertion of s_frame_l), or one clock cycle after the data is valid
s_par TS
s_stop_l STS
s_trdy_l STS
(indicated by assertion of s_irdy_l for write transactions and s_trdy_l for read transactions). Signal s_par is tristated one clock cycle after the s_ad lines are tristated. The device receiving data samples s_par as an input to check for possible parity errors.
When the secondary PCI bus is idle, the 21555 drives s_par to a valid logic level when its secondary bus grant is asserted (one clock cycle after the s_ad bus is parked).
Secondary PCI interface STOP#. Signal s_stop_l is driven by the tar get of a transaction, indicating that the target is requesting the initiator to stop the transaction on the secondary bus.
When s_stop_l is asserted in conjunction with s_trdy_l and s_devsel_l assertion, a disconnect with data transfer is being signaled.
When s_stop_l and s_devsel_l are asserted, but s_trdy_l is deasserted, a target disconnect without data transfer is being signaled. When this occurs on the first data phase, that is, no data is transferred during the transaction, this is referred to as a target retry.
When s_stop_l is asserted and s_devsel_l is deasserted, the target is signaling a target abort.
Upon completion of a transaction, s_stop_l is driven to a deasserted state for one clock cycle and is then sustained by an external pull-up resistor.
Secondary PCI interface TRDY#. Signal s_trdy_l is driven by the target of a transaction to indicate the targets ability to complete the current data phase on the secondary PCI bus.
During a write transaction, assertion of s_trdy_l indicates that the target is able to accept write data for the current data phase.
During a read transaction, assertion of s_trdy_l indicates that the target is driving valid read data on the s_ad bus. Once asserted during a given data phase, s_trdy_l is not deasserted until the data phase completes.
Upon completion of a transaction, s_trdy_l is driven to a deasserted state for one clock cycle and is then sustained by an external pull-up resistor.
Signal Descriptions
21555 Non-Transparent PCI-to-PCI Bridge User Manual 29
Signal Descriptions
3.4 Secondary PCI Bus Interface 64-Bit Extension Signals
Table 9 describes the secondary PCI bus interface 64-bit extension signals. The letters in the Type column are
described in Table 1.
T able 9. Secondary PCI Bus Interface 64
Signal Name Type Description
Secondary PCI interface acknowledge 64-bit transfer. Signal s_ack64_l should never be driven when s_req64_l is not driven.
s_ack64_l STS
s_ad[63:32] TS
s_cbe_l[7:4] TS
Signal s_ack64_l is asserted by the target only when s_req64_l is asserted by the initiator, to indicate the targets ability to transfer data using 64 bits. Signal s_ack64_l has the same timing as s_devsel_l. When deasserting, s_ack64_l is driven to a deasserted state for one clock cycle and is then sustained by an external pull-up resistor.
Secondary PCI interface address and data upper 32 bits. The 21555 does not bus park these pins. These pins are tristated during the
assertion of s_rst_l. Signals s_ad[63:32] are driven to a valid value when the 64-bit extension is disabled (s_req64_l is deasserted during s_rst_l assertion).
This multiplexed address and data bus provides an additional 32 bits to the secondary interface. During the address phase or phases of a transaction, when the dual-address command is used and s_req64_l is asserted, the initiator drives the upper 32 bits of a 64-bit address; otherwise, these bits are unde fined, and the initiator drives a valid logic level onto the pins. During the data phases of a transaction, the initiator drives the upper 32 bits of 64-bit write data, or the target drives the upper 32 bits of 64-bit read data, when s_req64_l and s_ack64_l are both asserted.
When not driven, signals s_ad[63:32] are pulled up to a valid logic level through external resistors.
Secondary PCI interface command and byte enables upper 4 bits. The 21555 does not bus park these pins. These pins are tristated during the
assertion of s_rst_l. Signals s_cbe_l[7:4] are driven to a valid value when the 64-bit extension is disabled (s_req64_l is deasserted during s_rst_l assertion).
These signals are a multiplexed command field and byte enable field. During the address phase or phases of a transaction, when the dual-address command is used and s_req64_l is asserted, the initiator drives the transaction type on s_cbe_l[7:4]; otherwise, these bits are undefined, and the initiator drives a valid logic level onto the pins. For both read and write transactions, the initiator drives byte enables for the s_ad[63:32] data bits on s_cbe_l[7:4] during the data phases, when s_req64_l and s_ack64_l are both asserted.
When not driven, signals s_cbe_l[7:4] are pulled up to a valid logic level through external resistors.
-Bit Extension Signals (Sheet 1 of 2)
30 21555 Non-Transparent PCI-to-PCI Bridge Use r Manual
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