Intel 21152 User Manual

21152 PCI-to- PCI Bridge Evaluation Board
User’s Guide
July 1998
Order Number: 278127-001
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21152 PCI-to-PCI Brid ge Evaluation Board User’s Guide


1 Introduction.........................................................................................................................1
1.1 Overview...............................................................................................................1
1.2 Features................................................................................................................1
1.3 Major Components................................................................................................2
1.4 Jumpers.................................................................................................................3
1.5 Secondary Slot Numbering and IDSEL Mappin g .................................................. 3
1.6 Typical Conf igu r a tions...... ...................... ............................... .............................. ..4
2 Installa tion................... .............................. ............................... ............................... ......... ..1
2.1 Specifica tions............................. ............................... .............................. ..............1
2.2 Hardware Requirements .......................................................................................1
2.3 Software Requirements.........................................................................................1
2.4 Installation Procedure............................................................................................2
3 Interrupt Routing.................................................................................................................1
4 Secondary Bus Arbitration..................................................................................................1
A Kit Contents ........................................................................................................................1
Support, Products, and Documentation .......................................... ....... ..... ....... .. .......... ....3
21152 PCI-to-PCI Bridge Evaluation Board User’ s Gu id e iii



1-1 EB152 Major Components.................................................................. ....... ..... ......2
1-2 Secondary PCI Slot Numbering............................................................................3
1-3 EB152 with One Secondary Bus Option Card ......................................................4
1-4 EB152 with Two Secondary Bus Option Cards....................................................4
1-5 Tri-Level with Two EB152s ................................................................................... 5
1-6 Four PCI Buses in a Tri-Level Hierarchy...............................................................5
4-1 Arbitration Jumpers...............................................................................................2
1-1 Jumper Connections .............................................................................................3
3-1 Interrupt ORing......................... ............................... ............................... ...............1
3-2 Interrupts from Devices to EB152 Fingers............................................................2
4-1 Internal Arbitration Jumper Positions....................................................................2
4-2 External PAL Arbitration Jumper Positions...........................................................3
iv 21152 PCI-to-PCI Brid ge Evaluation Board User’s Guide
This document describes the Intel 21152 PC I-to-PCI Bridge Evaluation Boar d (also referred to as the EB152). The EB152 is an evaluation and development board for systems based on the Intel 21152 PCI-to-P CI Bridge chip (the 21152).
Intel’s 21152 is a second-generation PCI-to-PCI bridge an d is fully compliant with the electr ical and protocol requirements of the PCI-to-PCI Bridge Architecture Specification, Revision 2.1, and the PCI-to-PCI Bridge Archit ecture Specific ation, Revision 1.0. The 21152 provides full support for delayed transactions, which enables the buffering of memory read, I/O, and configuration transactions . The 21152 has separate posted write, read data, and delayed trans action queues with significantly more buffering capability than first-generation bridges.
For detailed info rmation about the 21152, refer to the 21 152 PCI-to-PCI Bridge Data Sheet.

1.1 Overview

This chapter provides an overview of the 21152 PCI-to-PCI Bridge Evaluation Board EB152 and includes inf orm ation about the following topic s :
Jumper location
Secondary slot numbering and IDSEL mapping
Typical configurations
The EB152 is a unive rs al PCI exp ansi on board th at is used t o eval uate t he opera tion of t he 21152 in various configurations, and with a variety of PCI devices. The EB152 can be used to perform the following functions:
Develop initia lization code to configu re a PCI-to-PCI bridge and the PCI devices behind the
Evaluate the operation of a PCI-to-PCI bridge with a variety of PCI devices attached to the
secondary bus
Build an d ev al u at e a fl ex i b le hi er ar c h y f or mu ltiple PCI bu ses

1.2 Features

The EB152 has the following features:
Complies fully wit h the protocol and electrical standards of the PCI Local Bus Specification,
Revision 2.1.
Includes a 21152 PCI-to-PCI Bridge that prov ides bridging between a primary and seco ndary
Includes a primary PCI bus that plugs into any 5-V or 3.3-V PCI option card slot.
21152 PCI-to-PCI Bridge Evaluation Board User’s Guide 1-1
Supports four secondary 5 V PCI bus option card slot s.
May be built with 3.3-V second ary PCI ca rd slots. If you are interested in this option, call the
Intel Informa tion Line (see, Support, Products, and Documentation).
Supports an optional external secondary bus arbiter.
Supports multiple levels of PCI bus hierarchy

1.3 Major Components

Figure 1-1 shows the major components on the EB15 2.
Figure 1-1. EB152 Major Components
Viewed from Side 1
J8_J12, J2, and J1 _ Signal
Monitoring Pods
E3 _ Socket for Optional PAL to Control Secondary Bus External Arbitration
W1, W4, J7 _ Secondary Bus External/Internal Arbitration Configurable Jumpers
PCI Option Card Slot (PCI Device 7)
PCI Option Card Slot (PCI Device 6)
PCI Option Card Slot (PCI Device 5)
PCI Option Card Slot (PCI Device 4)
E2 _ Optional High-Current 3.3-V Voltage Regulator for Boards with 3.3-V Secondary Connectors
Primary Bus Connector (to Host System Motherboard)
1-2 21152 PCI-to-PCI Bridge Evaluation Board User’s Guide

1.4 Jumpers

The EB152 provides 10 jumpe rs that can be used for debugging and for special evaluation tests. The jumpers can be used for monit ori ng CLK sign als and 21 1 52 secondary PCI signal s. Addit ion al optional jump ers control secondary bus arbitration.
Table 1-1 shows the connections required to allow observation of these signals at scope pod
connector pins.
Table 1-1. Jumper Connections
Jumper Description
J1 This jumper monitors the foll owing signals:
J2, J8 through J12 Logic analyzer pods can be plug ged into thes e jumpers for
W1, W4, J7 These jumpers control secondary bus arbitration. Chapter 4, Secondary Bus
p_clk (PCI clock) s_clk_o<4:1> (four secondar y PCI clocks) s_clk_o<0> (fed back to the s_clk input pin) s_gnt_l<2> and s_gnt_l<3> .
monit oring 21152 secondary PCI sig nals.
Arbitration, provides information about configuring these jumpers.

1.5 Secondary Slot Numbering and IDSEL Mapping

The PCI secondary bus opt ion card s lots are mapped to PCI device number s 4, 5, 6, and 7 as shown in Figure 1-2. The secondary bus lines s_ad<20:23> are used as se co ndary IDSE L lines.
Figure 1-2. Secondary PCI Slot Numbering
PCI Device Numbers
PCI Option Card Slots
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