Product Brief
Intel® 10 Gigabit AT2 Server Adapter
Network Connectivity
Intel® 10 Gigabit AT2 Server Adapter
10 Gigabit BASE-T Ethernet Server Adapters Designed for
Multi-Core Processors and Optimized for Virtualization
10 Gigabit Performance at
the Low Cost of Copper
This 10 Gigabit AT2 Ethernet Server Adapter showcases
Intel’s second-generation standards-based 10GBASE-T adapter
in a low-profile PCI Express* form factor. It provides bandwidth-
intensive applications highly affordable 10 Gigabit Ethernet
(GbE) network performance with cost-effective RJ-45 con-
nections for distances up to 100 meters. High-speed server
connectivity — once reserved for costly, proprietary techno-
logies such as High Performance Computing (HPC) clusters
and grid-based computing — can now be achieved with the
standardized connectivity of the Intel® 10 Gigabit AT2 Server
Adapter. Intel’s adapter also provides 1000BASE-T support
for gigabit connections to legacy switches.
Next-Generation 10 Gigabit Performance
10 Gigabit Ethernet has moved past the early adoption stage
and is rapidly becoming mainstay for backbones within enterprise
and service provider networks. The escalating deployments
of servers with multi-core processors and demanding applica-
tions such as HPC, database clusters, and video on demand are
driving the need for 10 Gigabit connections. Based on the Intel®
82598EB 10 Gigabit Ethernet Controller, this next-generation
Intel 10 Gigabit AT2 Server Adapter is designed to meet the
throughput requirements of bandwidth-hungry applications.
MSI-X enables more efficient response times and application
performance. CPU utilization can be lowered further through
stateless offloads such as TCP segmentation offload, header
replications/splitting, and Direct Cache Access (DCA).
The Intel 10 Gigabit AT2 Server Adapter is optimized for virtual-
ized environments, supporting multiple queues, alleviating I/O
bottlenecks between virtual machines. Virtual Machine Device
Queue (VMDq) technology offloads data sorting and data copying
from the Virtual Machine Monitor (VMM) software layer to the
hardware, improving overall throughput and CPU utilization on
virtualized servers. Additionally, the Intel 10 Gigabit AT2 Server
Adapter enables Intel® QuickData Technology
processing on Quad-Core and Dual-Core Intel® Xeon®
processor-based servers.
for faster I/O
Performance-Enhancing Features
for Multi-Core Environments
When implemented within multi-core processor environments,
the Intel 10 Gigabit AT2 Server Adapter offers advanced
networking features, Intel® I/O Acceleration Technology
(Intel® I/OAT), for efficient distribution of Ethernet work-
loads across CPU cores. Load balancing of interrupts using
Conserve valuable PCI Express (PCIe*) server slots while adding
10 Gigabit Ethernet capability with the Intel 10 Gigabit AT2
Server Adapter. The dedicated input/output (I/O) bandwidth
of PCIe ensures priority performance on each port — without
bus sharing — for 10 Gigabit Ethernet connectivity, as well as a
low-profile design, which improves server throughput and rack
density at the same time. In addition, eight-lane PCIe enables
maximum bandwidth for fast and efficient data transfer.

Advances for Storage Over Ethernet
The fast growth in storage capacity coupled with server virtual-
ization has brought the need for Storage Area Network (SAN)
to the forefront. To satisfy this growing demand, Intel 10 Gigabit
AT2 Server Adapters support iSCSI acceleration through Intel
I/OAT and provide advanced features for unified networking.
Fast and reliable networked storage can be achieved via native
iSCSI support with Microsoft, Linux,* and VMware operating
systems as well as support for iSCSI remote boot.
Companion Products
Consider these Intel® products in your server and network planning:
• Intel® Ethernet Server Adapter X520 Series for 10GbE SFP+
PCIe v2.0 (5 GT/s) performance
• Intel® PRO/1000 Server Adapters
– Copper or fiber-optic network connectivity, up to
four ports per card
– Solutions for PCI Express, PCI-X,* and PCI interfaces
Order Code
Single unit: E10G41AT2
Features Benefits
Intel® 82598EB 10 Gigabit Ethernet Controller
Load balancing on multiple CPUs
Intel® QuickData Technology
iSCSI remote boot support
MSI-X support
Virtual Machine Device queues (VMDq)
Low latency
Optimized queues: 32 Transmit ( Tx) and
64 Receive (Rx) per port
Network packet handling without waiting or buffer overflow
Support for most Network Operating Systems (NOS)
Compatible with x8 and x16 standard and
low-profile PCI Express* slots
Remote management support
RJ-45 connections over categor y-6A cabling
Intel® PROSet Utility for Microsoft Windows*
Device Manager
Intel backing
lead-free3 technology
• Industry-leading, energy-efficient design for next-generation 10 Gigabit perfor mance
and multi-core processors
• Enables higher bandwidth and throughput from standard and low- profile P CIe slots and ser vers
• Increases performance on multi-processor systems by efficiently balancing network loads across
CPU cores when used with Receive-Side Scaling from Microsoft or Scalable I/O on Linux*
• DMA Engine: enhances data acceleration across the platform (network, chipset , processor),
thereby lowering CPU utilization
• Direct Cache Access (DCA): allows the processor to pre-fetch the data from memory, thereby
avoiding cache misses and improving ser vice level agreements (SL A) of the applications
• Provides centralized Storage Area Network (SAN) management at a lower cost than competing
iSCSI solutions
• Minimizes the overhead of interrupts
• Allows load balancing of interrupt handling between different cores /CPUs
• Allows the efficient routing of packets to the correct target machine in a virtualized environment
using multiple hardware queues
• Ensures transmit fairness and prevents head-of-line blocking
• Abilit y to toggle between the interrupt aggregation and non-aggregation mode based on the type
of data being transferred
• Enhances network performance and reduces CPU utilization in the virtualized environment
• Reduces I/O overhead on the hyper visor in a virtualized server by performing data sorting and
coalescing in the network silicon
• Efficient packet prioritization
• Enables widespread deployment
• Allows each PCI Express* slot port to operate without interfering with the other
• Reduces support costs with remote management based on industry-wide standards
• Ensures compatibility with cable lengths up to 100 meters
• Compliant with the European Union directive (effective as of July 2006) to reduce the use
of hazardous materials
• Provides point-and-click power over individual adapters, advanced adapter features , connection
teaming, and Vir tual Local Area Network ( VLAN) configuration
• Backed by an Intel limited lifetime warranty, 90-day money-back guarantee (U.S. and Canada),
and worldwide suppor t
• Intel® PRO/1000 Desktop Adapters for PCI Express
and PCI interfaces
• Other Intel® PRO Desktop and Server Adapters
• Intel® Xeon® Processors
• Intel® Server Boards