Intek Elite 16D Installation & Programming Manual

Proudly Designed and Manufactured in New Zealand
Installation &
Programming Guide
Elite 16D
16 Zone Control Communicator
Designed & Manufactured in New Zealand to Meet NZS:4301/93
Copyright by Intek Security Products Ltd
The information contained in this manual is correct at the
time of printing. Intek Security Products Ltd reserve the
right to make changes to the features and specifications at
any time without notice in the course of product
Page 3
INSTALLATION NOTES ....................................................................................4
INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................5
PACKAGE CONTENTS .....................................................................................5
ELITE CABINET DETAILS .................................................................................6
INPUTS ..............................................................................................................7
OUTPUTS ..........................................................................................................9
PCB WIRING DIAGRAM .................................................................................10
ELITE KEYPADS ............................................................................................11
KEYPAD FUNCTIONS ....................................................................................12
KEYPAD TAMPER ..........................................................................................12
MEMORY DISPLAY CHART ...........................................................................13
KEYPAD INSTALLATION ...............................................................................15
INSTALLING RX-16 RADIO RECEIVER.................................................. ......16
INSTALLING SPEECH UNIT.................................................................. ........16
PROGRAMMING ............................................................................................17
USER CODE PROGRAMMING ......................................................................18
OUTPUT OPTION ...........................................................................................20
OUTPUT TIME ZONE .....................................................................................22
KEYPAD OPTIONS .........................................................................................22
PARTITION 'A' OPTIONS ...............................................................................24
PARTITION 'B' OPTIONS ..............................................................................28
PARTITION 'C' OPTIONS ...............................................................................28
SIREN DRIVER & MISC SYSTEM OPTIONS ................................................29
ZONE PROGRAMMING .................................................................................30
ENTRY/EXIT DELAYS ....................................................................................32
OUTPUT TIMERS ...........................................................................................32
ACCESS CONTROL DOTL TIMERS ..............................................................33
MAINS FAIL REPORTING DELAY...............................................................33
ZONE ALARM REPORTING DELAY............................................................33
RADIO ZONE PROGRAMMING .....................................................................34
RADIO ZONE OPTIONS .................................................................................34
RADIO KEY PROGRAMMING ........................................................................35
RADIO KEY OPTIONS ....................................................................................36
RADIO KEYS TO OUTPUTS ..........................................................................37
TIME ZONE PROGRAMMING ........................................................................37
DAYLIGHT SAVING ........................................................................................38
ZONE RESPONSE TIME SETTINGS...........................................................38
DYNAMIC DIAGNOSTIC DATA ......................................................................38
EVENT BUFFER PRINTING........................................................................39
REAL TIME CLOCK PROGRAMMING ...........................................................40
RESET DEFAULTS .........................................................................................40
OUTPUT PARAMETER CLEAR FUNCTION .................................................40
COMMAND CONTROL PROGRAMMING ......................................................41
COMMAND CONTROL OPERATION ............................................................43
COMMUNICATOR REPORTING FORMATS .................................................45
COMMUNICATOR REPORTING SCENARIOS .............................................46
COMMON REPORTING SCENARIOS ...........................................................47
PROGRAMMING COMMUNICATOR .............................................................48
CONTACT ID ASSIGNMENTS .......................................................................54
UPLOAD/DOWNLOAD OPTIONS................................................................55
CONTACT ID CODE SUMMARY ...................................................................57
PROGRAMMING ADDRESS SUMMARY ......................................................58
OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS .......................................................................74
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This Elite 16D alarm control panel has been designed to provide the most requested features for both the installer & the end-user. These features include ease of installation, ease of programming and user friendly operation all in a package which is reliable, functional and attractive.
Utilising many years of experience in the security industry and implementing valuable feedback, we are proud to provide you with a new generation of alarm controller. The Elite 16D is a New Zealand designed and built product which brings you the quality and features which you deserve at an affordable price. In addition to the the advanced design, only the highest quality components have been used in the production of this Elite 16D panel to ensure the highest degree of reliability.
This manual will guide you through the installation and programming of your Elite 16D alarm panel. For additional information regarding the operation instructions and options, please refer to the enclosed Elite 16D Users Guide.
This Elite 16D package should contain the following items; 1 x Elite controller PCB
1 x Elite new generation backlit keypad 1 x Elite keypad zone list 1 x Elite 16D Users Guide 1 x Elite cabinet & lid 1 x 17 volt 1.4a Telepermitted mains transformer 1 x Cabinet hardware accessory pack including, 1 x Elite installation & programming guide 1 x Spare 1.5a fuse 1 x Cabinet tamper switch 1 x Cabinet tamper bracket 1 x Tamper switch wire set 1 x Battery lead set 2 x Cabinet lid screws 10 x 2k2 (red, red, red) end of line resistors 10 x 4k7 (yellow, purple, red) end of line resistors 10 x 8k2 (grey, red, red) end of line resistors
Page 6
Install Battery
Insert Tamper
Assembly Here
Fit Radio
PCB Here
Page 7
Alarm Contact
n/c or n/o
Alarm Contact
n/c or n/o
Alarm Contact
n/c or n/o
Alarm Contact
n/c or n/o
Alarm Contact
n/c or n/o
Alarm Contact
n/c or n/o
The Elite 16D has 10 separate programmable monitored analogue inputs, 8 x Programmable, multi-state detection inputs
1 x Programmable, multi-state keyswitch input 1 x Programmable tamper circuit
Each input must be terminated with the appropriate value or combination of end-of-line resistors,
even if the input is unused, unless the zone is defined as a radio zone.
ZONE INPUTS - Each of the 8 zone inputs can be assigned one of the following configuration options; Type 1 Single zone with no tamper (8 zones) - 8NT
Type 2 Single zone with individual tampers (8 zones high or low) - 8T Type 3 Double zones with one tamper per input (16 zones) - 16T
The following table shows end-of-line resistor configurations.
Zone Type
Low Zone
Hi Zone Resistor
8NT (No Tampers) 2k2 - -
8T - Low (with Tampers) 4k7 - 2k2
8T - High (with Tampers)
- 8k2 2k2
16T (with 8 Tampers) 4k7 8k2 2k2
Type 8NT - 8 Zones, no tamper
Type 8T Low - 8 Zones with tamper
Type 8T High - 8 Zones with tamper
Type 16T - 16 Zones with 8 tampers
Option 1
Option 2
In all cases EXCEPT
8NT, the alarm contact
(detector relay) is
connected ACROSS
the zone resistor NOT
in series with it.
Page 8
Please note the following important points in the end-of-line examples shown on pages 7 & 8;
? Low zones refer to zones 1-8 ? High Zones refer to zones 9-16
? You may use either normally closed or normally open detection devices as shown in configurations 8T - Low,
8T - High and 16T however all detectors connected to a zone must be of the same configuration (n/o or n/c)
For example, you may connect a number of normally open smoke detectors in parallel across the 4k7 end-of-line resistor in the 8T-Low configuration but you cannot connect a normally closed contact in the same zone
Example only
In the example above, an activation of the n/c thermal in the parallel branch of the n/o smoke detectors would not be detected at all. An activation of the thermal in series with the 2k2 end-of-line would produce a Tamper condition rather than the required alarm activation where as an activation of a n/o smoke detector in the parallel branch would produce an alarm activation.
From this example you can clearly see why you cannot mix n/o and n/c contacts on one zone
KEYSWITCH - This input can be used to control the panel via a keyswitch, digital keypad or similar. This is a multi­state input which can be end-of-line configured in the same way as the 8 zone inputs. These multiple end-of-line configurations will produce either full set/unset, monitor mode on/off or set/unset of the A, B or C partitions on an individual basis.
TAMPER - A 24Hr tamper circuit is available for monitoring tamper status of detectors, junction boxes, cabinets and satellite sirens etc. This Tamper circuit is programmable with 2 options (P201E5E) either normally closed loop or 2k2 EOL supervision. The tamper circuit must be terminated with an end-of-line resistor if 2k2 EOL supervision is selected. The activation events and outputs for this tamper circuit are mapped in the same manner as for detection zones 1-8.
In addition to the Analogue monitoring inputs, you will find the following system inputs on your Elite 16D control PCB;
AC - Connect the two low voltage wires (no polarity) from the transformer to the terminals marked AC on the Elite PCB. The Elite includes a Telepermitted transformer rated at 1.4 amps at 17 volts and incorporates an inbuilt thermal protection fuse.
3 n/o smoke detectors
connected in parallel
n/c thermal detector
n/c thermal
Page 9
EARTH - Always connect the mains earth to the appropriate terminals on the mains terminal block. If required a flying lead may be connected from this earth point to the terminal marked "Frame Earth" on the Elite PCB.
Never connect the mains earth directly to the Elite PCB
other than at the terminal marked "Frame earth"
BATTERY - Connect a sealed lead acid rechargeable 12V d.c. battery to these red and black battery leads. Be careful to observe correct polarity as damage may occur from incorrect connection. The minimum recommended battery capacity is 6.5 amp hours. Battery charge current at these terminals is limited to 350mA maximum.
LINE IN - This pair of terminals is used to connect the Elite to the incoming telephone line from the street. The communicator uses this line for reporting.
LINE OUT - This pair of terminals is used to connect telephones and other communication equipment to the incoming phone line via the Elite controller. The telephone line is passed through the Elite controller to ensure that the line is available to the controller when it is required. Full details regarding the communicator can be found in a separate section.
12 VOLT OUTPUTS ­There are four 12 volt dc outputs available on the Elite PCB. These 12 volt outputs are all regulated. Three of them are fuse protected suitable for powering detectors, sirens and other external devices. These outputs are marked 12v and 0v, and are supplied by fuses F1 and F2. A maximum total load of 1 amp may be drawn from these terminals. The fourth set of fused (F2) 12V terminals are found adjacent to the keypad comms clock and data terminals. This 12v output is micro controlled and MUST only be used to power keypads, radio boards and other intelligent devices which use the keypad comms bus.
OUTPUTS 1 & 2 - These fully programmable, high current, open collector (high-going-low) type FET outputs are capable of switching up to 1.5A @ 12V d.c.These 2 outputs are normally set as switched outputs,providing power for 12v sirens or piezos.(This is with links 1 & 2 fitted,refer to drawing on page 10).However if links 1 or 2 are removed Outputs 1 or 2(depending upon which link is removed) become siren outputs designed to drive an 8 ohm 10 watt horn speaker per output.Link 1=Output 1,Link 2=Output 2.Also if a horn speaker is connected to
Output 1 you may select the listen-in feature to this output as well so that the dialling sequence can be heard at the speaker.(Refer to the drawing on page 10 for the position of the link)
OUTPUTS 3, 4 & 5 - These are low current, open collector (high-going-low) type outputs capable of switching no more than 100mA. Like Outputs 1 & 2 they are fully programmable though not available as PWM. These outputs are normally used to control the satellite siren.
NOTE: - Connecting devices which draw current in excess of 100mA to outputs 3,4 & 5 will cause
permanent damage to the Elite controller.
KEYPAD PORT - The terminals marked POS, NEG, CLOCK, & DATA make up the communications port which the keypads and other intelligent field devices use to talk to the Elite controller. The terminals are connected to corresponding terminals on the remote devices. The "listen" terminal is only used by the keypads and utilises a fifth wire to provide a communicator listen in facility. This feature is particularly useful when servicing monitoring faults.
This keypad 12v output is micro controlled and MUST only be used to power keypads, radio boards and other intelligent devices which use the keypad comms bus.
SERIAL PORT - The serial port is for the connection of the RS232 serial board. The serial board allows for printing of the 63 event buffer to a serial printer or for pc direct up/down load connection. It is also used for the EEprom board to allow program back-up and re-instatement.
Page 10
Data Clock
Neg Pos
Earth AC
-ve +ve
Connection to
Telephone Line
Keypad &
F1 F2 Batt
Expansion Port
1 2
Siren Driver Links
to Outputs 1 & 2
Listen-in to Output 1
To Transformer
Page 11
When the Elite is displaying codes and address values in program mode it may be necessary to display the 9 and 0 digits. As there are no Zone indicators for 0 and 9 the "A" and "B" indicators are used.
ie. When displaying values in program mode
Normal Battery Low
Normal Mains Power Off
Disarmed Full Armed Monitor Mode
Normal Memory Display
New Event to View
Normal Exclude Mode Zone(s) Excluded
Run Mode Client Program Mode Installer Program Mode
Normal Tamper Violated Tamper Alarm
Normal Communicating Line Fail
Viewing 8 Low Zones Viewing 8 High Zones Zone violated in High 8
Control Function Off Control Function On DOTL Override On
Zone Secure Zone Violated Zone in Alarm
* A
Partition A Disarmed Partition A Armed Partition A Monitor
* B
Partition B Disarmed Partition B Armed Partition B Monitor
1 2 3
5 6
7 8
Armed Memory
Mains Battery
Standard Elite LED Keypad Window Layout
* For an expanded explanation of how the ARMED and Area "A" and "B" lights work, please refer to
Page 12
The Elite LED Keypad consists of; an 18 button, backlit silicone rubber keypad, 20 LED indicators and an internal piezo buzzer housed in a modern white plastic housing. The plastic housing has a hinged front lid to cover and protect the rubber buttons when not in use. All the electronics are contained on a single circuit board inside the housing.
Because the keypads communicate with the controller using data, the cable run from panel to keypads is secure against tampering. For this reason there is no tamper switch on the keypad assembly. Access to the keypad electronics will not disarm the panel.
BUTTONS The 18 silicone rubber buttons are used for the following functions. In normal operating mode the numeric keys are used for entering Access Codes. In Program Mode the numeric
keys are used for entering options & new values. The buttons with text labels are used as function buttons and select the options indicated by the text and normally
precede other button presses, e.g. to enter Exclude Mode during the exit delay press <EXCLUDE> and the numeric key corresponding to the zone number you wish to be excluded.
The PROGRAM Key is used to prefix option selections in the program modes e.g.<PROGRAM> 24 <ENTER> selects User Code 24. The PROGRAM key is also used prior to a Master Code to enter user program mode from normal operating mode.
The ENTER Key is used to enter access or program codes. It is normally used at the end of a button sequence except when it is used in a 16 zone system where pressing the <ENTER> key will toggle the LED display between the low and high zones. This toggle enables the 8 zone LED's to indicate the status of zones 1-8 (low zones) and zones 9-16 (high zones). This dual status display is achieved by using the AUX. light to indicate which set of zones are currently being displayed. i.e. AUX. off = low zones (1-8) or AUX. on = high zones (9-16). The AUX. light flashing when viewing the low zones means there is a violated zone in the high group.
The CONTROL button, if enabled, is used to produce an output without an alarm event. This control output can be used to operate other external devices such as garage door openers, door locks, lights or other options as required.
LED INDICATORS The LED indicators are used to display system conditions including Zone status, Battery state, Tamper etc. Please
refer to the LED table on page 11 for a full explanation of the conditional displays.
A wrong code or Keypad Tamper alarm is generated by the Elite after 4 consecutive invalid code entries. The controller will not Lock-Out the keypad at this point but simply create an alarm condition as determined but the tamper alarm options (P111E-P118E etc). If the alarm system is a monitored installation, the Elite communicator will report a keypad tamper to the monitoring company. Entry of a valid user code will reset the Keypad Tamper alarm however, the alarm event will be written into memory and the keypad memory light will be flashing indicating the presence of a new memory entry.
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This Elite 16D alarm panel has an event memory which stores the 40 most recent events including all alarm events, all system events such as mains failure etc as well as settings and unsettings This event memory is displayed via the standard keypad with the most recent event shown first and subsequent events following in descending order from newest to oldest.
The "MEMORY" light will flash on and off when there is a new event in memory which has not been viewed. To stop the "MEMORY" light flashing, simply press the MEMORY button and the event memory will be flashed back to you with the most recent event shown first. Each event is separated by a beep tone.
There are a number of events which are stored in memory which do not have a specific indicator associated with them such as Panic and Duress. Other events such as tampers and low battery are shared across many devices. For this reason the following table has been created. This table details which indicator lights correspond to which events in memory.
Zones 1-8 LED's 1-8 On Steady
Zones 9-16 LED's 1-8
On Steady On Steady
Zones 1-8 EXCLUDE
LED's 1-8
On Steady On Steady
Zones 9-16 EXCLUDE
LED's 1-8
On Steady On Steady On Steady
Zones 1-8 TAMPER
LED's 1-8
On Steady
Zones 9-16 TAMPER
LED's 1-8
Flashing On Steady On Steady
Cabinet or Satellite Siren TAMPER Flashing
Keypad Tamper TAMPER On Steady
Controller Battery BATTERY Flashing
Controller Mains Supply MAINS Flashing
Radio PIR
Zone 1-8
LED's 1-8
Flashing On Steady
Radio PIR
Zone 19-16
LED's 1-8
Flashing On Steady On Steady
Radio Key
User 1-8
LED's 1-8
Flashing On Steady
Radio Key
User 9-16
LED's 1-8
Flashing On Steady
Flashing On Steady
Page 14
Area "A" Partition "A"
On Steady
Area "B" Partition "B"
On Steady
Area "C" Partition "A" & "B"
On Steady
Keypad LINE Flashing
Radio Key
User 1-8
LED's 1-8
On Steady
Radio Key
User 9-16
LED's 1-8
Flashing On Steady On Steady
Area "A" "A" On Steady
Area "B" "B" On Steady
Area "C" ARMED On Steady
Area "A" "A" Flashing
Area "B" "B" Flashing
Area "C" ARMED Flashing
Panel LINE On Steady
In normal "RUN" mode, the <ENTER> key is used to toggle between the
Low and High zone displays. Every time you press the <ENTER> key the
keypad will switch between displaying Low and High zone status.
This feature is only available when one or more zones are defined as "Dual
Page 15
INSTALLATION Separate the two keypad halves by carefully inserting a small screwdriver into the release slots on the bottom edge
of the keypad front half and applying a gentle pressure. This will release the bottom edge of the housing enough for you to unclip the top.
Screw the base to the wall using the mounting holes provided. These holes will match the standard single switch plate spacing. Ensure the base is mounted right side up. It is marked with the word "TOP" to aid orientation. When fixing the base to the wall make sure the top of the screw heads will not touch or short out the underside of the PCB when the top half of the keypad is reinstalled. Bring the cables through the centre of the base.
Connect the 4 or 5 wires to the 5 way terminal block on the rear of the keypad PCB making sure to match the cables up with the terminals as marked on the control panel's keypad port. The 5th wire is connected from the "LIN" terminal of the keypad to the "Listen" terminal of the Elite PCB keypad port.
Once the cables have been terminated and the required address allocated (see section below) clip the front half of the keypad onto the base by first engaging the clips at the top edge and then close the front down and clip it in at the bottom. Now stick the zone list provided to the inside of the hinged lid.
WIRING The Elite keypad connects to the Elite Controller via a 4 or 5 wire data & power connection. A maximum of 8 LED
keypads can be connected, each wired in parallel. A 5th wire may be used to provide a "Listen-in" facility at the keypad when an Elite communicator panel is being used.
The maximum recommended cable using standard 0.2mm security cable is 50m. Cable runs exceeding this distance may require 0.5mm cable. Always use good quality cable. Some installations may require data cable to ensure data integrity in noisy sites.
1 2
X denotes link is cut
Each of the 8 possible LED keypads which are able to be connected to your Elite panel must be addressed individually to avoid BUS conflicts and other communication problems. As default, each keypad comes addressed as #1 with all links intact.
Use the table to the left to determine which links to cut to assign the correct address to the keypads you are installing.
eg. To assign a keypad as address #2, you must cut link A only. To assign a keypad as address # 4, you must cut link A&B.
When cutting address links it is important to make a clean cut between the link blocks as shown below. Links can be restored
cut here
Page 16
The Elite 16D is fully high level compatible with the new Auto-tune RX-16 radio receiver. The addition of this receiver will add wireless capability to your system in the form or wireless PIR detectors, Wireless Radiokey transmitters and wireless reed switch transmitters. The RX-16 auto-tune receiver connects to the same communications port as the keypads and can be installed , either inside the cabinet, or if preferred, may be installed at a remote location.
The RX-16 receiver requires 4 cores and can successfully be run in 0.2mm unscreened cable over a distance of up to 100metres. Like the keypads the RX-16 has 12v and 0v terminals for connection to the micro controlled 12v supply and CLK and DATA terminals for connection to the communications bus. Incorrect connection of the RX-16 receiver will cause a communications bus re-boot which is seen at the keypads when they die and re-boot over and over again.
The green LED fitted to the RX-16 receiver will indicate when the unit is in "Learn" mode (Flashing - see P501E) or when it is receiving an actual radio transmission (On Steady)
The Elite 16D control communicator can also be fitted with either a 20 second or 90 second speech module. This module stores either alarm event messages for speech dial monitoring and /or status messages for use with Command Control. The Elite 16D Speech Module is supplied with all the required mounting hardware including stand-offs and is installed directly onto the motherboard via the "EXPANSION" socket.
Installation procedure for the Speech Module is as follows. 1Power-down the Elite fully before starting the installation procedure.
2Install the 2 plastic pcb stand-offs 3Carefully install the speech module in the EXPANSION socket and engage into the stand-offs 4Power-up the Elite.
Before any programming on the communicator, including recording your speech messages, can begin the Enable Communicator option at P260E MUST BE ON. If this option is off, you can not program or play-back any speech messages.
Once you have enabled the communicator you can record your personalised speech messages into the module with the speech dialler programmer. The Elite 16D Speech Module is fully compatible with the earlier Elite 8 zone speech dialler programmer. The programmer plugs onto the socket immediately to the right of the speech module expansion socket and must be installed with the Brown wire to the right. Some programmers are fitted with a polarisation pin on the connection socket which will prevent incorrect insertion however, some earlier units are not so.
To record your messages once the programmer is installed, first press the reset button on the side of the speech board, then hold the programmer about 10 cm away from the mouth and speak clearly at normal level into the microphone while holding down the "REC" button. When you reach the end of your message release the REC button. When recording your voice message, you must ensure that you clearly identify the origin of the call. You can play the message back through the programmer by first pressing the reset button then by pressing the "PLAY" button momentarily. Because the Elite 16D control communicator has the ability to store up to 8 alarm event messages, you must store individual messages at what is known as recording slots within the speech module. Every time you press and release the REC button of the programmer, you create an end of message marker. These markers are used to define the recording slots within the speech module and are of varying length according to each message duration.
To re-record a message you must first press the "RESET" button on the speech module to get back to recording slot #1. Once you are at slot #1 you can re-record your messages in order as required.
NOTE: To start a recording at slot #1 or to play-back starting at slot #1, you must always press the reset button first. When you have finished recording your alarm messages, unplug the programmer and the process is complete.
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The programming sequence always follows this pattern;
<PROGRAM> - <2 or 3 digit address> - <ENTER>
3 short beeps if OK - 1 long beep if error
The leds will display current value or status
Enter the new value or option
<New Value> - <ENTER>
3 short beeps if OK - 1 long beep if error
Throughout this manual you will see program instructions expressed as
P 23 E 5 E as an example.
In this example the <P> represents the PROGRAM key and <E>represents the ENTER key.
When power is applied to the controller for the first time, with the panel tamper input open, the panel will inhibit tamper alarms and ready the panel to enter PROGRAM Mode( unless the Installer Lock-out option P201E6E has previously been enabled.)At this point you can go to any keypad which is connected to the panel and the first button press will automatically put that keypad into full Program mode.(NOTE:Only one keypad can be in Program mode at any time)
Before you can enter program mode, the panel must be unset with no monitor mode.
Press <PROGRAM> - <Code 1(or Master Code)> - <ENTER>
Program light steady
Note: Default Master Code (Code 1) is 123
You are now in Client Program Mode. When you are in Client programming mode you have access to program addresses P1E to P24E. To enter Install Program Mode
Press <PROGRAM> - <Install Code> - <ENTER>
Program light flashing
Note: Default Install Code (P99) is 000000
TO CLEAR PROGRAM INFORMATION (From Install Mode Only) There are five options available for clearing program information (Reset to
defaults). These are detailed on page 38. e.g.To reset User Codes 1-24 (P 741 E)
Press <PROGRAM> - 741 - <ENTER>
3 beeps - Program light flashing
e.g.To reset Radio Defaults (P 743 E)
Press <PROGRAM> - 743 - <ENTER>
3 beeps - Program light flashing
After the system configuration or User Codes have been reset, all values, options & Codes will be set to the values shown in the Program Option Summary as defaults. These value & option selections have been chosen as the most common set-up for the majority of systems.
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TO EXIT PROGRAM MODES To exit program modes when you have finished programming:
Program light goes out
The panel is now back in Run Mode, any program changes you have made will have replaced previous values and be in effect.
Note: During programming Tampers and 24 hour alarms are disabled which allows quiet access to the panel, detectors and satellite siren units etc. On exiting program mode, all inputs are scanned and if any tampers or 24Hr alarms are present an activation will occur.
USER CODES - (P1E to P24E) & (P99E) There are 25 codes available in the Elite, 24 user codes and 1 install code. The user codes are located in
addresses 1-24. As default, Code 1 has Master Code permissions and must be used to enter program mode. The Installer code is stored at address 99 and is used to move from Client Program mode up to Installer Program mode.
Codes 1-24 may be varied in length from 1 to 6 digits.Code 99 must be 3-6 digits. To program a User Code you must first be in client or installer program mode, then select the address from 1-24. (If
there is already a code programmed at this address, it will be flashed back to you) Now enter the code then press the ENTER key.
eg. P 1 E 1234 E
3 beeps - program light flashing
In this example we have set Code 1 ( Master Code ) to be 1234.
eg. P 5 E 567 E
3 beeps - program light flashing
In this example we have set code 5 to be 567 To replace a code simply enter the new code in the same address as the old code. This will overwrite the previous
code but maintain the user permissions as mapped to that user number. To clear or delete a code simply enter the EXCLUDE button at the address where the old code is stored.
eg. P 3 E <EXCLUDE> E
3 beeps - Program light flashing
When flashing back codes and values Zone indicators 1-8 are used to indicate digits 1-8. The digit 0 is indicated by the "A" light and 9 is indicated by the "B" light.
Note: Where there are multiple options at one address, options 0 & 9 have been reserved. Entering a 0 at
Page 19
USER CODE PERMISSIONS (Code Options) 1st Set - P25E-P48E Option 0 - Turns all options off
Option 1 - Code has Area A permissions Option 2 - Code has Area B permissions Option 3 - Code has Area C permissions Option 4 - Code can Arm Area Option 5 - Code can Disarm Area Option 6 - Code can turn Monitor on Option 7 - Code can turn Monitor off Option 8 - Code can Operate control Functions Option 9 - Turns all options on.
NOTE: Options 4, 5, 6 & 7 are used in conjunction with options 1, 2 & 3 whereby options 4, 5, 6 & 7 determine the functions and options 1, 2 & 3 determine the area of operation.
USER CODE PERMISSIONS (Code Options) 2nd Set - P49E-P72E Option 0 - Turns all options off
Option 1 - Code can override DOTL timer Option 2 - Code can change dialler telephone numbers Option 3 - Code can alter the real time clock Option 4 - User can start a print dump of the event buffer Option 5 - .User can answer an incoming call and start up/down load Option 6 - User can enter Client Program and change their code only. Option 7 - User can enter Client Program and change all codes. Option 8 - User can enter Client Program mode and then Installer Program mode(if installer code is known). Option 9 - Turns all options on.
USER CODE TIME ZONES - P73E-P96E Users codes may have Time Zones or windows assigned to control their operation. These Time Zones determine
when a particular user code will work. Addresses P73E - P96E are used to map the user code to the required Time Zones. The actual Time Zone parameters are defined at addresses P681E - P704E.
A single value from 0-8 must be assigned to each user code. Time Zone zero (0) is fixed as 24 hour seven day access and is the default time zone for all 24 user codes.
P73E TZ E Where TZ represents the Time Zone from 0-8 valid for User Code #1 (Fixed as TZ-0) P74E TZ E Where TZ represents the Time Zone from 0-8 valid for User Code #2 P96E TZ E Where TZ represents the Time Zone from 0-8 valid for User Code #24
NOTE: More than one Time Zone may be assigned to each user allowing different time based controls for
different days of the week etc.
This code is used to enter full Installer Program mode (Program light flashing) from Client Program mode (Program light steady) The default installer code is 000000. To change this code enter your new installer code at the P99E address. The new code will be flashed back to you automatically. Like User codes, the Program code may vary from 3-6 digits in length
P100E Option 8 If this option is on (Led 8 on) then the installer code can access installer mode directly without needing to enter via client program mode.(All areas must be unset and not in monitor mode).
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This block of addresses (P101E - P108E) are used to map output modifiers to each of the 8 outputs available on the Elite. Note: Only 5 outputs are available on the Elite mother board. The additional outputs are available on the Output Expander module.
P101E 1E Invert output #1 - Default off 2E Flash output #1 - Default off 3E Single pulse to output #1 - Default off 4E Lockout output #1 once reset - Default off 5E Output mapped to Remote Command Control - Default off 6E Output mapped to local Command Control - Default off 7E Day zones linked to pulse timer - Default off 8E Spare
Option 1 Invert Output - This option is used to invert the normal state of the output. The Elite uses open
collector type transistor switches and the default state of all outputs is off or high. When in alarm the transistor switch is turned on and the output is switched low. The invert option reverses this function.
Option 2 Flash Output - This option causes the output to switch on and off at 2 second intervals when in alarm
and is normally used to flash a lamp during an activation.
Option 3 Single Pulse to Output - This option, when applied, produces a single 1 second pulse at the output
during an alarm (the pulse time is the value programmed at the output pulse timer address).
Option 4 Lockout Once Reset - This option is used to limit the output to one operation per arming period.
Option 5 Output mapped to Remote Command Control - This option is used to map an output to the remote
command control function whereby the output can be controlled via the telephone (this requires the optional speech board unit)
Option 6 Output mapped to Local Command Control - This option is used to map an output to the local
command control feature whereby the output can be controlled directly from the keypad.
Option 7 Day Zones Linked to Pulse Timer - Day Zones programmed to this output will pulse at the pulse timer
rate (P441E) for the duration of the day zone to keypad timer (e.g. if the day zone is in partition A, then the timer at P457E applies)
Option 8 Spare
P102E - P108E As per P101E above for Outputs 2-8
In this block of addresses P111E relates to output #1, P112E relates to output #2 etc
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P111E 1E Keypad panic to Output #1 2E Keypad Tampers to Output #1 3E Zone Tampers to Output #1 4E Cabinet Tamper to Output #1 5E Radio Panic to Output #1 6E Mains Fail to Output #1 7E Battery Low to Output #1 8E Phone Line Fail
Option 1 Keypad Panic to Output - This option is used to map the operation of the keypad panic button to an
output i.e. when the Panic button on a keypad is pressed any output with this option enabled will turn on.
Option 2 Keypad Tampers to Output - This option is used to map Keypad Tampers to an output. Keypad
Tampers are generated when an invalid code is entered four times.
Option 3 Zone Tampers to Output - Where dual end-of-line resistors are being used to provide individual zone
tampers Option 3 at this address is used to map the Zone Tampers to an output.
Option 4 Cabinet Tamper to Output - This option is used to map activations of the common Tamper Input to an
output. This common tamper input is normally used to monitor the panel cabinet and satellite tamper switches.
Option 5 Radio Panic to Output - This option will map the operation of a Radio pendant panic button to an
output. Programming of Radio Pendant options is found at P581E - P596E
Option 6 Mails Fail To Output - A mains failure will be indicated at this output when option 6 is enabled at this
address. The Alarm Reset Timer MUST NOT be used in conjunction wit this option.
Option 7 Low Battery - A battery Low condition will be indicated at this output when option 7 is enabled at this
address. The alarm reset timer MUST NOT be used in conjunction with this option.
Option 8 - Phone Line Fail- A telephone line failure will be indicated at this output when option 8 is enabled at this
address. When the line restores this output will return to normal.
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OUTPUT AUTO ON/OFF TIME ZONES - P121E - 128E This block of addresses are used to map automatic turn on and turn off periods to each of the outputs where
required. The start of the time zone will cause outputs mapped at these addresses to turn on whereas the end of the time zone will cause the output to turn off. As with User Code time zones, the actual times assigned to each time zone(1-8) are defined at addresses P801E - P824E. Multiple Time Zones may be assigned to each output
P121E TZE Where TZ represents the Time Zone # which defines the turn on and turn off times required for
output #1
P122E TZE Where TZ represents the time zone # which defines the turn on and turn off times required for
output #2
P123E TZE Where TZ represents the Time Zone # which defines the turn on and turn off times required for
output #3
P124E - P128E As per above but for outputs 4-8
NOTE: A value of zero (0) at these addresses will disable any auto turn on turn off features at that output.
OUTPUT ENABLE TIME ZONES - P131E - P138E This block of addresses are used to map enable time zones to each of the outputs as required. The assigned time
zone will enable the output to be activated. As with User Code time zones, the actual times assigned to each time zone(1-8) are defined at addresses P801E - P824E. This feature is normally used to restrict the Access Control functions to pre-determined times and days
P131E TZE Where TZ represents the time zone which enables output #1 P132E TZE Where TZ represents the time zone which enables output #2 P133E TZE Where TZ represents the time zone which enables output #3
P134E - P138E As per above but for outputs 4-8
NOTE: A value of zero (0) at these addresses will enable that output 24hrs 7 days.
KEYPAD OPTIONS - P140E - P158E All keypads must be assigned to a partition or area. Keypads may be assigned in more that one area whereby the
area setting and unsetting is determined by the user code permissions. If a keypad is assigned to one area only, activity in another area will not be shown. (with the exception of zone indications).
NOTE: A keypad can only be used to control the partition or area to which it has been assigned.
Within the display of the Elite V4 keypads you will find an "ARMED" indicator as well as area "A" and area "B" indicators. When a keypad is assigned to only one area, the "ARMED" indicator will show steady on for armed, flashing on and off for monitor and steady off for disarmed.
If a keypad is assigned to multiple areas the area "A" and "B" indicators will show steady for area armed, flash on and off for area in monitor and remain off for area disarmed. Area "C" is indicated by the "ARMED" light in the same way as the "A" and "B"
NOTE: In a partitioned system areas A, B & C can be set, unset and monitored independently
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The block of addresses from P140E to P158E are used to assign the basic function options of each keypad in the system. Each of the address lines from P140E to P158E may have 8 options assigned where the 8 options represent the individual addresses of the keypads in the system. i.e. if options 1, 2 & 4 are enabled at address P140E then keypads 1, 2 and 4 would be assigned to area "A".
P140E 1-8E Keypads assigned to Area A (Default 1-8) P141E 1-8E Keypads assigned to Area B (Default none) P142E 1-8E Keypads assigned to Area C (Default none) P143E 1-8E Keypads with permission to Set (Default 1-8) P144E 1-8E Keypads with permission to Monitor (Default 1-8) P145E 1-8E Keypads with permission to use the Control Function (Default 1-8) P146E 1-8E Keypads with permission to Exclude (Default 1-8) P147E 1-8E Keypads with permission to Line Monitor (Default 1-8) P148E 1-8E Keypads with permission to program User Codes (Default 1-8) P149E 1-8E Keypads with permission to Installer Program Mode (Default 1-8) P152E 1-8E Keypads with facility to turn the LED's off after Exit Delay (Default none) P153E 1-8E Keypads with buzzer mapped to keypad tampers (Default 1-8) P154E 1-8E Keypads with buzzer mapped to zone tampers (Default 1-8) P155E 1-8E Keypads with buzzer mapped to system tampers (Default 1-8) P156E 1-8E Keypads with Panic button enabled (Default 1-8) P157E 1-8E Keypads with buzzer mapped to keypad panic activation (Default 1-8) P158E 1-8E Keypads with buzzer mapped to phone line failure (Default none)
At address lines such as P140E where there are 8 bits or options available, each option can be selected by pressing the numeric key which corresponds to the option or bit number your wish to enable.
For example, to assign keypads 1,2, & 4 to Area "B"
P 141 E 124 E
LED's 1,2 & 4 come on
3 beeps, program light flashing
When you enter the program address, i.e. P140E, any existing options will be displayed to you. As you enter your options, the display will be updated to show the current option status.
NOTE: If an option is already enabled pressing the numeric key which corresponds to that option will toggle the option off.
Note: Where there are multiple options at one address, options 0 & 9 have been reserved Entering a 0 at
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P170E 1-8 Time Zone to use for Auto Arm or Disarm (Default 0) - This option will determine which Time
Zone will cause Area "A" to arm, disarm or both, based on the programmed options set at
P180E. PARTITION "A" PRIMARY OUTPUT OPTIONS first set - P171E - P178E This block of addresses sets a number of output options which are specific and unique to the operation of partition
or Area "A". Activity in Areas "B" or "C" will have NO direct effect on the options set at these addresses. P171E 1E Normal zone alarms to output #1
2E 24 hour alarms to output #1 3E Monitor Mode alarms to output #1 4E Pendant chirps to output #1 5E All zones sealed indication to output #1 6E 2 second pulse on arming or disarming to output #1 7E Intelligent smoke reset pulse to output #1 8E Day zone alarms to output #1
Option 1 Normal zone alarms to output #1 - This option will map activation from normal zone alarms from
Area "A" to output #1. Normal zones are those which will only activate when the partition is armed (Set)
Option 2 24 Hour alarms to output #1 - This option will map activations from zones defined as Area "A" 24
Hour to output #1. Zones are defined as 24 Hour at P338E and P358E
Option 3 Monitor Mode alarms to output #1 - This option will map activations from zones defined as Area "A"
Monitor Mode to output #1. Zones are defined as Monitor Mode at P339E and P359E
Option 4 Pendant Chirps to output #1 - This option will map two short pulses (Chirps) to output #1 when Area
"A" is set via a radio key (Pendant) and four short pulses to output #1 when Area "A" is unset again.
Option 5 All zones sealed indication to output #1 - This option will map a Area "A" safe indication to output
#1. A safe indication is produced when all zones in an area are sealed, i.e. zone lights off.
Option 6 2 second pulse to output #1 on arming or disarming - This option will map a 2 second pulsed
output at Output #1 each time Area"A" is armed or disarmed as defined at P199E options 6&7.
Option 7 Intelligent Smoke Reset pulse to output #1 - This option is similar to option 6 in that it produces a
momentary pulse at the output when Area "A" is armed and is used to reset latching smoke detectors. The difference is that this option will only produce a pulsed output if a 24 Hour zone in Area "A" has been activated during the previous armed period.
Option 8 Day zone alarms to output #1 - The option will map activations from Area "A" zones defined as Day
Zones to output #1. Zones are defined as Day Zones at P340E and P360E. Day zones are those which operate only during periods when the Area is disarmed and are normally used as door bells and shop minders etc.
Note: P172E through P178E are as above but applied to outputs 2-8
Option 7 MUST be used on systems where ESL brand 449 series smoke detectors are installed rather than option 6. This is due to the way in which the 449 series detectors perform a "self check" function every 24 hours. Interrupting the power supply to these detectors restarts their internal timer and in normal system
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