Intek 400 User Manual

Intek, Inc. warrants each Rheotherm product to be free from defects in material and workmanship under normal use and service, Intek's obligation under this warranty being limited to making good any part or parts thereof which shall, within one (1) year after delivery of such product to the original purchaser, be returned to Intek with transportation charges prepaid and which Intek's examination shall disclose to its satisfaction to have been thus defective; this warranty being expressly in lieu of all other warranties, express or implied and all other obligation or liabilities on Intek's part. The purchaser will assume all responsibility and expense for removal, decontamination and reinstallation of equipment.
Rheotherm flow meters are manufactured under United States patent numbers 4,255,968, 4,942,763 and 4,949,578. Intek, Rheotherm, Rheovec, RheoVac, RheoSmart and Rheomax are registered trademarks of Intek, Inc.
Intek, Inc.
751 Intek Way
Westerville, Ohio 43082-9057
TEL: (614) 895-0301 • FAX: (614) 895-0319
SECTION 1 ! GENERAL INFORMATION ........................................ - 1 -
1.1 INTRODUCTION .................................................... - 1 -
1.2 DESCRIPTION OF OPERATION ....................................... - 2 -
1.3 PRECAUTIONS ..................................................... - 2 -
SECTION 2 ! INSTALLATION ................................................. - 4 -
2.1 TRANSDUCER...................................................... - 4 -
2.2 ELECTRONICS ..................................................... - 6 -
2.3 ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONS ........................................ - 6 -
SECTION 3 ! OPERATION..................................................... - 8 -
3.1 START UP .......................................................... - 8 -
3.2 FIELD ADJUSTMENT INSTRUCTIONS ................................. - 8 -
TABLE I. Alarm1 Output Configuration....................................... - 9 -
TABLE II. Alarm2 Output Configuration ..................................... - 10 -
3.3 GENERAL INFORMATION .......................................... - 10 -
3.4 OUTPUT CURVE ................................................... - 11 -
SECTION 4 ! MAINTENANCE ................................................ - 12 -
4.1 GENERAL MAINTENANCE.......................................... - 12 -
4.2 FIELD CALIBRATION .............................................. - 12 -
4.3 SPARE PARTS ..................................................... - 13 -
4.4 TROUBLE SHOOTING .............................................. - 13 -
TABLE III. TROUBLE SHOOTING GUIDE ................................. - 13 -
SECTION 5 ! CUSTOMER SERVICE .......................................... - 14 -
5.1 QUESTION ON EXISTING HARDWARE ............................... - 14 -
5.2 TROUBLE SHOOTING .............................................. - 14 -
5.3 FACTORY AND FIELD SERVICE ..................................... - 14 -
5.4 DECONTAMINATION OF EQUIPMENT ............................... - 14 -
5.5 QUESTIONS ON NEW EQUIPMENT .................................. - 14 -
SECTION 6 ! CUSTOM INFORMATION ....................................... - 15 -
6.1 UNIT IDENTIFICATION ............................................. - 15 -
6.2 CONFIGURATION.................................................. - 15 -
6.3 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS ........................................... - 15 -
DRAWING 94080-5. Model 400 Flow Switch Field Wiring Interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - 16 -
©Intek, Inc. 2010
Manual no. 4000198 Rev.B
Model 400 Rev B.wpd
Rheotherm flow monitors and flow switches offer reliable flow detection in liquids, gases and slurries.
They are manufactured exclusively by Intek, Inc. and employ a patented thermal technique used by industry since 1978. The unique transducer designs have protected sensors, are easy to install and require little or no maintenance.
Each Rheotherm flow meter consists of two elements — a transducer and an electronics unit. The transducers come in two basic designs, intrusive and nonintrusive (SECTION 2.1). Design selection is based on application constraints or customer preference. The Model 400 electronics, for signal processing, are housed in an explosion-proof enclosure which is integrally mounted on the transducer.
The Model 400 flow switch/monitor is designed to be used for flow rate monitoring and trending, flow / no flow detection, or specific low and/or high level alarm(s) over a nominal 10 to 1 flow range. These units can also be used to detect the presence or absence of liquid in a line. The Model 400 can be ordered equipped with one SPDT relay and one 4-20mA nonlinear flow monitor output, or equipped with two adjustable SPDT relay switches and no flow monitor output.
Key features of the Model 400 Rheotherm flow switches / flow monitors are:
No moving parts — There are no rotating, translating, undulating or oscillating parts to wear, stick, break or fatigue.
Ruggedness/chemical compatibility — The wetted surface(s) can be any of a number of corrosion resistant metals or alloys. There are no internal joints or seals in a TU or TUL type transducer. The standard material of construction for the transducers is 316 stainless steel.
Immunity to shock and vibration.
Adjustable set point(s) with red/green bicolor LED.
4-20mA flow output for flow monitoring, trending or data logging.
User selectable time response enhancement feature.
Fluid pressure options to 5,000 psi.
The Model 400 flow switch/monitor is designed for moderate temperature applications. Intek, Inc. also manufactures flow switches and precision linear flow meters to meet more demanding process environments. Rheotherm instruments have proven performance in a wide variety of demanding liquid and gas flow applications, including:
Low liquid flows from a few GPM down to 20 cc/day. True mass flow in large diameter air/gas ducts. Low liquid velocities in large lines (down to 0.5 ft/min). Vacuum system air in-leak monitoring in power plants and other vacuum drying processes.
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Rheotherm flow instruments are available with various nonintrusive and intrusive transducer designs, but they all use the same thermal sensing technique. Two temperature sensors are used — one is in thermal equilibrium with the fluid and provides a fluid temperature reference, while the second temperature sensor is located near a heater so that its temperature is slightly above that of the fluid. In a TU or TUL transducer, the temperature sensors and heater are attached to the outside of the flow tube, whereas the dual and single probe transducers have the sensors and heater located in the probe(s) that are inserted into the stream. The amount of heat removed from the heated sensor by the stream is related to fluid velocity. Hence, the measured temperature differential between the reference sensor and heated sensor is a function of flow rate. Intek, Inc. is licensed to use this patented and trademarked flow measurement technique. The Model 400 electronics converts this temperature difference and a portion of the fluid temperature signal into a temperature compensated and scaled flow output signal. The signal, for most cases, is proportional to the logarithm of flow rate. Intek also utilizes a proprietary electronic time constant enhancement technique. When enabled, this feature decreases the time required to detect the loss of flow by as much as a factor of ten (10).
Example of Example of Example of dual probe single probe nonintrusive transducer NPT/2I NPT/I (TU-style)
1. Use proper input power — Check the label on the electronics for the input power requirements.
2. Use reasonable care in handling the transducer. Do not try to disassemble the transducers; there are no removable parts.
Probes (NPT/2I, NPT/I, BF/2I, BF/I, etc.) — take care not to bend the probes or damage the
tips. Do not try to remove or turn the conduit junction box.
TU or TUL — twisting or bending can damage the sensor. The flow tubes are thin-walled
3. Check the transducer maximum temperature rating — do not operate a transducer at or subject it to a temperature outside of its specified limit(s).
4. Keep moisture out of the electronic enclosure and sensor junction box. Once cable connections are made in the junction box, make sure the lid is tightly closed. Seal conduit lines if they can become wet inside.
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5. Keep transducer wetted surfaces clean and free of permanent layer build-up. A layer build-up can cause the sensor to read less than the actual flow rate and can cause false relay trips.
6. Do not exceed pressure limits of the tube or fittings.
7. Maintain a thermally stable environment (short-term) for the transducer and adjacent line. (See SECTION 2 — INSTALLATION.) Large fluid temperature transients can result in false alarms. Consult factory for recommendations to minimize the impact of thermal transients.
These instructions cover installation, calibration and maintenance of Rheotherm meters in standard configurations. Any special information pertaining to your unit is covered under CUSTOM INFORMATION (SECTION 6). Time should be taken to carefully read these instructions prior to installation of the equipment. Should any questions arise or problems occur, call Intek for immediate assistance.
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. IMPORTANT: All transducers have a directional arrow on the tag and/or etched into a metal part. Before installing a sensor, please note proper flow direction. This is critical to sensor operation.
. IMPORTANT: If you have more than one Rheotherm unit, make sure the complete serial number of the transducer matches the complete serial number of the electronics module. The transducer and electronics are a matched set. Components with different serial numbers cannot be interchanged. The transducers have no user serviceable parts, so do not try to disassemble, as permanent damage may result.
The transducer style supplied with your meter is listed in the model code number in SECTION 6. Proper installation of the sensor is necessary for achieving accuracy and repeatability. Installation suggestions for each type of standard transducer are given here. For custom transducer installations, refer to CUSTOM INFORMATION — SECTION 6.
Be sure wetted surfaces are clean before installing. If cleaning is needed, use non-residue solvent and wipe dry. If the sensor has a connector box, keep moisture out. Make sure the lid is tightly sealed and, if supplied, the gasket is in place. Seal conduit lines at the connector box if conduit lines can become wet.
1. Intrusive Probes —
. IMPORTANT: Recommended straight run for best accuracy is 20 diameters upstream and 10 diameters downstream.
Probe type flow switch/monitors should be handled with sufficient care so as not to bend or otherwise damage the probes. Ensure that the temperature and pressure limits of the instrument are compatible with your application. Be sure wetted surfaces are clean before installing. If cleaning is needed, use a non-residue solvent and wipe dry. The instrument should be mounted through the pipe wall using a thread-o-let, flange fitting or hot-tap, with the standard being a 1" NPT. Check to ensure that the probes are long enough to be well immersed in the flowing fluid. Generally, the probes are sized so the tips extend ¼ to 1 inch beyond the pipe center line when properly installed. There are exceptions to this in certain applications; see CUSTOM INFORMATION (SECTION 6) as it applies.
Proper alignment of the sensor with flow is important; the flow direction is indicated on the
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Figure 1.Instrusive Probe Installation.
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