The INA3010 is intended as a general purpose (RC-5) infrared
remote control system for use where a low voltage supply and a large
debounce time are expected. The device can generate 2048 different
commands and utilizes a keyboard with a single pole switch for each
key. The command are arranged so that 32 systems can be addressed,
each system containing 64 different commands. The keyboard
interconnection is illustrated by Fig.1.
• Low voltage requirement
• Single pin oscillator
• Biphase transmission technique
• Test mode facility
INA3010N Plastic
TA = -25° to 85° C
for all packages
1 X7 (IPU) sense input from key matrix
2 SSM (I) system mode selection input
3-6 Z0-Z3 (IPU) sense inputs from key matrix
7 MDATA (OP3) generated output data modulated with 1/2 the oscillator frequency at a 25%
duty factor
8 DATA (OP3) generated output information
9-13 DR7-DR3 (ODN) scan drivers
14 GND ground (0V)
15-17 DR2-DR0 (ODN) scan drivers
18 OSC (I) oscillator input
19 TP2 (I) test point 2
20 TP1 (I) test point 1
21-27 X0-X6 (IPU) sense inputs from key matrix
28 Vcc (I) voltage supply
(I) = input
(IPU) = input with p-channel pull-up transistor
(ODN) = output with open drain n-channel transistor
(OP3) = output 3-state
Keyboard operation
Every connection of one X-input and one DR-output will be recognized as a legal key operation and will cause
the device to generate the corresponding code. The same applies to every connection of one Z-input to one DRoutput with the proviso that SSM must be LOW. When SSM is HIGH a wired connection must exist between a
Z-input and DR-output. If no connection is present the system number will not be generated. Activating two or
more X-inputs, Z-inputs or Z-inputs and X-inputs at the same time is an illegal action and inhibits further activity
(oscillator will not start).
When one X- or Z-input is connected to more than one DR-output, the last scan signal will be considered as
The maximum value of the contact series resistance of the switched keyboard is 7KΩ.
In the quiescent state the command inputs X0 to X7 are held HIGH by an internal pull-up transistor. When the
system mode selection (SSM) input is LOW and the system is quiescent, the system inputs Z0 to Z3 are also held
HIGH by an internal pull-up transistor. When SSM is HIGH the pull-up transistor for the Z-inputs is switched
off, in order to prevent current flow, and a wired connection in the Z-DR matrix provides the system number.
The output signal DATA transmits the generated information in accordance with the format illustrated by Fig.2
and Tables 1 and 2. The code is transmitted using a biphase technique as illustrated by Fig.3. The code consists
of four parts:
• Start part - 1.5 bits (2 x logic 1)
• Control part - 1 bit
• System part - 5 bits
• Command part - 6 bits
The output signal MDATA transmits the generated information modulated by 1/12 of the oscillator frequency
with a 50% duty factor.
In the quiescent state both DATA and MDATA are non-conducting (3-state outputs).
The scan driver outputs DR0 to DR7 are open drain n-channel transistors and conduct when the circuit is
quiescent. After a legal key operation the scanning cycle is started and the outputs switched to the conductive
state one by one. The DR-outputs were switched off at the end of the preceding debounce cycle.
Table 1
Code X-lines DR-lines Command bits
no. 0123456701234567 5 4 3 2 1 0
10 x x 001010
11 x x 001011
12 x x 001100
13 x x 001101
14 x x 001110
15 x x001111
16 x x 010000
17 x x 010001
18 x x 010010
19 x x 010011
20 x x 010100
21 x x 010101
22 x x 010110
23 x x010111
24 x x 011000
25 x x 011001
26 x x 011010
27 x x 011011
28 x x 011100
29 x x 011101
30 x x 011110
31 x x011111
32 x x 100000
33 x x 100001
34 x x 100010
35 x x 100011
36 x x 100100
37 x x 100101
38 x x 100110
39 x x100111
40 x x 101000
41 x x 101001
42 x x 101010
43 x x 101011
44 x x 101100
45 x x 101101
46 x x 101110
47 x x101111
48 x x 110000
Table 1
Command matrix (X-DR)
0x x 000000
1x x 000001
2x x 000010
3x x 000011
4x x 000100
5x x 000101
6x x 000110
7x x000111
8 x x 001000
9 x x 001001
Command matrix (X-DR) (Continued)