Find Keypads:
Searches for all connected keypads & touch
panels and displays the keypads serial
number, zone allocation, and connection
Direct (KPB or KPC on USB port)
Network connected (via amplifier stack,
KPB only)
Network connected keypads must be
registered with the amplifier by pushing the
keypad SET key twice. Selecting a connected
keypad in the connection tree will enable the
download and upload tools.
Simulate (KPC only):
Opens a window that simulates a touch panel programmed with the current
configuration. This is useful for testing basic aspects of the configuration, such as
page navigation, without having to program a touch panel. See Simulator.
Context Menus: Context menus - opened by right mouse clicks – are available for the
databases, image & sound galleries and the designers. AX-KPB context menus are
available for keys and key details. AX-KPC 2.8 context menus are available wherever
a context menu is applicable, e.g. the resources list, page designer, action and sound
panels, button image components window, device window, macro editor, image and
sound galleries, etc.
Toolbar: a toolbar is provided for easy access to some of the most useful menu functions.
The symbols in the toolbar correspond to the same symbols shown in the menus.
Docked windows: various windows in AKM may be docked so that are large flat workarea
can be set up rather than have many overlapping windows. Docking can be prevented by
holding down the Ctrl-key while dragging the window to another position. To undock a
docked window, double click its caption.
Autosave: keypad configurations are saved automatically into the temporary “My
Documents\Axium Keypad Manager\autosave” folder. This occurs immediately when a
configuration is loaded from disk or downloaded from a keypad and then after every ten
minutes if changes are made. Each time the configuration is autosaved, a new backup file is
created thus making it possible to revert to an earlier version if there is a problem with the
last backup(s) or if something from an earlier version is required.
The autosave folder is moved into the Windows trash can (“Recycle Bin”) when AKM is
closed. This is done to prevent backups from consuming large amounts of disk space
unnecessarily. Over time, a number of autosave folders will appear in the trash, where each
one represents an AKM session when at least one file was autosaved.
If AKM is not running when a backup needs to be restored, the autosave folder will probably
be in the trash. The user must find the appropriate folder (the “Date Deleted” is a good
indication of which session each folder represents) and restore it. AKM can then be started.