Intego NetBarrier X5 User Guide

Intego NetBarrier X5 User’s Manual Page 1
Intego NetBarrier X5
User’s Manual
Intego NetBarrier X5 User’s Manual Page 2
Intego NetBarrier X5 for Macintosh
This manual was written for use with Intego NetBarrier X5 software for Macintosh. This manual
and the Intego NetBarrier X5 software described in it are copyrighted, with all rights reserved. This
manual and the Intego NetBarrier X5 software may not be copied, except as otherwise provided in
your software license or as expressly permitted in writing by Intego.
The Software is owned by Intego and its suppliers, and its structure, organization and code are the
valuable trade secrets of Intego and its suppliers. The Software is protected by United States
Copyright Law and International Treaty provisions.
Intego NetBarrier X5 User’s Manual Page 3
1- About Intego NetBarrier X5 .......................................................................................6
What is Intego NetBarrier X5? .......................................................................................................7
Personal Firewall........................................................................................................................................... 7
Antivandal...................................................................................................................................................... 7
Privacy Protection......................................................................................................................................... 8
Erasing Your Tracks With Washing Machine.........................................................................................9
Using this User’s Manual .............................................................................................................10
2—Introduction to Computer Security........................................................................11
Why You Need to be Protected ...................................................................................................12
How Can a Computer be Totally Safe? .................................................................................................. 13
What Is a Firewall? .....................................................................................................................................13
Friend or Foe? ..............................................................................................................................................13
What You Risk.................................................................................................................................14
Why People Break into Computers......................................................................................................... 14
The Different Types of Attacks and Intrusions Possible ....................................................................15
Privacy Protection ...........................................................................................................................15
System Requirements ....................................................................................................................18
Installing Intego NetBarrier X5...................................................................................................18
4—Quick Start ...............................................................................................................19
Using Intego NetBarrier X5 ..........................................................................................................20
Using the NetBarrier X5 Overview Screen...............................................................................20
Status Indicators on the Overview Screen ...............................................................................24
Using the Setup Assistant ............................................................................................................25
Using the Intego Menu..................................................................................................................29
NetBarrier X5 Password Protection............................................................................................30
Getting Help.....................................................................................................................................30
5—The Four Lines of Defense: Firewall .......................................................................31
Firewall Rules ..................................................................................................................................32
Simple Mode ................................................................................................................................................32
Advanced Mode..........................................................................................................................................35
Creating Rules with the Assistant..............................................................................................37
Name and Behavior.................................................................................................................................... 39
Communication Direction ........................................................................................................................40
Service ...........................................................................................................................................................42
Creating Service-Specific Rules Quickly .................................................................................46
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Creating Rules Manually..............................................................................................................48
Rule Naming, Logging, Evaluation and Schedules.............................................................................49
Rule Sources and Destinations................................................................................................................. 52
Rule Services ................................................................................................................................................55
Rule Interfaces .............................................................................................................................................60
Rule Actions................................................................................................................................................. 61
Multi-Part Sources, Destinations, Services and Interfaces.................................................................61
Deleting Sources, Destinations, Services and Interfaces .................................................................... 62
Working with Rules .......................................................................................................................63
Rule Order....................................................................................................................................................63
Editing and Deleting Rules.......................................................................................................................63
Using the Rule Contextual Menu ............................................................................................................64
Trojan Horse Protection ................................................................................................................66
6—The Four Lines of Defense: Privacy ........................................................................68
Data Filter .........................................................................................................................................69
How the Data Filter Works.......................................................................................................................70
What to Protect............................................................................................................................................ 71
Adding Data to the Filter ..........................................................................................................................72
Activating, Deactivating and Deleting Data Items..............................................................................75
Data Filter Options .....................................................................................................................................76
Surf Filters ........................................................................................................................................77
Banners Filter ............................................................................................................................................... 78
Cookies Filter ...............................................................................................................................................82
Information Hiding ....................................................................................................................................85
7—The Four Lines of Defense: Antivandal..................................................................86
Antivandal ........................................................................................................................................87
Policy .............................................................................................................................................................88
Unifying Policy Options............................................................................................................................ 92
Anti-Spyware ...................................................................................................................................93
Applications: Adding, Removing and Changing Settings.................................................................97
The Stop List and Trusted Group...............................................................................................99
Stop List/Trusted Group Information .................................................................................................101
A Note About DNS Lookups .................................................................................................................103
Adding Addresses ....................................................................................................................................104
Using Wildcards........................................................................................................................................105
Removing Addresses ...............................................................................................................................105
Moving Addresses Between the Stop List and Trusted Group ......................................................106
Editing an Address ...................................................................................................................................107
The Contextual Menu ..............................................................................................................................108
8—The Four Lines of Defense: Monitoring................................................................109
The Log ............................................................................................................................................110
Log View Options .....................................................................................................................................111
Log Window Contextual Menu .............................................................................................................115
Pausing the Log.........................................................................................................................................117
Clearing the Log........................................................................................................................................117
Exporting the Log .....................................................................................................................................118
Filtering Data in the Log Window ........................................................................................................120
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Traffic View Modes ..................................................................................................................................122
Selecting Activity Data Types ................................................................................................................126
NetBarrier Monitor ...................................................................................................................................127
NetBarrier Monitor Preferences.............................................................................................................129
The NetBarrier Monitor Widget ............................................................................................................130
The NetBarrier X5 Monitor Screen Saver.............................................................................................131
Services ............................................................................................................................................133
Whois ...............................................................................................................................................139
Traceroute .......................................................................................................................................140
NetUpdate .......................................................................................................................................144
9—Understanding Alerts ............................................................................................145
Alert Settings .................................................................................................................................146
Examples of Alerts........................................................................................................................149
Attack Counter...............................................................................................................................152
10—Preferences and Configurations..........................................................................153
Modem Preferences......................................................................................................................154
Log Preferences .............................................................................................................................155
Traffic Preferences........................................................................................................................157
Whois Preferences ........................................................................................................................159
Advanced Preferences .................................................................................................................160
About NetBarrier X5.....................................................................................................................161
Creating, Editing and Deleting Configurations .................................................................................162
Exporting and Importing Settings............................................................................................165
Locking and Unlocking the Interface......................................................................................166
11—Technical Support ................................................................................................167
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1- About Intego
NetBarrier X5
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What is Intego NetBarrier X5?
Intego NetBarrier X5 is the Internet security solution for Macintosh computers running Mac OS X.
It offers thorough protection against intrusions coming across the Internet or a local network.
NetBarrier X5 protects your computer from intrusions by constantly filtering all the activity that
enters and leaves through the Internet or a network. NetBarrier X5 protects you from thieves,
hackers and intruders, and warns you automatically if any suspicious activity occurs.
NetBarrier X5 has four lines of defense to protect your Mac and your data from intrusions and
Personal Firewall
NetBarrier X5 contains a personal firewall that filters data as it enters and leaves your computer. A
full set of basic filtering rules is used by default, and its Customized protection mode allows you to
create your own rules, if you need to.
NetBarrier X5’s Antivandal is a powerful guardian for your computer. It watches over your Mac’s
network activity, looking for signs of intrusion. If it detects any suspicious activity, NetBarrier X5
stops the intruder in their tracks and displays an alert. The Antivandal has another powerful
function, the Stop List, that records the addresses of intruders who attempt to get into your Mac,
ensuring that they will always be blocked. Several options allow you to choose the type of
protection you have on your computer.
NetBarrier X5 can stop incoming data that is considered hostile. It can display an alert
dialogue, showing why the data was stopped, and asking you to allow or deny it. You can
also select other alert options, such as having NetBarrier X5 play a sound, put the host
automatically in the Stop List, or send an e-mail message to the address(es) of your choice.
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Stop List
When an intruder is detected trying to break into your Mac, NetBarrier X5 allows you to
put them on the Stop List, which records their network address. If a computer with the same
address tries to enter your computer again it will be automatically blocked.
Trusted Group
In some cases, computers you know—friends, not foes—will be blocked by NetBarrier X5.
These may be computers on your local network, blocked because they are sending pings to
your computer, for example. NetBarrier X5 allows you to put them in the Trusted Group,
where they will be considered friends for as long as you want, ensuring that they can always
access your Mac. It is important to note that the Trusted Group only applies to NetBarrier
X5’s Antivandal functions and data filter, and Firewall rules are still applied to computers
in the Trusted Group.
NetBarrier X5 lets you control Internet and network access by individual applications.
Whenever an untrusted application tries to connect to a network, NetBarrier X5 can display
an alert, informing you which application is making the connection. If you want to allow
that application to access the network—if it truly is an application you know should be
using the network—then you can do so. But if an application tries to connect in secret, you
can block it permanently.
Privacy Protection
NetBarrier X5 helps protect your privacy. It filters data to ensure that no sensitive information
leaves your computer, blocks ad banners, and lets you surf anonymously. And it has a unique
feature that hides information about your computer: its platform, which browser you are using, and
the last web page you visited.
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NetBarrier X5 contains powerful tools for monitoring your network activity and usage. Its activity
gauges show your network traffic in real time, and its additional monitoring functions give you
essential information on your computer, its network and the services and connections that are
NetBarrier X5 even offers a separate program, NetBarrier Monitor, that you can keep open all the
time, as well as a monitoring screen saver, so you can always keep an eye on your network traffic.
Erasing Your Tracks With Washing Machine
NetBarrier X5 includes a separate program named Washing Machine that further protects your
privacy by helping you delete information about your Internet habits. It provides an easy way to
remove bookmarks, cookies, caches, download histories and browsing histories for more than two
dozen programs that regularly store such information, and can be set to periodically “clean” those
items for effortless protection.
Washing Machine includes functions that were in previous versions of NetBarrier; you can launch
the program from the Intego Menu in the NetBarrier X5 submenu. For detailed information about
using Washing Machine, see the Intego Washing Machine User Manual you received with
NetBarrier X5.
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Using this User’s Manual
If you are a:
Home user, connected to the
Chapter 2, Introduction to Computer Security
Chapter 3, Installation
Chapter 4, Quick Start
Optional: chapters 5-9, The Four Lines of Defense.
NetBarrier X5 is configured to automatically protect your
computer from intruders.
Business or Academic user,
connected to a local network
and the Internet
Chapter 2, Introduction to Computer Security
Chapter 3, Installation
Chapter 4, Quick Start.
NetBarrier X5’s basic protection modes will probably be
sufficient for you; however, you might also want to read chapters
5-8, The Four Lines of Defense.
Advanced user, using your
computer as a server, or
administering a network
The entire manual concerns your situation, but you will want to
read chapters 5-8, The Four Lines of Defense, and especially
chapter 5, which explains how to create your own rules.
There is a glossary at the end of the manual that defines specific terms used.
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2—Introduction to Computer Security
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Why You Need to be Protected
Whether you use your Mac for work or just for surfing the Internet, whether you are online all day
long, or just occasionally, whether you are on a local network in a home office, or part of a large
corporation or educational institution, your computer contains sensitive information. This may be
anything from your credit card numbers to your bank account information, contracts with customers
or employees, confidential projects or e-mail messages and passwords. No matter what you have on
your Mac that is for your eyes only, there is somebody out there who would certainly find it
The more you use your Mac for daily activities, whether personal or professional, the more you
should protect the information it contains.
Think of your computer as a house. You certainly lock your doors and windows when you go out,
but do you protect your Mac in the same way? As long as you are connected to a network, there is a
way for wily hackers or computer criminals to get into it—unless you protect it with NetBarrier X5.
When your Mac is connected to a network, whether it be a private, local network, or the Internet, it
is like a house on a street, with doors and windows. NetBarrier X5 works like a set of locks to
protect those doors and windows. You never know who is watching when you are connected to a
web site. Maybe that gaming site with the cheats you were looking for has a cracker behind it who
wants to snoop on your Mac and see if he can find anything interesting. Or perhaps that stock
market information site, where you went to get company results, has a curious hacker watching who
enjoys messing up people’s computers just for fun.
A computer is only as secure as the people who have access to it. NetBarrier X5 protects your
computer by preventing unauthorized network access to your Mac, and by protecting against
unauthorized export of private information.
Without Intego NetBarrier X5, you may never know
if anyone is trying to get into your Mac.
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How Can a Computer be Totally Safe?
It has been said that the only truly secure computer is one that is switched off and unplugged,
locked in a titanium-lined safe, buried in a concrete bunker, and surrounded by nerve gas and very
highly-paid armed guards. Obviously, this is not practical—if you have a computer, you want to be
able to use it.
But NetBarrier X5 provides a level of protection that goes far beyond what most users need, and its
customizable rules make it a powerful tool for system and network administrators, allowing them to
adapt the protection to their specific needs.
What Is a Firewall?
A firewall is, as its name suggests, like a wall. It protects your computer or network by separating
users into two groups—those inside the wall, and those outside. It is configured to determine what
access outsiders have to computers inside the wall, and what access insiders have to computers and
networks on the other side of the wall.
A firewall is a kind of filter that acts between your computer, or network, and a wide area network
such as the Internet. It functions by filtering packets of data, and examining where they come from
and where they are going.
NetBarrier X5 offers powerful firewall protection for your Mac, and its customized protection
allows advanced users to configure specific rules to protect against foes who wish to infiltrate your
Friend or Foe?
Every wall has to have a gate so people can get in and out. NetBarrier X5’s Antivandal acts as a
filter, or a guard standing at the gate in the wall, checking all incoming and outgoing data for signs
of hackers, crackers, vandals, spies, intruders and thieves. This can be done because there are many
“standard” ways to enter an unprotected computer, and NetBarrier X5 knows these methods.
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What You Risk
Why People Break into Computers
People break into computers for many reasons. Sometimes this is done just to get into more
systems; by hopping between many computers before breaking into a new one, crackers hope to
confuse any possible pursuers and put them off the scent. There is an advantage to be gained in
breaking into as many different sites as possible, in order to “launder” connections.
Another reason is that some people simply love to play with computers and stretch them to the
limits of their capabilities. This is a bit like people who write graffiti on walls—they just want to do
it because it’s there.
But the more serious invaders are real criminals. These may be competitors, looking for information
on your company’s activities, projects or customers; thieves, looking for passwords and credit card
numbers; or simply spies. While most companies have computer security policies, few of them
think of protecting data on their employees’ home computers—but these computers often have
sensitive documents that employees have brought home from work.
Unfortunately, we live in a world where anything of value is a target for thieves. Since today’s
economy is built around information, it is obvious that information has become the latest target.
Here’s a simple example: last year, on Mother’s Day, you sent your mother some flowers. You
ordered by fax, because you don’t trust sending your credit card number over the web. But the
document that you typed, containing your credit card number, is still on your hard disk. If someone
found it, they would have your credit card number, and you might become a victim of fraud.
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The Different Types of Attacks and Intrusions Possible
There are many reasons why people attempt to obtain entry into other people’s computers, and
many ways to do so. Here are some of them:
To steal confidential documents or information.
To execute commands on your computer that modify the system, erase your hard disk, or
disable your computer.
To hack web sites, replacing pages with different text and graphics.
To launch denial-of-service attacks that can render your computer temporarily unusable.
To get information about your computer that will allow someone to break into your network, or
your computer, at a later time.
Privacy Protection
One thing you don’t notice when you surf the Internet is how much personal information different
web sites try to get from you. You can clearly see the ones that openly ask you to register to use
them; you enter a user name and a password, and sometimes your name, address, and other
information as well. This information is often used to trace your behavior, to find what your
interests are, and to market products and services to you.
More and more Internet users refuse to give web sites this kind of information. Sometimes you
learn the hard way: you register at a web site, and end up getting spam or e-mail about things you
never requested. By then, it’s usually too late.
But web sites have other ways of getting information about you and your behavior. Did you know
that your browser sends information to web sites telling which operating system you are using,
which browser you are surfing with, and even the last web page you visited?
Then there are cookies. A cookie is a file on your hard disk that contains information sent by a web
server to a web browser and then sent back by the browser each time it accesses that server.
Typically, this is used to authenticate or identify a registered user of a web site without requiring
them to sign in again every time they access that site. Other uses of cookies are to maintain a
Intego NetBarrier X5 User’s Manual Page 16
“shopping basket” of goods you have selected to purchase during a session at a site, site
personalization (presenting different pages to different users), or to track a particular user’s access
to a site.
While cookies can have legitimate uses, as we have seen above, unscrupulous web sites use them to
collect data on your surfing habits. They sell this data to companies that will then target you
specifically for products and services that correspond to these habits, or even ensure that when you
surf on certain sites, you see ad banners that match these habits.
NetBarrier X5’s approach to privacy is simple: it provides you with the means to prevent certain
types of information from being recorded without your knowledge.
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System Requirements
Any officially-supported Mac OS X compatible computer
Mac OS X 10.4 or higher, or Mac OS X Server 10.4 or higher
40 MB free hard disk space
Installing Intego NetBarrier X5
For information on installing and serializing Intego NetBarrier X5, see the Intego Getting Started
manual, included with your copy of the program. If you purchased the Intego NetBarrier X5 by
download from the Intego web site, this manual will be in the disk image you downloaded that
contains the software. If you purchased NetBarrier X5 on a CD or a DVD, you’ll find this manual
on the disc.
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4—Quick Start
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Using Intego NetBarrier X5
When you first open NetBarrier X5, the Overview screen displays. If you’ve used an earlier version
of NetBarrier, you’ll notice that this screen has been simplified and streamlined. But don’t worry:
all the old functions are there.
Using the NetBarrier X5 Overview Screen
The Overview screen gives quick access to:
NetBarrier X5’s functions, settings and logs,
Several helpful network utilities, such as Whois and Traceroute,
Visual indicators of what sorts of protection are enabled,
Information about the program itself, such as when it was last updated,
A way of managing multiple configurations, so you can quickly change protection settings.
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Central to the Overview screen are sections that control NetBarrier X5’s four lines of defense.
Controls for Firewall, Antivandal and Privacy appear as large buttons in the center of the Overview
screen; controls for Monitoring are the smaller buttons in the bottom-right corner.
The Firewall section gives you access to Rules that define
what programs can send and receive information to and
from your Mac, and Trojan settings to protect your Mac
from malicious Trojan horses.
The Privacy section gives you access to settings that
prevent specific data from being sent over the Internet and
local networks, and blocks certain types of information that
are sent and received when you surf the internet.
The Antivandal section gives you ways to see and control your Policy of stopping certain sorts of
attacks; how you’re protected against programs that secretly connect to remote computers (Anti-
Spyware); your Stop List, that keeps track of the bad guys; and your Trusted Group of friends who
are explicitly allowed to access your Mac.
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You can access Monitoring functions through buttons in the bottom-right corner of the Overview
screen. They’re also available through selections under the View menu, and by using keyboard
shortcuts. They are:
Shows a record of NetBarrier’s activities, and
traffic to and from your Mac to the Internet
or local networks
Shows network traffic entering and leaving
your Mac
Shows a list of ways that your Mac is
prepared to provide information to the
outside world
Shows outside networks that are currently
available to your Mac
Shows information about the owners and
managers of Internet domains
Shows the network path that a signal takes to
get from your Mac to another computer
Each of these features is described in chapter 8, The Four Lines of Defense: Monitoring.
At the left of the Overview window is a list of Configurations. Each configuration is a collection of
settings for NetBarrier’s Firewall, Privacy and Antivandal protection. At first there is only one
configuration, named “default”. The radio button shows which configuration is currently active.
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At the bottom of the Configurations list are four buttons that let you duplicate, edit, remove and
hide configurations. (You can also toggle between showing and hiding the Configurations list by
pressing Command-K or choosing View > Hide/Show Configurations List.) For more information,
see chapter 10, Preferences and Configurations.
At the very top of the screen is the NetUpdate Status Bar, which shows the dates of the latest
NetBarrier filters installed on your Mac, and the date of the latest filters available through Intego
NetUpdate. NetUpdate periodically checks for updates, or you can have it check immediately by
clicking the “Check Now…” button in the upper-left corner. To hide the NetUpdate Status Bar,
choose View > Hide NetUpdate Status Bar. For more information, see the Intego Getting Started
Finally, a small button near the top-left corner of the Overview screen tells you which section of the
NetBarrier X5 interface you’re currently viewing. When you first launch the program, it simply
says “Overview”.
But when you look at the control screen for Trojans, for example, you see a segmented button that
makes clear that it’s a part of the Firewall section, along with Rules.
Clicking on Rules takes you there; clicking on Firewall or Overview takes you back to the
Overview screen. The Privacy and Antivandal sections work the same way.
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Status Indicators on the Overview Screen
The status of various NetBarrier X5 features appears as part of the icons on the Overview Screen.
When the Trojans, Data and Anti-Spyware sections are on, you’ll see a small check mark in the
bottom-right corner of their icons.
Similarly, the Stop List and Trusted Group icons show how many entries are in their lists.
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Using the Setup Assistant
When you install NetBarrier X5 and restart your Macintosh, it automatically begins protecting your
Mac. The firewall is enabled in “Client, local server” mode and activity is written to the log. In this
mode, your Mac can access the Internet as a client computer, and your Mac can function as both a
client and server on a local network. For more information about NetBarrier X5’s Firewall Modes,
see below.
NetBarrier X5 includes a Setup Assistant to help you quickly and easily adjust NetBarrier X5’s
basic settings so they are appropriate to your network usage. The first time you open NetBarrier X5,
the Setup Assistant launches automatically. If you have upgraded from a previous version of
NetBarrier, you will need to launch the Setup Assistant manually. To do this, choose NetBarrier X5
> Preferences and click the Advanced icon. Click Show Assistant… at the bottom of the window.
You will need an administrator’s password to run the Setup Assistant.
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Click the right arrow to begin configuring NetBarrier X5. You can click the left arrow at any time
to return to previous screens. The NetBarrier X5 Setup Assistant briefly presents informational
screens about the program’s different functions:
Firewall (Rules and Trojans)
Privacy (Data and Surf protection)
Antivandal (Policy, Anti-Spyware, Stop List, and Trusted Group)
Monitoring (the Log and five Monitor tools)
One more thing (miscellaneous tools)
When done, the Configuration screen allows you to choose which NetBarrier X5 configuration you
want to use.
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The configurations are:
Best if…
Firewall setting
Other settings
…you need to allow
access to your Mac from
the local network, but
want to be protected from
invasions from outside
your local network.
“Client, local server”
mode: your Mac can
access the Internet as a
client computer, and can
function as both a client
and server on a local
All Antivandal and Privacy
filters are disabled.
…you do not use your
computer as a network
server or for local file
Client only mode: your
Mac can function only as
a client on a local
network or the Internet.
The server functions of
your computer are
Antivandal filters are enabled
against Buffer Overflow
Attacks, Intrusion Attempts,
Ping Attacks, Port Scans and
SYN Flooding, but disabled
against Ping Broadcasts. All
Privacy filters are disabled.
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…you want maximal
protection, and can accept
that this configuration
might block some traffic.
Client only mode.
All Antivandal filters are
enabled, as are those that
protect against Trojans.
Click the Configure button to activate the configuration you have selected.
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Using the Intego Menu
NetBarrier X5, like all other Intego programs, installs a menu in the menubar, called the Intego
menu. Its icon is a small tower, as in the Intego logo.
Click the Intego menu icon to display a menu that shows all your Intego software:
You can change many of NetBarrier X5’s settings from the Intego menu. Choose the Intego Menu >
NetBarrier X5. You can change configurations, and you can turn on or off settings, such as filtering
or privacy settings. You can open Intego Washing Machine from the Intego menu, by choosing the
Intego menu, then NetBarrier X5 > Open Washing Machine.... And you can open NetBarrier
Monitor by choosing NetBarrier X5 > Open NetBarrier Monitor.
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NetBarrier X5 Password Protection
NetBarrier X5 uses built-in Mac OS X password protection. In order to install and configure the
program, the user must have administrator’s rights, and log in with an administrator’s name and
password. Users who do not have administrator’s rights cannot change any of NetBarrier X5’s
settings or preferences. These users can view Monitoring functions such things as logs and traffic
gauges, but are not authorized to make changes to the program’s operation.
Getting Help
You can get help on some of NetBarrier X5’s functions by holding your cursor over certain texts
and zones:
A Tool Tip displays explaining the various functions and features.
For complete help, this manual is available by choosing Help > NetBarrier X5 User Guide.
+ 145 hidden pages