The Z-2400 series of units support the communication of data signals via
a wireless network. The Sleeper provides a two universal input unit that
wakes up at a selected time interval, and sends its values through to the
Base. The Sleeper is a battery powered module, ideally suited for mobile
monitoring applications. It can also be used with a power plug pack.
Wireless Data Link
Modules for MicroScan.
Voltage 9~36Vdc.
Operating temp. -40~+85°C.
RF data rate 250Kb/s.
RF frequency 2405~2485MHz.
RF channels 16.
Spreading method Direct sequence.
Modulation O-QPSK.
Nodes 64 nodes per mesh (1 Base, 32 Remotes and 32 Sleepers).
Tx range ~100m (line of sight).
Tx power +4.5dBm in boost mode.
Rx sensitivity -100dBm in boost mode.
Analogue Inputs RTD (Pt100, Pt1000), Thermocouple (B, E, J, K, N, R, S, T), mA, V, & mV.
Connection Indication Toggling LEDs on start-up.
Multiple Mesh use Mesh ID 0~255.
Default Mesh ID 1 (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8).
RF power 1mW.
Ordering Information:
2x Universal Input Sleeper, battery or plug pack powered.
USB Programming Key - for programming analogue inputs.
System Limits:
Max 32 Sleepers and/or 32 Remotes per Base.
Software Versions:
The Z-2400 series of units require the following software versions for operation:
MicroScan V5.1 (or later) - all units.
XU Software V1.30 (or later) - for programming Sleeper analogue inputs.
The latest version of software can be downloaded via the link online at www.intech.co.nz/downloads