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HyperTerminal Test
Instructions on How to Use HyperTerminal to Test Serial Cards

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HyperTerminal Test
1. Introduction ...................................................................................................................... 3
2. Loopback connector ........................................................................................................ 3
3. Loopback test .................................................................................................................. 3
4. Cross over cable .............................................................................................................. 8
5. Port to Port test ................................................................................................................ 9

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HyperTerminal Test
1. Introduction
This document describes how to use the Microsoft HyperTerminal application in order to prove that your
serial card is functioning correctly. This assumes that the card is correctly installed. Windows 2000
Professional is used in the example. However, the document also applies to Windows Vista, XP and Server
Please Note: HyperTerminal is not distributed with Windows Vista and needs to be downloaded from
http://www.hilgraeve.com/htpe/download.html. Alternatively, if you do not have access to the internet, please
use the SerialTest.exe program on the CD.
In this example the card installed is an IS-200 2-port PCI card on “COM1” but it can be applied to any COM
label. This example will also apply to all RS232 PCMCIA cards.
2. Loopback connector
On the ‘D’ type connector, electrically short pins 2 and 3. This can be easily achieved by placing an electrical
jumper over the pins. See below:
3. Loopback test
Set up the card to be able to perform a loopback. See 2 and 3.
From the Start menu select Programs\Accessories\Communications\HyperTerminal or perform a search in
My Computer for “HyperTerminal”.

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HyperTerminal Test
Double click on the application and the following window will appear:
Type in a connection identifier name say “Test1” and click OK. The only restriction here is it cannot be a
device name e.g. “COM1”
You will then be presented with the following dialogue box:
Here it is possible to choose the COM port to test using the drop down box. In this example we will use the
onboard port COM1. Click OK.
The next dialogue box will ask for the Port Communication Settings: