Instron 4400 Series Operator's Manual

Issue C April 1995
Model 4400
Universal Testing System
Operator’s Guide
Proprietory Rights Notice
© Copyright 1995 Instron Corporation
Amendment Incorporation Record
Brief Description of
Preliminary Pages
Reverse Strain Mode Switch
B3887 NCW
Preliminary Pages M10-94400-1
Amendment Incorporation Record
Brief Description of
Revision Record
Revision ECR No.
Preliminary Pages
Materials testing systems are potentially hazardous. Materials testing involves inherent hazards from high
forces, rapid motions and stored energy. You must be aware of all moving and operating components which are potentially hazardous, particularly the actuator in a servohydraulic testing system or the moving crosshead in an electromechanical testing system.
Whenever you consider that safety is compromised, press the Emergency Stop button to stop the test and iso­late the testing system from hydraulic or electrical power.
Carefully read all relevant manuals and observe all Warnings and Cautions. The term Warning is used where a hazard may lead to injury or death. The term Caution is used where a hazard may lead to damage to equipmentortolossofdata.
Ensure that the test set-up and the actual test you will be using on materials, assemblies or structures consti­tutes no hazard to yourself or others. Make full use of all mechanical and electronic limits features. These are supplied for your safety to enable you to prevent move­ment of the actuator piston or the moving crosshead be­yond desired regions of operation.
The following pages detail various general warnings that you must heed at all times while using materials testing equipment. You will find more specific warn­ings and cautions in the t ext whenever a potential haz­ard exists.
Your best safety precautions are to gain a thorough un­derstanding of the equipment by reading your instruc­tion manuals and to always use good judgement.
Preliminary Pages M10-94400-1
Disconnect the electrical power supply be­fore removing the covers to electrical equip­ment.
Disconnect the equipment from the electrical power sup­ply before removing any electrical safety covers or re­placing fuses. Do not reconnect the power source while the covers are removed. Refit covers as soon as possible.
Disconnect power supplies before remov­ing the covers to rotating machinery.
Disconnect the equipment from all power supplies be­fore removing any cover which gives access to rotating machinery. Do not reconnect any power supply while the covers are removed unless you are specifically in­structed to do so in the manual. If the equipment needs to be operated to perform maintenance tasks with the covers removed, ensure that all loose clothing, long hair, etc. is tied back. Refit covers as soon as possible.
Shut down the hydraulic power supply and discharge hydraulic pressure before discon­necting any hydraulic fluid coupling.
Do not disconnect any hydraulic coupling without first shutting down the hydraulic power supply and discharg­ing stored pressure to zero. Tie down or otherwise se­cure all pressurized hoses to prevent movement during system operation and to prevent the hose from whipping about in the event of a rupture.
Do not release gas connections without first disconnect­ing the gas supply and discharging any residual pressure to zero.
Use protective shields whenever a risk of injury to opera­tors and observers exists from the failure of a test speci­men, assembly or structure, particularly where explosive disintegration may occur.Due to the wide range of speci­men materials, assemblies or structures that may be tested, any hazard resulting from the failure of a test specimen, as­sembly or structure is entirely the responsibility of the owner and the user of the equipment.
Preliminary Pages
Shut off the supply of compressed gas and discharge residual gas pressure before dis­connecting any compressed gas coupling
Use protective shields or screens if any pos­sibility exists of a hazard from the failure of a specimen, assembly or structure under test.
Protect electrical cables from damage and inadvertent disconnection.
The sudden loss of controlling and feedback signals which can result from a disconnected or damaged cable causes an open loop condition which may drive the ac­tuator or crosshead rapidly to its extremes of motion. Protect all electrical cables, particularly transducer ca­bles, from damage. Never route cables across the floor without protection, nor suspend cables overhead under excessive strain. Use padding to avoid chafing where ca­bles are routed around corners or through wall openings.
Preliminary Pages M10-94400-1
Wear protective clothing when handling equipment at extremes of temperature.
Materials testing is often carried out at non-ambient tem­peratures using ovens, furnaces or cryogenic chambers. Extreme temperature means an operating temperature ex­ceeding 60 °C (140 °F) or below 0 °C (32 °F). You must use protective clothing, such as gloves, when handling equipment at these temperatures. Display a warning no­tice concerning low or high temperature operation when­ever temperature control equipment is in use. You should note that the hazard from extreme temperature can extend beyond the immediate area of the test.
Take care when installing or removing a specimen, assembly or structure.
Installation or removal of a specimen, assembly or struc­ture involves working inside the hazard area between the grips or fixtures. Keep clear of the jaws of a grip or fix­ture at all times. Keep clear of the hazard area between the grips or fixtures during actuator or crosshead move­ment. Ensure that all actuator or crosshead movements necessary for installation or removal are slow and, where possible, at a low force setting.
The actuator or crosshead will immediately respond to manual control settings when the system is placed off­line from computer control. Before transferring to man­ual control, make sure that the control settings are such that unexpected actuator or crosshead movement cannot occur.
The robot in an automated testing system presents a haz­ard because its movements are hard to predict. The robot can go instantly from a waiting state to high speed opera­tion in several axes of motion. During system operation , keep away from the operating envelope of the robot. De­activate the robot before entering the envelope for any purpose, such as reloading the specimen magazine.
Preliminary Pages
Do not place a testing system offline from computer control without first ensuring that no actuator or crosshead movement will oc­cur upon transfer to manual control.
Keep clear of the operating envelope of a robotic device unless the device is de-acti­vated.
Preliminary Pages M10-94400-1
Table of Contents
Chapter Page
1 Introduction
Outline .........................................................................1-1
About this Manual...............................................1-3
Product Support..................................................1-3
General Characteristics...............................................1-4
Console Components..................................................1-7
Front Panel..................................................................1-8
Main Panel Section.............................................1-8
Display Panel Section.........................................1-10
Limits Panel Section ...........................................1-10
Crosshead Control Section.................................1-11
Internal Status Indicators ....................................1-12
Recorders ...........................................................1-12
Console Internal Functions..........................................1-14
Central Processing Unit (CPU) ...........................1-14
Crosshead Control Function ...............................1-14
Load Sensor Conditioner....................................1-14
Strain Sensor Conditioner...................................1-15
IEEE-488 Interface .............................................1-15
2 Specifications
3 Installation
Outline .........................................................................3-1
General Considerations...............................................3-2
Preliminary Pages
Table of Contents (continued)
Chapter Page
3 Installation
Console Connections...................................................3-3
Mounting the Console.........................................3-3
Attaching the Console...................................3-3
Mounting the Console Bracket......................3-4
Connector Panel.................................................3-5
Installing Cables .................................................3-7
Cabling for Optional Equipment..........................3-9
Analog Output Connector .............................3-9
Opening the Console...................................................3-11
4 Function Of Controls
Outline .........................................................................4-1
Preliminary Considerations..........................................4-2
Function Of Controls....................................................4-3
Main Panel..........................................................4-3
Display Section...................................................4-12
Limits Section .....................................................4-14
Data Storage ...............................................................4-16
Nonvolatile Memory............................................4-16
System Reset .....................................................4-16
Volatile Memory ..................................................4-16
Resident Test Program Overview................................4-20
Self Test Routine .........................................................4-23
Self Test - Part 1 .................................................4-23
Self Test - Part 2 .................................................4-24
Self Test Result - No Failures .............................4-24
Preliminary Pages M10-94400-1
Table of Contents (continued)
Chapter Page
4 Function Of Controls
Self Test Result - Failures...................................4-25
Self Test Result Display......................................4-25
Version Number...........................................................4-31
Selecting Operating Units............................................4-32
Switching Units ...................................................4-32
Operating Units for Self Identified Load Cells
and Load Frames................................................4-33
Operating Units for Non-Self Identified Load
Cells and Load Frames.......................................4-34
Energy Units .......................................................4-35
5 System Operation
Outline .........................................................................5-1
Operating Considerations............................................5-2
Pretest Procedures......................................................5-3
Turn Instrument On: Warm-up.....................................5-4
Self Test Routine At Power Up ....................................5-5
System Reset At Initial Power Up................................5-7
Load Calibration ..........................................................5-8
Overview ............................................................5-8
Electrical Calibration of Self Identifying
Load Cells ..........................................................5-9
Manual Calibration of Self Identifying
Load Cells ..........................................................5-10
Electrical Calibration of Non-Self Identifying
Load Cells...........................................................5-12
Preliminary Pages
Table of Contents (continued)
Chapter Page
5 System Operation
Manual Calibration of Non-Self Identifying
Load Cells..........................................................5-13
Load Weighing System Balance ........................5-15
Calibration And Balance Errors...........................5-16
Strain Calibration.........................................................5-18
Strain Operating Mode........................................5-18
Strain Gauge Extensometers..............................5-20
Electrical Calibration of Self Identifying Strain
Gauge Extensometers ......................................5-22
Manual Calibration of Strain Gauge
Extensometers - Operating Notes.......................5-25
Display Panel...............................................................5-26
Establish Gauge Length ..............................................5-28
Electronic Limits...........................................................5-30
Operating Notes - Limits Panel...........................5-30
Set Crosshead Travel Limit Stops...............................5-34
Set Crosshead Speed .................................................5-35
Crosshead Jog Control................................................5-37
Area Compensation.....................................................5-38
Install Specimen ..........................................................5-42
Set Testing Area ..........................................................5-43
Run a Test ...................................................................5-45
Preliminary Pages M10-94400-1
Table of Contents (continued)
Chapter Page
6 System Options
Strip Chart Recorder....................................................6-3
Power Requirements ....................................6-6
Pen Scaling...................................................6-8
Pen Calibration .............................................6-9
X-Y Recorder...............................................................6-12
Power Requirements ....................................6-15
Signal Input Connection................................6-15
Initial Setup...................................................6-16
Time Base Operation....................................6-22
Normal Operation..........................................6-23
Printout Format...................................................6-25
Printer Units........................................................6-26
Preliminary Pages
Table of Contents (continued)
Chapter Page
6 System Options
AC/DC Strain Conditioner............................................6-30
Preset Points ...............................................................6-34
Energy .........................................................................6-37
Cycle Counter..............................................................6-39
Pip Control...................................................................6-41
Air Kit Option ...............................................................6-44
Manual Operation .........................................6-46
Grip Control Function Operation ...................6-47
Pretension and Excess Tension Operation...6-47
Automatic Start Operation.............................6-48
Automatic Release Operation .......................6-49
Set pretension Level .....................................6-49
Set Excess Tension Level .............................6-50
Time Delays ..................................................6-50
Continuous Pretension Testing.....................6-50
Preliminary Pages M10-94400-1
Table of Contents (continued)
Chapter Page
7 Test Check List 8 Maintenance
Special Maintenance Considerations..................8-2
Preventive Maintenance ..............................................8-3
Cleaning - Control Console.................................8-3
Error Messages ...........................................................8-4
Displaying Error Messages.................................8-4
Rear Panel Indicators ..................................................8-10
Rear Panel Indicators .........................................8-10
Power Supply Condition Indicators...............8-11
Green Test LEDs...........................................8-11
Red Activity LEDs .........................................8-12
Red Latch Indicator LEDs.............................8-13
IEEE-488 Interface Indicators.......................8-14
Summary of Operating Sequence for
Rear Panel Indicators ..................................8-15
Fault Indications ..........................................................8-16
Appendix A Test Planning
Applications .................................................................A-2
Load Requirements .....................................................A-4
Selection Of Grips........................................................A-5
Preliminary Pages
Table of Contents (continued)
Chapter Page
Appendix A Test Planning (continued)
Establishing Gauge Length..........................................A-7
Selection Of Testing Speed .........................................A-8
Strain Rate...................................................................A-9
Area Compensation.....................................................A-10
Determining Stress Range..................................A-11
Limitations Due To Load Cell Capacity ...............A-12
Chart Magnification......................................................A-14
Appendix B Glossary
Preliminary Pages M10-94400-1
List of Illustrations
Figure Page
1-1. Functional Block Diagram............................................1-5
1-2. Control Console Front Panel ......................................1-9
3-1. Console Rear Panel Connectors .................................3-6
3-2. Rear Panel Cable Arrangement...................................3-8
3-3. Access to Interior of Console.......................................3-12
4-1. Main Panel...................................................................4-3
4-2. Display Section............................................................4-12
4-3. Limits Section ..............................................................4-14
4-4. Console Section Numbers Assigned to
Main Panel Display for Self Test Result......................4-26
4-5. Coding of Display Results for Self Test Result ............4-27
4-6. Characters Displayed in Self Test Result....................4-27
6-1 Model 4400 X-Y Recorder Panel.................................6-17
6-2. Typical Test Curve with Preset Points..........................6-34
8-1. Rear Panel Indicators .................................................8-12
8-2. Closeup Detail of Console Status and
Fault Indicators............................................................8-13
Preliminary Pages
List of Tables
3-1. Series 4400 Console Option Cables............................3-9
3-2 Analog Output Connector Pin Assignments ................3-10
4-1. Main Panel Functions..................................................4-3
4-2. Display Section Functions ...........................................4-12
4-3. Limits Section Functions..............................................4-14
4-4. Variables and Functions in Nonvolatile
4-5. Control Console Sections ............................................4-26
4-6. Characters Possible in Self Test Result for
Each Digit of Main Panel Display.................................4-29
4-7. Operating Units for Self-Identified Load
Cells 4-33
5-1. Low Capacity Load Cells Calibration Data ..................5-13
5-2. Transducer Calibration/Balance Errors........................5-17
6-1. Strip Chart Recorder Supplies.....................................6-6
6-2. Recorder Line Voltage Selection .................................6-7
6-3. Calibration Signal for Load Cells .................................6-10
6-4. Recorder Supplies.......................................................6-14
6-5. Chart Speed Conversions............................................6-22
6-6. Strain Units Printout.....................................................6-26
6-7. Energy Units Printout...................................................6-27
6-8. Printout with Strain as Independent
6-9. Printout with Extension as Independent
Preliminary Pages M10-94400-1
List of Tables (continued)
Table Page
6-10. Example Pip Delay Values vs Test Speeds.................6-43
6-11. Air Kit Functions ..........................................................6-46
8-1. Sections of the Control Console..................................8-5
8-2. Error Messages ...........................................................8-7
8-3. LED Error Codes for IEEE-488 Section Tests .............8-14
8-4. Fault Indications ..........................................................8-16
A-1. Gripping Techniques....................................................A-6
A-2. Typical Testing Speed Ranges for Various
Preliminary Pages
Preliminary Pages M10-94400-1
Frontispiece.Series 4400 Universal Testing System
Chapter 1
Introduction ........................Page 1-2
General Characteristics ...............Page 1-4
Console Components .................Page 1-7
Front Panel.........................Page 1-8
Console Internal Functions ............Page 1-14
The Instron Series 4400 Universal Testing Instruments are electromechanical systems employing the latest printed cir­cuit board technology to provide a small, light and efficient testing system. This manual describes the functions and op­eration of the Control Console. Other manuals include Load Frame operating instructions for each of the Series 4400 systems and an IEEE Interface User’s Guide.
This chapter describes:
The features and functions of the Series 4400
The physical layout of the system
Some of the optional accessories available for the
Introduction M10-94400-1
The Instron Series 4400 Universal Testing Instrument is a materials testing instrument designed to test the strength of a wide variety of materials. The system is made up of a load frame, in which a specimen of the test material is mounted, that applies a tension or com­pression load to the specimen, and a control console that provides the calibration, test setup, and test operating controls. The control console is compact enough to mount directly on the load frame, eliminating the need for a separate support table or workbench.
The Series 4400 Control Console includes an operator’s front panel with controls that offer complete communica­tions with the system through a numeric keypad, push­button selection switches and Liquid Crystal Displays (LCDs).
The Console front panel is divided into sections according to functional groupings of controls. For example, a Main section contains a numeric keypad and digital display for data input, a Limits section sets up the electronic limits, and a Display section contains LCD displays of real-time values of test parameters. These panel sections are de­scribed more fully later in this chapter.
Optional interfacing is available for an X-Y or a strip chart recorder, a printer, and a programmable computer. These options may be specified with your initial order or added later to expand the capabilities of your testing system.
About this Manual
The purpose of this manual is to provide a basic under­standing of the Control Console and its principles of op­eration. It contains specifications, cable installation, component and control descriptions, operating details for both basic and optional features, and maintenance. Appendices contain an introduction to materials testing and a glossary of terms related to materials testing.
In addition to this manual, there is also a manual cover­ing the installation, maintenance, and parts list for the load frame. Accessories, such as the strip chart and X-Y recorders, printer, and most grips and extensometers, come with their own separate instruction manuals.
Product Support
If you encounter any problems with using or maintain­ing your testing instrument, or if you want to order ac­cessories or parts, you can obtain answers to your questions or place orders by calling Instron Service, us­ing the list below:
In the United States: 1-800-473-7838 In Canada: 1-800-461-9123 In all other regions of the world: Nearest Instron
Service Office
A listing of international Instron Sales and Service of­fices, including addresses and telephone numbers, can be found on the back cover of this manual.
General Characteristics M10-94400-1
General Characteristics
The Series 4400 control system is made up of two major subsystems: a crosshead drive and control system, that applies tensile or compressive loading to a specimen; and a highly sensitive load weighing system, that meas­ures the loading of a specimen. Figure 1-1 is a functional block diagram showing the interfacing of these two sys­tems, and the signal flow within the overall instrument. During a test, results occur as tracked (instantaneous) values of load, extension and strain or, after a test, as stored break and peak values of these parameters. Total energy and load and energy values at preset points are also available as stored parameters. Several choices of analog and digital output devices are available as op­tions for viewing and recording test results.
The control console provides control, data acquisition and data readout functions for the load frame. All opera­tions are directed by a microprocessor-based central processing unit (CPU). The crosshead control network allows programmable crosshead speeds and provides digital control of the crosshead position. The operating mode of the console data entry and readout functions can be in English, metric or SI units, as selected by a switch. A status indicator on the main panel shows the system of units selected.
The action of the moving crosshead during a test - stop, return, or cycle - can be controlled manually by pushbut­ton switches, or automatically by the functions provided by the Limits feature. These functions may be based on the applied load, extension or strain, or to a detected specimen break.
General Characteristics
Figure 1-1. Functional Block Diagram
General Characteristics M10-94400-1
A CPU-controlled sensor conditioner in the load weigh­ing system allows calibration and balance procedures to be performed automatically, after you initiate them at the front panel. The sensor conditioner provides both an unranged analog and an automatically ranged digital load signal output suitable for several types of optional readout devices.
Optional readouts for test results include interfacing for an X-Y recorder, a strip chart recorder, and an 80 charac­ter-width printer.
The console also has provisions for an IEEE-488 inter­face. This is a General Purpose Instrument Bus (GPIB) which allows remote supervisory control of test proce­dures through a programmable computer.
Console Components
The Series 4400 Control Console contains a single printed circuit board on which are mounted all of the electrical components, including the front panel switches and displays, and rear panel connectors.
The console printed circuit board is the interface for all connections to the console. The interconnecting cables from the load frame and load cell, and cabling from op­tional recorders, printers, and strain measuring devices plug into connector locations on the rear of the board.
Since the console receives its electrical power from a d.c. power supply in the load frame, there is no need for bulky power supplies and cooling fans, and thus a com­pact size has been achieved.
The Console itself is mounted on the load frame by means of a special bracket. A friction locking device on the bracket rides in grooves in the crosshead column cov­ers on the load frame, allowing the console to be moved to any convenient working height. The bracket is sym­metrical, allowing the console to be mounted on either the right-hand or left-hand column on the frame.
Console Components
The main components of the control console are shown in Figure 1-2. Access to the interior of the console is de­scribed in Chapter 4.
Front Panel M10-94400-1
Front Panel
The Front Panel (Figure 1-2) is divided into four major sections. The Main section contains a numeric keypad for data entry of system setup parameters, an LCD dis­play for the numeric input, pushbuttons for such func­tions as crosshead speed selection, and gauge length setting, among others. The Display section contains LCD displays of real-time values of Load, Extension, and Strain, while the Limits section sets electronic limits for the system. The last section is the Crosshead Control section, in which manual controls for crosshead position­ing are located.
Main Panel Section
The Main Panel section consists of test function entry keys, a numeric keypad and a 4-digit LCD display. Status indicators on the left-hand side of the panel, when lit, signify that a fault has occurred. The current units (S.I., English, metric) in use by the testing system are also shown in this area. The panel provides the follow­ing functions:
Load cell calibration
Crosshead speed selection
Gauge length
Area compensation
Testing area definition
Strain transducer calibration
Printer operation
IEEE bus enable/disable
Special Software - Diagnostics
+ 241 hidden pages