IRLinc Receiver Owner’s Manual
ABOUT IRLINC RECEIVER ......................................................................................................................... 3
Key IRLinc Receiver Features ................................................................................................................... 3
What is Included with IRLinc Receiver ...................................................................................................... 3
WHAT IS INSTEON? .................................................................................................................................... 4
INSTALLATION ............................................................................................................................................ 4
Preparing to Install IRLinc Receiver .......................................................................................................... 4
Installing IRLinc Receiver .......................................................................................................................... 5
USING IRLINC RECEIVER .......................................................................................................................... 5
Using the Credit Card Remote .................................................................................................................. 5
CONTROLLING INSTEON RESPONDERS FROM IRLINC RECEIVER .................................................... 6
Linking IRLinc Receiver to an INSTEON Responder ................................................................................ 6
Unlinking an INSTEON Responder from IRLinc Receiver ........................................................................ 6
CREATING AN INSTEON SCENE ............................................................................................................... 7
ADVANCED FEATURES ............................................................................................................................. 7
Multi-Linking and Multi-Unlinking ............................................................................................................... 7
Restoring Power to IRLinc Receiver ......................................................................................................... 8
Resetting IRLinc Receiver to its Factory Default Settings ......................................................................... 8
X10 PROGRAMMING OPTIONS ................................................................................................................. 9
Setting the X10 Address ............................................................................................................................ 9
Removing the X10 Address ....................................................................................................................... 9
ABOUT INSTEON ...................................................................................................................................... 10
Using Dual-Band INSTEON Devices to Upgrade Your Network ............................................................. 10
Important Note about INSTEON Networks; Split Single-Phase vs. 3-Phase Installation ........................ 10
Further Enhancing Reliability .................................................................................................................. 10
ADDITONAL RESOURCES ....................................................................................................................... 10
TROUBLESHOOTING ................................................................................................................................ 11
IRLINC RECEIVER COMPATIBLE CODES .............................................................................................. 12
SPECIFICATIONS, CERTIFICATION, AND WARRANTY ........................................................................ 12
Specifications .......................................................................................................................................... 12
Certification .............................................................................................................................................. 12
Limited Warranty ..................................................................................................................................... 13

IRLinc Receiver Owner’s Manual
With IRLinc Receiver, you’ll be able to convert infrared (IR) signals from its credit card rem ote and/or a
universal remote into INSTEON s ignals. IRLi nc is co mpatible with m ost univers al IR rem ote controls that
come pre-programmed with codes to support many different A/V devices. Control up to 12
scenes/devices from the tiny credit card remote or even more from your universal remote control.
Key IRLinc Receiver Features
• Installs and Links to other INSTEON devices in minutes
• Included credit card remote simplifies setup and use
• Sleek, black case blends in seamlessly with A/V equipment
• Indicates INSTEON setup mode activity and operational states with a Status LED
• Stores setup state in memory so settings aren’t lost during power outages
• Two-year warranty
What is Included with IRLinc Receiver
• IRLinc Receiver – IR to INSTEON Converter
• Credit card remote
• IR sensor with double-sided tape
• Quick-Start Guide
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IRLinc Receiver Owner’s Manual
Since its inception in 2005, INSTEON has become a best-selling home-control networking technology, offering more
reliability and flexibility than any other home management system on the market. INSTEON systems are simple,
reliable, and affordable. Simple, because each device takes mere minutes to install. Reliable, because every
INSTEON device works as a network repeater, ensuring your commands will not be lost. Affordable, because
INSTEON can be integrated into any number of devices easily and at a very low cost. An INSTEON home grows in
value with each added INSTEON device, making life more convenient, safe, and fun.
How Does INSTEON Work?
What makes INSTEON the most reliable home automation network is its dual-mesh network. INSTEON devices use
both radio frequency (RF) signals and the home’s existing wiring to talk to each other. In an INSTEON network, every
INSTEON device also acts as a repeater, receiving and sending every message to all other devices in the network.
So by integrating more INSTEON devices you will strengthen the network and ensure no commands will be lost.
No central controller or networking setup is required with an INSTEON network. Simply install your devices and then
use a series of button presses or taps to Link your devices together. Throughout this Owner’s Manual, you may see
the terms “Controller” or “Responder”. These generic INSTEON terms refer to the components of an INSTEON
scene, and are used on a scene-by-scene basis.
• Controller – sends INSTEON commands to other devices
• Responder – reacts to commands sent out by another INSTEON device
An INSTEON device may act as a Controller, Responder, or sometimes both.
INSTEON networks are also extremely secure. Each INSTEON device is assigned a unique INSTEON ID, so unless
neighbors or would-be hackers have access to your particular device’s INSTEON ID, they won’t be able to control
your home, even if they are using similar products.
Preparing to Install IRLinc Receiver
Read and understand t hese instruct ions before install ing and retain them for future reference.
IRLinc i s int ended for i nstal lati on in ac cordanc e wit h the Nat ional Elec tric Code and loc al r egulat ions i n the United States or
the Canadian Electr ical Code and local regulat ions in Canada. Use i ndoors only. IRLinc is not designed nor appr oved for
use on power lines other than 120V 60Hz, s ingle phase. Attem pting to use IRLinc on non-approved power lines may have
hazardous consequ ences.
Prior to installing IRLinc, please review the entire installation procedure and take the foll ow ing precautions:
• Use indoor s or in a properly insulated and weather proof electrical box only
• Don’t plug IRLinc int o an o utl et cont r oll ed by a s wit c h becaus e if the swit ch is inadver t entl y tur n ed of f, IRLinc won’t
have power
• Don’t plug IRLinc into a fi ltered power strip or AC filter
• Be sure t hat the device you want to control is working and that the device’s built-in switch i s in the on position
• Don’t s tack INSTEON home automat ion devices together by pl ugging t hem into each other . Sta cked devices may
overheat and stop functioning. Also avoid using the pass-through outlets on INSTEON devices for other heatgenerating power supplies.
• Don’t us e IRLinc to control devices that preserve, maintain, or contribute to human or animal safety or life support
If you have any questions, please call:
INSTEON Gold Support Line
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