INSTEON SignaLinc RF Quick Start Manual

Quick-Start Guide
Set Button Status LED
Two Signal Enhancers are required in each home with INSTEON
enabled products.
SignaLincTMRF (#2442P)
NNeeeedd HHeellpp?? FFoorr aassssiissttaannccee ccaallll yyoouurr ffrriieennddllyy
ssuuppppoorrtt ppeerrssoonn @@ 886666--224433--88001188
Signal Enhancers repeat all INSTEON messages, thereby ensuring a highly reliable INSTEON Network.
PART ONE: Installing Two Signal Enhancer Interfaces
SStteepp 22..
Point your Signal Enhancer’s antenna towards the floor or ceiling.
SStteepp 33..
On the
Signal Enhancer press and hold the SET button for 10 seconds and release.
The Signal Enhancer’s LED will
bblliinnkk ffaasstt ((44 ttiimmeess ppeerr sseeccoonndd))
and will continue to blink until you complete step 7. If it
does not blink, try again and don't let up too soon — 10 seconds is a pretty long time!
SStteepp 11..
Plug the
Signal Enhancer into a convenient wall outlet.
SStteepp 44..
Plug the
Signal Enhancer into another outlet.
SStteepp 55..
Point your Signal Enhancer’s antenna towards floor or ceiling.
SStteepp 66..
Look at the
Signal Enhancer’s Status LED:
• If it is
bblliinnkkiinngg ffaasstt
, go to step 7.
• If it is
bblliinnkkiinngg sslloowwllyy ((oonnccee eevveerryy 22 sseeccoonnddss)) oorr nnoott bblliinnkkiinngg aatt aallll
, repeat step 4 trying another outlet.
NNoottee:: YYoouu m
maayy nneeeedd ttoo ttrryy sseevveerraall oouuttlleettss..
If you are unable to locate a “fast blinking” outlet please call 866-243-8018
for assistance. If you have tried 5 outlets go back and move the first SignaLinc to another outlet.
SStteepp 77..
Press and release the SET button on the
Signal Enhancer.
The Status LED on both Signal Enhancers will stop blinking and remain steadily on.
Congratulations! You have made your home INSTEON ready.
• Do not use an outlet controlled by a switch.
• Don’t place near large metal objects.
• Point the antennas on both Signal Enhancers in the same direction.
Quick-Start Guide
Troubleshooting Tips
•The Status LED on the first Signal Enhancer I installed is not blinking.
Refer to Step 3 and press and hold for a longer amount of time. Remember, 10 seconds is a pretty long time!
•I have tried several outlets and the second Signal Enhancer’s Status LED is not blinking.
Move the antenna and retry, moving closer to the first Signal Enhancer.
•The Status LED on the Signal Enhancer is not turning on at all.
Make sure you are not on a switched outlet.
The advanced User's Guide can be found at
SSmmaarrttLLaabbss LLiimmiitteedd WWaarrrraannttyy SmartLabs warrants to the original consumer of this product that, for a period of two years from the date of purchase, this product will be free from defects in material and workmanship and will perform in substantial conformity to the description of the product in the owner's manual. This warranty shall not apply to defects or errors caused by misuse or neglect.
©© CCooppyyrriigghhtt 22000066 SSmmaarrttLLaabbss,, 1166554422 MMiilllliikkaann AAvvee..,, IIrrvviinnee,, CCAA 9922660066--55002
886666--224433--88001188 wwwwww..ssmmaarrttllaabbssiinncc..ccoomm
NNeeeedd HHeellpp?? FFoorr aassssiissttaannccee ccaallll yyoouurr ffrriieennddllyy
ssuuppppoorrtt ppeerrssoonn @@ 886666--224433--88001188
rev. 071106