INSTEON 75791 User Manual

Out door Wireless IP Camera
Owner’s Manual
Product No. 75791
INSTEON® Outdoor Wireless IP Camer a
1. WELCOME .............................................................................................................................. 3
1.1 Features................................................................................................................................................................................ 3
1.2 What’s in the Box? ................................................................................................................................................................ 3
1.3 Product views ....................................................................................................................................................................... 4
1.4 Preparations Before Use ...................................................................................................................................................... 4
2. SOFTWARE OPERATION ....................................................................................................... 7
2.1 IP Camera Tool .................................................................................................................................................................... 7
2.2 Camera Login .................................................................................................................................................................... 10
2.4 For V isi tor .......................................................................................................................................................................... 16
2.5 For Operator ...................................................................................................................................................................... 17
2.6 For Administrator .............................................................................................................................................................. 18
3.1 Alias Settings ...................................................................................................................................................................... 19
3.2 Date and Time Settings ....................................................................................................................................................... 19
3.3 User Settings ...................................................................................................................................................................... 20
3.4 Multi-Device Settings ......................................................................................................................................................... 21
3.5 Basic Network Settings ....................................................................................................................................................... 25
3.6 Wireless LAN Settings ........................................................................................................................................................ 27
3.7 ADSL Settings ..................................................................................................................................................................... 27
3.8 UPnP Settings .................................................................................................................................................................... 27
3.9 DDNS Service Settings ....................................................................................................................................................... 27
3.10 Mail Service Settings ........................................................................................................................................................ 28
3.11 FTP Service Settings ......................................................................................................................................................... 29
3.12 Alarm Service Settings ..................................................................................................................................................... 31
3.13 Upgrade Device Firmware ............................................................................................................................................... 35
3.14 Backup and Restore Settings ............................................................................................................................................ 35
3.15 Restore Factory Settings .................................................................................................................................................. 35
3.16 Reboot Device .................................................................................................................................................................. 36
3.17 Log ................................................................................................................................................................................... 36
3.18 Back .................................................................................................................................................................................. 36
4. APPENDIX ............................................................................................................................. 37
INSTEON® Outdoor Wireless IP Camer a
4.1 Frequently Asked Questions ............................................................................................................................................... 37
4.2 Default Parameters ............................................................................................................................................................ 40
4.4 Specifications ..................................................................................................................................................................... 43
5.0 OBTAINING TECHNICAL SUPPORT ................................................................................. 44
INSTEON® Outdoor Wireless IP Camer a


INSTEON® Outdoor Wireless IP Camera is a weatherproof high-resolution digital video camera that’s easy to set up and remotely control. Featuring both wired and wireless network connectivity, night vision and a motion sensor, INSTEON Outdoor Wireless IP Camera is a complete security monitoring solution.
Remotely set up, ac ce ss, c ontr ol an d man age th e ca mera from a ny wher e v ia the e mbedd ed web page (supported by all versions of Internet Explorer, Safari, Firefox and Chrome) or home management software such as HouseLinc. Or, integrate it with the INSTEON SmartLinc Hub (sold separately) to use with the INSTEON iOS/Android smartphone and tablet app.
The camera transmits remote video on any IPV4 network; a high-quality video image can be transmitted at 30 FPS over LAN/WAN with MPEG hardware compression technology

1.1 Features

● Powerful high-speed video protocol processor
300 dpi high definiti o n color CM OS S ens or
60 IR night vision LEDs with 98-foot (30 meter) range
● Optimized MPEG video compression for transmission
● Multi-level user and password management
● Embedded web server
WiFi IEEE 802.11b/g/n with WEP/WPA/WPA2 encryption
Supports Dynamic IP (DDNS) and UPnP LAN and Internet (ADSL, Cable Modem)
Motion detection activates alarm
Supports image snapshot
HTTP/TCP/IP/UDP/STMP/DDNS/SNTP/DHCP/FTP network protocols supported
Supports WEP/WPA/WPA2 encryption
● Supports Daylight Saving Time

1.2 What’s in the Box?

INSTEON® Outdoor Wireless IP Camera
WiFi antenna
DC power supply
Quick Start Guide
Setup CD (includes IP Camera Tool and Owner’s Manual)
Network cable
Optional mounting bracket
INSTEON® Outdoor Wireless IP Camer a

1.3 Product views

1.3.1 Front View

1.3.2 Back View

1.4 Preparations Before Use

1.4.1 Sof tware installation

1) Put the CD in the CD drive of your computer, then open CD
2) Double click IPCamSetup.exe. Follow the onscreen instructions to install camera software.
INSTEON® Outdoor Wireless IP Camer a
3) Click Next to complete the software installation
INSTEON® Outdoor Wireless IP Camer a
Upon installation completion, restart computer. The IP Camera Tool icon will appear on the desktop automatic al l y.
NOTE: If you use Windows 7 and there is no icon on desktop after installation of the IP Camera Tool, check the camera software installation path. For example, if the path reads C:\Windows\System32\IPCamera.exe, then edit the shortcut to C:\Windows\SysWOW64\IPCamera.exe.
CAUTION: Use only the power adapter attached with the product. Using an unauthorized power adapter may cause damage to your Camera. The IP Camera should be installed indoors only.

1.4.2 Hardw are Preparation

Follow the steps below to set up your camera. Make sure to follow each step carefully to ensure that the camera operates prop erl y.
1) Adjust the antenna on the back of the cam er a
2) Plug network cable into the camera and then into your Cable/DSL router
3) Plug power adapter into the camera and then into the power outlet
CAUTION: Make sure to only use the power adapter supplied with the camera. Using a non-approved power adapter may damage the camera.
4) The camera takes approximately 30 seconds to start up before it displays an IP address on the IP Camera Tool
When the camera is powered and network cable is plugged in correctly, the small green network LED will turn on and the small yellow LAN port LED will flash. Network light will blink and power light will turn on.
INSTEON® Outdoor Wireless IP Camer a


2.1 IP Camera Tool

When camera has been installed, open IP Camera Tool program on your computer. It
will automatically begin searching for your camera over the LAN.
There are three possible scenarios:
1) If no camera is found on the LAN : after about one minute of sear c hing, the field wi l l dis pl ay “ I P
Server not found” and automatically shut down IP Camera Tool program. Check if DHCP is enabled on your router, or disable MAC address filtering if on WiFi. Also, make sure that your firewall (if used) isn’t blocking access to the camera.
2) If cameras are found on the LAN: all of the cameras will be listed and the total number will be
displayed in the result field (as shown above).
3) If cameras found on the LAN do not share the same subnet with the computer: a prompt will
be displayed. Click right mouse button to choose “Network Configuration.” This will set the IP address of the camera to the same subnet as the LAN. You can also choose “Obtain IP from DHCP server” or “set a static IP for the camera.”
NOTE: If you could not fi nd t he camera’s IP on the IP Camera Tool, check that DHCP is enabled on your router, that your MAC address filter is disabled and that a firewall or antivirus software isn’t blocking the camera.
Setup Options
Right-click the IP camera to display six options: Basic Properties, Network Configuration, Upgrade Firmware, Refresh Camera List, Flush Arp Buffer and About IP Camera Tool:
INSTEON® Outdoor Wireless IP Camer a
Basic Properties: Find device information such as device ID, the system firmware version
and web UI version
If there are several cameras o n t h e l is t, t he n c hoos e B asi c Pr operties to check t he device ID and find that camera’s specific IP address. For example, if device ID is 00606E8C5058, it will have the same MAC address as found on the sticker on the bottom/back of the camera.
Each camera has its ow n M AC addres s. Som etimes , i f a ca mera’s IP ad dress is n ot f ound on th e IP Camera Tool, the firewall may be blocking it. In that case, you can either add the MAC address to your router and give it a fix ed I P, o r add the MAC address as a trusted site. Th e r e ar e two MAC addresses: one is a wired MAC, and the other is a WiFi MAC.
Figure 2.3
Network Configuration: Configure network parameters
Obtain IP from DHCP server: If checked, camera will obtain its IP address from your DHCP server
INSTEON® Outdoor Wireless IP Camer a
IP Address: Fill in the assigned IP address. Make sure you are using an address that is on
the same subnet as your PC.
Subnet Mask: The default subnet mask of the equipment in our LAN is:
can find the subnet mask in the basic information of your router or the locally-attached of your PC.
Gateway: This is your internet gateway and usually the address of your router
DNS Servers: Either use the DNS server address assigned by your ISP or one from a third
party like Google ( or OpenDNS (x.x.x.x)
HTTP Port: The default port is 80. You can set another port number, such as port 8005, 85,
8100, etc. for port forwardi ng .
User: Default administrator user name is “admin”
Password: There is no default password
NOTE: If the prompt “Subnet doesn’t match, dbclick to change!” appears, enable DHCP and choose obtain IP from DHCP server or set camera’s IP address and gateway once again.
Upgrade Firmware: Enter the correct user and password to upgrade system firmware and
web UI. If you upgrade the camera, you must upgrade the system firmware first and then upgrade web UI or it may damage the camera. Download the firmware package for your specific camera before upgrade. Follow the upgrade documentation in the package carefully to upgrade. Check the readme.txt file first before you upgrade.
CAUTION: Don’t upgrade the fir mw ar e freel y . Sometimes, your camera may be damaged if configured wrongly during the upgrade. If your camera works well with the current firmware, we recommend not upgra di ng .
INSTEON® Outdoor Wireless IP Camer a
NOTE: If you downl oad the firmware, check if the two .bin files are e x actly the same size. If it fits, you can upgrade it. If not, download the firmware again until the files are exactly the same size. Otherwise, your camera will crash with the firmware you selected.
Refresh Camera List: Manually refresh camera list
Flush Arp Buffer: Use Flush Arp Buffer if you encounter an issue opening the camera
webpage. This occurs when the camera uses a fixed IP address both wired and wirelessly. You may encounter an issue with not being able to open the ca mer a webpage. You may try to use flush Arp buffer.
About IP Camera Tool: Displays the current version of IP Camera Tool

2.2 Camera Login

Access the camera through the IP Camera Tool, Internet Explorer (IE), Firefox, Chrome, Safari or the INSTEON iOS/Android smartphone and tablet app (requires SmartLinc Hub, sold separately).
1) Double-click the camera’s IP address. Your default browser will be automatically open and
display the camera login page. You can also access the camera by directly by typing in the camera’s IP address:
Figure 2.7
INSTEON® Outdoor Wireless IP Camer a
The interface supports ten languages If you use IE browser, select here to login
If you use Firefox, Google Chrome, select
2) The default user is admin. Leave the password field blank.
3) There are two login modes depending on your browser: ActiveX (IE) and Server Push Mode
(Safari, Firefox, Chrome)
this login
INSTEON® Outdoor Wireless IP Camer a
Internet Explorer Setup:
Fill in the “admin” user name and click the first login button.
The first time you log into the UI, you will receive an ActiveX prompt (as shown above). Right click on the active prompt and choose Run Add-on.
Select Run on the next prompt. You will return to the login screen.
INSTEON® Outdoor Wireless IP Camer a
Fill in the “admin” user name and click login again. You will see a live video feed.
NOTE: If you cannot view live video after running ActiveX, change the port number to a number other than 80 and try again.
Make sure all firewall or antivirus software on your computer is not set to block your camera. If you are unable to run the ActiveX control, try disabling your firewall or antivirus program.
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