INSTEON 2732-232, 2441ZTH, 2732-432, 2732-532 User Manual

Wireless Thermostat
Owner’s Manual
2732-232, 2441ZTH (US) 2732-432 (EU) 2732-532 (AUS/NZ)
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What’s in the Box? 3 INSTEON Wireless Thermostat Button Overview 4 INSTEON Wireless Thermostat Opera tion and Programming 5
Mode Button Operation 5 Energy Button Operation 6 Set Button Operation 7 Time/Sensor Button Operations 7 Program Button Operation 8 Fan and Hold Button Operations 9 Master Button Operation 10
Optional Accessories 11
Waterproof Temperature Sensor (2433A3) 11 Power Supply 11
Installation 11
Preparation 11 Test Operation 12
Adding INSTEON Wireless Thermostat to an INSTEON Thermostat 12 INSTEON Programming 13
Add INSTEON Wireless Thermostat as a Controller 13 Remove INSTEON Wireless Thermostat as a Controller 14 User Setup Mode Overview 15 User Setup Mode 16 Temperature and Humidity Cal ibrat ion Modes 18
Advanced 2-Stage Heating or Cooling Systems 20 Factory Reset 20 Specifications 21 Troubleshooting 23 Certification and Warranty 26
FCC and Industry Canada Compliance Statement 26 Limited Warranty 27
Limitations 27
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What’s in the Box?

INSTEON Wireless Thermostat
Quick Start Guide
Tabletop stand (removable for wall-mounting)
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2 4 5 6 7 8 9 3
INSTEON Wireless Thermostat
The gray buttons
Cool setpoint
Heat setpoint
Humidity level
Temperature(s) of external
Heat or Cool

INSTEON Wireless Thermos t a t Button Over vi ew

sensor and/or wireless
Off, Auto,
auto state
are under the
Thermostat door
1) Up/Down adjusts the temperature setpoint based on the current mode
2) Mode allows the user to select the current operational mode of the HVAC system. It cycles between Off, Heat, Cool, Auto and Programmed Auto.
3) Energy button is a quick option that saves energy (and money). When pressed, it sets back the setpoint by a specified value. The default value is 4° from the current setting. To change the default offset value to be a value other than 4°, you must use software, such as HouseLinc.
4) Hold overrides a pre-programmed mode
5) Fan cycles between Auto and Always On
6) Master makes this device the master temperature controller. Pressing and holding “Master” does not alter any scene or screen settings. It just defines this INSTEON Wireless Thermostat as the master temperature controller.
7) Time/Sensor button allows you to set the date and time. It cycles between hour, minute and time format.
8) Program button allows you to setup the various pre-programmed user modes
9) Set button adds and removes INSTEON Wireless Thermostat from scenes. It functions like the Set button on other INSTEON devices.
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Off Mode:
Heat Mode:
Cool Mode:
Auto Mode:
Programmed Auto Mode:

INSTEON Wireless Thermos t a t Oper a t ion and Programming

Mode Button Operation

No setpoints are shown
Up/Down arrows do not do anything
Only Cool setpoint is shown
Up/Down arrows change Cool setpoint
Cool setpoint range: 37°-97°F (4°C-38°C)
The active program mode is indicated by
one of four annotations: Wake, Leave, Return or Sleep
The annotation (Wake, Leave, Return or
Sleep) is not displayed in the other four modes (Off, Heat, Cool or Auto)
Both Cool and Heat setpoints are shown
Up/Down arrows increase or decrease
values by the same amount
When the thermostat moves to the next
time period, the setpoints will be adjusted accordingly
Only Heat setpoint is shown
Up/Down arrows change Heat setpoint
Heat setpoint range: 35°-95°F (2°C-36°C)
Both Cool and Heat setpoints are shown
Up/Down arrows increase or decrease
values by the same amount
To adjust the gap between setpoints in Auto mode, press Mode to select Heat and set the
temperature you desire. Press Mode again to select Cool and set the temperature you desire. Press Mode a third time to return to Auto; the settings will reflect your changes.
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If you set Heat and Cool to the same temperature setpoint, Heat will automatically move
From Off Mode:
From Heat Mode:
From Cool Mode:
From Auto Mode:
down 2° (the minimum allowable gap).

Energy Button Operation

The Energy button (designated with the leaf) is a quick, efficient energy-saving optio n. When you press the Energy button, INSTEON Wireless Thermostat will adjust the Heat and Cool setpoints by a specified value. The default value is 4° from the current setting, but can be changed via home control software such as HouseLinc.
When you exit Energy mode, it will revert back the 4° that was changed upon entry.
The unit remains in Energy mode until the Energy button is pressed again.
Up/Down arrows adjust the temperature setpoint based on the mode you are in.
Energy button does nothing because the
system is off (at maximum energy savings already)
When “Energy” appears on the screen for
Auto, Cool and Heat Modes, the 4° setback is engaged
Cool setback as specified
Default setback is 4° more
Heat setback as specified
Default setback is 4° less
Notice that “Heating” is active on the left,
but not on the right since the setpoint is lower that the actual temperature; the element reads “Heat”
Both Heat and Cool setpoints changed as
Default setback is 4° more for Cooling and
4° less for Heating
Notice that “Heating” is active on the left,
but not on the right since the setpoint is lower that the actual temperature; the element reads “Heat”
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From Programmed Auto Mode:
element reads “Heat”
First press of Time/Sensor:
Note: AM/PM changes automatically as needed.
Second press of Time/Sensor:
Both Heat and Cool setpoints changed as
Default setback is
Notice that ”Heating” is active on the left,
but not on the right since the setpoint is lower than the current temperature; the
Note: Onscreen text displaying “Heat” changes to “Heating” and “Cool” changes to “Cooling” to indicate HVAC system is active.

Set Button Operation

The Set button adds and removes INSTEON Wireless Thermostat from INSTEON scenes. It functions like the Set button on other INSTEON devices.

Time/Sensor Button Operations

The Time/Sensor button allows the user to set the time and clock format.
Button cycles among hour, minute and 12-/24-hour format. Note: When added to a scene with
INSTEON Thermostat, INSTEON Wireless Thermostat automatically retrieves time settings from INSTEON Thermostat.
Up/Down arrows cycle through the available options.
Go to the next Time/Sensor step by pressing Time/Sensor button again.
Exit Time/Sensor setup by:
- Letting it time out after 4 minutes.
- Pressing Mode button
IMPORTANT! Once you have added INSTEON Wireless Thermostat to a scene in INSTEON Thermostat as a wireless temperature zone, the Time/Sensor button will allow you to change time format (12- or 24­hour) but time information will be provided by INSTEON Thermostat.
Note: Colors indicate element that is presently blinking during setting procedure.
Hours settings
Up/Down arrows cycle through time in 1-
hour increments
Pressing and holding Up/Down arrows
cycles through faster
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Minutes settings
Up/Down arrows cycle through time in 1-
minute increments
Pressing and holding Up/Down arrows
cycles through faster
Third press of Time/Sensor:
Clock Format setting (12- or 24-Hour clock)
Entire time line blinks
Up/Down arrows cycle between 12- and 24-hour clock format
Note: AM/PM is not displayed when in 24-hour format.

Program Button Operation

The Program button allows you to set up the various preprogrammed modes (Wake, Leave, Return
and Sleep).
Go to the next step by pressing Program again.
Exit Program setup by:
- Letting it time out after 4 minutes.
- Pressing Mode button
IMPORTANT! Once you have added INSTEON Wireless Thermostat to a scene in INSTEON Thermostat as a wireless temperature zone, the Program button will no longer function. All program controls will be performed on the INSTEON Thermostat.
Note: Text colors below indicate element that is presently blinking during setting procedure.
First press of Program: Selects from available pre-program modes
Up/Down arrows cycle through Wake, Leave, Return and Sleep. NOTE:
Energy is not a part of this option
Once a preprogrammed mode is selected, that item remains displayed throughout to
indicate the mode you are programming
The current mode settings are displayed on the thermostat at each setup step
Second press of Program: Start Time
Up/Down arrows cycle through time in 15-minute increments. Note: when pressing the Down arrow, if
you come within 15 minutes of another preprogrammed mode time, you will not be able to increase the time any further.
Pressing and holding Up/Down arrows cycles through faster
Note: AM/PM changes automatically as needed.
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Note: The start of one program mode is also the end of the previous program mode.
Third press of Program:
Fourth press of Program:
Cool setpoint
Up/Down arrows cycle through temperature
Press and hold scrolls through temperatures
Fifth press of Program:
Restarts the process to program another Mode/Day. NOTE: The four modes come preprogrammed. The defaults are for all days:
Heat setpoint
Up/Down arrows cycle through temperature
Press and hold scrolls through temperatures
Start Time
Wake 6:00AM Auto 65°F 18°C 75°F 24°C
Leave 8:30AM Auto 60°F 16°C 80°F 27°C
Return 5:00PM Auto 65°F 18°C 75°F 24°C
Sleep 11:00PM Auto 60°F 16°C 80°F 27°C
Note: To exit program setup mode, press Mode button once. Fan and Hold Button Operations
Fan button operations
The Fan button is only functional when INSTEON Wireless Thermostat is linked to an INSTEON
The Fan button cycles between Auto and Always On
On the display, it simply indicates the text “Fan Always” when selected. There is no text for Auto.
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