On/Off Outdoor Module
Owner’s Manual
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About On/Off Outdoor Module ................................................................................................................................... 3
Features and Benefits ............................................................................................................................................... 3
Before Installation ....................................................................................................................................................... 4
Installation ................................................................................................................................................................... 4
Using On/Off Outdoor Module ................................................................................................................................... 5
Local Control Operation ............................................................................................................................................ 5
LED Activity ............................................................................................................................................................... 5
Adjust Local Settings ................................................................................................................................................. 5
LED On or Off ............................................................................................................................................................ 5
Blink on Traffic ........................................................................................................................................................... 5
Programming Lock .................................................................................................................................................... 5
INSTEON Setup ........................................................................................................................................................... 6
INSTEON Controllers, Responders and Links .......................................................................................................... 6
Make On/Off Outdoor Module a Responder ............................................................................................................. 6
Make On/Off Outdoor Module a Controller ............................................................................................................... 6
Groups ....................................................................................................................................................................... 7
Scenes ....................................................................................................................................................................... 7
Remove On/Off Outdoor Module as a Responder .................................................................................................... 7
Remove On/Off Outdoor Module as a Controller ...................................................................................................... 8
Load Sensing............................................................................................................................................................... 8
Enable Load Sensing ................................................................................................................................................ 8
Disable Load Sensing ............................................................................................................................................... 8
Specifications .............................................................................................................................................................. 9
Troubleshooting ........................................................................................................................................................ 11
Phase Bridge Detect Beacon/RF Range Test ......................................................................................................... 12
Factory Reset .......................................................................................................................................................... 12
Certification and Warranty ....................................................................................................................................... 13
Certification.............................................................................................................................................................. 13
FCC and Industry Canada Compliance Statement ................................................................................................. 13
ETL/UL Warning (Safety Warning) .......................................................................................................................... 13
Limited Warranty ..................................................................................................................................................... 13
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About On/Off Outdoor Module
On/Off Outdoor Module is a simp le way to remotely control any plug-in device, in or outside your home, at the touch
of a button. Send comm ands to On/O ff Outdoor M odule from any INSTEON controller, or l ink it to other IN STEON
devices as a controller.
Features and Benefits
- Installs and links to other INSTEON devices in minutes
- Controls standard incandescent loads up to 1800 Watts and inductive loads up to 15 Amps
- Weatherproof to withstand harsh outdoor conditions
- Indicates INSTEON setup mode activity and operational states with a dual-color Status LED and beeper
- Load Sensing easily enabled and disabled
- Stores setup state in memory so settings aren’t lost during power outages
- Two-year warranty
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Before Installation
Read and understand these instructions before installing and retain them for future reference.
On/Off Outdoor Module is intended for ins tallation in accordance with the National El ect ri c Code and local regulations in the United States or the
Canadian Electrical Code and local regulations in Canada.
On/Off Outdoor Module is not designed nor approved for us e on power lines other than 120V 60Hz, single phase. Attem pting to use On/Off
Outdoor Module on non-approved power lines may have hazardous consequences.
Prior to installing On/Off Outdoor Module, please review the entire installation procedure and take the following precautions:
- Be sure On/Off Outdoor Module is connect ed to a 3-prong A C outlet t hat inc ludes a Ground Fault Circuit I nterrupt (GFCI) f eature. If On/Of f
Outdoor Module is plugged into an outlet without GFCI protection, make sure there is a GFCI device upstream (at another outlet closer to
the electrical panel or a GFCI circuit breaker).
- Test your GFCI protection each time On/Off Out door Module is plugged in, as well as on a m onthly basis. To test your GFCI protection,
make sure On/Off Outdoor Module is plugged i n and the connected load is on. Then, push the TEST but ton on the GFCI outlet or circuit
breaker. This unit must stop operating. Wait about 5 seconds and then push the RESET button on the GFCI outlet or circuit breaker. On/Off
Outdoor Module will begin receiving electricity and the connected load will turn on. If the GF CI circuit does not perform in this manner, there
may be an electrical malfunction, inc reasing the probability of el ectric shock. Disconnect the power unt il the problem has been corrected.
Please see the instructions that came with your GFCI device for specific testing proc edures. When in doubt of the GFCI device’s abi lity t o
detect a ground fault, replace the GFCI device.
- Don’t bury On/Off Outdoor Module, any electrical c able, or component connected to it. A buried power cord m ay result in electrocution if
improper cables are used or if digging occurs over the cable.
- Don’t allow vegetation to grow on or around On/Off Outdoor Module
- Don’t install On/Off Outdoor Module in a manner that allows water to accumulate around it
- If an extension cord is used, the cord must be properly grounded. Be sure t he extension cord is of adequate capacity to provi de power to
your load. A “light-duty” or “medium-duty” extension c ord may cause a voltage drop, which will cause overheating of the cable, plug, or
- Don’t attempt to open On/Off Outdoor Module. The case is sealed and can’t be opened. There are no user-serviceable parts inside.
- Don’t use On/Off Outdoor Module to control devices that preserve, maintain, or contribute to human or animal safety or life support
- Don’t plug On/Off Outdoor Module into an outlet controlled by a switch because if the switch is inadvertently turned off, On/ Off Outdoor
Module won’t have power
- Don’t plug On/Off Outdoor Module into a filtered power strip or AC line filter
- Be sure the device’s built-in switch is in the on position
- Don’t exceed the load rating of On/Off Outdoor Module. Check and add up all the electrical devi c es that will be attached and make sure the
total does not exceed 15 Amps.
- Don’t use any electrical cord or extension cord that is damaged or in poor condition
If you have any difficulties or questions, consult an electrician. If you have any questions, call the INSTEON Support Line at 866-243-8022.
1) Plug appliance/device (also called the load) you want to control into On/Off Outdoor Module outlet
2) Plug On/Off Outdoor Module into unswitched wall outlet
Status LED will turn on solid green
The load will turn on. (If load does not turn on, tap Set button.)
3) Allow On/Off Outdoor Module to hang down from outlet (see image)
Note: After completing installation, you will not be able to use the load’s built-in switch to control the load,
unless you have enabled Load Sensing. See Load Sensing
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