INSTEON 2486DWH8 Quick Start


Quick Start Guide

Button LED
before Tap
Effect of First
Press and Hold
Effect of Subsequent Press and
(e.g. if last was brighten, it will dim)
(e.g. if last was brighten, it will dim)
Always On
Brighten scene until release
Always Off
Dim scene until release
KeypadLinc Wire
Wall Box Wires
wire or green screw)
(commonly white)
(light, fan, etc.)
(120V to ground)
KeypadLinc™ Dimmer INSTEON® Remote Control Keypad Switch
Model: 2486D – 8-button, Rev 5.0+

About KeypadLinc

Congratulations on your purchase of the elegant, high-quality KeypadLinc scene controller with built-in dimmer. KeypadLinc stores up to eight INSTEON/X10 multi-device scenes. Additionally, each button has an LED status indicator for virtually any INSTEON device or scene you wish to monitor.


Installation should be performed only by a qualified electrician or a homeowner who is familiar and comfortable with electrical circuitry. If you have any questions regarding installation, we suggest consulting an electrician. If you have any questions regarding setup, contact INSTEON Support Line.

What’s in the box?

KeypadLinc Dimmer (8-button)
Four wire nuts

Tools Needed

Flathead screwdriver Phillips screwdriver
Wire cutter/stripper
Voltage meter


1) At electrical panel, turn off circuit breaker(s) and/or remove fuse(s) feeding wall box (verify that power is off)
2) Remove wallplate from switch and unscrew switch you are replacing and gently pull out
3) Disconnect wires from switch
4) Turn power back on
5) Use a voltage meter to identify the line and load wires connected to the switch
6) Identify neutral and ground wires
7) Turn power back off
8) Connect wires as per table/diagram (confirm firm attachment with no exposed wire)
9) With button labels right-side up, gently place KeypadLinc into wall box and screw into place
10) Turn power back on
KeypadLinc’s MAIN On/Off button and connected light will turn on
11) Verify KeypadLinc is working properly by toggling KeypadLinc’s MAIN button on and off
The load connected to KeypadLinc will respond appropriately
12) Reinstall the wallplate
Bare Copper
(commonly bare, green

Using KeypadLinc Dimmer

Toggle Off
Toggle On
On an 8-button KeypadLinc, connected light(s) will react just like the scene responders to button taps of MAIN On/Off.
LED will mimic the on/off status of a dimmer whose scene level is 100% bright.
Brighten scene
until release
Dim scene until
Opposite of last press and hold
Opposite of last press and hold

Add KeypadLinc Button to a Scene as an INSTEON Controller

Follow the steps below to control a scene (one or more INSTEON devices) from a KeypadLinc button
1) Tap the KeypadLinc button of choice
2) Press and hold KeypadLinc Set button until KeypadLinc beeps
KeypadLinc scene button LED will blink
3) Adjust the scene responder to the state you want when the scene is activated from KeypadLinc (e.g., 50%, 25% or even OFF)
4) Press and hold the responder’s Set button until it double-beeps (or until its LED flashes)
If the wires cannot be detached by unscrewing them, cut the wires where they enter the switch, then strip ½” of insulation off the ends
If the responder is a multi-scene device such as a KeypadLinc, tap the scene button you wish to control until its LED is in the desired scene state (on or off)
Limited Warranty – INSTEON warrants to original consumer of this product for a period of 2 years from date of purchase, this product will be free from defects in material & workmanship & will perform in substantial conformity with its Owner's Manual. Warranty shall not apply to defects caused by misuse or neglect. Protected under U.S. and foreign patents (see © Copyright 2012 INSTEON, 16542 Millikan Ave., Irvine, CA 92606, 800-762-7845
KeypadLinc will double-beep and its LED will stop blinking1 Responder’s LED will stop blinking and it may double-beep
5) Confirm that scene addition was successful by tapping on/off on the KeypadLinc scene button
The responder will toggle between the scene’s preset on-level and off
6) If you wish to add more responders to the scene, repeat steps 1-5 for each additional scene responder

Add KeypadLinc Button to a Scene as an INSTEON Responder

1) Press and hold the scene controller button until it beeps2
Controller’s LED will blink
2) Tap the KeypadLinc button you wish to be a responder of the scene at least once
3) Tap the button again if necessary to get button’s LED to desired state for the scene (press and hold if adding the main scene at a dimmed level)
4) Press and hold KeypadLinc Set button until it double-beeps
KeypadLinc scene button LED will flash once and return to previous state Controller LED will stop blinking and it will double-beep
5) Confirm that scene addition was successful by toggling the controller scene button on and off
KeypadLinc button LED (and load if main scene) will toggle on and off

Owner’s Manual and Tech Support

Owner’s Manual and current Quick Start Guide:
Call: INSTEON Support Line at 800-762-7845
CAUTION: To reduce the risk of overheating and possible damage to other equipment, do not install to control a receptacle, a motor-operated appliance, a fluorescent lighting fixture or a transformer­supplied appliance. Gradateurs commandant une lampe a filament de tungstene – afin de reduire le risqué de surchauffe et la possibilite d’endommagement a d’autres materiels, ne pas installer pour commader une prise, un appareil a moteur, une lampe fluorescente ou un appareil alimente par un transformateur.
If either the KeypadLinc or responder LED continues to blink, the addition failed. Tap the device’s Set button until LED stops blinking and try again.
If the controller does not have a beeper, wait until its LED begins blinking
Most models
Limited Warranty – INSTEON warrants to original consumer of this product for a period of 2 years from date of purchase, this product will be free from defects in material & workmanship & will perform in substantial conformity with its Owner's Manual. Warranty shall not apply to defects caused by misuse or neglect. Protected under U.S. and foreign patents (see © Copyright 2012 INSTEON, 16542 Millikan Ave., Irvine, CA 92606, 800-762-7845