INSTEON 2475F User Manual

INSTEON® Remote Control Light & Fan Controller (Dual-Band) Owners Manual (#2475F)
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About FanLinc ............................................................................................................................................. 3
Features & Benefits .................................................................................................................................... 3
What’s in the Box? ..................................................................................................................................... 3
Installation ................................................................................................................................................... 4
Identifying the Electrical Wires in your Home ............................................................................................ 4
INSTEON Scenes ......................................................................................................................................... 5
Make Fan an INSTEON Responder .......................................................................................................... 5
Make Light an INSTEON Responder ........................................................................................................ 5
Remove FanLinc from a Scene as a Responder ...................................................................................... 6
LED and Beeper Behavior .......................................................................................................................... 6
LEDs .......................................................................................................................................................... 6
Beeper ....................................................................................................................................................... 7
Advanced Features ..................................................................................................................................... 7
Software Only Settings .............................................................................................................................. 7
Using FanLinc as a Phase Bridge ............................................................................................................. 7
Add an X10 Address .................................................................................................................................. 8
Factory Reset ............................................................................................................................................ 8
Specifications .............................................................................................................................................. 8
Troubleshooting ........................................................................................................................................ 10
Certification and Warranty ....................................................................................................................... 11
Certification .............................................................................................................................................. 11
FCC & Industry Canada Compliance Statement ..................................................................................... 11
Limited Warranty ..................................................................................................................................... 11
Limitations................................................................................................................................................ 12
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Lights (blue)
Neutral (white)
Line (black)
Fan (red)
Set button
Set button

About FanLinc

FanLinc is designed to easily incorporate both fan speed and light control within your INSTEON network. It is a dual-load responder simultaneously acting as a light fixture dimmer plus a 4 speed fan controller (off, low, medium & high).
Control from any INSTEON controller such as KeypadLinc, Mini Remote / RemoteLinc 2 and software.

Features & Benefits

4 Speed fan controller (off, low, medium & high)
300 Watt Incandescent Dimmer
X10 Compatible (1 address for light, 1 address for fan)
Dual-band repeater and access point
Designed to fit inside most ceiling fan cowlings
Dual set buttons & LEDs and a beeper for simple setup
All settings retained through power outages
2 year Warranty

What’s in the Box?

Wire nuts
1 cable tie
Quick-Start Guide
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comfortable with electrical circuitry, you should have a qualified electrician install the product for you.


Read and understand these instructions before installing and retain them for future reference. FOR CEILING FANS ONLY FanLinc is intended for installation in accordance with the National Electric Code and l ocal regulations in the United States or the
Canadian Electrical Code and local regulations in Canada. Use indoors only. FanLinc is not designed nor approved f or use on power lines other than 120VAC, 5 0Hz / 60Hz, s ingle phase. Attem pting to use FanLinc on non-appro ved power lines m ay have hazardous consequences.
Recommended installation practices:
Use only indoors or in an outdoor rated box
Be sure that you have turned off the ci rcuit breaker or removed the fuse for the circuit you are ins talling FanLinc in.
Installing FanLinc with the power on will expose you to dangerous voltages.
Connect only copper or copper-cl ad wire to FanLinc
FanLinc may feel warm during operation. The amount of heat generated is within approved limits and poses no
hazards. To minimize heat buildup, ensure that the area surrounding the FanLinc air vents is as clear of clutter as possible.
To reduce the risk of overheating and possible damage to other equipment, use FanLinc load output to control no more than 300 watts of 120VAC incandescent lamps plus no more than 1 Amp of Fan load. Dimming an inductive load (by connecting to the light load wire), such as a fan or transform er, could cause damage to the dimmer, the load bearing device, or both. If the manuf acturer of the load device does not re commend dimming, use a non-dim ming INSTEON on/off switch. USER ASSUMES ALL RISKS ASSOCIATED WITH DIMMING AN INDUCTIVE LOAD.
You will need a flathead screwdriver, a Phillips head screwdriver and a voltage meter to install FanLinc
Identifying the Electrical Wires in your Home
To install FanLinc, you will need to identify the following four wires:
Line - usually black, may also be called HOT or LIVE, carries 120VAC electricity into the electrical box
Neutral - usually white commonly daisy chained from box to box usually appearing as a white wire bundle
Load – usually black, blue or red
Ground - Bare copper wire or metal fixture (if grounded)
If you are having difficulties identifying wires, consult an electrician to help you. IMPORTANT!
If you have any difficulties or questions, consult an electrician. If you are not k nowledgeable about, and
1) Write down the INSTEON ID (e.g., 12.34.56) for reference
2) Using your ceiling fan pull chains, set fan to highest speed and turn light on (note: once installed, FanLinc will control all fan and light functions)
3) Turn off the breaker (remove fuse) supplying power to the fan
4) Remove the ceiling fan from the electrical box
5) Identify line, neutral and load lines for fan and light separately
6) Disconnect wires from the ceiling fan (and light if applicable)
7) Connect FanLinc white wire and the fixture neutral wire to the house neutral with wire nut
8) Connect FanLinc red wire to the fixture fan wire with a wire nut
9) Connect FanLinc blue wire to the fixture light wire (if fixture does not have a light, cap the blue wire)
10) Connect FanLinc black wire to line with a wire nut
11) Ensure all connections are secure with no exposed copper
12) Turn breaker back on
FanLinc light LED turns green FanLinc fan LED turns red
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