Quick-Start Guide
Meter 2
Meter 3
Set button
Battery level
Energy Display – INSTEON® In-Home Display
Model: 2448A2
Energy Display reads power consumption information from
INSTEON meter devices such as iMeter Solo (#2423A1). Also
displays current power use, average energy use per month, and
average cost per-month based on your monthly billing rate.
Be sure you have properly installed at least one dual-band
INSTEON device and an INSTEON meter device.
1) Remove the battery compartment and install the two AAA
batteries (included), and then replace the cover
The Energy Display screen will turn on all LCD segments.
After a few seconds, the screen will go to Display Mode.
Linking to an INSTEON Meter Device
1) Be sure the device you wish to monitor is on and connected to a
INSTEON meter device
2) Tap the 1-2-3/Down button until Meter 1 position is blinking
(use Meter 2 and 3 for subsequent meters)
3) Set Energy Display to Linking Mode* by pressing & holding the
Energy Display Set button until it beeps (3 seconds)
4) On the meter device, press & hold the Set button until it beeps
*Setup Modes will automatically time out after 4 minutes.
The Energy Display Status LED will begin blinking
(3 seconds)
Energy Display will double-beep and its Status LED will
turn off. A few moments later the Energy Display will show
information for the device you are metering.
Meter 1
Using Energy Display – Display Mode
Data is retrieved when:
Energy Display is first Linked to a meter device
Refresh button is tapped while Energy Display is in Display Mode
Any button is tapped in Standby Mode
Power-related information will display for one minute before Energy Display enters Standby Mode. In Standby Mode, only the battery
level and temperature will display. Tap any button to exit Standby Mode and return to Display Mode.
Button Action
Tap to cycle between display setting options:
Instantaneous Watts used (Now | W)
Average cost per month (Avg | $/mo)
Average energy used per month (Avg | kWh/mo)
Press & hold until the cost setting field begins blinking to enter Setup Mode.
Press & hold for until it beeps (10 seconds) to reset the energy value for the currently displayed meter
(for calculating average energy used and cost/month)
Tap to cycle between each meter device to be displayed (Meter 1, 2, or 3)
The Energy Display will display information about your meter device after a few seconds.
Tap to read current information for all meter devices
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Rev. 7/28/2011 4:42 PM / See Owners Manual for Warranty Information, Patented
© Copyright 2011, Smarthome, 16542 Millikan Ave., Irvine, CA 92606, 800-762-7845

Configuring Energy Display – Setup Modes
Button Action
To enter Setup Mode, press & hold the Mode/Setup button until the cost setting field begins blinking.
Then tap the Mode/Setup button to cycle to the desired settings.
Cost Setting
Range is 0.1 to 999 cents/kWhr ($9.99/kWhr). Once the counter reaches 999 cents, it will reset to 0.1 cents. The default is 10 cents.
Button Action
Tap up to increase or down to decrease the cost.
If cost is less than 100 cents, cost will change by 0.1 cents.
If cost is greater than 100 cents, cost will change by 1 cent.
Press & hold to continuously increase or decrease cost.
Tap to accept current Cost setting and exit Setup Mode
Temperature Format Setting
Format toggles between Celsius and Fahrenheit. The default is Fahrenheit.
Button Action
Tap to toggle the temperature display between Celsius and
Tap to accept current Temperature Format setting and exit Setup
Temperature Calibration Mode
The Energy Display temperature comes pre-calibrated. Only perform these steps if re-calibration is necessary. Please allow 20
minutes for temperature to adjust when moving to an area with a significant temperature change.
Button Action
Tap to set local temperature (based on a thermostat or other
Note: Place Energy Display close to your temperature reference
device (e.g., thermostat or thermometer) for approximately 20
minutes to ensure it is settled to a stable temperature.
Tap to accept current local temperature
Owner’s Manual & Tech Support
Owner’s Manual: www.smarthome.com/manuals/2448A2.pdf
For the most up-to-date Quick Start Guide visit http://www.smarthome.com/manuals/2448A2qs.pdf
INSTEON Gold Support Line: 800-762-7845
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Rev. 7/28/2011 4:42 PM / See Owners Manual for Warranty Information, Patented
© Copyright 2011, Smarthome, 16542 Millikan Ave., Irvine, CA 92606, 800-762-7845