Power-Synching INSTEON® Controller

SynchroLinc Owner’s Manual
ABOUT SYNCHROLINC .............................................................................................................................. 3
Key SynchroLinc Features ........................................................................................................................ 3
What is Included with SynchroLinc ............................................................................................................ 3
WHAT IS INSTEON? .................................................................................................................................... 4
INSTALLATION ............................................................................................................................................ 4
Preparing to Install SynchroLinc ................................................................................................................ 4
Product Use Restrictions ........................................................................................................................... 5
Installing SynchroLinc ................................................................................................................................ 5
Calibrating SynchroLinc ............................................................................................................................. 5
USING SYNCHROLINC IN A LOAD SENSE SCENE ................................................................................. 6
Creating a Load Sense Scene with SynchroL inc ...................................................................................... 6
Linking SynchroLinc to an INSTEON Responder ..................................................................................... 6
Unlinking an INSTEON Responder from SynchroLinc .............................................................................. 6
ADVANCED FEATURES ............................................................................................................................. 7
Advanced Calibration ................................................................................................................................ 7
Using a Second Load Sense Scene with S ynchroL inc ............................................................................. 7
Restoring Power to SynchroLinc ............................................................................................................... 8
Resetting SynchroLinc to its Factory Default Settings .............................................................................. 8
ABOUT INSTEON ........................................................................................................................................ 9
Using Dual-Band INSTEON Devices to Upgrade Your Network ............................................................... 9
Important Note about INSTEON Networks; Split Single-Phase vs. 3-Phase Ins ta lla tion .......................... 9
Further Enhancing Reliability .................................................................................................................... 9
ADDITIONAL RESOURCES ........................................................................................................................ 9
TROUBLESHOOTING ................................................................................................................................ 10
SPECIFICATIONS, CERTIFICATION, AND WARRANTY ........................................................................ 11
Specifications .......................................................................................................................................... 11
Certification .............................................................................................................................................. 11
Limited Warranty ..................................................................................................................................... 11

SynchroLinc Owner’s Manual
SynchroLinc allows you to create Load Sense scenes to c ontrol other INSTEON de vices, based on the
power state of the load plugged into SynchroLinc.
Key SynchroLinc Features
• Installs and Links to controlled devices in minutes
• Monitors loads with minimum of 7 Watts up to 1800 Watts (15 Amps at 120V)
• Triggers devices in programmed INSTEON scenes
• Indicates INSTEON setup mode activity and operational states with a dual-color Status LED and
• Stores setup state in memory so settings aren’t lost during power outages
• Two-year warranty
What is Included with SynchroLinc
• SynchroLinc – Power-Synching INSTEON Controller
• Quick-Start Guide
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SynchroLinc Owner’s Manual
Since its inception in 2005, INSTEON has become a best-selling home-control network ing technology,
offering more reliability and flexibility than any other home management system on the market. INSTEON
systems are sim ple, reliable, a nd affor dable. Simple, because each device tak es mere m inutes to insta ll.
Reliable, because ever y INST EON dev ice work s as a network repeater, e nsurin g your c omm ands will not
be lost. Affordable, bec ause INST EON can be int egrated i nto any num ber of devic es easil y and at a very
low cost. An INSTEON home grows in value with each added INSTEON device, making life more
convenient, safe, and fun.
How Does INSTEON Work?
What makes INSTEON the most reliable home automation network is its dual-mesh network. INSTEON
devices use both radio frequency (RF) signals and the home’s existing wiring to talk to each other. In an
INSTEON network, every INSTEON device also acts as a repeater, receiving and sending every message to all
other devices in the network. So by integrating more INSTEON devices you will strengthen the network and
ensure no commands will be lost.
No central controller or networking setup is required with an INSTEON network. Simply install your devices and
then use a series of button presses or taps to Link your devices together. Throughout this Owner’s Manual, you
may see the terms “Controller” or “Responder”. These generic INSTEON terms refer to the components of an
INSTEON scene, and are used on a scene-by-scene basis.
• Controller – sends INSTEON commands to other devices
• Responder – reacts to commands sent out by another INSTEON device
An INSTEON device may act as a Controller, Responder, or sometimes both.
INSTEON networks are also extremely secure. Each INSTEON device is assigned a unique INSTEON ID, so
unless neighbors or would-be hackers have access to your particular device’s INSTEON ID, they won’t be able
to control your home, even if they are using similar products.
Preparing to Install SynchroLinc
Read and understand these instructions before installing and retain them for future reference.
SynchroLinc is intended for installation in accordance with the National Electric Code and local
regulations in the United States or the Canadian Electr ical Code and local regulations in Canada. Use
indoors only. SynchroLinc is not designed nor ap proved for use on power lines other than 120V 60H z,
single phase. Attempting to use SynchroLinc on non-approved power lines may have hazardous
Prior to installing SynchroLinc, please review the entire installation procedure and take the following
• Use indoors or in a properly insulated and weatherproof electrical box only
• Don’t plug SynchroLinc into an out let contr olled b y a switch b ecause if the sw itch is inadvertent ly
turned off, SynchroLinc won’t have power
• Don’t plug SynchroLinc into a filtered power strip or AC filter
If you have any questions, please call:
INSTEON Gold Support Line
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