mobile phone no., email address, company name, company address,
company telephone no., company fax no., ID card no., passport
and its expire date, driving license no. and its expire date, credit card
no. and its expire date, saving account no., cheque account no.,
contact person, relation and his / her address, blood type, doctor’s
name, doctor’s address, doctor’s telephone no., dentist’s name,
dentist’s address, dentist’s telephone no. and remarks
-- Insert personal photo from Photo
-- Edit and delete data
-- It is easy to edit and view data
-- Record can be locked for secret
2. Telephone Directory
-- Data can be inputted in Chinese, English or with numbers and symbols
-- Insert personal photo from Photo
-- Enter photo, name, category, e-mail address, mobile phone no.,
pager no., home telephone no., home fax no., home address, com pany name, title, direct line, company telephone no., company fax
no., company email, company address and remarks
-- Total 8 main categories: Relative, Friend, Classmate, Colleague,
Customer, Emergency, Company and Others
-- Two ways to search: keyword search and family name list search
-- View, search, edit and delete record
-- Record can be locked for secret
3. Memorandum
-- Data can be inputted in Chinese, English or with numbers and symbols
-- Two ways to search: date search and keyword search
-- View, edit and delete record
-- Record can be locked for secret
4. Schedule
-- Data can be inputted in Chinese, English or with numbers and symbols