MN-ISU-20 0D-E
In order to obtain good me as ur em en t pr ec is io n, y ou n ee d to c le ar
away the rusty, sundry, grease, etc. on the working surface.
Please use the couplant on the working surface, measure
repeatedly around the target area and take average value.
Please clean the couplant on the transducer and working su rf ac e
after measure.
Please don’t pull the transducer cable when use the instrument.
The Thickness Gauge is a digital ultrasonic thickness gauge. Base on the
same operating principles as SONAR is capable of measuring the
thickness of various materials with accuracy as high as 0.01mm or
0.001inch. It is suitable for a variety of metallic and non-metallic
Resolution: 0.01mm (range<100mm), 0.1mm (range 100mm)
Accuracy: ±0.05mm (range < 10mm), ±(0.01+0.5%H)mm (range
10mm). H is the thickness to be measured.
Velocity: 1000~9999m/s
Measuring principle:
The digital ultrasonic thickness gauge determines the thickness of a
part or structure by accurately measuring the time required for a short
ultrasonic pulse generated by a transducer to travel through the
thickness of the material, reflect from the back or inside surface, and
be returned to the transducer. The measured two-way transit time is
divided by two to account for the down and back travel path, and then
multiplied by the velocity of sound in the material. The result is
expressed in the wall-known relationship:
H is the thickness, v is the velocity, t is the time.
Key Functions
--Turn on/off the instrum ent (long pre ss)
--Turn on/off the backlig ht (short pre ss)
Data save: af ter get a new rea ding, press t his key once an d the
screen appe ar “*”, then lo ng press this k ey to save the re ading.
Function ke y: continue t o press this ke y and select th e functions
then press en ter key to set.
Velocity key : continue to p ress this key a nd select the v elocity
and you can pre ss the up or down k eys to adjust t he value.
Up key and quic kly enter sca n mode
Down key and quickly ent er alarm mode
20:30: System time.
: Sign of coupling.
: Battery information(When it is , t he b at te ry should
be charged).
: Sign of scan mode.
: Sign of difference mode.
: Sign of alarm mode.
Tra nsducer setting:frequency
The frequency of the transducer should be preset to the instrument
before measuring operation. This enables the user to select the
transducer type among supported transducers according to frequency
and diameter depending on application requirements.
Use the following steps to select your transducer frequency:
On the measurement screen, press the key twice to activate the
transducer frequency tab.
Enter key
Calibrati on key
Press the key to select the desired frequency of the probe.
Basic operations
Power on and off:
Insert the plus of the probe into the socket on the instrument.
Long press the key until screen show the picture as below:
Press the key back to the measurement screen.twice
Sound velocity setting:
In order for the gage to make a cc ur at e m ea su re me nt s, it mu st be
set to the correct sound velocity for the material be measured.
Use the following steps to select your transducer frequency:
On the measurement screen, press the key to preset commonly
using velocity.
Use the and to adjust the value until it matches the sound
velocity of the material to be measured.
FILE1: File selection(5 files in total).
5M: Probe selection(4 kinds of probe: 2M, 5M, 7M, H2M).
MENU: Menu selection.