LCD Measurin g Micro scope
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Ⅰ. Descr iption
Ⅱ. Insta llation
Ⅲ. Opera tion
Ⅳ. Maint enance
Ⅴ. The Ins tallatio n and Operat ion Manua l of Image Tester
Ⅵ. The Ope ration Man ual of Elect ronic Mic rometer
Manu al
Ⅰ. Description
1.1 Product ske tch map
Fig.1 -1 ISM-DL12 0
1. Base 2 . Focus adjus ting hand whe el 3. Continua l zooming
4. LED Ri ng lamp 5. Oper ation butto n layout
6. The liq uid crystal di splay screen
1.2 Description
The digital liqu id cryst al microscope is a one of a k ind opti cal
gauging instrume nt. I t inc ludes a wid e fie ld of vision, 3.14
megapixe l image s, high resol ution l iquid cryst al disp lay. It offers
comfor tab le viewing , s imple o per ation, con venient arch ivi ng,
microscopic imaging and video, as well as many other functions.
Although t he rang e of use is broad, the main ap plica tions a re as
1. Using rectangular coordinates to determine length. For example
basic planar distance, hachure width ,keyboard trough width, slit
width and so on.
The rotation disk determination angle. For example the calibrated
dial, the model, the gauge, the drill hole template and the
geometric shape complex components of angle measurement.
Serves as a microscope, working with su perficial quality by the
compar ison test inspe ctions, t he appraisal of me tallurgical
indust ry ore specimens. The printing of photography allows for
lithog raph plates of examination textile fiber s and so on.
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1.3 Mainframe technical parameters:
1.3 Mai nframe te chnical
param eters:
1: 6.5 (0 .7×-4.5×)
Total magni ficatio n
18.7×-120 × ( 4.7×-240 × can be
obtained with varied accessories )
Digit al amplif ication 1.0×-4 .0×
Displ ay screen
8.4 inc h TFT LCD ( displ ay screen
resol ution 800×6 00 pixels )
CMOS se nsor 3.0 MEG A pixe ls
Worki ng distanc e 88mm
Size of f ield visu al 4.4 x 5.7 -27.2 x 35
Zoomi ng mode
Transv erse axis co ntinual
magni ficatio n change
AC adap ter
100-240 V / 5 0-60 Hz the wor king
power o f the mainf rame: 12VD C 3A
Auxil iary lens 0.5X Oc ular, 0.75X a uxiliary L ens
Illum ination LED rin g light
Ⅱ. Installation
The ISM-DL120 host and its support are disassembled for packaging.
Please open carefully the packing box and take out the instrument
and accessories (for detail, refer to the packing list). Then, connect
the dove-tail groove at the rear base of the machine with that at the
upright column prior to the next step operation.
2.1 Installation
The dov e-tail groo ve on
trest le
The dov e-tail groo ve on
mainf rame
Conne ct the dove-t ail
groov e together ta ble
2.2 Attention
Durin g i nstallation, it is not allowed to touch the surface of the
optic al parts and the surface of L CD screen directly with hand.
The image qualit y may be affected i f the optical kits are stained
with figure print or greasy stain. As to the dirt on the su rface of
optic al kits and LCD screen, please carry out treatment according
to maintenance of instrumen t introduc ed.
2.3 Preset adjustment
Select the ope rati on dis tance of the machine by rotatin g the
focusi ng h and whee ls. The tigh tness of focusi ng h and wheels
may be adjuste d thr ough left/ri ght focusi ng hand wh eels by
hands in inverse dir ection. The focusin g resi stance is rat her
strong if it is too ti ght w hile the mach ine may e asil y dr op if it is
too l oose . The users m ay adj ust by themsel ves acco rdin g to
the pra ctic al requi reme nts.
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Ⅲ. Appl ication
3.1 Turni ng on
After installation, connect the DC output to the “PWR in” port of
the main system, and then connect the AC power adapter in
accordance with the requirements. Turn on the master power switch.
LED ring lamp will light, mainframe enter the system, the screen
show “WELCOME”.
The pow er of the ada ptor: 100- 240V AC 50Hz/6 0Hz
The mai nframe wo rking powe r: 12V DC 3A
The lig ht source a dopts LED ri ng
lamp, divide d into th e LED cir cular
indic ator wi th adju stable b rightne ss
and th e multipl e functio n LED circular
indic ator cont rollable a t four zones .
The lower light source is opt ional on
requi rements to fac ilitate observa tion
of diff erent obj ects. The l ower ligh t
sourc e is su pplied by the P WR out at
the rea r of the mach ine by conne cting
the PWR o ut of the ma chine and t he
input p ort at the u pright column with a
conne ction lin e.
3.2 Ope ration bu ttons and fu nction
1 2 3
8 9
1. Powe r on/off 2. Incr eases or decre ase the bright ness of lamp
3. Ligh t switch resp ectively to c ontrol the fou r-region on or o ff
4. Self -definiti on linear con verting
5. Line ar color conv erting 6. Men u / confirm 7. Rea l time view / play back
8. Scre en data displ ay 9. Take pi ctures or tak e video
Shown on the u pper left corner is the quantity of photos to be
taken avai lable at present or the vide o recording time (with 143
indicating 143 photos availab le to betaken at the present setup
mode; 50: 24 i ndicati ng the time f or video reco rding at th e
present se tup mode as 50min 2 4sec).
3.3 Data show on the LCD scree n
Shown on the uppe r right cor ner is the mo de of photo taken
or the mode of video recordi ng.
Shown on the lower left corne r is the pixels of photos t aken (
2048×1536 i ndicati ng th e pixels for p hoto taken at the present
setup mod e as 2048×1536; 320×240 indicating the pixels for
video re cording at the present setup mo de a s 320× 24 0).
“C” sh own on the lower right corn er means that S D card is
inserted in th e mac hine
3.4The illumin ation con trol of the m ainframe
The br ightne ss of LED lamp may be increased or decr eased wi th
the h elp of and , is respectively used to turn on/off
for th e corres pondin g four corners of LED indicator.
If the li ght throw back from the object is too sharp, user can instal l
a ground glass on th e LED ring lam p. It can improve the image
quality. (This ground glass nee d to order)