Don’ t imp act without mea surement and cali bration , oth erwise the
impa ct device may b e damaged .
Plea se r eading the oper ation manual care ful before usin g, m ake
sure the weight, thi ckness, surface rough ness of t he workp iece
are me eting the req uiremen t.
Plea se do calibr ation w hen u se the device first time or int erval for
a long t ime.
Clea n up the rusty, oil on t he surface be fore meas ure.
The distance between any two impact position should be ≥3mm. the
distance between impact position and the edge of the sample should
be ≥3mm.
Make the su pport ri ng stick to and
keep t he impact dir ection pe rpendic ular to
Keep work piece and impact device steady dur ing
ope ra tor,
the sur face of the workpiece
the su rface.
meas urement .
Stru cture:
LCD Display
(With m at er ial gro up )
Workin g principle :
Impac t bo dy
Support r in g
Catch c hu ck
Loading t ub e
Release b ut ton
Main unit
Impact device
Butto n
Cell Cove r
Signal Ca bl e
Push down the loadi ng tube befo re meas urement, the c atch
chuc k catch u p the i mpact bod y. Make the support r ing sti ck to the
sur face of the work p iece and kee p the imp act dire c tion
perp endicul ar to the s urface. The n press t he releas e button, the
impa ct body wi ll impa ct the surfa ce. The c oil col lect th e veloc ity
sign al and the ca ble transmi t the dada to the m ain unit.
1 2
Disp lay range : 0 999H LD~
Accu racy: ±6HLD (when HLD = 800)
repe atabili ty: 6H LD±
Impa ct directio n: 0 °, °, 180 °, °, °±90 ±45 ±135
Reso lution: H V, HB, HRB, H RC, HV, HS, M Pa
Key function:
9. “ Imp.” but ton:
Pres s the but ton to setu p the imp act direc tion
in mea suremen t mo de. It also u se as the up dire ction but ton.
LCD display:
Con versi on Avera ged Va lue
Clo ck
Mat erial C ode
Imp act Dir ectio n
Imp act Tim es
Con versi on Sca le
Con versi on Value
HLD Ave rag ed Valu e
HLD Valu e
1.On /Off but ton: Turn it on /off by pres sing and holding the
butt on.
2. Ba cklight bu tton: Pres s t he bu tton to turn on/off the
back light.
3. “Ba ck/Print” b utton:
① In me asureme nt mode , pre ss an d hol d the bu tton to eras e
meas ured da ta, a t the same ti me, if the m ini-pri nter is li nked
with the mian uni t, it will p rint out those data the n eras e
meas ured data .
②In other mod e, press “Bac k/Print” bu tton to complet e se tup
and sav e the param eters th at you set a nd return to the
meas urement mod e.
4. “Br owse” butto n: Browse t he memory dat a.
5. “Da te/Tim e” button: Adj ust the clo ck and calend ar.
6. “D el.” button: Press and h old t he bu tton to de lete current
data in measurem ent m ode or brows e mode. It a lso u se as the
left d irection bu tton.
7. “Co nvert” butt on: Press t he button to se tup the conve rsion
scal e i n m easurem ent mode. It also use as th e d own direct ion
butt on.
8. “Mat’l” but ton: In m easurem ent mo de, press the button t o
sele ct the materi al that you will im pact. It also us e as the right
dire ction but to n.
Plea se do calibra tion when use t he d evice fir st t ime or interv al for a
long t ime.
Pres s a nd ho ld the “ Back/Pr int” button to erase measure d dat a.
Then se lect number 01 mater ial and set impact di rection is down .
Meas ure 5 time s on the surfa ce of stan dard block(yo u sh ould
dele te the valu e which devia tion is lar ge).
Pres s and h old the “D ate/Time ” butto n about 2 seconds to e nter
the calibrati on interf ace. Use the left an d right d irection buttons t o
move the flic ker. Use the up a nd down directio n button s to ad just
unti l the displ ay value is sam e to the standa rd value of t he block.
Pres s “Back/ Prin t” button b ack to the meas urement i nterface.
Note: The distance between any two impact position should be ≥3mm.
the distance between impact position and the edge of the sample
should be ≥3mm.
Prep aration b efore measu ring:
Sele ct the materi al:
Pres s the “ Mat’l” b utton to select the mat erial co de accor ding
to the b ack label.
3 4