Power Key And Touch Panel
Than ks for bu ying our product . ISE-2D T i s a hig h precis ion dual axis
leve l with a color LCD an d touch p anel. I t is po ssible to do h igh spe ed
hori zontal plan e se tting for hig h pr ecision mac hines or home
appl iance as li ke laundry ma chine.
Spec ialty:
Easy to se t t he level of the spa ce with 2 axis angl es display at
once .
Leve l up the visu al-effects by t he color LCD.
Smal l & light so th at possible t o use to a sens or unit.
Poss ible to ins ert to high pre cision sy stems.
Buil t-in Li -ion re chargeabl e batte ry. (Recharg eable t o USB
port o n PC)
Set th e toleran ce and the disp lay is show n in different co lors.
Stru cture:
color LCD a nd t ouch pa ne l
power key
directi on o f
4 thread mo un ting ho le s
absolut e/ in cr em ental m od e
angle of in cl ine
Powe r key has 4 fun ctions belo w.
Powe r o n: Pushing the key once if p ower is off then the p ower
is on wi th a sound.
Powe r off: Pu shing t he ke y for a round 2 sec when th e pow er is
on. Then t he power is off.
Flas h on/o ff : Push ing th e key f or under 1 sec af ter po wer is
on. Then the flash is on / off. T he touch pa nel is not w orked
when t he flash is o n.
Touch panel calibrat ion: P ushing t he key for over 5 sec. Then
it is in t he calibr ation mode of t ouch pane l.
- This fun ction is used w hen the tou ch panel does n't work we ll.
- The powe r should be on to e nter this c alibratio n mode.
Touch panel : The re are 3 section s on the touch pan el that have
thei r own funct ion. The belo w functio ns are exce eded if e ach
sect ions are to uched.
Note : You must keep t ouching act ion until r each the change .
Main menu entrance: To enter the m ain menu, tou ch t he
'MEN U' area.
Abso lute/In cremental m ode change area : To change the X/Y
to abs olute or in cremental m ode. (ABS REL)
- Abs olute mode: The displaye d values of X/Y are from the
abso lute coordi nate system . The ab solute coor dinate syst em
is se t from th e factory or user's updating at the cal ibration
menu .
- Incr emental m ode: To ma ke curren t X/Y va lues to zer o.
Til t dire ction display area: To ch ange the tilte d dire ction
disp lay metho d. (line↔bubb le)
charge an d da ta outp ut
LED light
V-slot fo r cy linde r
1 2
line bubble