Security configuration3
Selecting a chip4
Selecting a page5
Reading chip memory6
Writing chip memory7
Halting a chip8
How to work with several chips in the field9
Managing INSIDE’s chips protocols10
Managing the security11
INSIDE chips security11
Key loading13
How to set a key as the active one14
How to authentify a chip15
How to authentify a PAGE15
Protecting the keys16
Managing ST ANDARD chips protocols17
Time out adjustment17
15 693-3 protocol17
ISO 14 443 type A18
ISO 14 443 type B18
FeliCa ( new version)18
Managing the RF field19
How to reset the RF field ?19
How to asleep the coupler19
How to wake up the coupler19
Exchange key21
General key loading procedure21
Terminology and notation22
Key loading step by step22
!ISO 15 693
!ISO 14 443 type A
!ISO 14 443 type B
√Contactless transmission of data and energy supply
√Carrier frequency: 13.56MHz
√On board antenna
√Transparent mode for contactless data exchange
√Supply voltage: 5V only
√Low power consumption < 50 mA
√Stand-by mode < 50 µA
√Small PCB size: 61 x 41.5 mm
√Operating temperature range: -20°C to +50°C
√Emission approval* : FCC, IDA singapore, Canadian, CE
Product Ordering Code
ProductOrdering codePack ageTools
M210-2G - DATASHEET - M210-2G
Version 1.1
Proxi m it y Coupler M210-2GM210-2GPCB-
* Note : The chassis will not allow ESD air discharge at voltage over 8 kV. The distance
between the chassis and its packaging has to be superior to 0.68 mm.
DS - 5
M210-2G couplers are developed by INSIDE contactless for
managing the RF communication interface with 13.56 MHz standard
They have the following features :
" Operating frequency13.56MHz
" Host interfaceRS-232 CMOS / ISO 7816 T=0*
" T arget applicationsProximity and short range
" Target chipAll INSIDE’s chips, 15693 chips,
14443 chips (type A and type B),
You will find in this chapter ...
two ways to build your application with INSIDE’s couplers
Afterwards, the term «coupler» stands for an electronic board that
converts numeric commands into contactless chip commands using
the RF interface.
* Note : The host interface is not fully compliant with the ISO 7816
T=0 protocol. But all the coupler’s commands are builded on this
format so that its integration in a device using this protocol is very
M210-2G - DATASHEET - M210-2G
Version 1.1
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This device may not cause
harmful interference
Complies with IDA Standards
Electrical Rating:5.0V45mA
Made in France
FCC ID : Q45M210
Federal Communications COMMISSION (FCC) Part 15 ST A TEMENT
This equipment has been tested to FCC requirements and has been found acceptable for
use. The FCC requires the following statement for your information:
This equipment generates and uses radio frequency energy and if not installed and used
properly, that is, in strict accordance with the manufacturer ’s instructions, may cause
interference to radio and television reception. It has been type tested and found to comply
with the limits for a Class B computing device in accordance with the specifications in
Part 15 of FCC Rules, which are designed to provide reasonable protection against such
interference in a residential installation. However, there is no guarantee that interference
will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause interference to radio
or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the
user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following
·If using an indoor antenna, have a quality outdoor antenna installed.
·Reorient the receiving antenna until interference is reduced or eliminated.
·Move the radio or television receiver away from the receiver/control.
·Move the antenna leads away from any wire runs to the receiver/control.
·Plug the receiver/control into a different outlet so that it and the radio or
television receiver are on different branch circuits.
This device complies with part 15 of the FCC rules. Operation is subject to the following
two conditions : (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) : this device
must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired
If necessary , the user should consult the dealer or an experienced radio/television technician
for additional suggestions. The user or master may find the following booklet prepared by
the Federal Communications Commission helpful: «Interference Handbook»
This booklet is available from the U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402.
The user shall not make any changes or modifications to the equipment unless authorized
by the Installation Instructions or User’s Manual. Unauthorized changes or modifications
could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.
M210-2G - DATASHEET - M210-2G
Version 1.1
DS - 7
System Integration
Diagrams below show coupler’s block diagram and architecture of 2 types of applications:
1. Coupler is integrated in a stand alone reader (access control, data collection...)
2. Coupler is connected to a computer
Com interfaces
Power supply
Stand Alone
Application data
Example 1: Stand Alone Reader Structure
M210-2G Block Diagram
Power Supply
External I/O
M210-2G - DATASHEET - M210-2G
Version 1.1
DS - 8
Power supply
Example 2: Contactless Coupler Interface
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Version 1.1
DS - 9
M210-2G dimensions and Pin Co-ordinates
Mechanical Interface – Component View
"M210H size : 61 mm * 41.5 mm (+/- 1 mm)
M210-2G - DATASHEET - M210-2G
Version 1.1
M210-2G Pin coordinates – Components View
Pin pitch is 2.54 mm
DS - 10
This chapter describes :
! How to power the coupler
! How to communicate with the coupler through the serial line
! How to connect the INPUT and OUTPUT ports
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Version 1.1
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Power supply
To power up the coupler, just set Vdd PIN to 5V, and connect the ground.
PI Ndes criptionMin.TypicalMax.Unit
VDDDC voltage4.7555.25V
Supply c urrent50mA
Electrical characteristics
If coupler is integrated in a noisy environment, a PI filter on the power supply line is needed
to lower the noise level. It has to be as close as possible to the coupler.
If a RS232 driver is used, it may induce noise on the power supply line, and a PI filter
should be added. More over, noise induced by this kind of device is around 400kHz, which
is the frequency used by the 15 693 protocol. T o avoid any problem on our coupler (noise
emission), or on any other device connected to the power supply line, a PI filter should be
added also on the power supply line of the RS 232 driver, as close as possible to this
Driver RS232
Filter component values are choosen so that frequencies under 1MHz are eliminated. This
will avoid RF noise on the coupler receiver .
Rx Tx
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Version 1.1
DS - 12
Serial Interface
8 bits
This interface allows a serial connection to the host via three wires :
ISO 7816 T=0RS TI/ OI/O
RST resets the coupler microprocessor when tied to the ground.
Character Format
Data Rate9600 baud (default value)
Number of bits8
T ransmission Mode LSB first
Stop bits2
Flow controlnone
Note : If user’s UART cannot manage 2 stop bits, it is possible to communicate with our
coupler using only one stop bit.
SelectCard command frame
Baud rate
The default data rate is set at 9600 baud, but this can be changed by software to select
higher data rates :
If a RS232 driver is used, it may induce noise on the power supply line, and a PI filter
should be added. More over, noise induced by this kind of device is around 400kHz, which
is the frequency used by the 15 693 protocol. T o avoid any problem on our coupler (noise
emission), or on any other device connected to the power supply line, a PI filter should be
added also on the power supply line of the RS 232 driver, as close as possible to this
Version 1.1
M210-2G - DATASHEET - M210-2G
DS - 13
ISO 7816 T=0 Interface
By connecting TX and RX, a single I/O inspired from ISO 7816 T=0 is obtained.
This interface is fully described in the ISO 7816 standard. It allows the coupler to be driven
directly as in an ISO contact connector or SAM module with the T=0 protocol, thereby
utilising any existing smart card software drivers.
ISO contactsInterface
C3: CLK(internal clock)
C4: - C5: GNDG N D
C6: VPP C7: I/OTX – RX connected
C8: -
The CLK signal used in ISO 7816 T=0 is an internal clock (default data rate = 9600 baud).
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Version 1.1
DS - 14
M210-2G coupler Input and Outputs
M210-2G readers has one input and 2 outputs. A PIN can be used to power up a LED
Input and Outputs characteristics
• Input : CMOS Schmidt trigger input
- level 0 : Vin < 1
- level 1 : Vin > 4
• Output 1 : TTL 5V output
• Output 2 : TTL 5V output
Out2P power PIN
This PIN is connected to the 5V through a 1KΩ resistor. It can be used to power supply a
LED for exemple.
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Version 1.1
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How to reset M210-2G couplers
Resetting the coupler may be useful in two situation :
a. to set the parameters (speed, disable mode, protocol settings, keys ) to the defaults
values. All these values are stored in coupler’s internal EEPROM
b. if it is impossible to communicate with the coupler (bad setting for serial communication speed mainly)
It is possible to reset the coupler’s EEPROM by sending 2 commands thanks to the SET
ST ATUS command.
Command = $80,$F4,$80,$3E,$01 - Data = $00
Command = $80,$F4,$80,$7E,$01 - Data = $00
Then the coupler has the default setting : 9600 bds, defaults protocols....
If for any reason it becomes impossible to communicate with the coupler, follow this
procedure :
•switch off the coupler
•connect the 2 reset pins as indicated in the drawing below
•power up the coupler : it will start with the default factory parameters
•reset the EEPROM as indicated above
The coupler is reseted.
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Version 1.1
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In this chapter you will find the command format, and the description
of all the commands used by the coupler.
User may refer to this chapter to find the following information :
low level description of data exchange between coupler
and host, mainly when using microcontroller or an
check the signification and/or a value of a command
Coupler - Reference manual
Version 1.0
RM 1
HOST - COUPLER protocol
The commands are modeled on the ISO 7816 command set. This protocol is used by all
INSIDE’s couplers
A typical protocol exchange includes:
1.The host sends a command to the coupler
2.The coupler executes the command
3.The host receives a response from the coupler
Coupler command is always constituted of 5 bytes :
•CLASS : always 80h
•INSTRUCTION : command to be executed by the coupler (like SelectCard)
•P1 : Command parameter
•P2 : Command parameter
•P3 : Command parameter
Depending on the command, coupler answers data, status words.
There are 4 cases of data exchange:
CaseHost to coupler Coupler to HostISO Type
1NoneNoneISO None
2NoneYesIS O O ut
3YesNoneISO In
4YesYesISO In / Out
Note : In case 4, dat a has to be sent and received from the coupler. With T=0 protocol, it
is not possible in a single command, so this command has to be split into 2 commands:
Coupler - Reference manual
Version 1.0
RM 2
ISO In : The host sends a command + data and receives the status words.
ISO Out : The host sends a command and receives data + the status words.
Coupler with firmware former than 40-017F has only ISO NONE, ISO IN and ISO OUT
protocol available.
In all cases, status words are returned (SW1 and SW2).
Case 1: ISO None Data Exchange
nb of byte s
5 byt es
Case 2 : ISO Out Data Exchange - Coupler
nb bytes
Class : always 80h
Instruction : command code
P1 & P2 : command parameters
P3: number of data bytes expected from the coupler
Status words
2 bytes
# Host
= Ins.dataSW1SW2
1 = P3
Status words
Ack. : coupler acknowledgement. It is always equal to the command code, except when
an error occurs. If the Acknoledgement value is different than the instruction byte, then
the received byte is the first byte of a status error code coded on 2 bytes.
Data : data sent to the host by the coupler. Size of the command has to be P3.
Status word : 90 00h if correct, error code.
Ack. : coupler acknowledgement. It is always equal to the command code, except when
an error occurs. If Acknowledgement value is different than instruction byte, then the
received byte is the first byte of a status error code coded on 2 bytes.
Data : data sent by host to the coupler. Size of data array has to be P3.
Status word : 90 00h if correct / error code.
Error : If the Acknowledgement value is different than the instruction byte, then the received
byte is the first byte of a status error code coded on 2 bytes.
Case 4 : ISO InOut Data Exchange - Host
Cla.Ins.P1P2P3Data in
nb bytes
⇔ coupler
Ack.Data inAck.Data out
= Ins. = Ins.Data out SW1 SW2
1 = P31 =P252
Class : always 80h
Instruction : command code
P1 : command parameters
P2 : number of data bytes expected from the coupler.
P3 : number of data bytes sent to the coupler .
Ack. : coupler acknowledgement. It is always equal to the command code, except when
an error occurs. If Acknowledgement value is different than instruction byte, then the
received byte is the first byte of a status error code coded on 2 bytes.
Data : data sent to the host by the coupler. Size of the command has to be P3.
Status word : 90 00h if correct / error code.
tatus word
Coupler - Reference manual
Version 1.0
The block mode is based on the exchange of a block sent from the host to the coupler and
after a block sent back from the coupler to the host. By this way there is no break in the
flow host-coupler. The diagram below describes this block protocol.
HostSend P3
Coupler if no
error in
Coupler if error
in processing
LRC enables the user to check is the transmission has been performed correctly . See next
paragraph for more information.
Note: Block protocol is only available on 2G version of our readers.
Send 5 bytes
Data if any
Send an
optional LRC
Send an
Return a
status w ord
Send an
Return a
status wo r d
Send an
optional LRC
RM 4
In order that the coupler knows how much data it is supposed to receive and suppose to
send back, the CLASS byte is used to indicate how it should operate. The default value
for the CLASS byte is 0x80. To implement the block mode, the three first bits have been
100000000x80Standard ISO-7816-3 T=0 prot ocol
100000010x81Block protocol w ith no data from host
100000110x83Block protocol with no data down from
100001000x84Block protocol with P3 data down from
100010000x88Block protocol with P3 data down from
100011000x8CBlock protocol with P3 data down from
100011100x8EBlock protocol with P3 data down from
and back from c oupler
host and P 3 dat a bac k from coupler
host and no data back from c oupler
host and P 1 dat a bac k from coupler
host and P 2 dat a bac k from coupler
host and P 3 dat a bac k from coupler
The block diagram mentions an optionnal LRC (Longitudinal Redundancy Checksum) or
CRC (Cyclic Redundancy Checksum) can be appended in the flow. This option is controlled
by a parameter into the coupler configuration which can be set via the command
LRC is the result of the XOR of all the bytes sent by the host including command and the
P3 data bytes. If the LRC does not correspond to the LRC calculated by the coupler , the
coupler will response with a status word equal to $6F$00.
The example below shows how the LRC is calculated:
$82$C0$00$00$03 + $01$02$03 + $41 because $41 = $82 xor $C0 xor $00 xor $00 xor
$03 xor $01 xor $02 xor $03.
The LRC calculation is equivalent to the CRC8 calculation with a poly equal to 1.
Coupler - Reference manual
Version 1.0
RM 5
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