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This manual is intended to provide qualified technical personnel with complete and easy-to-follow
instructions for installing, testing, and commissioning the MAXIM Series Controllers. Although every
eort has been made to simplify the installation process, it is assumed that qualified personnel
installing the MAXIM Series Controllers are familiar with local regulations, codes, and safety
It is highly recommended that installers familiarise themselves with the content of this manual
before attempting to install the MAXIM Series Controllers.
Throughout this manual there are icons used to illustrate important information and points of
caution, as illustrated and described below:
Notes indicate useful information which should be read.
Cautions indicate critical information which must be read.
1-1.1 Systems Covered by this Manual
A system is defined as one or more MAXIM Series controllers interconnected with various ancillary
units for the purpose of performing specific functions. Systems are intended for use in a variety of
applications and are designed on a modular basis. Modularity provides the most economical and
eicient means of adapting the system to the specific customer requirements. In our attempts to
continuously improve overall customer satisfaction through product improvement, Innotech oen
provides updates and revisions to the MAXIM Series product line. The range of modules result in a
large array of dierent types of hardware available to the customer.
With the exception of the MAXIM 1 controller, all MAXIM Series controllers can either be used in
standalone applications to control external equipment, or in an Innotech network consisting of
multiple controllers and devices supporting Global and Net Comms traic. This manual covers the
following Maxim Series Controllers:
In order to simplify the instructions, common terminology and references to other Innotech products
are used throughout this manual. A brief description of some of the terminology is provided in this
Net comms communication is the primary means of communication between Innotech hardware and
iComm soware.
Global comms communication is a means of sharing data among dierent Innotech controllers and
devices to carry out dierent functions.
Human Machine Interface (HMI) provides direct access for complete control and operation of various
Innotech controllers. The HMI basically consists of the Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) and the keypad for
direct interaction with the controllers.
1-1.3 Document layout
This technical manual consists of the following sections with a brief description of each section:
Table 1-1: Document Structure
Chapter 1 - Preliminary
Chapter 2 - Mechanical
Chapter 3 - Electrical
Chapter 4 - Network
This chapter contains general information such as general safety
considerations and an overview of the MAXIM Series controllers.
This chapter contains information such as physical descriptions of
the controllers, mounting dimensions, and mechanical installation
This chapter contains electrical wiring information and instructions.
This chapter provides a general network diagram and reference to the
Innotech Device Network Cabling Manual.
This chapter provides instructions for post-installation inspection of
Chapter 5 - Commissioning
the MAXIM System, and initial setup of the various units that comprise
the system.
Appendix A - Using the
CT01 Commissioning Tool
The Appendix provides instructions on using the CT01 for configuring
MAXIM Series controllers.
This section of the manual provides general information for the MAXIM Series Controllers. The
subsequent sections include information on controllers that are installed on the primary network,
and those that are installed on the subsystem network. Information is also provided for the
Subsystem Gateway (IG01). The MAXIM Series controllers are ideal for air conditioning and building
automation, but yet flexible and powerful enough to suit a wide range of other applications.
The MAXIM family of controllers has a wide range of products to suit a broad range of customer
requirements and applications, as illustrated in the table below.
Table 1-2: Features of MAXIM Series Controllers
MAXIM ControllersMiniMAXMicroMAX VAVMaxIG01
Inputs /
Digital Relay
Net CommsRS232
Sub Net
Ethernet——Optional Optional————
1-2.1 Primary Network Controllers
The controllers that can be installed on the primary network provide communication channels with
Net and Global comms functionality. These controllers can interface with other Innotech network
resources. The MAXIM Series controllers that can be installed on the Innotech primary network are:
These controllers can operate in standalone applications, using the respective universal inputs,
universal outputs, analogue outputs, and digital outputs to transmit and receive information and
control external equipment, or as part of a network of Innotech devices that support Net and Global
comms communication.
However the MiniMAX (MM01) when installed in standalone applications does not provide Real Time
Clock (RTC) synchronization functionality.
1-2.2 Sub System Network Controllers
These controllers are primarily designed to be installed on the subsystem network to be managed
by the Sub System Gateway (IG01). The controllers on the subsystem network do not provide Global
comms functionality. The MAXIM Series controllers that can be installed on the Innotech subsystem
network are:
• MiniMAX (MM02)
• MicroMAX (UM01)
• VAVMax (VM01)
It is important to know that the VAVMax (VM01) and the MicroMAX (UM01) can operate in standalone
applications, using the respective inputs and outputs to receive information to control external
equipment, or as part of a primary network supporting Net comms communication. But in
standalone applications or when installed on a primary network, these controllers will not have all
of the respective features available. Features such as data logging, global points, alarms, and Real
Time Clock synchronization are ONLY available when these controllers are installed on a subsystem
network and managed by the Sub System Gateway (IG01).
Please refer to the datasheet of the relevant controller for more detailed information.
1-2.3 Sub System Gateway (IG01)
The Innotech® Sub System Gateway (IG01) is a gateway between the primary and subsystem
networks. It provides the ability to add subsystem networks of Innotech controllers with a single
communications channel for Net and Global comms functionality. The Sub System Gateway manages
the resources for all connected devices, reducing the load on master controllers in a large network
while reducing network traic. It provides the following functionality to all connected devices that
otherwise would not be available:
• Logging
• Battery backed Real Time Clock Synchronization
• Global points
• Alarms
The Innotech suite of soware can communicate with all devices that are connected to the Sub
System Gateway, providing the transfer of all global points between devices on the primary network
and subsystem network.
Please refer to the Sub System Gateway (IG01) Datasheet for more information.
The MAXIM I Controller is unique in that it only operates in standalone applications, using the built
in universal inputs, analogue outputs, and digital outputs to transmit and receive information and
control external equipment. The MAXIM I controller cannot be installed on a network.
1-3 Special Considerations
The following precautions and installation considerations must be observed to ensure personal
safety and to prevent damage to equipment:
• Local safety regulations, building codes and ordinances must be complied with during
installation. In cases of conflict with procedures in this manual, contact Innotech or an authorised
representative for clarification.
• To prevent damage to equipment, avoid applying electrical power to the equipment prior to
commissioning, unless specifically instructed to do so in this manual.
• Only qualified personnel familiar with local codes and practices should perform the installation.
Wiring should only be performed by personnel with electronics knowledge and wiring installation
1-4 Tools and Materials
Other than those listed below, no special tools are required to install the MAXIM Series Controllers:
This section of the manual provides information to allow for the mechanical installation of the MAXIM
Series controllers. Physical descriptions and dimension diagrams are provided for all controllers,
followed by general installation instructions that include installing the MAXIM Series controllers on
industry standard DIN rail.
Innotech recognises that the installation examples described in this manual may not suit the
requirements of all customers. However this document should serve as a guide for all installations,
regardless of whether your particular installation is similar to that of provided examples. In all cases,
installation personnel should familiarise themselves with the information contained in this section.
It is highly recommended that the MAXIM Series controllers be installed and mounted in a steel enclosure to
minimise the eects of Electro Magnetic Interference (EMI), as illustrated in Figure 2-1 below.
This section of the manual provides information on the general physical characteristics of the MAXIM
Series controllers, followed by dimension diagrams to help with the mechanical installation.
Please note that ALL physical dimensions illustrated in this section are in millimetres.
2-2.2 MAXIM I, II, III, and 1010 Controllers
The MAXIM Series I, II, III, and 1010 controllers are housed in DIN cases and are suitable to be mounted
on DIN rail.
The exact dimensions of the MAXIM I and MAXIM II controllers are shown in Figure 2-2 below. Figure
2-3 on the next page shows the dimensions of the MAXIM III and MAXIM 1010 controllers.
Figure 2-2: MAXIM I and MAXIM II Controller Dimensions
Figure 2-3: MAXIM III and MAXIM 1010 Controller Dimensions
2-2.3 MiniMAX, MicroMAX, VAVMax, and IG01
These controllers are housed in a compact DIN case and are suitable to be mounted on DIN rail. And
since these controllers are housed in a common case, the dimensions therefore for each controller
are the same, as illustrated in Figure 2-4 on the next page.