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Updates to guide for changed eServer Setup workow. Addition of
information for the use of eServer with SQL Server 2008 R2 Express
Edition databases. Added relevant setup information for eServer on
a Windows Server 2008 R2 computer.
Updated draft document including changes in setup due to new
release of eServer. Added General Troubleshooting Tips section.
Contact Details update, Style update, Internet Explorer 10 and 11
compatibility troubleshooting added, other minor information
added and errors fixed.
This manual is intended to provide the customer with complete and comprehensive documentation
to set up and configure the Innotech eServer soware for a site computer. eServer enables local
and remote client computers access to a Magellan Explorer interface from within their web browser,
enabling direct access to information on the site computer.
Although the intent of this manual is to simplify the installation task, instructions contained in
this manual are based on the assumption that the typical installer is familiar with the operation
of the Microso Windows 7 Professional, Vista Business, or XP Professional operating systems.
Furthermore, basic installation and configuration instructions are provided for sites with a Windows
Server 2008 R2 computer.
Customers should familiarise themselves with the content of this manual before attempting
installation and setup of eServer on their computer.
Throughout this manual there are icons to illustrate general notes and important notes, as illustrated
Note - provides extra information about the details contained on the page that you should take notice of.
Important - provides information about tasks that must be completed before continuing to reach the desired
1-1.1 Systems Covered by this Manual
The manual covers the preparation and configuration of a remote computer to access and display
a Magellan Explorer interface from within a web browser, while accessing information on a remote
computer. This is facilitated through the Innotech eServer soware when using an Microso Internet
Explorer web browser.
1-1.2 Terminology used in this Manual
In order to simplify the instructions, common terminology and references to other Innotech products
are used throughout this manual. A brief description of some of the terminology is provided in this
eServer Client computer: any computer which is connecting to the eServer Host computer. In
common scenarios, an eServer Client computer will be a laptop computer, a computer on the site's
local area network or an external computer connecting to the eServer Host computer via a secure
Internet connection. The eServer Client computer requires both a supported Windows operating
system and Internet Explorer soware.
eServer Host computer: the computer which is running the Innotech eServer soware and has the
Magellan project loaded. In common scenarios, this will be a computer on site, and accessible from
computers on the local area network and computers on external networks if required. The eServer
Host computer requires a supported Windows operating system.
DNS: Domain Name System, a naming system for computers, services or any resources on a private
eServer: a web-based Magellan Explorer solution that allows a remote computer to display a
Magellan Explorer interface from within their web browser while accessing information on a remote
iComm: Innotech's communications server used by applications soware.
IIS: Microso Internet Information Services soware. This soware enables your eServer Host
computer running capability to interact securely with connecting eServer Client computers.
IP address: a numerical label that is assigned to any device participating in a computer network that
uses the Internet Protocol for communication between its nodes.
Magellan Builder: an event driven, object oriented real-time Supervisory Control and Data
Acquisition package. Magellan Builder is used to create or modify a Magellan Project, which is run by
Magellan Explorer or eServer soware.
1-1.3 Scope of this Technical Manual
This technical manual contains:
Table 1-1: Document Chapters
Chapter NameDescription
1Preliminary Information
Installation of eServer
Configuring Internet
Information Services (IIS)
Configuring eServer
General Troubleshooting
Upgrade Guide for
eServer 1.20 or Greater
Contains initialisation related information of a general
nature such as computer requirements and pre-installation
Contains instructions for the installation and basic
configuration of the eServer soware onto a computer, and
installation of the additional ATOM Reports Component if
Contains instructions for configuring IIS on supported
Windows operating systems.
Contains instructions for the configuration of security and
access control on eServer soware. Additionally, steps are
provided to enable eServer to communicate with an SQL
Server database.
Contains instructions for troubleshooting and resolving
general issues that may arise during the installation and
configuration of eServer soware.
Provides steps to upgrade an existing eServer Host computer
running eServer v1.1 (with no SQL support) to eServer v1.20
or greater with SQL capabilities.
Both the eServer Host computer and any connecting eServer Client computers must meet the
minimum computer requirements to ensure correct operation.
1-2.1 Minimum Computer Requirements
Supported Operating Systems:
• Windows Server 2008 R2 with Service Pack 1
• Windows 7 Professional (32-bit / 64-bit) with Service Pack 1
• Windows XP Professional 32-bit with Service Pack 3
Minimum System Requirements:
• Intel Pentium Dual-Core 2.8GHz processor or equivalent
• 2GB of RAM
• 80GB Hard Disk Drive
• 1024 x 768 display with 16-bit video card
• CD-ROM or DVD-Drive
• Keyboard and mouse of compatible pointing device
eServer software is not compatible with Windows Vista when used with Innotech ATOM and Chronicle Server software
package. Additionally, the eServer Host computer as well as all eServer Client computers will require 1280 x 768
minimum display resolution when running Innotech ATOM software.
1-3 Special Considerations
The following installation considerations must be observed to ensure the proper installation and
configuration of eServer, Magellan Web-Based graphics, ATOM Reports Component and Internet
Information Services. The eServer soware allows five concurrent connections to the Magellan
project, and the following items are required for proper operation:
• eServer v1.20 or greater installation package and required security dongle
• Magellan Builder v1.20 or greater installation package and the appropriate security dongle for
installation. Magellan Builder is required for site setup only.
• Completed Magellan project
• Windows Internet Information Services (IIS) must be installed on the computer running the eServer
soware according to the operating system. This is enabled on Windows 7 from the Windows
Features Setup. For Windows Vista Business, and Windows XP Professional, this is supplied on the
installation disks. For Windows Server 2008 R2, IIS is an additional configuration option.
• A static IP address from the ISP and proper Firewall / Router configuration if using internet access
The following installation considerations must be observed for sites with advanced data logging
requirements, such as connection to an SQL Server database:
• Both the eServer Host computer and any connecting eServer Client computers must meet
the minimum computer requirements to ensure correct operation. Depending on the site
requirements, more advanced computer specifications may be required for the eServer Host
computer, such as RAID-based redundancy systems, and a higher-end computer processor. Refer
to 1-2 - System Requirements for more information.
• Consult with the site IT Manager to ensure that connecting eServer Client computers can access
the eSever Host computer and the SQL Server database in a safe and secure way.
• Be aware that installing SQL Server 2008 R2 Standard Edition may take up to 60 minutes to
complete. SQL Server Express 2008 R2 can take up to 20 minutes.
1-5 Installation Plans
The following installation data should be gathered and made available to the installation team in the
event that connection to an SQL Server is required:
• This technical manual.
• Ensure you are logged into the computer as a System Administrator when installing soware and
commissioning eServer Host and eServer Client computers
• Site Information Technology security and installation requirements
• Magellan Builder security dongle to configure project settings. Magellan Builder is required for site
setup and project modifications only. You may remove the dongle once the site is commissioned.
• eServer security dongle for the eServer Host computer. This must remain connected to the eServer
Host computer in order for eServer to run.
• For the setup of eServer Client computers that require access to eServer generated Crystal Reports,
you may choose to download the Crystal Reports for Web Components package from the Innotech
website and install it manually as it is a 100MB file download.
• DNS name or static IP address of the SQL Server computer.
• Name of the SQL Server Database being used for point logging.
• Any other data source as it becomes known
1-5.1 Required Soware on Site Computer
The following soware needs to be installed on the site computer.
• Magellan Builder v1.20 or greater with security dongle. You may remove the Magellan Builder
security dongle once setup is completed.
• eServer v1.20 or greater with security dongle. The eServer security dongle must remain connected
to the eServer Host computer in order for eServer to run.
• ATOM Reports Component
• iComm Communication Server
• Windows Internet Information Services (IIS)
The eServer software may be used on an intranet (internal Ethernet), externally via the internet or both.
Chapter 2 - Installation
and Configuration of
eServer Soware
eServer Setup and Site Installation Instructions
2-1 Overview
This section provides an overview of the steps required for the installation and basic configuration
of the eServer soware onto a computer, and installation of the additional Magellan Crystal Report
additions if required.
The installation program for eServer v1.20 or greater automatically creates and congures the necessary web page
les on your computer in the location c:\MyWebPages. Once eServer and the ATOM Reports Component (if required)
have been installed, you will have to check the security settings for c:\MyWebPages and your computer's Internet
Information Services Settings.
See the following for more information:
• 2-5 Security Access to the c:\MyWebPages Directory
• Chapter 3 - Configuring Internet Information Services (IIS)
2-2 Pre-installation Tasks
2-2.1 Overview
Prior to installing eServer v1.20 or greater there are a series of pre-installation tasks to undertake.
This includes gathering all the required information to make the installation process easier, and
preparing site computer security settings to facilitate an easy setup process.
Many of the processes within the Pre-installation Tasks assume a moderate to high degree of technical IT expertise. It is
recommended to consult with the site IT Manager for assistance and site specic security settings where required.
2-2.2 Remote Access, Ports and Security Information
2-2.2.1 Internet Access
You may use an existing and available Broadband Cable/ADSL Internet Connection, however in this
scenario the site will need to have a DNS name or static IP address setup through the Internet
Service Provider (ISP), and also allow the opening of Ports through their Firewall / Router.
If the site IT Sta deny the setup of required ports, a separate ADSL internet connection will need to be provided to a
dedicated computer. This computer can be congured with a Static External IP address and congured to have Port Forwarding. In this instance, IT Sta will only need to enable Port 80 for internet connection and accept outgoing
connections on 1433, 20000 and 20001, not incoming through their own Firewalls. Regardless, the computer running
eServer and iComm needs to have the full incoming and outgoing connections to the Ports setup.
The following Ports are required to be opened through the Firewall to allow incoming and outgoing
connections to specific parts of the Innotech System.
Table 2-1: Required Ports for an Innotech System
Required PortsUsage
Port 80Standard Internet Port
Port 20000Innotech Communications Server (iComm)
Port 20001Innotech eServer Graphics
Port 21000Innotech Facility Manager (if required)
Port 1433 (TCP)SQL Server Express database
Recommended Additional Ports
Port 5900For VNC (Virtual Network Computing)
Port 21For FTP (File Transfer Protocol)
Port 1723For VPN (Virtual Private Network)
Optional PortsUsage
Innotech Chronicle Manager remote communications with the
Port 8227, 8228, 8230
Port 3389
Chronicle Server (if required)
For Remote Desktop (mstsc)
Enabling VNC, FTP or VPN assists with remote site access to the computer for management and
file transfers. This is optional but highly recommended as it allows remote diagnostics, analysis
and troubleshooting of site problems if they occur.
Enabling Ports 8227, 8228 and 8230 is only necessary for remote access using Chronicle Manager
to configure the site Chronicle Server.
The HASP security dongles used by eServer and Magellan do not fully support Remote Desktop.
You will not be able to launch eServer or Magellan through Remote Desktop.
At a minimum ensure to enable Port 80 (Internet), Port 1433 (SQL database), Port 20000 (iComm) and Port 20001
(eServer graphics).
Both iComm and eServer are resistant to denial of service attacks from unauthenticated clients,
and both support 32-bit encryption with initial login challenge/response authentication. If a client's
login name and passwordis not authenticated immediately by eServer or iComm, the connection is
Both servers have been tested for buer overrun attacks, and both servers have an audit trail of
connection attempts. It is not possible, even with a custom-written rogue program that manages
proper authentication, for any program to connect to either of these servers and execute a file
or download unauthorised data from the server. Neither of these programs currentlycontains
functionality to allow file downloads, server-side execution, or any kind of interactive login.
To setup access over the internet, you will need to open Ports 80, 1433, 20000 and 20001through the
Firewall to transmit and receive data. Then acceptincoming connections, and Port Forward from the
external static IP address, to the internal static IP address of the computer running the iComm Server
and eServer soware.You will be able to see who has logged in via the audit trails, even from an
eServer Client computer.
From the eServer Client computer, only ports 80, 1433, 20000 and 20001 need to be open for an
outgoing connection.
2-2.3 Setup of a Dedicated Site Computer with ADSL Connection
2-2.3.1 Overview
This section provides detailed information for configuring a site computer with a dedicated ADSL
connection for running the eServer soware. Refer to Figure 2-1 for an example eServer setup
network topology.
Figure 2-1: Example of eServer Setup Network Topology
Once the ADSL connection to the eServer Host computer is completed, the computer must be
protected. The following is required to complete this step:
• Antivirus soware from a reputable provider. Some antivirus and security soware will
block eServer communication and port traic by default. If this occurs, allow the required
communications on the computer. Refer to the specific antivirus or security soware help manual
for more details on how to do this.
• Firewall enabled and configured - either Windows firewall or third party soware. Ensure to
enable the required ports for eServer communications.
• Administration rights on the computer with a valid username and password
• Static IP address for the ADSL connection
• Static IP address on the local computer
2-2.3.2 Router Setup
1. Set up the computer with a temporary IP address and make it the same as the default IP range
of the ADSL router being used.
2. Log onto the router and set a new username and password. Go to the Port Settings (generally
found in Security) and allow the ports described previously in 2-2.2.2 Port Forwarding and
3. You will need to forward the requests for each Port to the static IP address of the computer
running iComm and/or eServer as shown below in Figure 2-2 (Please note that this screenshot
is for soware that is specific to this router, and may vary depending on the brand and model of
the router).
Figure 2-2: Example of Forwarding Requests for Ports to Static Ip Addresses
To use eServer with an SQL Server on the dedicated site computer and remotely you will both need
internal and external access to iComm. To do this, you will need to use an actual DNS name that is
accessible from the External and Internal Addresses. In most projects with stand-alone computers
accessing the internet the router is basic and is not a DNS server.
Use the following site to set one up.
Go to and create a DNS account (these are not expensive and are very reliable).
Download the Dynamic DNS Updater and install it on your Site computer. This will ensure the
External Address is always linked to the DNS name.
2-3 Installation of eServer Soware
2-3.1 Overview
The installation program for eServer v1.20 or greater automatically installs all web page files on your
computer to work with minimal user intervention.
The following steps describe the process to install the eServer soware onto a site eServer Host
Ensure that the eServer Host computer meets the minimum specications outlined in 1-2 System Requirements
before installing the eServer software. Ensure that you have congured and DNS and Port Security settings prior to
installation, as during installation you will be asked to enter this information.
There are common installation steps for all supported Operating Systems. Any specic dierences are described at the
relevant section in the document.
The ATOM Reports Component allows for advanced report generation from Magellan or eServer
soware using the Innotech ATOM soware. This is a separate optional install which is required for
the generation of ATOM Reports.
The ATOM Reports Component is intended to work in a system where the Magellan or eServer Software is accessing
data stored in a SQL Server database. This is part of a system utilising the Innotech ATOM software.
See the following for more information:
• Chapter 4 - Configuring eServer Communications
2-4.2 Installation Steps
Launch the ATOM Reports Component Installation Program. The program will detect your system
configuration to install the required files, as illustrated below in Figure 2-8.
Figure 2-8: ATOM Reports Component Installation Preparation
Click Next to commence installation, as illustrated below in Figure 2-9.
Figure 2-9: Commence ATOM Reports Component Installation
Select the specific ATOM Reports Component items to install. The default is to install the files
required for both the Magellan and eServer soware, as illustrated below in Figure 2-10. Click
Next to continue.
Figure 2-10: Select the Specic ATOM Reports Components to Install
When the ATOM Reports Component installation process is completed, click Finish to close and exit.
2-5 Security Access to the c:\MyWebPages Directory
2-5.1 Overview
To enable eServer Client computers connection and access to the contents of the c:\MyWebPages
directory, you will need to configure folder security settings. This allows eServer Client computers to
access to necessary files of the eServer project.
You will need to enable security access to a user called "Everyone", and then customise the security settings for
"Everyone". If the user "Everyone" already exists for this directory, check that the suitable security and access settings
have been enabled for this directory.
2-5.2 Create Special User "Everyone" for c:\MyWebPages
Navigate to c:\MyWebPages on your computer. Right-click on the MyWebPages folder and select
Properties from the popup menu. Select the Security tab and click Edit to change permissions, as
illustrated below in Figure 2-11.
Figure 2-11: Edit Security Groups for c:\MyWebPages