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Document Management
Document Title: Ethernet Setup Manual for Device
Revision History
1.004/10/11First release of Ethernet Setup Manual for Device Communications
DS 99.05 – Ethernet Setup Manual for Device Communications
Page 2
Edition 1.0 dated 04/10/11
This document provides instructions for conguring the Ethernet settings on Innotech
controllers and devices equipped with an Ethernet port. Depending on the controller or
device, this can be accomplished with either the EtherMate software from Innotech, or
with the embedded web server where applicable. Detailed information for conguring
and commissioning Ethernet connections on applicable Innotech device(s) is provided.
This manual also contains a general troubleshooting section to assist you in conguring
Ethernet settings on devices where the IP address of the Innotech device is unknown or
has been lost.
If installing on a shared network, site installation and Ethernet commissioning
will in most cases involve compliance with the requirements of the IT Manager for
Networking and Information Security. Technicians performing the installation are
advised to contact the IT Manager on site for specic site installation instructions.
This is not necessary for installations on a dedicated network.
Intended audience
This document is intended for commissioning personnel.
Document conventions
The following conventions are used in this document:
italicsItalic text indicates a value you must supply and enter
NOTEIndicates useful information, or tips that you should read and understand
CautionIndicates critical information you MUST read before proceeding further
Document layout
This document consists of the following chapters as described below:
Chapter 1:
Chapter 2:
Chapter 3:
About this document contains general information such as document
conventions, required software and tools, and computer specications.
Preliminary Information contains general information on Ethernet standards
and Ethernet cabling information.
Connecting Innotech devices for initial conguration contains
information on different ways you can connect your Innotech devices to
congure the Ethernet settings for permanent deployment on your LAN.
Boldface text indicates commands, keywords, mouse clicks, or menu
selections you use to do a task
Chapter 4:
Chapter 5:
Conguring Ethernet settings of Innotech devices contains instructions to
congure the Ethernet settings on your devices to prepare for installation on
your LAN.
General troubleshooting contains general troubleshooting tips.
Page 3
Chapter 1 – About this document
DS 99.05 – Ethernet Setup Manual for Device Communications
What's covered in this document
This document provides detailed instructions for conguring the Ethernet settings of
your Innotech devices to function on your Local Area Network (LAN). In preparing
this document it is assumed that you are familiar with using Windows 7 Professional,
Windows Vista Business or Windows XP Professional operating systems. Instructions
for conguring the Ethernet settings are provided for the following Innotech controllers
and devices:
Genesis II controller•
MAXIM III controller•
MAXIM 1010 controller•
IG01 Sub System Gateway•
IG03 BACnet Gateway•
IG04 BACnet Gateway •
CONV-E converter•
IWS01 innSIGHT Supervisor Web Server•
Special Considerations
In order to successfully congure the Ethernet settings of your Innotech device(s) on the
site LAN where the device(s) will be installed, you must have the following information
Static IP address to be assigned for each Innotech device(s)•
Subnet mask for the LAN•
Default gateway address for the LAN•
Consult with the site IT Manager to gather this information before proceeding to congure
the Ethernet settings of your Innotech device(s).
DS 99.05 – Ethernet Setup Manual for Device Communications