Inner Range CONCEPT IQ. PLUS Programmer's Manual

Ver. 3.003 p1
CONCEPT IQ. PLUS Programmer’s Manual.
Programmer’s Manual
© 2003. Inner Range Pty. Ltd. Part Number: 630047plus
p2 Ver. 3.003 (24/4/03)
CONCEPT IQ. PLUS Programmer’s Manual.
Programming Methods ............................................................. 3
1. Introduction
1.1 System Overview............................................................... 4
1.2 Types of Users................................................................... 6
1.3 Default Users..................................................................... 6
2. The LED Terminal
2.1 Key Functions.................................................................... 7
2.2 Beeper Indications ............................................................. 7
2.3 Lamp Indications ............................................................... 7
2.4 Access Control & IQ Plus .................................................... 8
3 The Programming Key
3.1 Introduction........................................................................ 9
3.2 Import Data from Programming Key ................................... 9
3.3 Export Data to Programming Key ....................................... 9
4 Programming Techniques
4.1 The System Database........................................................ 10
4.2 Selecting and Programming the Data ................................. 10
4.3 Types of Data .................................................................... 10
4.4 Example of Programming .................................................. 11
4.5 Programming Flowchart ..................................................... 11
4.6 “Value” Data....................................................................... 12
4.7 “Options” Data ................................................................... 12
4.8 Defaulting the System ........................................................ 13
5 User Operation Summary
5.1 General User Operations (No PIN Code)............................ 14
5.2 User Operations requiring PIN Code .................................. 14
6 Master User Operation Summary
6.1 Master User Operations ..................................................... 15
6.2 User Programming ............................................................ 16
7 Basic Programming Guide ........................................................ 18
8 Programming of Advanced Features
Contents and Overview............................................................. 34
Access Control Options ............................................................ 35
Auto-Arm / Auto Disarm. ........................................................... 36
Auxiliary to Follow a TimeZone ................................................. 37
Battery Testing.......................................................................... 37
Callback for Remote Connect. .................................................. 38
Call Forwarding. ....................................................................... 38
Computer connection (Local) .................................................... 38
Printer connection (Local) ......................................................... 38
Day Alarm. ............................................................................... 38
Defer Arming ............................................................................ 39
DTMF Remote Control (Telephone Remote Control) ................. 39
Keyswitch Arming and Disarming. ............................................. 39
Pulse Counting. ........................................................................ 40
Siren output to operate as an Auxiliary. ...................................... 40
Six Digit PIN Codes. ................................................................. 40
Smoke Detector Reset ............................................................. 41
Sub Areas. ............................................................................... 41
User Auxiliaries ........................................................................ 41
Walk Testing............................................................................. 42
Wireless Remote Control.......................................................... 42
Zone Self Testing...................................................................... 42
9 Programming Reference........................................................... 43
Arranged numerically by Address location.
10 Tables ...................................................................................... 74-84
Auxiliary Event Types................................................................ 75-77
Auxiliary Actions. ...................................................................... 78
System Inputs........................................................................... 79
Contact ID Event Codes. .......................................................... 80
Factory Default and Installer Preset Configurations ................... 81-84
Printer Output, Review Format .................................................. 85
11 Indexes .................................................................................... 86
Alphabetical Index .................................................................... 86
Numerical Index (By Address Location)..................................... 90
Ver. 3.003 p3
CONCEPT IQ. PLUS Programmer’s Manual.
Concept IQ has been designed to provide a versatile system that is quick & easy to program & commission.
2 Upload / Download Software
Allows system programming while on-line to the Controller or while off-line. Connection can be via local Serial Port (using the “Port 0 Cable”) or via remote dial-up. This software is also used to view “Review” history.
Download for free from
3 Factory Defaults
Much of the basic system programming can be quickly implemented by selecting one of the System Default options.
See Page 13 of this manual for the Default procedure and an overview of the System Default options.
See the Tables section for a full description of each System Default option.
4 Address Location
-Numerical Order
Use Section 9 -”Programming Reference” to program the system in numerical Address order.
401-495 Users .................. 43
500-520 Comms .............. 44
521-569 Areas.................. 50
570-589 Holidays ............. 54
590-595 Daylight Saving . 55
600-741 Zone Inputs ........ 56
750-769 TimeZones......... 61
800-870 Auxiliaries .......... 62
890-893 General Opts ..... 64
897-899 System Inputs .... 67
900-914 Times/Counts .... 69
918-919 Access Control .. 72
5 Primary and
Secondary option programming.
In many cases, a system can be fully programmed by following the Basic Programming Guide flowchart steps described in Section 7
Additional Features can then be added by following the Advanced Feature Programming described in Section 8
Section 9 - Programming Reference can be used for additional details whenever required.
1 Portable Memory Device
Used to Download programming data into a Controller that has been copied from another Controller or from a Computer.
See page 9 of this manual.
p4 Ver. 3.003 (24/4/03)
CONCEPT IQ. PLUS Programmer’s Manual.
The Concept IQ is an affordable, simple to use security system targeted at the domestic and small commercial markets. The system has been designed for ease of use by the Installer and the End User.
The basic Control Module has the following hardware dimensions:
Zones: 8 standard Zone Inputs or 16 doubled Zone Inputs.
Auxiliaries: Total of 3. 1 Siren speaker / 1 Strobe / 1 General purpose.
Serial Communications Port: RS232.
External Device Bus.
System LAN: Provides connectivity for up to 4 LAN Devices.
IO Expansion Bus.
Separate Tamper Input.
A variety of Peripheral devices can be connected directly to the Control Module:
Programming Key.
Plug-on Expansion Card options. 8 additional Auxiliaries and/or 8 additional Zones.
DTMF communications Card.
DTMF + Voice communications Card.
Serial Adapter Cable for connection to PC.
The System LAN supports the following LAN Modules:
Standard 16 Zone / 4 Area LED Terminal.
RF Terminal that adds 2 key or 4 key radio remote functionality.
Enhanced Terminal that adds access control.
Zone Inputs. Zone Inputs are individually programmed to define how they are to be
processed. An appropriate “Zone Type” is chosen and additional options relating to; Alarm Processing, Reporting, Siren, Pulse counting, Testing, and type of Input Device can also be defined. Global Zone options also allow system-wide parameters to be set for Pulse Counting, End-Of-Line Resistor values and Zone Self Testing.
System Inputs. System Inputs are available for monitoring Faults and System Alarms
such as; Power Problems, Cabinet & Siren Tampers, Communication Problems, LAN & Battery Fuses, Zone Self-test Status and Keypad Emergency Alarms (Panic, Fire, Medical & Duress).
System Inputs are also available for monitoring Door Forced and Door Open Too Long (DOTL) alarms, allowing operation of auxiliaries and other General Options.
Automatic Battery Testing is available and triggers the Low Battery alarm if the test fails.
The Installer enables the Siren and Reporting (to Fault History and/or Reveiw or through the dialer) options for each System Input as required.
Areas. The system can be configured in Single Area or Multi Area Mode
according to the site requirements. Up to 4 Areas are available and Zone Inputs can be assigned to one or more Areas. Each Area can be armed in “AWAY” or “HOME” modes. Each LED Terminal can be configured for Multi-Area mode or assigned to a Single Area.
Review General Review is a history of events available to the Upload/
Download software or direct to a Printer in real time (IQ Plus only see Tables - Section 10). Events such as alarms, restores, tampers, open, close and system inputs are time stamped and entered into Review. General Review contains a maximum of 128 entries, once Review is full, older events are lost as new ones are entered.
Unique to the IQ Plus is “Access Review” events such as REX button, Door Forced, Door Open Too Long (DOTL), valid and invalid card read and access entry are all viewable (requires an add-on to the Upload/Download software). Access Review contains a maximum of 42 entries, once Review is full, older events are lost as new ones are entered.
General Options can be set, to allow Access Review to be written to General Review, this option should be used with caution because of the limited size of the Review buffer.
Ver. 3.003 p5
CONCEPT IQ. PLUS Programmer’s Manual.
Siren. The Siren Speaker output supports a standard 8 Ohm Horn speaker
and can generate 4 different siren tones for Burglary, Fire, Medical & Panic alarms. The Siren time is programmable and any System Input Alarms that are programmed to activate the Siren may be differentiated from Zone Input Alarms by a different Siren tone.
Auxiliaries. Auxiliary outputs are extremely flexible with a range of versatile
programming options for Security and Building/Home automation. A choice of over 50 “Auxiliary Types” provides for Auxiliaries to; Annunciate different types of alarms, Indicate (mimic) individual Area or Zone status, Indicate Entry, Exit, Auto-Arm & Zone Bypass conditions, Follow TimeZones, etc.
For each individual Auxiliary the output logic and On/Off actions can be tailored including an optional timer that can be programmed in Minutes or Seconds.
Communications. The system offers “Contact ID” or “Domestic” dialing options. For a
higher level of Dialer integrity a Secondary telephone number can be programmed, Telephone line monitoring is provided and the maximum number of dial attempts can be specified. A “Comms Fail” alarm is activated if the line is tampered or the maximum attempts is reached. Daily, Weekly or Monthly Test reports can also be sent at a specified time of day, or triggered manually by a Master User.
The Installer can dial in to the system from a PC for Upload/Download when required. Security is provided by a PIN code requirement, and Callback and Fax Bypass options are available.
With the DTMF Card fitted, a User can dial in to the system, and using their PIN code, can perform remote operations and obtain system status information.
The IQ Plus provides two On-board Serial Ports, allowing connection of a Programming Key or PC for Upload / Download or to a Printer to print Review output.
Timers. An extensive range of Timers are provided catering for; Individual Area
Exit/Entry delays, System Siren time, Keypad lockout time and AC fail delay time. Four TimeZones are provided including provision for up to 10 Holiday dates and automatic Daylight Saving adjustment is also catered for. The TimeZones can be used to turn Auxiliaries On and/or Off and to control Areas.
User Functions. In addition to the User operations described in “Types of Users” below,
the system provides a number of options to simplify and/or enhance the User operations and feedback. These include; Auto-Isolate on Arming, Quick Arming, Key-switch Arm/ Disarm and Zone activity display on LED Terminals.
p6 Ver. 3.003 (24/4/03)
CONCEPT IQ. PLUS Programmer’s Manual.
User Number Description Factory Default PIN
User 1 Installer 2345 (or 234567) User 2 Master User 0123 (or 012345) User 3 to 95 General Users
(Can be programmed as a Master User)
User 96 Reserved for system functions
(e.g. Reporting Auto-arming etc.)
Not applicable
The system has 3 special Users and 93 normal Users. The system can be configured for 4 digit or 6 digit PIN codes depending on the requirements of the site. The normal Users can each be assigned a “User Type” and their “User Areas” to define the items that they can control and the operations that they can perform.
Can perform all Installer operations, and all Master operations.
Can perform all the Master operations and has access to all Areas. The Master operations include; Edit Users, Walk test Zones, Set Tme & Date, Siren/ Strobe/Auxiliary Testing, Fault Analysis, View Software Version, Test Battery and Door Bell Enable/Disable.
The Master User can also perform all User operations. This includes Arming / Dis-arming the system, Isolating Zones and View history. The Master User automatically has permission to control all the Areas, Zones and Auxiliary outputs in the system.
Can perform a variety of operations such as Arming / Dis-arming , Isolating Zones and View History with various levels of functionality as defined by the User’s “User Type”.
Can also be programmed as a Master User if required. In a Multi-Area system, a normal User programmed as a Master User can only add a new User or edit existing Users who can access a subset of their own Area list.
A User PIN’s last digit + 1 will form a DURESS Code. e.g. If a user’s PIN is 1234, then 1235 will trigger a duress alarm, and if the user’s PIN is 1239, then 1230 will be a duress code.
The Default Installer PIN and Master PIN Codes should be changed as soon as possible after installation. When choosing a new PIN Code, ensure that a PIN is chosen that will not be forgotten, while still providing security against unauthorised access.
Ver. 3.003 p7
CONCEPT IQ. PLUS Programmer’s Manual.
PANIC. Keys 1 & 3 pressed simultaneously. FIRE. Keys 4 & 6 pressed simultaneously. MEDICAL. Keys 7 & 9 pressed simultaneously. REX (Request to Exit) <OFF> key.
Enhanced Terminals only.
NEXT -Installer: Select a Programming Address or Installer operation.
-Master User: Select a Master User operation.
HOME -In Single Area Mode: Used to Arm the system in Home Mode.
-In Multi-Area Mode: Used to Arm the specified Area in Home Mode.
-Master User: Clear the data already entered if you make a mistake. CLR Logoff the Terminal. Exit the current Mode of operation) ENTER Saves the data entered in a programming Address. NOTE: AUTO-LOGOFF: The Terminal will automatically logoff the operator if there is
no keypad activity detected for 30 seconds.
2 or 3 Short Beeps: A User, Master or Installer function was successful. 1 Long Beep: A User, Master or Installer function has been unsuccessful.
When an error is detected, the beeper tones will sound at a lower pitch until a correct operation is successfully performed.
Continuous Short Beeps*: Entry Delay Timer, Exit Delay Timer or Auto-arm Warning.
*NOTE: Single Area systems. All Terminals will beep in response to Exit delay, Entry delay or
Auto-arm warnings.
Multi-Area systems. Only Terminals associated with a particular Area will beep in
response to that Area’s warning functions. IMPORTANT NOTE: Multi-Area Terminals will beep on warning functions from all Areas.
* Alarm indication takes priority over Isolate or other indication. ^ See “System Inputs” on page 72 in the Tables section.
ZONE Lamps
1 to 16
When the Zone is Unsealed. (If the "Zone activity" option is enabled)
When the Zone is Sealed.
FAST: * When there has been an Alarm / Tamper on the Zone. SLOW: * When the Zone has been Isolated.
AREA Lamps
A1, A2, A3, A4
Area is Armed. (Multi-Area mode only)
Area is Dis-armed. Note: Multi-Area mode only.
FAST: * There has been an Alarm in the Area. SLOW: * Area Armed in Home Mode.
ARM Area/s are armed
in Away mode.
System not armed in Away mode.
There has been an alarm in an Area armed in Away mode.
HOME Area/s are armed
in Home mode.
System not armed in Home mode.
There has been an alarm in an Area armed in Home mode.
FAULT ^ A system input is
currently in alarm. ^
No system inputs are in alarm.
SLOW: When a System Input has been Isolated. ^
PWR AC mains OK AC mains problem. -
ARM & HOME - - System is in "Master Operations" mode.
i.e. NEXT functions.
- - System is in "User Programming" mode.
- - System is in "Installer Programming" mode.
0 Used to display values in programming mode.
p8 Ver. 3.003 (24/4/03)
CONCEPT IQ. PLUS Programmer’s Manual.
Enhanced Access Terminal V2.01 or greater; Door strike; Relay board for door strike; Wiegand reader. The Terminal installation document 635500EN contains additional informa­tion on installation.
The Door (door strike and door reed switch) connected to the Terminal is automatically associated with that Terminal and can be referred to by the Terminal number, for example; Terminal 1 = door 1. Terminals can be associated to areas and will only display zone activity for that Area. (Address 561-564)
All doors will use the same global lock open time (time the door strike is activated) as programmed at address 909 - Terminal Auxiliary time. This must be programmed to a value other than 0 for the door to remain open following a valid request to open. If a 0 is left at
this location the lock will open but close again almost immediately, i.e. remain locked.
Valid entries are from 0 to 255 seconds. (Factory default 5 Seconds).
A “Request to Exit” (REX), is typically a button provided to unlock a door from the inside either bypassing the need to use a reader during low security periods, or because an internal (exit) reader is not required. The “REX” device can also be a PIR or Photo-Electric beam to
detect the User approaching the door. If a REX button is fitted it will activate the door for the lock open time (see above). The REX operation is enabled regardless of the state of the associated Area and is entered into Access Review. The OFF key can also be used as a REX button if it is programmed at address 918.
Once fitted and tested, learning the card (entering the card details into the panel) is done exactly the same as adding a User PIN with the exception that the card is also presented (explained in detail in section 7, the Basic Programming Guide).
A User can have both a PIN and card, accessing the door using either method. A reader need not be fitted if PIN only access is required. The door will open for lock open time following a valid PIN + OFF key.
For higher security applications, both PIN and card can be required to open the door. This option is global and is set at Address 919.
Each door will assume Area control of the Area associated with the Terminal, a Terminal MUST be associated with an Area.
The following rules apply:
1) If the User is assigned to an Area that is also associated to the Terminal, (a)If the Area is armed, badging a card will disarm the associated Area and open the door. (The event is entered into Access Review). (b) If the Area is disarmed, badging a card will open the door. (The event is entered into Access Review)
2) If the User is not assigned to the Area associated to the Terminal, (a) If the Area is armed, badging a card will not open the door (The event is entered into Access Review). (b) If the Area is disarmed, badging a card will open the door (The event is entered into Access Review).
A Door Forced condition is activated when the reed switch goes into alarm without a valid request to open the door, this also causes the Door Forced system input to go into alarm. (The event is entered into Access Review) An Auxiliary can be used to indicate this system input by setting the Auxiliary type; 131 (door1)-138 (door 8) as described in the Tables-Section 10. This Auxiliary will pulse on for 500ms every 5 seconds till cleared. Door Forced is an Alarm condition and is cleared by using a valid PIN+OFF key.
A DOTL (Door open too long) condition is activated when the door is open for longer than a period of time equal to 4 times that of the lock open time set at Address 909. This means that once a valid request to open occurs, the lock timer starts and so does the DOTL timer. Causing the DOTL system input to go into alarm. (The event is entered into Access Review) An Auxiliary can be used to indicate this system input by setting the Auxiliary type; 141(door 1)-148 (door 8) as described in the Tables-Section 10. This Auxiliary will pulse on for 500ms every 5 seconds till cleared. DOTL is a warning condition and is cleared by using a valid PIN + OFF key or a valid card badge.
Ver. 3.003 p9
CONCEPT IQ. PLUS Programmer’s Manual.
The Concept IQ Programming Key is a portable non-volatile memory device housed in a convenient “key tag”.
The Programming Key allows system programming to be uploaded from the Control Module or downloaded to the Control Module by simply inserting the Programming Key into Serial Port 0 and performing a simple key sequence on the LED Terminal. See below.
A built-in Lamp (embedded in the plastic surface) on the Programming Key visually indicates when data transmission is active.
This device allows the Programming Key to be connected to a PC for transferring Panel data to and from the Upload/Download software.
NOTE: The Concept IQ Programming Key & Flash Interface can also be used to connect a PC to the “Flash” connector (JP8) on the Controller for the purpose of providing a Flash Upgrade of the Controller Firmware version.
Refer to your Concept IQ distributor for more details.
IMPORTANT NOTE: The new data will override the existing contents of the Control Module memory.
Connect the Programming Key to Serial Port 0 on the Control Module. Select the Import Data Mode:
Enter PIN; ... , then , then the Mode number; , , .
The Lamp on the Programming Key will flash slowly to indicate data is being copied. The Terminal beeper will sound 3 short beeps if the operation was successful, or 1 long beep if unsuccessful.
This Mode allows the Installer to copy the programming contents of the Control Module into the Programming Key.
IMPORTANT NOTE: The Control Module data will override the existing contents of the Programming Key.
Connect the Programming Key to Serial Port 0 on the Control Module. Select the Export Data Mode:
Enter PIN; ... , then , then the Mode number; , , .
The Lamp on the Programming Key will flash quickly to indicate data is being copied. The Terminal beeper will sound 3 short beeps if the operation was successful, or 1 long beep if unsuccessful.
This Mode allows the Installer to copy the programming contents of the Programming Key into the Control Module.
Door Forced and DOTL system inputs will turn on the fault light on the Terminal and LEDs 15 or 16 when a NEXT 13 is performed. (Refer System Inputs)
The Zones Inputs on terminals are used for door reed switch (zone1) and REX button (zone2). Each zone must be fitted with the required device or, if not used, must be termi­nated with 6k8 resistors. These Zones cannot be used for security zones.
p10 Ver. 3.003 (24/4/03)
CONCEPT IQ. PLUS Programmer’s Manual.
User programming is stored in Memory Addresses numbered from 401 to 447. The system programming is stored in Memory Addresses numbered from 500. Programming the system involves three basic steps:
1) Logon with the Installer PIN Code. Then for each item of Data to be programmed;
2) Select the Memory Address to be programmed.
3) Program the new Data Value or Options for that Address.
1. Key in the Installer PIN Code.
2. Select the Address of the data to be viewed or edited by simply pressing: followed by the Address number; , , (3 digits).s).
Flashing Area Lamps will prompt you for each digit of the Address to be entered i.e. A1 = Key in the 1st digit of the Address; A2 = Key in the 2nd digit of the Address; etc.
As each digit is entered, the corresponding Area Lamp will stop flashing and remain on. ARM, HOME, FAULT & PWR Lamps will Flash to indicate “Programming Mode” as soon as
the 1st digit of a Programming Address has been entered. When the Address has been fully entered, the A4 lamp will flash if data is already programmed in that Address.
Pressing after entering the data will save the data and automatically take you to the Next Programming Field or Address.
Pressing after entering the data will save the data and automatically take you to the Previous Address.
The Data Value at the Address selected will then be displayed via the Terminal Lamps, and can be changed by simply keying in the new data according to the Type of Data.
Enter the new Data (Value or Option) settings ... (1 to 16 digits*), then (Too advance to the Next Address) or (To go to the Previous Address)
* Depending on the type of Data required. See 4.3 following. Flashing Zone Lamps will prompt you for each digit of the data to be entered
i.e. 1 = Key in the 1st digit of the data; 2 = Key in the 2nd digit of the data; etc. As each digit is entered, the corresponding Zone Lamp will stop flashing and remain on.
To clear the current field of all data and settings, ready for new data, press . e.g. If you make a mistake while entering a value, press and enter that value again.
Press to exit any of the Installer Operations.
When in Programming Mode there are two types of data that are stored in the Programming Addresses. The type of Data stored in each Address will depend on the type of parameter being defined.
1) “Value” data. A Numerical Data Value that:
Selects an Option when there are more than 2 alternatives to select from. e.g. Reporting Format or User Type.
Defines a Value or Quantity for a specific parameter. e.g. Entry and Exit Delay times or Number of Dial attempts.
Defines a Sequence of numbers for a specific parameter. e.g. PIN codes, Client codes and Telephone numbers.
Ver. 3.003 p11
CONCEPT IQ. PLUS Programmer’s Manual.
2) “Option” data.
Data field that allows the Installer to select between two alternatives (Select/De-select, Enable/Disable, Assign/Un-assign, etc.) for up to 8 Options or Items that relate to a particular feature. e.g. Setting Dialer options, Assigning Areas to a User, Defining options for Individual Zone Inputs, etc. (Similar to the Y / n options screens in Concept 3000 / Access 4000)
Refer to page 10 for more information and examples of Data Types.
This example shows how Zone 1 would be changed to the “Hand-over” Input Type. Zone 1 Input Type is stored in Address 601.
STEP 1. Logon with the Installer PIN Code.
Enter Installer PIN code; ... .
STEP 2. Select the Address to be changed.
Press , then . The current data will now be displayed via the Zone Lamps. (Multi-digit Value data will display sequentially. A chirp sounds as each digit is displayed. 3 beeps indicate the end of the data sequence, then the “1” lamp will flash to prompt for the 1st digit of the new data.)
STEP 3. Enter the new Data Value.
Select the new Input Type; (Handover), then
STEP 4. Repeat Steps 2 and 3 to perform any additional programming required.
Remember that pressing after keying in the data automatically advances the program­ming to the next Field or Address (i.e. Address 602 in this example).
Step 2 is only required if you need to program in a location other than the next Field or Address.
STEP 5. Exit the programming mode.
The following flowchart provides an overview of the simple steps involved in programming the system Data and Options.
The Bold path indicates the typical sequence.
“<CLR>” can be used at anytime to Exit programming mode without saving changes
in the current data field displayed.
“<HOME>” can be used to clear the buffer of all data, ready for a new data entry.
p12 Ver. 3.003 (24/4/03)
CONCEPT IQ. PLUS Programmer’s Manual.
The range of Data values that can be stored in a Value Data Address depends on the parameter being programmed. The data can be either a single digit or a multiple-digit number. e.g. Auxiliary Event Types: 0 to 57. Area Entry Delay (Seconds): 0 to 255.
Primary Telephone No: 16 decimal digits.
Single Digits.
These are numbers between 0 and 16 and are displayed by the Zone Lamps “1” to “16” and the “0” Lamp on the LED Terminal.
Multi digit / Sequential numbers.
(Data values from 17 to 255, and strings of numbers such as PINs & Phone nos.) These numbers are displayed one digit at a time sequentially via the Zone Lamps
and the “0” Lamp. A chirp will sound each time the display steps to the next digit. When the end of the value is reached, 3 short beeps will sound to indicate there are no more digits to display.
Example. If the existing value at the Address is 120.
When the Address is entered, The “1” Lamp will flash. The flashing Lamp indicates that this value is a multi-digit number.
After 2 seconds the “2” Lamp will flash and a chirp will sound.
After 1 second the “0” Lamp will flash and 3 short beeps will sound.
The “1” lamp will now flash slowly to prompt for the 1st digit of the new data.
When programming any Multi-digit number, only one Address is selected regardless of the number of digits to be entered.
Example. To program the data “9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2” as the Primary Telephone Number.
1) Enter Installer PIN code; ... .
2) Press , then the Address for the Primary Telephone Number . Any existing data will now be displayed as described above.
3) Enter the new Data string , then
4) Select the next Address to program, or Exit Programming Mode.
Option data is used to allow the Installer to select between two alternatives (Select/De­select, Enable/Disable, Assign/Un-assign, etc.) for up to 8 Options or Items that relate to a particular feature.
Option Data is displayed on the Zone 1 to 8 Lamps on the LED Terminal. When a Zone Lamp is ON, the option is Selected. (Enabled or Assigned) When a Zone Lamp is OFF, the option is De-selected. (Disabled or Un-assigned)
Option Data is programmed by first selecting the Address of the Data to be edited in the normal manner.
Any number of specific options are then Selected or De-selected by the following method:
1) Check the current setting of the option on the Zone Lamps.
2) For each option that needs to be changed, Press the option number (1 to 8). This procedure toggles the setting of the selected option.
i.e. If the option was De-selected, it will be Selected. If the option was already Selected, it will be De-selected.
3) When all required changes have been made, press .
To Select ALL available options: Press , then . To De-select ALL available options: Press , then .
Example. To Enable “Alarms” (Option 1), “Restores” (Option 2) and “Open Report only after alarm” (Option 4) in “Dialer Options” (Address 506).
1) Enter Installer PIN code; ... .
2) Select the Address for Dialer Options. Press , , , . The existing data will now be displayed as described above.
3) Enable the 3 options required. (Assuming none of the options already enabled) Press , , , (Zone Lamps 1, 2 and 4 should now be ON) then .
IMPORTANT NOTE: Remember that the same key sequence is used to Disable an option that is already Enabled.
Ver. 3.003 p13
CONCEPT IQ. PLUS Programmer’s Manual.
There are four pre-defined settings available to the installer: a) The Factory Default, and b) Three “8 Zone / Single Area” Installer presets:
1-No Dialer 2-Contact ID Dialer 3-Domestic Dialer.
CAUTION: Defaulting the system overwrites all configuration values currently programmed in memory.
Full details of all default options are provided in the Factory Default and Installer Presets in the Tables section. The factory default settings are also shown throughout the programming reference section of this manual.
1. No Dialler. Provides the common Installer Preset features described below.
2. Contact ID Dialer. In addition to the common features, provides:
Reporting Format Contact ID, Alarms, Restores, Isolates are reported via dialler and Opening Report sent only after alarm, Maximum of 10 dial attempts to central station or domestic dialling, 7 days between automatic test reports, a test report will be sent at 1:20AM. This option also requires the programming of a primary and secondary phone number and client account code .
3. Domestic Dialler. In addition to the common features, provides: Reporting Format Domestic Dialler ID, Alarms only are reported via dialler, Maximum of 1 dial attempt only to domestic dialling. This option requires programming of a primary phone number.
The three “8 Zone / Single Area” Installer presets share the following common features:
• Remote connect is enabled.
• 9 rings before the system will answer an incoming call.
• Upload / download is enabled for Port 0 at 9600 Baud.
• All Area Client Codes set to 9999.
• Area 1 Entry delay Time is 30 secs and Exit delay is 60 secs.
• Holiday 1 is 1st Jan; Holiday 2 is 25th Dec; Holiday 3 is 26th Dec.
• End of Line Resistor Value is Type 3-3K3 single EOL.
• Zone 1 is Type 1-Entry/Exit Delayed; Zone 2 is Type 2-Handover.
• Zones 3 to 8 are Type 0-Instant Zones.
• Zones 1 to 8 are set for siren lockout.
• Zones 1 to 8 are in Area 1.
• Time Zone 1 is 0900 to 1700, Monday to Friday.
• Time Zone 2 is 0900 to 1300, Saturday and Sunday.
• Time Zone 3 is 0700 to 2000, Sunday to Saturday; ignore holidays.
• Time Zone 4 is 2000 to 0700, Sunday to Saturday; ignore holidays.
• Aux 0 is Siren Speaker output.
• Aux 1 set as a strobe output; Aux 2 is set as 12v output to follow the Siren.
• General Options 1 enables “Clock sync with Mains”, “Zone Alarm Ind after Disarm”, “Display zone activity on terminals when disarmed”, “Special Siren tone for System Alarms” and “Single Exit beep in Home mode”.
• General Options 2 enables “Terminal beeper for Day Alarms” and “Bell Squawk for Remote Key operations”.
• General Options 3 will allow “Automatic Battery Testing” and “Pulse Count Handover”.
• Siren will be triggered for Cabinet Tamper.
• Dialler will be enabled for AC fail, Low Batt, Cabinet Tamper, System Reset, Siren Monitor & Pwr /Batt Fuse.
• Panic, Fire and Medical alarms will activate the Siren and the Dialer.
• Home zone entry time is 90 secs.
• Pulse Count is set to 2 pulse counts for any zone with pulse count.
• Pulse count period is set to 60 secs.
• Siren time is 5 minutes (909), AC delay time is 0 minutes (906).
• Incorrect PIN tries will lockout the keypad for 5 mins (905).
• There will be a 255 seconds warning before an Area auto arms (907).
• If no activity on a zone and auto arm is programmed, Area will re-arm in 30 mins.
• 24 Hour Fire Zone or Smoke Detector Ignore Time is 60 secs.
• Time period allowed for walk test is 30 mins.
The “Default Options” function (Address 098) is used to select one of the Installer presets; “1-No Dialler”, “2-Contact ID Dialer” or “3-Domestic Dialler”. NOTE: The “Factory Defaults” (Option 0) can also be selected.
1) Enter the Installer PIN code; ... .
2) Select the Address for Defaulting the System. Press , , ,
3) Select the default option required. Press or or or
Zone Lamp 1 should be now be ON with Zone Lamp 2 flashing. Then press .
p14 Ver. 3.003 (24/4/03)
CONCEPT IQ. PLUS Programmer’s Manual.
NEXT 11 Day Alarm On/Off.
This operation will toggle the Day Alarm function On and Off.
NEXT 12 Alarm History.
Any Zone Inputs that had an alarm during the last Arming period will be displayed on the Zone Lamps.
NEXT 13 Fault History.
Any System Inputs that had an alarm during the last 5 Arming periods will be displayed on the Zone Lamps. Flashing lamp indicates Input is currently in alarm.
Refer to the “System Inputs” table on page 79 for details.
NEXT 14 Zone Self Test History.
Any Zone Inputs that have failed the Zone Self Test will be displayed on the Zone Lamps.
NEXT 15 Display Firmware Version.
The 4 digits of the current Controller Firmware Version will be displayed in sequence. e.g. Sequence 3, 0, 0, 0, = V3.000.
5.2 USER OPERATIONS REQUIRING PIN CODE ACCESS. (Installer, Master and Arm/Disarm/Isolate User Types ONLY)
NEXT 21 Isolate / De-Isolate Zone Inputs.
Zone Lamps indicate Zones that are currently Isolated. Entering the Zone number followed by will toggle the Zone Isolated and De-Isolated. Zones can be isolated by any User that has disarm permission for all the Areas that are assigned to the Zone. System Inputs can be isolated by any User with permission to disarm.
NEXT 22 Isolate / De-Isolate System Alarms.
Zone Lamps indicate System Inputs that are currently Isolated. Entering the System Input number followed by will toggle the Input Isolated and De-Isolated.
Refer to the User’s Manual for more information on these functions.
Ver. 3.003 p15
CONCEPT IQ. PLUS Programmer’s Manual.
NEXT 23 Activate Walk Test.
Puts the system into Walk Test Mode. Any Zone activation causes Siren squawk and Zone Lamp to flash. Press <CLR> to exit. The system will automatically exit from Walk Test if the “Walk Test Time” (Address 912) expires. Walk Test only monitors for the Seal and Alarm (Un-seal) conditions. No indication of Zone Input Tamper state is provided.
NEXT 24 Auxiliary Control and Test.
Auxiliary number followed by will toggle the Auxiliary Output On and Off. 0 = Siren Speaker output. 3 = Aux 2 (Gen purpose Aux on Controller) 1 = Aux 1 (Strobe output) 4 - 10 = Aux 4 to 10. (Gen purpose Auxiliaries on Expansion card)
NEXT 25 Trigger Test Report.
Triggers a Test Report to the Central Monitoring Station or the nominated “Domestic Dialer” Telephone.
NEXT 26 Activates the Battery Test.
Switches the Battery Charger Off for 5 seconds to test Battery voltage. 3 Beeps at end of Test = Battery OK. One long tone = Battery Voltage Low.
NEXT 27 Answer Call.
Causes the Controller to automatically answer the next incoming call and attempt to establish Upload/Download connection. This operation will over-ride any other programming option that disables a remote Upload/Download connection.
NEXT 33 View and/or Set the Time and Date.
Current Time & Date will be displayed in the sequence: hh:mm:DD:MM:YY:d. (Hours, Minutes, Day, Month, Year, Day-of-week)
1) Enter the Time data (hh:mm) then ,
2) Enter the Date data (DD:MM:YY) then .
3) Enter the Day of Week (1=Sunday - 7=Saturday) then .
NEXT 4xx User Programming. Refer to the following pages for details.
Refer to the User’s Manual for more information on these functions.
p16 Ver. 3.003 (24/4/03)
CONCEPT IQ. PLUS Programmer’s Manual.
Adding or Changing a User
1. Logon.
Enter your PIN code; ...
2. Select the first User number to be added or changed.
Press , , , . Where is the User number (User 02 to User 47).
The <A1> Lamp will flash to indicate the system is ready for the PIN Code or Wireless Remote Key entry.
If a PIN code is already programmed for this User, the corresponding number of Zone Lamps (4 or 6) will be flashing.
3. Enrol the User’s Wireless Remote Key. (If required) Press a button on the Remote Key within 30 seconds of selecting the User number. Three short beeps will sound to confirm that the Remote Key has been enrolled and
assigned to the selected User. If the Remote Key is already assigned to another User, or is not recognised by the system, one long beep will sound to indicate a problem.
4. Enrol the User’s Card. (If required)
Present the card at the attached reader head and observe the tones. High tones indicate acceptance, low tone indicate rejection of the card.
5. Enter the new PIN Code (may not be required if Wireless or Card used). A Zone Lamp (1 to 4, OR 1 to 6) will Fast flash to indicate which digit of the PIN code is to
be entered. If the Zone Lamp flashes Slowly, it indicates that a PIN Code is already programmed for
this User. If you enter a new PIN number it will replace the existing PIN number.
As each digit is entered, 3 very short beeps will sound to indicate that the entry is ac­cepted, and the next Zone Lamp will now Fast flash for the next digit to be entered.
Enter the new PIN number ... (4 or 6 digits), then press When complete:
-Three short beeps will sound to confirm the new PIN number has been programmed.
-If the PIN is rejected, one long beep will sound to indicate a problem.
6. Assign or Change the User Area or Areas. (Only required if you have a Multi-Area System)
The <A2> Lamp will flash to indicate the system is ready for the Area assignment entry. The corresponding Zone Lamps (1 to 4) will indicate the Area/s selected.
Press the Area number for each Area that is to be Assigned or Un-assigned to this User.
OPTIONS: 0 All Areas De-selected.
1 General Area (Single Area Mode) or Area 1 (Multi-Area Mode) selected. 2 Area 2 selected 3 Area 3 selected 4 Area 4 selected
When the required Areas have been Selected and/or De-selected, press .
e.g. If Area 1 and Area 3 are to be assigned to the User;
(And no Areas are currently assigned) Press 1, 3, <ENTER>.
3 beeps will sound to confirm the new Area assignment data has been programmed.
Ver. 3.003 p17
CONCEPT IQ. PLUS Programmer’s Manual.
7. Assign the User Type. The <A3> Lamp will flash to indicate the system is ready for User Type selection. The corresponding Zone Lamp (0 to 9) will indicate the User Type selected.
Select the new User Type number . USER TYPE:
0 Arm only Can only Arm the system. 1 Patrol Can Arm / Can Disarm only after an alarm. 2 Arm/Dis-arm Can Arm and Dis-arm the system. 3 Defer Arm Only Can only perform Timed Disarm. 4 User Auxiliary A Can only Toggle User Auxiliary A On and Off. 5 User Auxiliary B Can only Toggle User Auxiliary B On and Off. 6 Arm/Dis-arm/Isolate Can Arm/Dis-arm the system and Isolate Zones. 7 Master Can perform all operations above & Master User
8 Access Only Can access an Area associated with a disarmed
9 Access without Dis-arm Can allow access to User who has arm/dis-
arm rights in an Area
3 very short beeps will sound to indicate that the entry is accepted and the new User Type number will be displayed on the Zone Lamps.
To confirm the selection; Press .
3 beeps will sound to confirm the new User Type has been programmed and the system will automatically advance to the next User number.
8. Add / Change another User or Exit User Programming. To program or change the next User number simply repeat Steps 3 to 6. To select another User number to program or change, go back to Step 2.
To exit User Programming; Press .
Deleting a User
1. Logon.
Enter your PIN code; ...
2. Select the first User number to be Deleted.
Press , , , . Where is the User number (User 02 to User 47).
The <A1> Lamp will flash to indicate the system is ready for the PIN Code or Wireless Remote Key/Access Card entry.
3. Delete the User. If a PIN code is already programmed for this User, the corresponding number of Zone
Lamps (4 or 6) will be flashing. Zone Lamp 1 will Fast flash to prompt for the first digit of the PIN code.
Press then .
Three short beeps will sound to confirm that the PIN code and/or Keyfob/Card data has been deleted and the User Type set to “0”.
4. Delete another User or Exit User Programming. To delete the next User number simply repeat Step 3. To select another User number to delete, go back to Step 2.
To exit User Programming; Press .
p18 Ver. 3.003 (24/4/03)
CONCEPT IQ. PLUS Programmer’s Manual.
The Programming Sequence beginning on the following page takes the Installer through the steps required to program a typical Burglary Alarm System. Programming options for Multi-Area systems, Access Control and Off-site reporting are included.
In many cases system programming can be completed by following these steps. Where more advanced programming is required, follow this Basic Programming Guide first, then refer to the programming procedures found in Section 8 ­”Programming of Advanced Features” .
1) It is highly recommended that the system is fully defaulted to the factory presets as described in Step 1 before the rest of the programming sequence is performed.
2) In the database fields described, only the options relevant to basic system programming are shown. In many cases other options are available. Simply ignore any options not listed. These are not relevant to basic programming and are explained in the appropriate applications in Section 8 -”Programming Advanced Features”.
3) Section 9 -”Programming Reference” can be referred to for extra details on any option when required.
1) If Siren and Strobe are to be used, it is recommended that:
An 8 Ohm Siren Speaker is connected between “DET+” and “SPK” on connector T5 as shown in the Installation guide. (Aux 0)
A 12V Strobe is connected as follows: Strobe + to “DET+”, Strobe - to “OUT 1” on connector T5 as shown in the Installation guide. (Aux 1)
If you prefer to progam the system by following the Address locations in numerical order, go to Section 9 -”Programming Reference”
How to Enter Data. Select Address: Key in the Installer PIN Code; Press then enter the 3 digit Address (A1 to A3 Lamps will flash to prompt for each digit). The current Data will be displayed.
Enter Data: Enter the new Data .. (1-16 digits) OR Option/s to Select/De-select , then . NOTE: clears the current field of all data or settings ready for new data.
Ver. 3.003 p19
CONCEPT IQ. PLUS Programmer’s Manual.
2. SELECT THE END-OF-LINE RESISTOR TYPE. NEXT 600 DEFAULT: Option 3 - 3k3 Single End-of-Line.
END-OF-LINE RESISTOR TYPES: Single EOL: 0 -1k 1 -1k5 2 -2k2 3 -3k3 4 -3k9 5 -4k7 6 -5k6 7 -6k8 8 -10k 9 -12k 10 -22k Dual EOL: 11 -2k2, 2k2 12 -2k2, 6k8 13 -3k3, 6k8 14 -10k, 10k (Provides Tamper state. 1st Value is Series Resistor, 2nd Value is Resistor across contacts) Zone Doubed: 15 -1k, 3k3, 6k8 Zone doubled 16 -1k, 3k3, 6k8 Zone doubled (no seperate tamper state) See installation manual for details.
a) Logon to the Terminal using the Installer PIN code and select DEFAULTING THE CONTROL MODULE. NEXT 098
-Enter PIN, <NEXT>, 0, 9, 8.
b) Select the Default Option. ! CAUTION: This option completely erases all current programming.
- n, <ENTER>. 0: Completely resets the database to Factory Default settings, including the Installer Code and Master Code. Where “n” is the Default option. 1, 2 or 3: Completely resets the database to one of the Installer Presets, including the Installer Code and Master Code.
See page 12 “Defaulting the system” and the Table on page 77 for details.
c) Reset the Control Module.
Disconnect the AC Supply input and the Battery from the Control Module. Wait 5 seconds, then Re-connect power.
3. PROGRAM THE ZONE TYPE/S. NEXT 601 to 616 DEFAULT: Zone 1; Type 1-Delayed. Zone 2; Type 2-Handover Zones 3 to 16; Type 0-Instant.
Program the new Zone Type for Zones that are not “Instant” Zones.
Zone Types:
0 Instant 1 Delayed 2 Handover 3 Away Instant / Home Isolate 4 Away Instant / HomeDelay 5 Away Delay / Home Isolate 6 Away Delay / Home Delay 7 Away Delay / Home Instant 8 Away Handover / Home Isolate 9 Away Handover / Home Delay 10 24 Hour Burglary 11 24 Hour Fire 12 24 Hour Panic 13 24 Hour duress 14 KeySwitch Arm 15 KeySwitch Home
16 Delay / Force Arm 17 Handover / Force Arm
Zone 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Address 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616
p20 Ver. 3.003 (24/4/03)
CONCEPT IQ. PLUS Programmer’s Manual.
5. PROGRAM THE SIREN SWINGER SHUTDOWN COUNT. NEXT 913 DEFAULT: 16 (Only required if the “Siren Lockout” option is selected for any Zones in the Zone Options above)
Program the number of times (0 to 255) the Siren can be triggered by a Zone Input in a single Arming period before Siren Lockout occurs. (The counter is reset when the Area is turned Off)
1 Silent When selected, Siren is not activated when an alarm is triggered on this Zone. (NOTE: “Silent” over-rides “Siren Lockout”) 2 Siren Lockout Zone will only trigger the Siren for the number of times specified in the “Siren Swinger Shutdown Count”. (Address 013) 7 Change Sense
(Normally Open Contacts)
The “Sealed” and “Alarm” states are swapped so that an alarm is triggered when an Open to Closed transition occurs on the detector contacts. May be required for smoke detectors, etc.
1 Panic Alarms will activate the Siren. Enabled by default 3 Fire Alarms will activate the Siren. Enabled by default 5 Medical Alarms will activate the Siren. Enabled by default
1 AC Fail. 3 Cabinet Tamper. (Enabled by default) 5 Comms Fail / System Reset / Real-time Clock Problem. 7 PWR Fuse / Battery Fuse. 2 Low Battery 4 Keypad Lockout. 6 Siren Monitor
Zone 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Address 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 662 663 664 665 666
Ver. 3.003 p21
CONCEPT IQ. PLUS Programmer’s Manual.
HomeGuard Time. DEFAULT: 90 Seconds. NEXT 900
Program a value from 0 to 255 Seconds. Sets the Home Zone Entry Delay time for the “Home Delayed” function in Zone Types 4, 6 & 8.
Siren Time. DEFAULT: 5 Minutes. NEXT 904
Program a value from 0 to 255 Minutes.
Keypad Lockout Time. DEFAULT: 5 Minutes. NEXT 905
Program a value from 0 to 255 Seconds. Sets the time that keypad operation will be disabled after 5 incorrect login (PIN Code) attempts.
AC Report Delay Time. DEFAULT: 0 Minutes. NEXT 906
Program a value from 0 to 255 Minutes. Sets the time that the AC must be continuously disconnected before an AC Fail alarm is generated.
Siren Holdoff Time. DEFAULT: 0 Seconds. NEXT 910
Program a value from 0 to 255 Seconds. Sets the time that the activation of the External Siren will be delayed after an alarm occurs.
Fire Zone (Smoke Detector) Ignore Time. DEFAULT: 60 Seconds. NEXT 911
Program a value from 0 to 255 Seconds. Sets the time that activity on “24 Hour Fire” Zone Types will be ignored after a Smoke Detector Reset occurs.
Option Default Description
1 Auto-Isolate on Arming. No If selected, unsealed Zones will automatically isolate when the Area is Armed at the end of the Exit Delay. 2 Quick Arming. No If selected, no PIN Code required for arming Areas. 3 Force Arm Areas. No If selected, Area will Arm regardless of any unsealed Zones.
If “Auto-Isolate on Arming” is selected, any unsealed Zones will be Isolated. If not, unsealed Zones will go into alarm.
4 Clock Synchronized to 50Hz AC Mains. Yes Only Disable if Mains supply frequency is not stable, or if Controller is only powered by a DC supply. 5 Zone Alarm indication after Disarm. Yes Terminal automatically goes to Alarm History Display when Disarmed if an Alarm has occurred in that Area. 6 Display Zone activity when Disarmed. Yes Enables display of Zone activity via the Terminal Zone LED’s when Area/System is Disarmed. 7 Special Siren Tone for System Inputs Yes Special Siren Tone used for System Inputs that are programmed to activate the Siren.
No = Normal Burglary Siren Tone. (Default setting) Yes = 1 Sec bursts for 4.25 minutes unless cancelled by PIN Code.
8 Single Exit Beep in Home Mode. Yes If selected, Exit beeps are replaced with a single beep at start of Exit Delay when Armed in Home Mode.
How to Enter Data. Select Address: Key in the Installer PIN Code; Press then enter the 3 digit Address (A1 to A3 Lamps will flash to prompt for each digit). The current Data will be displayed.
Enter Data: Enter the new Data .. (1-16 digits) OR Option/s to Select/De-select , then . NOTE: clears the current field of all data or settings ready for new data.
p22 Ver. 3.003 (24/4/03)
CONCEPT IQ. PLUS Programmer’s Manual.
The Strobe output (OUT1) on the Controller is controlled by Auxiliary 1. To enable the Strobe output, assign Event Type 1 - Burglary Alarm (Strobe), to Auxiliary 1 at Address 801.
1 - Sunday 2 - Monday 3 - Tuesday 4 - Wedesday 5 - Thursday 6 - Friday 7 - Saturday
10. PROGRAM THE CURRENT TIME AND DATE. (Master User Operation) NEXT 33
Set the Real-Time Clock. The Time, Date and Day of Week are programmed in 3 separate fields in the following order: hh:mm (1st Field); DD:MM:YY (2nd Field); day (3rd Field) i.e. Hour, Hour; Minute, Minute; Day, Day; Month, Month; Year, Year; Day Of Week: (Sunday=1, Monday=2, Tues=3, Wed=4, Thurs=5, Fri=6, Saturday=7)
Key in the data for the current Field, then press <ENTER> to save the data in the current Field and advance to the next Field. e.g. 1) 07:24 AM, 5th June, 2003. Monday. 0, 7, 2, 4, <ENTER>; 0, 5, 0, 6, 0, 3, <ENTER>; 2, <ENTER>.
2) 05:15 PM, 20th September, 2004. Thursday. 1, 7, 1, 5, <ENTER>; 2, 0, 0, 9, 0, 4, <ENTER>; 5, <ENTER>.
Address Parameter Range Default Address Parameter Range Default 590 Daylight Saving Start Month 0 - 12 0 593 Daylight Saving End Month 0 - 12 0 591 Daylight Saving Start Week 1 - 5 5 594 Daylight Saving End Week 1 - 5 5 592 Daylight Saving Day-of-week In Start Week 1 - 7 1 595 Daylight Saving Day-of-week In End Week 1 - 7 1
Ver. 3.003 p23
CONCEPT IQ. PLUS Programmer’s Manual.
14A. ASSIGN AREA 1 TO ALL ZONES USED. NEXT 701 to 716 DEFAULT: Area 1 assigned to Zones 1 to 8.
Assign Area 1 to all the Zones that are used in the system by enabling Option 1 (Area 1) in the relevant Addresses from 701 to 716.
NEXT 701 to 716
DEFAULT: Area 1 assigned to Zones 1 to 8.
Assign the required Area/s to all the Zones that are used in the system by enabling the Options in the relevant Addresses from 701 to 716. NOTE: Normally, only one Area is assigned to a Zone.
1 - Area 1 assigned. 3 - Area 3 assigned. 2 - Area 2 assigned. 4 - Area 4 assigned.
Is the system a Multi-Area system?
Single Area System. NO YES. Multi Area System. Go to Step 14a.
Option Default Description
1 Multi Area system. No 4 All Areas Siren Off control. No Any User with Disarm
privileges can cancel Siren.
Zone 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Address 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 708 Zone 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Address 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 716
How to Enter Data. Select Address: Key in the Installer PIN Code; Press then enter the 3 digit Address (A1 to A3 Lamps will flash to prompt for each digit). The current Data will be displayed.
Enter Data: Enter the new Data .. (1-16 digits) OR Option/s to Select/De-select , then . NOTE: clears the current field of all data or settings ready for new data.
Zone 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Address 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 708 Zone 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Address 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 716
p24 Ver. 3.003 (24/4/03)
CONCEPT IQ. PLUS Programmer’s Manual.
Go to Step 17.
DEFAULT: 30 Seconds
Program a value from 0 to 255 Seconds.
Program a value from 0 to 255 Seconds.
Multi-Area System
DEFAULT: 30 Seconds
Area 1 ...................................................................NEXT 531
Area 2 ...................................................................NEXT 532
Area 3 ...................................................................NEXT 533
Area 4 ...................................................................NEXT 534
Program a value from 0 to 255 Seconds.
Area 1 ...................................................................NEXT 541
Area 2 ...................................................................NEXT 542
Area 3 ...................................................................NEXT 543
Area 4 ...................................................................NEXT 544
Program a value from 0 to 255 Seconds.
Single Area System
Terminal 1 ............................................................ NEXT 561
Terminal 2 ............................................................ NEXT 562
Terminal 3 ............................................................ NEXT 563
Terminal 4 ............................................................ NEXT 564
This determines the Area used for Arming/Disarming operations, Zone Lamp display and Entry/Exit warnings. One of the following options can be selected:
0 - Multi-Area (All Areas are associated with the Terminal) DEFAULT. 1 - Area 1 is associated with the Terminal. 2 - Area 2 is associated with the Terminal. 3 - Area 3 is associated with the Terminal. 4 - Area 4 is associated with the Terminal.
Ver. 3.003 p25
CONCEPT IQ. PLUS Programmer’s Manual.
17. ENABLE/DISABLE REMOTE CONNECT FOR UPLOAD/DOWNLOAD. Select the Remote Connect Option. DEFAULT: 1 - Remote Connect Enabled NEXT 512
Program the number of Rings to Answer - If Option 1 or 2 selected above. DEFAULT: 16 NEXT 513
Program the number of Rings. A value in the range of 3 to 16 Rings may be programmed.
Enable an Answering Machine (Fax) Bypass option if required. DEFAULT: 0 - Disabled NEXT 514
Callback Telephone Number - If Remote Connect Option 2 is selected. NEXT 504
Program the Telephone number of the Remote Computer. Up to 16 digits allowed. See Step 18 on page 25 for programming information.
Is the system required to Report to a
Central Monitoring Station or a Telephone?
No Reporting. NO YES. Reporting is required. Go to Step 30 Move on to Step 18 “User Programming” “Telephone Numbers”.
0 Remote Connect not allowed. 1 Remote Connect Enabled. (Default) 2 Remote Connect Enabled with Callback.
How to Enter Data. Select Address: Key in the Installer PIN Code; Press then enter the 3 digit Address (A1 to A3 Lamps will flash to prompt for each digit). The current Data will be displayed.
Enter Data: Enter the new Data .. (1-16 digits) OR Option/s to Select/De-select , then . NOTE: clears the current field of all data or settings ready for new data.
0 Disabled. 2 Follow-on time = 30 Seconds. 1 Follow-on time = 10 Seconds. 3 Follow-on time = 60 Seconds.
p26 Ver. 3.003 (24/4/03)
CONCEPT IQ. PLUS Programmer’s Manual.
Contact ID or Domestic Dialer Reporting.No Reporting.
Go to Step 30.
“User Programming”
Primary Telephone Number. NEXT 500
Program the Primary Telephone number for Reporting. Up to 16 digits allowed.
Secondary Telephone Number. NEXT 501
If required, program a Secondary Telephone number for Reporting. Up to 16 digits allowed.
Programming Telephone number digits: 0 to 9 = 0 to 9 10 = * 11 = # 12 = 4 Second pause Multi-digit numbers are entered by pressing the <OFF> key. e.g. To program a #, Press <OFF>, 1, 1.
Note: If Option 8 is required, select FIRST. Refer to the Reference section, page 41-42 for details of this option.
Is the Reporting Format
- Option 1 - Contact ID enabled?
Domestic NO YES Contact ID Dialer.
Move on to Go to Step 20 Step 21 Client Codes. Dialer Options.
1 Contact ID. Reports to a Central Monitoring Station in Contact ID format via the PSTN Line connection. 2 Domestic Dialer. Reports to a private telephone with simple tone beeps via the PSTN Line connection. 3 Securitel / CFSK Not available in this Version. 8 Dual Reporting Reports to both of the programmed telephone numbers in Contact ID and/or Domestic Dialer formats.
Ver. 3.003 p27
CONCEPT IQ. PLUS Programmer’s Manual.
No Reporting.
Go to Step 30
“User Programming”
Domestic Dialer.
Go to Step 21
“Dialer Options”
Area 1 / General Area................................................................ NEXT 521
Area 2 ........................................................................................ NEXT 522
Area 3 ........................................................................................ NEXT 523
Area 4 ........................................................................................ NEXT 524
Program one or more 4 digit Client Codes. Default for Area 1 is 9999, all other Areas are blank and will use the value from Area 1 or if required, a unique Client Code may be programmed for each Area that is to Report. Client Code/s are provided by the Central
Contact ID. Go to Step 20 Client Codes.
22. PROGRAM THE GENERAL OPEN/CLOSE AREA LISTS. NEXT 507 Required only if Dialer Option 5 -“General Open/Close Reporting” selected above. DEFAULT: Area 1.
Assign the required Area/s to the General Open/Close Area List: (NOTE: Area 1 must be included in the list) 1 - Include Area 1. (Enabled by Default) 3 - Include Area 3. 2 - Include Area 2. 4 - Include Area 4.
Option Default
1 Alarms reported via Dialer. Yes 2 Restores reported via Dialer. Yes 3 Isolates reported via Dialer. Yes 4 Report Open only after an alarm. No 5 General Open/Close reporting. No 6 All Area Opens/Closes reported via Dialer. No
How to Enter Data. Select Address: Key in the Installer PIN Code; Press then enter the 3 digit Address (A1 to A3 Lamps will flash to prompt for each digit). The current Data will be displayed.
Enter Data: Enter the new Data .. (1-16 digits) OR Option/s to Select/De-select , then . NOTE: clears the current field of all data or settings ready for new data.
p28 Ver. 3.003 (24/4/03)
CONCEPT IQ. PLUS Programmer’s Manual.
No Reporting.
Go to Step 30
“User Programming”
Test Report Period DEFAULT: 7 NEXT 509
Program the number of Days between Test Reports from 0 (No Test Report) to 255.
Program the Time of Day when the Test Report will be transmitted. Test Report Hour DEFAULT: 3 NEXT 510
Program the Hour value from 0 to 23.
Test Report Minute DEFAULT: 30 NEXT 511
Program the Minute value from 0 to 59.
Program the Maximum number of Dial Attempts from 1 to 16. ! CAUTION: Communications Authority Regulations limit the maximum number of dial attempts.
In Australia the ACA specify a limit of 10 Attempts.
3 Dialer Lockout Zone will only trigger the Dialer for the number of times specified in the “Dialer Swinger Shutdown Count”.
(Address 014)
Zone 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Address 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 662 663 664 665 666
Ver. 3.003 p29
CONCEPT IQ. PLUS Programmer’s Manual.
26. PROGRAM THE DIALER SWINGER SHUTDOWN COUNT. NEXT 914 DEFAULT: 16 (Only required if the “Dialer Lockout” option is selected for any Zones in the Zone Options in Step 25 above)
Program the number of times (0 to 255) the Dialer can be triggered by a Zone Input, in a single Arming period, before Siren Lockout occurs. (The counter is reset when the Area is turned Off)
NEXT 891
No Reporting.
Go to Step 30
“User Programming”
NEXT 898.
Option Default Description
6 Delay Siren until Comms complete. No Siren operation will not be initiated until a report has been sucessfully
sent, or a Comms Fail alarm generated.
8 Dialer enabled in Home Mode. No If selected, Alarms and Open/Close reports will be sent for Areas armed
in Home Mode.
Option Default
1 AC Fail. Yes 2 Low Battery. Yes 3 Cabinet Tamper. Yes 4 Keypad Lockout. No 5 Comms Fail / System Reset. Yes 6 Siren Monitor. Yes 7 PWR Fuse / Battery Fuse. Yes 8 Zone Self-Test Fail. No
How to Enter Data. Select Address: Key in the Installer PIN Code; Press then enter the 3 digit Address (A1 to A3 Lamps will flash to prompt for each digit). The current Data will be displayed.
Enter Data: Enter the new Data .. (1-16 digits) OR Option/s to Select/De-select , then . NOTE: clears the current field of all data or settings ready for new data.
Option Default
15 Door Forced NO
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