NGRP-AOLF Installation manual
This procedure is only to be carried out by
personnel trained and authorized by INID.
This document is valid for NGRP-AOLF modules model 4000 and 4000A; since the modules only differ in
antenna appearance and not in installation details only model 4000 is shown in the photos.
‣ Always disconnect the power supply of the unit.
‣ Perform these actions on an ESD-safe workbench in a suitable location.
‣ Take appropriate measures against ESD damages of the equipment.
Required equipment:
‣ Torx® #6 screwdriver, manual type recommended
‣ Soldering iron (40-60 Watts pencil-type recommended) with lead-free compatible tip (1.5mm chisel-
type recommended)
‣ Lead-free solder wire, 0.7mm rosin-core recommended
Recommended equipment:
‣ Torx® #8 screwdriver, manual type recommended (required for removing reader from wall)
‣ De-soldering wick, 1 à 2mm width recommended
‣ Needle-nosed pliers or fine-pointed tweezers
Step by step instructions
1. Unpackage the reader and remove the
backplate and connector, or, remove the
reader from the wall and disconnect it.
2. Protect the reader housing from scratches
or other damage.
3. Remove the four screws that keep the
electronics cover onto the reader in the
order specified:
4. Remove the electronics cover.
5. Remove the printed circuit board from the
1. Fit the NGRP-AOLF module onto the reader
printed circuit board. Pay attention to the
correct orientation :
2. Make sure that all pins are properly lined
up and inserted to the correct depth; the
pins should not protrude more than 1mm:
3. Solder all the pins to the main board using
lead-free solder.
4. Connect power to the reader PCB, the
reader should start op normally.
If not, check for shorts or cold joints on
soldering and correct where necessary.
v2.03a, May 29, 2015 1/2 (c) INID BV All rights reserved