InfoPrint 6500-v05, 6500-v5P, 6500-v20, 6500-v15, 6500-v10 User Manual

InfoPrint 6500-V Line Matrix Printers
User’s Manual Cabinet and Pedestal Models
InfoPrint 6500-V Line Matrix Printers
User’s Manual Cabinet and Pedestal Models
Before using this information and the product it supports, read the information in “Notices” on page 289.
Second edition (January 2010)
This edition applies to the InfoPrint 6500-V Line Matrix Printers and to all subsequent releases of these products until otherwise indicated in new releases or technical newsletters, and replaces the following publication: InfoPrint 6500-V Line Matrix Printers: User's Manual Cabinet and Pedestal Models , S550-1002-00.
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InfoPrint Solutions Company 6300 Diagonal Hwy 002J Boulder, CO 80301-9270 U.S.A.
This product is or contains commercial computer software and commercial computer software documentation developed exclusively at private expense. As specified in Federal Acquisition Regulation 12.212 in the case of civilian agencies and Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement 227.7202 in the case of military agencies, use, duplication and disclosure by agencies of the U.S. Government shall solely be in accordance with the accompanying International Program License Agreement in case of software products and in accordance with the licensing terms specified in the product’s documentation in the case of hardware products.
© Copyright InfoPrint Solutions Company 2005, 2010.


Figures ..............vii
Tables ...............ix
Safety and environmental notices . . . xi
About This User’s Manual ......xiii
Notes And Notices ...........xiii
Conventions In This User’s Manual ......xiv
Related Documents ...........xiv
Chapter 1. Printer Overview ......1
The InfoPrint 6500 Printer Family .......1
How To Identify The Printer ........2
RibbonMinder .............3
Standard Capabilities ..........4
Optional Features ............7
Protocols and Emulations .........9
Graphics Enhancements .........9
Taking Care of Your Printer ........10
Chapter 2. Installation, Attachment, and
Configuration Overview .......11
Before You Begin ............13
Power Requirements ...........13
Select a Site ..............13
Printer Dimensions ............14
Printer Component Locations ........16
Chapter 3. Configuring the Printer . . . 19
Overview ...............19
The Configurations ...........19
Active Versus Saved Configurations .....20
The Configuration Main Menu ........20
Using the Operator Panel..........23
Program Mode .............27
Unlocking The Program Mode .......27
Locking The Program Mode ........28
Entering Program Mode .........28
Printing the Current Configuration ......28
Changing Parameters ...........30
Saving Your Configuration in a Custom Set....32
Loading Custom Sets or Factory Default Values . . 35
Changing the Power On Configuration .....37
Chapter 4. The Configuration Menus . . 39
Configuration Overview ..........39
Main Menu ..............40
Quick Setup Menu ............42
Printer Control Menu ...........45
Interface Selection ...........47
Display Language ...........47
Print Direction ............47
Hex Print Mode ............48
Power On State ............48
Paper Jam Detection ..........48
Forms Speed .............48
Set Platen at BOF ...........49
Shuttle Timeout ............49
Energy Saver Timer...........49
OCR Font Density ...........50
Eject/Restore .............50
PTR Setup Option ...........51
File System .............51
Power Stacker ............52
Auto Elevator ............52
Printer Management Port .........52
Top Exit Tear Distance ..........52
Ribbon End Point ...........53
Ribbon Action ............53
Configuration Management Menu .......54
Recall Custom Set ...........55
Save Current Values ..........56
Delete Custom Set ...........56
Change Power On Set ..........56
Protect Custom Sets ..........56
Print Custom Set Values .........56
Config Key Default ...........57
Name Custom Sets ...........57
Reset Custom Set Names .........57
Twinax Interface Menu ..........58
Print Language ............60
Print Character Table ..........60
Active Print Language ..........60
Twinax Printer Emulation ........60
Printer Address ............60
World Trade .............61
Cancel Buffers ............61
Early Print Complete ..........61
Hex Transparent Control .........62
Undefined Char Report .........63
Undefined Char Sub ..........63
Load Alt Char Option ..........63
LAC Approximation ..........63
Print Text Direction ...........64
Override Host ............64
Format Control
Maximum Printable Width ........65
Hex Print Mode ............65
C/T Hotport .............65
Coax Interface Menu ...........67
Print Language ............69
Print Character Table ..........69
Active Print Language ..........69
Buffer Reprint ............70
Early Print Complete ..........70
SCS Buffer Control ...........71
© Copyright InfoPrint Solutions Company 2005, 2010 iii
Cancel Buffers ............71
Hex Transparent Control .........71
Mono/Dual Case ...........72
Undefined Char Sub ..........72
Print Text Direction ...........72
Image Buffer Size ...........73
Intervention Required ..........73
Compatibility Options ..........73
Translate Table ............73
Override Host ............73
Format Control ............74
C/T Hotport .............74
Maximum Printable Width ........75
Hex Print Mode ............75
Compatibility Options Menu .......76
5250 Interface Menu ...........80
Print Language ............82
Print Character Table ..........82
Active Print Language ..........82
Hex Transparent Control .........82
Undefined Char Reporting ........83
Undefined Char Sub ..........84
Print Text Direction ...........84
Override Host ............84
Format Control ............85
Maximum Printable Width ........85
C/T Hotport .............85
3270 Interface Menu ...........87
Print Language ............89
Print Character Table ..........89
Active Print Language ..........89
Early Print Complete ..........89
Hex Transparent Control .........89
Mono/Dual Case ...........90
Undefined Char Substitution .......91
Print Text Direction ...........91
Intervention Required ..........91
Override Host ............92
Format Control ............92
C/T Hotport .............92
Maximum Printable Width ........93
Compatibility Options Menu .......94
Network Setup Menu ...........98
Adapter Address Submenu ........99
Adapter Parameters Submenu .......100
Ethernet Address Submenu........104
Ethernet Parameters Submenu .......105
Wireless Address Menu .........108
Wireless Parameters Menu .........109
Signal Strength ............110
Reset SSID Name ...........110
Operation Mode ...........110
Minimum Transfer Rate .........110
Channel ..............110
Antenna Diversity ...........111
Preamble ..............111
Power Management ..........111
Transmit Power............111
International Mode ..........111
Authentication Method .........111
Default WEP Key ...........112
WEP Key Format ...........112
WEP Key Width ...........112
WEP Key BYTE1 through BYTE13 .....112
Reset WEP Keys ...........112
Wireless Kerberos ............113
Kerberos Enable ...........113
Kerberos Password ..........114
Reset Kerberos Password ........114
KDC Port Number ..........114
Clock Skew .............114
Ticket Lifetime ............114
Renew Lifetime ............114
Wireless LEAP .............115
Authentication Method .........115
LEAP Username ...........116
Reset LEAP User ...........116
LEAP Password ...........116
Reset LEAP Password .........116
Parallel Interface Menu ..........117
Interface Type ............117
PC Parallel .............117
Dataproducts ............117
IEEE 1284 .............117
Parallel Hotport ...........118
PC Parallel Menu ...........119
Dataproducts Menu ..........122
IEEE 1284 .............125
Serial Interface Menu ...........127
Interface Type ............128
Data Protocol ............128
Baud Rate .............128
Data Bits ..............128
Stop Bits ..............128
Parity ...............129
Data Terminal Ready ..........129
Request to Send ...........130
Buffer Size in Kbytes ..........130
Poll Character ............130
One Char Enquiry ...........130
Serial Hotport ............131
Framing Errors ............132
Emulation Configuration Menu .......133
Active Emulation ...........134
ASCII Printer Emulation.........134
Printer Emulation Configuration ......134
Print Format.............134
IPDS Feature .............134
Configuration ............134
IPDS Parameters ...........135
IPDS Configuration Menu ........135
ANSI ................142
CPI/LPI Select ............144
Font Attributes ............144
Page Format .............146
IGP Feature (PGL)............150
Configuration ............150
IGP Parameters ............150
IGP Emulation Menu ..........151
Code V Feature (VGL) ..........156
Configuration ............156
iv InfoPrint 6500-V User’s Manual
Code V Parameters ..........156
Code V Emulation Menu ........157
Printer Emul Config Menu .........166
Proprinter III XL Emulation Menu .....167
Epson Emulation Menu .........169
pSeries Emulation Menu ........171
pSeries XQ Emulation Menu .......175
Serial Matrix Emulation Menu.......178
Print Format Menu ..........181
Operator Print Tests Menu .........189
Printer Demonstration .........189
Print Error Log ............189
Print Ribbon Log ...........189
Ripple Print .............190
AllHs ..............190
Underlines .............190
Adapter Test Page ...........190
Ethernet Test Page ...........190
Clear Error Log............190
Printer Information Menu .........191
Installed Memory ...........191
Power On Time ...........191
Printing Time ............191
Print Strokes ............192
11 Inch Pages ............192
Interior Cleaning ...........212
Printer Self–Tests ............215
Running the Printer Self-Tests ........216
Hex Code Printout ...........217
Fault Messages .............221
Fault Correction Procedure ........221
Appendix A. Printer Specifications 251
Ribbon Specifications ...........251
Ordering Ribbons ............251
6500-vxx Models ...........251
Paper Specifications ...........254
Paper ...............254
Labels ...............255
Printer Dimensions and Weight .......255
Cabinet Models............255
Pedestal Models ...........255
Environmental Characteristics ........256
Relative Humidity ...........256
Acoustic Noise Level ..........256
Electrical Characteristics ..........257
Input Voltage ............257
Power Consumption ..........257
Cables ................260
Printing Rates .............261
Chapter 5. Printer Interfaces .....193
RS-232 and RS-422 Serial Interfaces ......194
RS-232 Serial Interface Protocols ......195
RS-232 and RS-422 Serial Interface Protocols . . 196 RS-232 and RS-422 Serial Interface Error
Handling ..............196
RS-232 and RS-422 Serial Interface
Configuration ............197
PC Parallel Interface ...........198
PC Parallel Interface Signals .......199
PC Parallel Interface Configuration .....199
Dataproducts Parallel Interface .......200
Dataproducts Parallel Interface Signals ....201
Dataproducts Parallel Interface Configuration 201
IEEE 1284 Parallel Interface.........202
Operating Modes ...........202
The Negotiation Phase .........203
Signals ..............203
Terminating Resistor Configurations .....206
Chapter 6. Reprogramming The
Security Key ............209
How To Reprogram The Security Key .....209
Chapter 7. Routine Service and
Diagnostics ............211
Cleaning Requirements ..........211
Exterior Cleaning ...........211
Appendix B. A Quick Look at Line
Matrix Printing ...........263
Character Formation ...........263
Printing Speed .............265
Appendix C. Host Attachment ....267
Compatibility and Limitations ........268
Compatibility ............268
Limitations .............270
Appendix D. Attaching Host Systems
to a Coax/Twinax Printer ......273
Attaching Printer to an IBM System i or zSeries
Host System ..............273
Attaching Printer to an IBM System i Host System 273
Attaching Printer to an IBM System i with
Twinax Interface ...........273
Changing Your IBM System i Printer
Configuration ............274
Attaching Printer to Remote Control Unit with
Twinax Interface ...........276
Attaching Printer to zSeries Systems......277
Types of Installation covered for MVS/JES2 . . 277
6500-LU1-SCS-Local SNA 3174 Control Unit . . 277
6500-LU1-SCS-Remote SNA 3174 Control Unit 279
6500-LU3-DSE-Local SNA 3174 Control Unit . . 281
6500-LU3-DSE-Remote SNA 3174 Control Unit 282
6500-LU0-DSC-Local Non-SNA 3174 Control
Unit ...............284
Attaching Printer to VM Host System .....285
SNA Attachment ...........285
Non-SNA Attachment .........286
Contents v
Physical and Logical Unit Types .......286
Physical Unit (PU) types and examples ....286
Summary of LU Types and Representative IBM
Products ..............287
Notices ..............289
Product recycling and disposal .......291
Trademarks ..............291
Communication statements .........293
Software License Agreement.....297
Limited Software Product Warranty ......298
Remedy ..............299
Disclaimer of Warranties and Limitation of
Termination of License Agreement .....299
U.S. Government Restricted Rights .....299
Acknowledgement of Terms and Conditions . . 299
Glossary .............301
References ..............301
Terms ...............301
Index ...............307
InfoPrint 6500-V User’s Manual


1. Printer Model Number Interpretation ....2
2. Exploded View of Cabinet Model Printer
Dimensions ............14
3. Exploded View of Cabinet Model with Power
Paper Stacker Printer Dimensions .....15
4. Exploded View of Pedestal Model Printer
Dimensions ............16
5. 6500 Printer Component Locations with the
Ribbon Spools Exploded Above ......17
6. Pedestal Model Printer Component Locations with Open Access Cover and Ribbon Spools
Exploded Above ...........18
7. Configuration Main Menu .......21
8. Configuration Main Menu (continued) . . . 22
9. The Operator Panel ..........23
10. Configuration Management Menu - Print
Custom Set Values ..........29
11. Printer Control Menu - Print Direction . . . 30
12. Configuration Management Menu - Save
Current Values ...........32
13. Configuration Management Menu - Recall
Custom Sets ............35
14. Configuration Management Menu - Change
Power On Set ............37
15. 6500 Series Main Menu Configuration....40
16. 6500 Series Main Menu Configuration
17. Quick Setup Menu ..........42
18. Quick Setup Menu (continued) ......43
19. Printer Control Menu .........45
20. Printer Control Menu (continued) .....46
21. Configuration Management Menu .....54
22. Twinax Interface Menu.........58
23. Twinax Interface Menu - Print Language 59
24. Coax Interface Menu .........67
25. Coax Interface Menu - Print Language . . . 68
26. Compatibility Options Menu .......76
27. 5250 Interface Menu .........80
28. 5250 Interface Menu - Print Language ....81
29. 3270 Interface Menu .........87
30. 3270 Interface Menu - Print Language ....88
31. Compatibility Options Menu .......94
32. Network Setup Menu .........98
33. Adapter Address Submenu .......99
34. Adapter Parameters Submenu ......100
35. Ethernet Address Submenu .......104
36. Ethernet Parameters Submenu ......105
37. Wireless Address Menu ........108
38. Wireless Parameters Menu .......109
39. Wireless Kerberos Menu ........113
40. Wireless LEAP Menu .........115
41. Parallel Interface Menu ........117
42. PC Parallel Menu ..........119
43. Dataproducts Menu .........122
44. IEEE 1284 Menu ..........125
45. Serial Interface Menu .........127
46. Emulation Configuration Menu .....133
47. IPDS Configuration Menu .......135
48. IPDS Configuration Menu - Print Language 136
49. ANSI Emulation Menu ........142
50. ANSI Emulation Menu - Font Attributes, Character Set, and Page Format Menus . . . 143
51. IGP Emulation Menu
52. Code V Emulation Menu........157
53. Code V Emulation Menu - Graphic Options 158
54. Printer Emulation Configuration Menu 166
55. Proprinter III XL Emulation Menu ....167
56. Epson Emulation Menu ........169
57. pSeries Emulation Menu ........171
58. pSeries Emulation Menu - Print Language 172
59. pSeries XQ Emulation Menu ......175
60. Serial Matrix Emulation Menu ......178
61. Print Format Menu .........181
62. Top of Line and Bottom of Line Text Positions 187
63. Operator Print Tests Menu .......189
64. Printer Information Menu .......191
65. Resistor Locations ..........206
66. Inserting the SPX into the Debug Port 209
67. Interior Components of the Cabinet Models 213
68. Interior Components of the Pedestal Models
with Ribbon Spool Above .......214
69. Sample ASCII Hex Code Printout .....219
70. Sample Coax Hex Code Printout .....220
71. Sample Twinax Hex Code Printout ....221
72. Typical Character Formation ......263
73. Line Matrix Printing .........264
© Copyright InfoPrint Solutions Company 2005, 2010 vii
viii InfoPrint 6500-V User’s Manual


1. The InfoPrint 6500 Printer Family .....2
2. Maximum Interface Connection Cable Length 14
3. Form Width ............147
4. CPI Settings ............184
5. 6500-v20 RS-232 Serial Interface Connector
Pin Assignments ..........194
6. RS-422 Serial Interface Connector Pin
Assignments ............195
7. Printer PC Parallel Interface Connector Pin
Assignments ............198
8. Dataproducts Parallel Interface Connector Pin Assignments (with a 50-pin AMP HDH-20
Data Cable Connector) ........200
9. 1284 Signals ............203
10. Terminating Resistor Configurations ....206
11. Fault Messages ...........222
12. 6500 Nominal Print Rates (1 of 2) .....261
13. 6500 Nominal Print Rates (2 of 2) .....261
14. Operating System Report .......268
© Copyright InfoPrint Solutions Company 2005, 2010 ix
x InfoPrint 6500-V User’s Manual

Safety and environmental notices

<1> Before powering on the printer ensure the printer is plugged into an
appropriate power source. Refer to Chapter 2, “Installation, Attachment, and Configuration Overview,” on page 11 for information on the proper source.
<2> Switch off the printer power and unplug the printer power cord before
cleaning the printer.
<3> Do not connect or disconnect any communication port, teleport, attachment
connector, or power cord during an electrical storm.
<5> Power off the printer and disconnect the power cord before connecting or
disconnecting any communication port, teleport, or attachment cable connector.
CAUTION: This product is equipped with a 3-wire power cord and plug for the user’s safety. Use this power cord in conjunction with a properly grounded electrical outlet to avoid electrical shock.
© Copyright InfoPrint Solutions Company 2005, 2010 xi
xii InfoPrint 6500-V User’s Manual
About This User’s Manual
This User’s Manual is designed so that you can quickly install and configure your InfoPrint®6500 printer.

Notes And Notices

For your safety and to protect valuable equipment, it is very important that you read and comply with all information noted in the following section:
<#> The word Danger next to the lightning slash indicates the presence of a
hazard that could cause death or serious personal injury. Danger and Caution notices are numbered to help you find the translated versions in the InfoPrint 6500 Line Matrix Printer: Safety Information .
<#> The word Caution next to the exclamation point (!) indicates the presence of a
<#> The word Caution next to this symbol indicates a part or assembly that is hot
Attention: The word Attention indicates the possibility of damage to a program, device, system, or data.
IMPORTANT: The word Important indicates information vital to proper operation
Note: A note gives you helpful information and tips about printer operation and
hazard that could cause moderate or minor personal injury.
enough to burn you.
of the printer.
© Copyright InfoPrint Solutions Company 2005, 2010 xiii
Conventions In This User’s Manual
Operator panel keys and LCD messages are set off from regular text in this manual:
v Operator panel keys and indicators are printed boldface and UPPERCASE.
Example: Press the CANCEL key, then press the START key.
v Liquid Crystal Dislay (LCD) messages are printed in capital letters inside
quotation marks (" ").
Example: Press the STOP key. "NOT READY" appears on the LCD.
v Key combinations are denoted by the + (plus) symbol.
Example: Press ↑SCROLL/MICRO + ↓SCROLL/MICRO means press the
SCROLL/MICRO key and the SCROLL/MICRO key at the same

Related Documents

v InfoPrint 6500 Coax/Twinax Programmer’s Reference Manual – Covers the host
control codes and character sets for the Coax and Twinax emulations.
v InfoPrint 6500 ASCII Programmer’s Reference Manual – Covers the host control
codes for the LinePrinter Plus emulation.
v InfoPrint 6500 IGP Programmer’s Reference Manual – Provides information used
with the optional IGP emulation enhancement feature.
v InfoPrint 6500 Code V Programmer’s Reference Manual – Provides information used
with the optional Code V emulation enhancement feature.
v InfoPrint 6500 ANSI Programmer’s Reference Manual – Provides host control codes
and character sets for the ANSI emulation.
v IPDS Emulation Programmer’s Reference Manual – Provides an overview of
Intelligent Printer Data Stream
v Ethernet Interface User’s Manual – Information about network protocols,
configuration, and operation.
v InfoPrint 6500 Line Matrix Printers: Safety Information – This manual contains
English and translated versions of the InfoPrint 6500 Printer Safety Notices. Warning, Caution, and Danger notices are included.
v InfoPrint 6500 Line Matrix Printers: Quick Start Guide - Explains how to unpack
and set up the printer.
(IPDS™) features, commands, and diagnostics.
xiv InfoPrint 6500-V User’s Manual

Chapter 1. Printer Overview

This section provides a general overview of your printer and the conventions used within this manual.

The InfoPrint 6500 Printer Family

The InfoPrint Solutions Company's InfoPrint 6500 series consist of 500, 1000, 1500, and 2000 lines per minute (lpm) models and are packaged in various configurations. All of the models offer software versatility and the latest refinements in line matrix printing technology. The print mechanisms are housed in sound-insulated cabinets which make the printer family among the quietest printers in the world. Additionally, your printer has a flexible architecture that allows you to add new features and emulations as they become available.
ASCII is the standard emulation. ASCII includes the Epson FX-1050, Printronix pSeries, pSeries XQ, Serial Matrix and Proprinter III XL emulations. Coax/Twinax, IPDS , ANSI and the IGP/PGL and IGP/VGL graphics enhancement emulations are available as optional upgrades. No matter what emulation is installed, your printer is easy to use. The message display and lights on the control panel communicate with you directly and clearly. You can select every function on your printer at the control panel, or you can send commands from the host computer.
The printer combines the use of Flash, RAM, and nonvolatile RAM for program execution. The Flash is used for all program, font, and emulation storage. New fonts, emulations, or program updates can be downloaded to Flash memory via the parallel or serial interface, or through the Ethernet interface. The RAM is used for buffers, print image storage, and execution variables. The nonvolatile RAM stores configuration, statistics, and internal parameters.
© Copyright InfoPrint Solutions Company 2005, 2010 1
Table 1. The InfoPrint 6500 Printer Family
Model Number Print Speed Enclosure Hammer Bank
6500-v05 500 LPM* Floor Cabinet 28 Hammers
6500-v5P 500 LPM Pedestal,
Quick Access
6500-v10 1000 LPM Floor Cabinet,
Power Stacker optional
6500-v1P 1000 LPM Pedestal,
Quick Access
6500-v15 1500 LPM Floor Cabinet,
Power Stacker optional
6500-v20 2000 LPM Floor Cabinet,
Power Stacker optional
* Lines Per Minute
28 Hammers
60 Hammers
60 Hammers
102 Hammers
156 Hammers

How To Identify The Printer

The model number of the printer indicates the printer family, rated maximum print speed, and type of enclosure. (See Figure 1.)
Figure 1. Printer Model Number Interpretation
2 InfoPrint 6500-V User’s Manual


The InfoPrint 6500 has a new feature that automatically monitors and communicates ribbon life. Using a specially barcoded spool, the printer can automatically detect when a new or used ribbon is loaded, and all ribbon properties. With a sophisticated algorithm, the system monitors all jobs printed and automatically updates the remaining ribbon life on the front panel display. This allows the system administrator to have precise control over print quality and consumable costs. The accurate presentation of available ribbon life allows for efficient planning of print jobs. For example, you can install a new ribbon before printing large print jobs.
When the ribbon life gets near the end point, the printer displays a ribbon low message and flashes the indicator light. Printing will continue without interruption. Once the ribbon reaches 0% remaining, the alarm sounds, the indicator light flashes, the display updates, and printing pauses. If a new ribbon is loaded, the system automatically detects the change, clears the condition, and restarts the life at 100%. If it is not convenient to change the ribbon immediately, cycle the printer on and offline and it will resume printing for a few minutes. This should be enough to complete the job. If not, repeat the same procedure indefinitely to extend printing on the same ribbon.
Output Darkness
By default the system is configured to meet most user requirements. However, some applications require that the output remains darker than the nominal set point while some applications are less critical and could tolerate a lighter final image. The system can easily adjust to this variability. A setting under Printer Control, Ribbon End Point is available that allows the user to adjust the final output. The range is as follows:
Lighter −4 (Default) Darker +1 through +6 Normal Lighter −1 through −10
The ribbon life indicator always cycles between 100% and 0%, but if a darker setting is selected, zero will be reached more quickly. If a lighter setting is selected, the system will extend the amount of printing it takes to reach zero.
Ribbon Flipping
In some cases, the application’s print pattern is narrow enough where only half of the ribbon is used when printing. In these cases, you can flip the ribbon and use the other half. The RibbonMinder detects the flip and resets the ribbon life to 100%.
Note: It is the user’s responsibility to ensure the print pattern is sufficiently
narrow to support flipping. If not, the ribbon life may falsely indicate 100% for the flipped ribbon.
Chapter 1. Printer Overview 3
Loading a Used Ribbon
You can take ribbons off the printer and reload it at a later time. The ribbon life gauge automatically updates to reflect the correct remaining capacity.
Note: The ribbon must be reloaded back onto the same printer, and in the same
orientation as it was removed. If the used ribbon is loaded onto a different printer, or if it is flipped over, it will incorrectly indicate the ribbon as new.
Ribbon Log
The RibbonMinder tracks all used ribbons. This data allows you to monitor how many ribbons and ribbon types have been used on the printer. This data is contained in the ribbon log. To print the ribbon log, see “Print Ribbon Log” on page 189.
Consumable Monitoring With The Printer Management Utility
The RibbonMinder works with the Printer Management Utility (PMU). The PMU allows a system administrator to remotely view the current consumable status of all printers. The PMU can be configured to deliver alerts on all consumable warnings. When a ribbon reaches the low state, the PMU notifies the system administrator remotely via an automated e-mail alert of the low condition. This allows corrective action to be taken before the ribbon reaches its end of life. If the ribbon is not changed, an alert will again be initiated once the ribbon reaches the 0% end point. Refer to your Printer Management Utility User's Manual for details.

Standard Capabilities

The InfoPrint 6500 printer family has the following general characteristics:
v A broad range of print speeds in both cabinet and pedestal models
v Support of similar features across the entire product line to allow maximum
flexibility in matching the printer to the requirements
v Energy Star compliant
The following sections summarize the standard capabilities of the InfoPrint 6500 printers.
Host Computer Interfaces
v RS 232 Serial
v RS 422 Serial
v PC Parallel
v Dataproducts Parallel
v Ethernet Interface
v IEEE 1284
Coax/Twinax features are available with this printer:
v Coax/Twinax
4 InfoPrint 6500-V User’s Manual
Printer Emulations
Each emulation provides a different set of configuration menus, control codes, and character sets. The following printer emulations (or protocols) are standard, and selectable at the operator panel:
v Proprinter III XL Emulation
v Epson FX Emulation
v pSeries Printer Emulation
v pSeries XQ Variant Printer Emulation
v Serial Matrix Printer Emulation
Proprinter III XL and Epson FX Emulations: The Proprinter III XL and Epson FX emulations are industry standard printer emulations.
pSeries Printer Emulation: This code system was developed especially for line matrix printers. As line matrix printers became more sophisticated, this code system kept pace by adding codes that fully utilized line matrix printer capabilities.
IMPORTANT: This emulation appears as “pSeries” on the operator panel.
pSeries XQ Variant Printer Emulation: This code system was devised for a series
of printers manufactured between 1974 and 1991, that are no longer available.
IMPORTANT: This emulation appears as “pSeries XQ” on the operator panel.
Serial Matrix Printer Emulation: This printer emulation is very similar to the
code systems used by an InfoPrint Graphics Printer, but incorporates several systems into one emulation. This emulation enables a line matrix printer to print files coded for a serial matrix printer, and is sometimes referred to as the Serial Matrix collection.
Chapter 1. Printer Overview 5
IMPORTANT: This emulation appears as “Serial Matrix” on the operator panel.
Note: Serial matrix refers to the way printer characters are formed. A moving
printhead uses pins to form whole characters one at a time and one after the other. The pins print dots according to programmed matrix patterns. Data is sent to the printer through either a serial or parallel interface, but the printhead must receive the data serially to form each character.
An InfoPrint line matrix printer also forms characters with dots in matrix patterns, but it feeds print data in parallel to many hammers mounted on a rapidly oscillating shuttle. The hammers fire simultaneously to print entire lines at a time.
Output Control
The printers have the following output control features:
v Six modes for printing text:
– Near-Letter Quality (NLQ)
– Near-Letter Quality San Serif
– Data Processing (DP)
– Draft
– Optical Character Recognition Font A (OCR A)
– Optical Character Recognition Font B (OCR B)
OCR A and OCR B support 120 and 180 PEL, with 120 PEL the default value.
v Selectable forms length and width
v Character attribute specification:
– Selectable pitch: normal, expanded, and compressed
– Emphasized (shadow) printing
– Automatic underlining and overscoring
– Superscript and subscript printing
– Double high and wide printing
v Resident multinational character sets
6 InfoPrint 6500-V User’s Manual
Graphics and Vertical Formatting
Several graphics and vertical formatting features are available:
v Three built-in graphics generators:
– Proprinter III XL bit-image graphics
– Epson FX dot graphics mode
– pSeries Plot
v Programmable electronic vertical formatting provides rapid vertical paper
movement to specified lines for printing repetitive and continuous forms. You can use the following methods:
– Vertical tabbing in Serial Matrix, Proprinter III XL, and Epson FX emulation
– Electronic Vertical Format Unit (EVFU) in pSeries emulation mode
Built-in Diagnostic Tools
The following diagnostic tools are provided with the printer:
v Comprehensive diagnostic self-tests permanently stored in the printer
v Configuration printout
v Data stream hex code printout

Optional Features

The following features can be ordered and installed on this printer. If you ordered a feature at the time of purchase, the feature may already be installed on your printer. Refer to the documentation shipped with the feature for more details.
For detailed information about these features or for information on ordering a feature, contact your sales representative.
v Coax/Twinax Attachment:
Enables you to attach this printer to IBM zSeries
Host System. This feature also helps you to replace Coax/Twinax
host systems, such as an iSeries®or
printers such as the IBM 3262 Models 3 and 13, IBM 4234 Models 1, 2, and 9, and IBM 5224 Models 1 and 2. This feature can be used with the Intelligent Printer Data Stream (IPDS) feature which is described below.
v InfoPrint Solutions Company Intelligent Printer Data Stream:
Provides the ability to create forms, overlays, and graphics. IPDS also provides compatibility when replacing printers such as the IBM 4234 Models 12 and 11. This feature also supports many versions of the Print Services Facility
This feature requires a Coax/Twinax attachment or Ethernet card attachment.
Chapter 1. Printer Overview 7
v Code V:
This is an implementation of the Intelligent Graphics Processor architecture and is used commonly to create graphics for optical character recognition and bar codes. This feature is also designed for those applications which use the Quality Micro Systems, Inc. graphics language, which is often referred to as the QMS Code V Magnum emulation and those applications that use the Code V Graphics Language. The Code V Graphics Language is often referred to as VGL.
v IGP:
This is an implementation of Intelligent Graphics Processor architecture and is used commonly to create graphics for optical character recognition and bar codes. This feature is also designed for those applications which use the Graphics Language, which is often referred to as PGL.
This feature can coexist with the Intelligent Printer Data Stream feature, and/or with either Coax/Twinax feature or can be used on the ASCII models.
v TN5250/TN3270 Emulations:
The TN5250/TN3270 feature enables your printer to communicate with a host system through a Network Interface Card (NIC) using the 5250/3270 datastream. This feature allows you to use an application generated for the Twinax/Coax emulation to be printed through the NIC.
Users who are converting from Twinax to TN5250 may see some differences. Please refer to “Compatibility and Limitations” on page 268 for details.
v ANSI Emulation:
The ANSI option allows you to print files coded for the ANSI (American National Standards Institute) printer control language.
v Network Print Server:
Enables you to attach your printer to Local Area Networks using token-ring or Ethernet protocols. The Network Print Server functions as a workstation server on your network, enabling your users to submit print jobs to your printer.
The Network Print Server provides multiple network protocol support that allows you to submit print jobs from Novell Netware, LAN Server, AIX
*, and
other TCP/IP networks.
v Dataproducts Adapter:
Supplies a 50 pin AMP Amplimite HDH-20 data cable connector. This feature is necessary if you are using the Dataproducts parallel protocol.
v Ethernet Interface:
Enables you to attach your printer to Local Area Networks using Ethernet protocols. The Ethernet Interface functions as a workstation server on your network, enabling your users to submit print jobs to your printer.
8 InfoPrint 6500-V User’s Manual
v Power Paper Stacker:
Mechanically directs the paper from the printer to the paper stacking area. This feature provides consistent paper handling with fewer paper jam errors.
v Input Paper Shelf:
Pedestal model only. Provides a shelf to hold a box of paper or forms. This is a convenient feature if you need to move the printer often.
v Pull Out Tray:
Cabinet model only. A tent tray to hold printed papers or forms that you can pull out for accessibility.
v Wireless:
An embedded wireless Ethernet Interface card that allows you to attach printers on a local area network (LAN) rather than attaching them directly to a host system.

Protocols and Emulations

A protocol is a set of rules governing the exchange of information between the printer and its host computer. These rules consist of codes that manipulate and print data and allow for machine-to-machine communication. A printer and its host computer must use the same protocol. As used in this manual, protocol and emulation mean the same thing.
Most impact printers are single ASCII character codes to print text, numbers, and punctuation marks. Some characters, both singularly and in groups are defined as control codes. Control codes instruct the printer to perform specific functions, such as underlining text, print subscripts, setting page margins, etc. The main difference between most printer protocols is in the characters used to create control codes and the ways in which these characters are formatted.
When the printer executes the character and control codes of a particular printer protocol, it is “emulating” that printer. If the printer uses the Proprinter III XL protocol, for example, it is emulating an IBM Proprinter III XL printer. If the printer is using the Epson FX printer protocol, for example, we can also say it is in Epson FX emulation mode.
There are additional emulations that are provided as optional features, such the Code V and IGP emulations. For additional information, refer to “Code V Feature (VGL)” on page 156 and “IGP Feature (PGL)” on page 150.

Graphics Enhancements

The PGL and Code V emulations allow you to create and store forms, generate logos, bar codes, expanded characters, and create other graphics. Alphanumeric and bar code data are added as the form is printed.
These emulations are available as factory-installed or field-installed options. For more information, contact your authorized service representative.
Chapter 1. Printer Overview 9

Taking Care of Your Printer

Your printer will produce high print quality jobs if it is well taken care of. Periodic cleaning, handling the printer properly, and using the correct printer supplies such as paper and ink transport media ensures optimum performance. Chapter 7, “Routine Service and Diagnostics” explains how to clean the printer, and printer supplies are listed in Appendix A, “Printer Specifications,” on page 251.
Whenever it is necessary to service the printer, remember this important maintenance concept.
v Incorrect closure of the forms thickness lever can lead to smearing, degraded
print quality, paper jams, and damage to the platen and shuttle assembly. Never close the forms thickness lever too tightly.
10 InfoPrint 6500-V User’s Manual

Chapter 2. Installation, Attachment, and Configuration Overview

Before using this information and the product it supports, read the information and Communication Statements in “Notices” on page 289.
<4> Do not connect or disconnect any communication port, teleport, attachment
connector, or power cord during an electrical storm.
<5> Power off the printer and disconnect the power cord before connecting or
disconnecting communication port, teleport, or attachment cable connector.
The following is an overview of the steps you need to complete to successfully install, attach, and configure your printer:
1. Unpack the printer from the shipping package. Follow the instructions
provided on the shipping package.
2. Set up the printer, which includes; removing shipping materials, installing the
ink transport assembly, ink transport media, ink cartridge, and loading paper. Follow the instructions in InfoPrint 6500 Line Matrix Printers: Quick Start Guide.
3. Perform an initial print test by printing the current configuration page as
described on page 28.
4. Review the information contained in the README.1ST file on the
Configuration Utility section on the User’s CD.
Note: The Configuration Utility section contains a README.1ST file that
describes the contents of the CD, AIX print drivers, and configuration information for replacing existing InfoPrint Solutions Company printers. In addition, there might be another file, called README.TXT that contains information that was added after the printer documentation was printed.
© Copyright InfoPrint Solutions Company 2005, 2010 11
5. Attach the printer to the host system and configure the host system to work
with the printer.
a. For ASCII attachments, follow the instructions in the InfoPrint 6500 ASCII
Programmer’s Reference Manual.
b. For Coax/Twinax attachments, follow the instructions in theInfoPrint 6500
Coax/Twinax Programmer’s Reference Manual.
c. If you have ordered the Ethernet Interface, follow the instructions in the
Ethernet Interface User’s Manual.
Note: If you are attaching this printer to an AIX host system, refer to the
Configuration Utility section on the User’s CD.
6. If you have not already ordered a communications cable, see page 260.
7. Configure the printer to work with host systems and to match your emulation,
such as IBM Proprinter III XL. Follow the instructions provided in Chapter 3, “Configuring the Printer,” on page 19 and review the information provided in Appendix C, “Host Attachment,” on page 267
Note: If you are replacing another printer with this printer, make sure you
review the information on the Configuration Utility diskette. The Configuration Utility diskette contains information that will help you configure this printer to match the configuration of the printer you are replacing.
8. Install and/or configure optional features by following instructions provided in
the appropriate feature manual. For a brief description of the following optional features, refer to: “IPDS Feature” on page 134, “Code V Feature (VGL)” on page 156, and “IGP Feature (PGL)” on page 150.
Note: For more detailed information about any optional feature, refer to the
manual that was shipped with the feature. If you want to order a manual to learn more about these features, see the “Related Documents” on page xiv.
12 InfoPrint 6500-V User’s Manual

Before You Begin

Read this section carefully before installing and operating the printer. The printer is easy to install. However, for your safety and to protect valuable equipment, perform all the procedures in this section in the order presented.
IMPORTANT: Make sure you have a way to move the printer and shipping
<1> Two people are required to unload the printer from the shipping pallet.
pallet. You will need a jack.
Make sure you have adequate room to maneuver the shipping pallet and printer to the location where you plan to install the printer.
The shipping weight of the cabinet model is 129.3 kilograms (285 pounds) or 139 kilograms (306 pounds) if the Power Paper Stacker is installed. The shipping weight of the pedestal model printer is 72.6 kilograms (160 pounds.)

Power Requirements

The printer must be connected to a power outlet that supplies 88 to 135 Volts AC or 178 to 271 Volts AC at 50 to 60 Hz. The printer automatically senses and adjusts itself to conform to the correct voltage range.
Primary circuit protection is provided by the power switch, which is also a circuit breaker. Consult an electrician if printer operation affects local electrical lines. See “Electrical Characteristics” on page 257 for additional power specifications.
IMPORTANT: Printer power should be supplied from a separate AC circuit

Select a Site

Select a printer site that meets all of the following requirements:
v Cabinet models: Permits complete opening of the printer cover and both doors
of the floor cabinet. Allows at least three feet of clearance behind the printer. (This permits air to circulate freely around the printer and provides access to the paper stacking area.)
v Pedestal models: Permits complete opening of the printer cover and good access
to the paper areas at the front and rear of the printer.
v Has a standard power outlet that supplies 88-135 Volts AC or 178-270 Volts AC
power, at 47 to 63 Hz. The printer automatically senses and adjusts itself to conform to the correct voltage range.
v Is relatively dust-free.
v Has a temperature range of 10 C to 40 C (50 F to 104 F) and a relative humidity
from 15% to 90% non-condensing.
protected at 10 amperes for 100 - 120 volts or 5 amperes for 200 ­240 volts at 50 or 60 Hertz.
Chapter 2. Installation, Attachment, and Configuration Overview 13
v Is located within the maximum allowable cable length to the host computer. This
distance depends on the type of interface you plan to use, as shown in Table 2.
Table 2. Maximum Interface Connection Cable Length
PC Parallel 5 meters (15 feet)
IEEE 1284 Parallel 10 meters (32 feet)
Dataproducts Parallel 12 meters (40 feet)
Serial RS 232 15 meters (50 feet)
Serial RS 422 1220 meters (4000 feet)
Twinax (shielded cable) 1500 meters (4920 feet)
Twisted Pair / Type 3 300 meters (492 feet)
Dataproducts Long Line 150 meters (492 feet)
Coax 1500 meters (4920 feet)
Twisted Pair / Type 3 300 meters (985 feet)
Ethernet 10/100Base-T 100 meters (328 feet)

Printer Dimensions

Interface Type Maximum Cable Length
Figure 2. Exploded View of Cabinet Model Printer Dimensions
14 InfoPrint 6500-V User’s Manual
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