LP225 RS-232 Command Values
Communication Configuration
To control one of the abov e noted projectors from an RS-232 control system, connect the serial cable or a null modem cable and
the InFocus RS-232 A dapter (SP-CWRS232)
Setting Value
Bits per second 19,200
Data bits 8
Parity None
Stop bits 1
Flow control None
Emulation VT100
RS-232 Connection for LP225
The RS-232/seri al c onnec tion for these projector s i s located on the P C si de of the CableWizard II connection hub. Use the serial
cable (IFS part # 210- 0107-xx) to connect the CableWizard I I t o the seri al por t of the computer source.
RS-232 Port Settings
and set the control system serial port settings to match t he following communication
Note: CableWizard3 (p/n SP-CW3) does not support RS-232. You must Use CableWizard II (p/n SP-CW2) and the InFocus
serial cable.
Command Format
All commands consist of 3 alpha characters followed by a request, all enclosed in parentheses. The request c an be a r ead r equest
(indicated by a "?") or a write request (indicated by 1 to 4 ASCII di gits).
A read request exam ple:
A read command returns the range and the current setting, for example:
(AAA?) where
( starts the command
AAA denotes the command
? denotes the read request
) ends the command
Read Command Examples
Function Command Response
Brightness (BRT?) (0-22, 10)
Volume (VOL?) (0- 80, 0)
Lamp Hours (LMP?) (0-9999, 421)

A write request example:
(AAA####) where
( starts the command
AAA denotes the command
#### denotes the v al ue to be writt en
(leading zeros not necessary)
) ends the command
Some commands have r anges, while others are absolute. If a number gr eater than the maximum range is receiv ed, it is
automatically set to the maximum number for that f unction. If a c ommand is received that is not understood, a "?" is returned. With
absolute setti ngs, " 0" is off, 1-9999 is on. The one excepti on is the P ower command, where 0 is off and 1 is on.
To assure the project or c an pr oc ess a command, wait 3 seconds before enteri ng the next command.
Write Command Examples
Function Command Response
Brightness (BRT10) Sets the brightness
to 10
Freeze (FRZ1) or
Power (PWR0) Turns power off
Power (PWR1) Turns power on
Error Conditions
Not all commands are supported for all projectors. If an unsupported command is issued, the command will be ignored. If a
command is received that is not understood, a ‘?’ character will be r eturned indicating the command was not understood.
The CLI cannot respond to comm ands coming in at a high-rate. Theref ore, a delay must occur between commands to ensure that
the command gets properly executed. To assure the projec tor can process a command, wait 3 seconds befor e entering the next
Freezes the displ ay