The versatile teacher’s aide.
The InFocus Learn Big IN24+EP and IN26+EP are
hard working, compact and designed to impress.
The sleek design makes it easy to transport from
classroom to classroom, or you can choose to have
it installed and take advantage of the extreme
Keystone correction feature to ensure a flawless
image everytime. This projector provides hours of
worry-free use with high quality performance that
will captivate your students and engage them in a
whole new way.
Learn Big
Budget-conscious and full-featured!
Now you can finally get top-quality projector per-
formance at an affordable price. The InFocus Learn
Big IN24+EP or IN26+EP give you the features and
dependability you demand at a price that will leave
room in your class budget. With a recessed lens and
sleek, compact design, you can be certain that the
IN24+EP and IN26+EP will stand up to frequent use
and always be ready for that next big chapter in your
class lesson. The latest DLP® (Digital Light Process-
ing) technology from Texas Instruments™ adds to
the IN24+EP or IN26+EP’s long-term reliability with a
5-year imager guarantee. Now that’s peace of mind.
Education comes first.
InFocus Learn Big projectors offer exceptional performance
and an industry-first warranty to help educators everywhere.
This warranty covers 3-years on parts and labor, as well as
a 5-year imager warranty; that’s a lot of excitement for your
classroom, guaranteed.
Added features mean added value.
Security locking mechanism acts as anti-theft deterrent.
Optional PIN code feature ends unauthorized projector use.
Full ProjectAbility keypad provides easy access to over
90% of the features you need most.
A versatile projector lineup: IN24+EP & IN26+EP
feature 2400 lumens, IN34EP features 2500 lumens