Infinity 8000 Series User Manual

Massage Chair
8000 Series
68 Route 125
Kingston, New Hampshire 03848
Pr oduct n ame : Massage Chai r
Pr oduct Mode l: 8000 Series
Ra ted vol tage: 220-240V~
Ra ted frequency: 50/60 Hz
Ra ted power : 260W
Safety design : Clas s I
Th ank you for you r purc hase of this product . Befor e us ing, please rea d this USE R MANUAL careful ly, a nd pay speci al atte ntion t o th e safet y precaution t o ensure proper opera tion and use.
Please kee p this USER MANUAL properly for furt her referenc e.
SA FETY PRECAUTIONS--------------------------------------------------- 1
NA ME AN D FUNCTI ON O F EACH COM PONENT----------------------- 3
Exterior structure------------------------------------------------------- 3
Interior structure---------------------------------------------------------
Power suppl y box------------------------------------------------------- 4
Instruct ion o n each c omponent of m ain contr oller--------------- 5
Function descriptio n on button s------------------------------------- 5
Descriptio n on VFD displayer----------------------------------------- 8
Function s and featu res ------------------------------------------------ 10
PREPA RATION BEFOR E USIN G------------------------------------------- 11
Installat ion posit ion--------------------------------------------------- - 11
In stallation method----------------------------------------------------- 12
Move metho d------------------------------------------------------------- 18
Turn o n power su pply--------------------------------------------------- 18
Chair adjus tment-------------------------------------------------------- 18
Befor e sitting down---------------------------------------------------- - 18
User selec tion------------------------------------------------------------ 1 8
PRODUCT S TORAGE AND MAINTENANCE----------------------------- 19
TROUBLESHOOTING------------------------------------------------------ 2 0
TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIO NS-------------------------------------------- 21
Safety Precautions
Before using, please read this SAFETY PRECAUTIONS carefully to ensure proper operation. The following SAFETY PRECAUTIONS is of great help to your correctly use of this massage chair. To clearly indicate the degrees of danger and damage, the classes of accidents caused by incorrect use are classied into WARNING and
CAUTION , instructions marked as followings should be strictly
Improper operation may cause injury to users.
Improper operation may cause users injury or product damage.
Forbidden. Specic instruction will be indicated in the diagram drawings.(e.g, the left drawings means disassembly is not allowed.)
Compulsory Specic instruction will be indicated in the diagram drawings.(e.g, the left drawings means to disconnect the power plug)
We recommend that those with any of the following conditions should consult a doctor before using.
1. Those who are using electronic medical instrument imbedded in the body, such as cardiac pacemaker etc.
2. Those that are being t reated by doctors, especially those who feel uncomfortable.
3. Those who are malignant tumor patients, heart disease patients, acute patients.
4. Women who are pregnant or menstruating.
5. Those with osteoporosis o r fracture spine.
6. Those with skin disease or those whose skins are injured.
7. Those whose body temperature is over 100 degrees F. (Febrile Phase).
Do not allow the mentally disabled to use the chair alone. (It is OK under supervision)
Do not allow children play on massage chair.
Do not allow more than one person to use this massage chair at a time.
If the power cord or power plug becomes damaged in any way you must disconnect from the main supply immediately and consult
an authorized service engineer for repair or replacement.
Do not damage, process, excessively bend, pull hard , twist or knot power cord.
Juveniles are no t allowed t o use this product.
An yone else , excep t maintenance personnel specied by our company, should no t disassemble , maintain, or r emodel this massage chair. If any problem, pleas e contac t local dealer immediately.
Problem Possible Cause Solution
You hear a whiring
The machine can
or rubbing sound.
not be started up.
Some music can not be played normally
Alarm sound is heard when pressing the music control button.
No sound from the speaker or earphone
It is a normal sound made by the working motor or the sound is produced when the massage ball is rubbed against the cloth cover.
The power supply plug is detached.
The power supply switch is not turned on.
The fuse of massage chair blew out.
To check whether the format of music is MP3.
The U-disk is not connected well.
The U-disk is initializing
The format of music les in U-disk is not unmatched.
The volume is turned to l owest.
The waiting time of the massag e chair is over 2 hours.
It is normal and no need for treatment.
Insert the powe r supply plug into the socket again.
Turn on the switch
Replace a new one with the same mode
Replace the MP3 music le
Insert the U-disk again.
Wait 5-10 seconds
To check MP3 music les with the help of computer.
Turn the volume up
Press the button again
Reduce the pressure on backrest or legrest.
To clear the air tube
Cut o the power supply and start up the machine again to check whether it can return to normal, if not, please send it to the professional maintenance center for repair and maintenance.
If abnormal phenomenon still remains after above measures have been taken to the massage chair, please contact local distributor for repair and maintenance. Note: Do not dismantle the product by yourself, and our company shall shoulder no responsibility to the damage of the product or
the injury of
people caused by improper use! Thank you for your cooperation.
Backrest or legrest can not ascend or descend.
Over pressure is put on backrest or legrest.
The airbag installed at seat cushion or legrest can not work.
Some fault code ( E0-E7 ) is displayed while the main controller is buzzing.
The massage chair has automatically detected some exception.
To check whether there is air tube blockage.
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