InfiNet R5000 series User Manual

R5000 series - Web GUI
Software Version: MINTv1.90.11
Last updated: 8/31/2014
Important Notice
User Manual
R5000 series - Web GUI
Legal Rights
© Copyright 2014 InfiNet Wireless. All rights reserved. The information contained in this document is originated by, proprietary, confidential
and owned by InfiNet Wireless. No part of this document should be disclosed, reproduced or distributed without the express written permission of InfiNet Wireless Ltd.
InfiNet Wireless Ltd. reserves the right to change the information contained in this document without prior notice. No part of this document may be considered as a part of any contract or warranty.
Statement of Conditions
InfiNet Wireless Ltd. shall not be liable for errors contained herein or for incidental or consequential damages in connection with the furnishing, performance or use of this manual or equipment supplied with it.
The software is sold on an "AS IS" basis. InfiNet Wireless, its affiliates or its licensors make no warranties, whatsoever, whether express or implied, with respect to the software and the accompanying documentation. Infinet Wireless specifically disclaims all implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement with respect to the software. Units of product (including all the software) delivered to purchaser hereunder are not fault_ tolerant and are not designed, manufactured or intended for use or resale in applications where the failure, malfunction or inaccuracy of products carries a risk of death or bodily injury
or severe physical or environmental damage (“high risk activities”). High risk
activities may include, but are not limited to, use as part of on-line control systems in hazardous environments requiring fail-safe performance, such as in the operation of nuclear facilities, aircraft navigation or communication systems, air traffic control, life support machines, weapons systems or other applications representing a similar degree of potential hazard. Infinet wireless specifically disclaims any express or implied warranty of fitness for high risk activities.
InfiNet Wireless hereby declares that R5000-Omx(b), R5000-Mmx(b), R5000­Smn(c) and R5000-Lmn are in compliance with the essential requirements and other relevant provisions of Directive 1995/5/EC. The declaration of conformity may be consulted at­certificates/DoC_RTTE.pdf.
Important Notice
User Manual
R5000 series - Web GUI
Indication of the countries
InfiNet Wireless equipment has no geographical limitations for selling and can be supplied to any country of the world.
Limitation of Liability
Infinet Wireless shall not be liable to the purchaser or to any third party, for any loss of profits, loss of use, interruption of business or for any indirect, special, incidental, punitive or consequential damages of any kind, whether arising under breach of contract, tort (including negligence), strict liability or otherwise and whether based on this agreement or otherwise, even if advised of the possibility of such damages.
To the extent permitted by applicable law, in no event shall the liability for damages hereunder of Infinet Wireless or its employees or agents exceed the purchase price paid for the product by purchaser, nor shall the aggregate liability for damages to all parties regarding any product exceed the purchase price paid for that product by that party (except in the case of a breach of a party’s confidentiality obligations).
International Regulatory Information
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device.
Hereby, InfiNet Wireless declares that this equipment is in compliance with the essential requirements and other relevant provisions of Directive 1999/5/EC.
About This Manual
User Manual
R5000 series - Web GUI
About This Manual
This manual provides detailed technical information on the operation of the Web interface (guidelines for the use of all sections and futures) of R5000 series. The manual provides also step-by-step guides for the routine tasks and basic scenarios like: setting up a basic PTP link, setting the MAC switching options, using “test” configuration, firmware upgrade, etc.
This manual is designed for individuals who prefer using a graphical user interface (GUI) for configuring and managing R5000 series devices. It is intended for the following audiences:
Customers with technical knowledge of and experience with IP networks Network administrators, who install, configure and manage R5000 series
Contents, Figures and Tables
User Manual
R5000 series - Web GUI
Table of Contents
Getting started ............................................................................................................................ 1
1.1. Document structure ...................................................................................................... 2
1.2. Abbreviations ................................................................................................................ 2
1.3. Document marks ........................................................................................................... 3
Features set ................................ ................................................................................................ 4
2.1. Introduction ................................................................................................................... 5
2.2. R5000 unit access ........................................................................................................ 5
2.3. Device Status ............................................................................................................... 6
2.3.1. Interface Statistics ................................................................................................. 8
2.3.2. Wireless Links Statistics ........................................................................................ 9
2.3.3. Switch Statistics ................................................................................................... 10
2.3.4. Extended Interface Statistics................................................................................ 13
2.3.5. Extended Switch Statistics ................................................................................... 32
2.4. Basic Settings ............................................................................................................. 34
2.4.1. System Settings ................................................................................................... 35
2.4.2. Network Settings.................................................................................................. 37
2.4.3. Link Settings ........................................................................................................ 42
2.4.4. Static Links .......................................................................................................... 49
2.4.5. MAC Switch ................................ ................................................................ ......... 49
2.4.6. IP Firewall ................................................................ ............................................ 67
2.4.7. SNMP .................................................................................................................. 70
2.4.8. QoS Options ........................................................................................................ 74
2.4.9. Traffic Shaping .................................................................................................... 76
2.4.10. Extra Commands ............................................................................................. 78
2.4.11. Apply, Test and Preview the configuration ........................................................ 80
2.5. Maintenance ............................................................................................................... 80
2.5.1. Firmware ............................................................................................................. 81
2.5.2. Upload ................................................................................................................. 84
2.5.3. Download ............................................................................................................ 84
2.5.4. Bottom section of the page .................................................................................. 84
2.6. Spectrum Analyzer ..................................................................................................... 85
2.7. DFS ............................................................................................................................ 87
2.8. Command Line ........................................................................................................... 88
Contents, Figures and Tables
User Manual
R5000 series - Web GUI
Configuration scenarios ............................................................................................................ 90
3.1. Introduction ................................................................................................................. 91
3.2. Setting up a basic PtP link .......................................................................................... 91
3.3. Creating a management VLAN interface ..................................................................... 94
3.4. Creating a basic PtMP configuration ........................................................................... 96
3.5. Configuring an SNMP v3 account ............................................................................. 107
3.6. Configuring radio profiles .......................................................................................... 109
Table of Figures
Figure 1 - GUI login ..................................................................................................................... 6
Figure 2 - HTTPS connection ...................................................................................................... 6
Figure 3 - Refresh option ............................................................................................................ 7
Figure 4 - Counters reset ............................................................................................................ 9
Figure 5 - Switch Statistics ................................................................................................ ........ 10
Figure 6 - Switch Statistics ................................................................................................ ........ 11
Figure 7 - System log ................................................................................................................ 12
Figure 8 - Extended Interface Statistics ..................................................................................... 13
Figure 9 - General Statistics ...................................................................................................... 14
Figure 10 - Radio Sources Analysis .......................................................................................... 15
Figure 11 - QoS Statistics ......................................................................................................... 17
Figure 12 - The Network Address Table for the local unit .......................................................... 18
Figure 13 - The Network Address Table for the remote unit ...................................................... 18
Figure 14 - Extended Link Diagnostic........................................................................................ 19
Figure 15 - Performance test .................................................................................................... 20
Figure 16 - Bi-directional performance test output ..................................................................... 21
Figure 17 - Bi-directional “Use MINT” performance test output ................................................. 21
Figure 18 - Alignment test ......................................................................................................... 22
Figure 19 - Alignment test - graphical indicator ......................................................................... 23
Figure 20 - Alignment test - graphical indicator - positive example ............................................ 25
Figure 21 - Alignment test - graphical indicator - negative example .......................................... 26
Figure 22 - Statistics graphs - balloon indicators ....................................................................... 27
Figure 23 - Statistics Graphs - RX/TX Ref. Level ...................................................................... 27
Figure 24 - Statistics Graphs - RX/TX Retries ........................................................................... 28
Figure 25 - Statistics Graphs - RX/TX Bitrate ............................................................................ 28
Figure 26 - Statistics Graphs - RX/TX Load .............................................................................. 29
Contents, Figures and Tables
User Manual
R5000 series - Web GUI
Figure 27 - Statistics Graphs - CPU Load & unit temperature ................................................... 29
Figure 28 - Remote commands ................................................................................................. 31
Figure 29 - Link restart .............................................................................................................. 32
Figure 30 - Link restart - warning message ............................................................................... 32
Figure 31 - Extended Switch Statistics ...................................................................................... 33
Figure 32 - Switch DB Statistics ................................................................................................ 33
Figure 33 - Switch VLAN Statistics ............................................................................................ 33
Figure 34 - Basic settings warning message ............................................................................. 34
Figure 35 - System Settings default configuration ..................................................................... 35
Figure 36 - Google Map ............................................................................................................ 37
Figure 37 - Network Settings default interfaces ......................................................................... 39
Figure 38 - Static routing configuration ...................................................................................... 42
Figure 39 - Link Settings - Master node default configuration .................................................... 43
Figure 40 - Link Settings - SLAVE node default configuration ................................................... 44
Figure 41 - Chain # ................................................................................................................... 48
Figure 42 - Custom frequency grid ............................................................................................ 48
Figure 43 - Switching Groups .................................................................................................... 50
Figure 44 - Trunk Groups .......................................................................................................... 51
Figure 45 - Management configuration 1 ................................................................................... 52
Figure 46 - Management configuration 2 ................................................................................... 53
Figure 47 - MAC Switch default configuration ........................................................................... 62
Figure 48 - IP Firewall ............................................................................................................... 67
Figure 49 - QoS Options default configuration .......................................................................... 75
Figure 50 - Add a logical channel .............................................................................................. 76
Figure 51 - Extra commands ..................................................................................................... 79
Figure 52 - Apply, test and preview the configuration ................................................................ 80
Figure 53 - Firmware ................................................................................................................. 81
Figure 54 - New firmware warning message ............................................................................. 82
Figure 55 - New firmware availability......................................................................................... 82
Figure 56 - Firmware upgrade ................................................................................................... 83
Figure 57 - Firmware upgraded succesfully............................................................................... 83
Figure 58 - Latest firmware change log ..................................................................................... 84
Figure 59 - Unit reboot .............................................................................................................. 84
Figure 60 - Spectrum analyzer .................................................................................................. 85
Figure 61 - DFS ........................................................................................................................ 88
Figure 62 - Command line ......................................................................................................... 89
Contents, Figures and Tables
User Manual
R5000 series - Web GUI
Figure 63 - Warning message – setup system login & password ................................ .............. 91
Figure 64 - Edit system settings ................................................................................................ 92
Figure 65 - Add IP address on svi1 interface............................................................................. 92
Figure 66 - Set the radio parameters for the Master unit ........................................................... 93
Figure 67 - Wireless link establisment ....................................................................................... 94
Figure 68 - Remove Management button .................................................................................. 95
Figure 69 - Create Management button .................................................................................... 95
Figure 70 - Vlan & svi interfaces ............................................................................................... 96
Figure 71 - Create a MAC switch rule ....................................................................................... 96
Figure 72 - PtMP configuration.................................................................................................. 97
Figure 73 - Create a VLAN rule ................................................................................................. 97
Figure 74 - Create a management VLAN .................................................................................. 98
Figure 75 - Creat an SVI interface ............................................................................................. 99
Figure 76 - Associate a Switch group to the SVI interface ......................................................... 99
Figure 77 - VLAN interface associated to the SVI interface ....................................................... 99
Figure 78 - Remove the default Switch group ......................................................................... 100
Figure 79 - In-Trunk mode, untagged traffic ............................................................................ 101
Figure 80 - In-Trunk mode, tagged traffic ................................................................................ 102
Figure 81 - Management Switch group ................................................................................... 102
Figure 82 - Creat an SVI interface ........................................................................................... 103
Figure 83 - Associate a Switch group to the SVI interface ....................................................... 103
Figure 84 - VLAN interface associated to the SVI interface ..................................................... 104
Figure 85 - SNMP access ....................................................................................................... 108
Figure 86 - Create SNMPv3 account ...................................................................................... 108
Figure 87 - Add radio profile .................................................................................................... 109
Figure 88 - Radio profile 1 configuration ................................................................................. 110
Figure 89 - Radio profile 2 configuration ................................................................................. 111
Figure 90 - First BS radio configuration ................................................................................... 112
Figure 91 - Second BS radio configuration .............................................................................. 113
Table 1 - Interface Statistics ........................................................................................................ 8
Table 2 - Wireless Links Statistics ............................................................................................. 10
Table 3 - Switch statistics parameters ....................................................................................... 12
Table 4 - Node types ................................................................................................................. 15
List of Tables
Contents, Figures and Tables
User Manual
R5000 series - Web GUI
Table 5 - MINT priorities and WANFLeX queues ...................................................................... 17
Table 6 - MINT priority to 802.1p/TOS priority/DSCP map ........................................................ 17
Table 7 - System Settings ......................................................................................................... 36
Table 8 - Network Settings ........................................................................................................ 41
Table 9 - Link Settings .............................................................................................................. 47
Table 10 - Qualifiers .................................................................................................................. 55
Table 11 - Primitives ................................................................................................................. 61
Table 12 - MAC Switch ............................................................................................................. 64
Table 13 - Switch Groups Rules ................................................................................................ 65
Table 14 - IGMP Snooping ........................................................................................................ 66
Table 15 - IP Firewall ................................ ................................................................ ................ 70
Table 16 - SNMP Access .......................................................................................................... 72
Table 17 - SNMP Traps ............................................................................................................ 73
Table 18 - SNMP Trap Types ................................................................................................... 74
Table 19 - QoS ......................................................................................................................... 76
Table 20 - Logical channel parameters ..................................................................................... 77
Table 21 - Traffic shaping rules ................................................................................................. 78
Table 22 - Extra commands ...................................................................................................... 79
Table 23 - Firmware parameters ............................................................................................... 82
Table 24 - Spectrum Analyzer ................................................................................................... 87

Getting started

Chapter 1
Chapter 1 - Getting Started
User Manual
R5000 series - Web GUI

1.1. Document structure

This document consists of the following chapters:
“Getting started” - This chapter presents the information about this document’s
purpose and structure
“Features set” - This chapter provides descriptions and guidelines for the use of
all sections and views of the Web interface
“Configuration scenarios” - This chapter contains step-by-step guides for the
routine tasks and basic scenarios (e.g.: setting up a basic PTP link, configuration examples, using “test” configuration, firmware upgrade, etc.)

1.2. Abbreviations

The following abbreviations are used in this document:
ATPC - Automatic Transmit Power Control BS - Base Station CINR - Carrier to Interference + Noise Ratio CLI - Command Line Interface CPU - Central Processing Unit DFS - Dynamic Frequency Selection DHCP - Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol DNS - Domain Name System GRE - Generic Routing Encapsulation GUI - Graphical User Interface HTTPS - Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secured ICMP - Internet Control Message Protocol IGMP - Internet Group Management Protocol IP - Internet Protocol IPIP - IP-in-IP Protocol LAG - Link Aggregation Group MAC - Media Access Control MIB - Management Information Base MIMO - Multiple-Input and Multiple-Output
Chapter 1 - Getting Started
User Manual
R5000 series - Web GUI
All caution warnings are marked with a special warning sign. One should pay a great deal of attention to what is written in the Caution section.
All notes are marked with a special note sign. Notes usually contain useful comments or hints to the described section of the document.
MINT - Mesh Interconnection Network Technology MISO - Multiple-Input and Single-Output POSIX - Portable Operating System Interface PRF - Pseudo Radio Interface PTMP - Point-to-Multipoint topology PTP - Point-to-Point topology QoS - Quality of Service RSSI - Received signal strength indication RTP - Real-time Transport Protocol SID - System Identification Number SNMP - Simple Network Management Protocol SNR - Signal To Noise Ratio SNTP - Simple Network Time Protocol SSH - Secure Shell STP - Spanning Tree Protocol SVI - Switch Virtual Interface TAP - Network TAP TCP - Transmission Control Protocol TUN - Network TUNnel VLAN - Virtual Local Area Network VPN - Virtual Private Network

1.3. Document marks

Features set

Chapter 2
Chapter 2 - Features set
User Manual
R5000 series - Web GUI
By default (since v1.90.0), the access to the device is available through svi1 interface at the IP address (for further details about SVI interface see section 2.4.2 ­Network settings).
Make sure you have network connectivity to the unit.
The system allows concurrent login sessions via Web interface.

2.1. Introduction

Web interface is a friendly management tool of R5000 unit. Using Web interface, you can easily:
Monitor device interfaces statistics Monitor radio link statistics View and change device configuration Access the graphical antenna alignment tool Run wireless link throughput tests Perform device maintenance and support Access the Spectrum Analyzer tool Access the system log Monitor DFS operation

2.2. R5000 unit access

When you power on the unit, WANFleX OS starts automatically and Web management is enabled by default so, in order to access the unit via Web browser (start the graphical user interface), type in the address bar: http://<unit IP address>.
On the login page, you can type any username and any password and click Login:
Chapter 2 - Features set
User Manual
R5000 series - Web GUI
Please change the credentials you have just inserted with a permanent username and password for it after the first log in.
Figure 1 - GUI login
The default language is English. After the authentication step, the language can be changed into Russian, French, Italian or Chinese.
You can access the unit via HTTPS (HTTP with SSL only) using InfiNet Wireless self-signed certificate (from the Maintenance menu of Web interface). The «HTTPS Connection» link is available in the right side of the login form:
Figure 2 - HTTPS connection

2.3. Device Status

The Device Status page is displayed by default after the authentication step. It displays the main parameters of the unit in real-time. You can set the "Auto Refresh" option to refresh the statistics automatically. Refresh frequency can be set by the "Auto Refresh Time" parameter. The minimal possible value is “0” seconds and it updates the information instantly.
Chapter 2 - Features set
User Manual
R5000 series - Web GUI
The device statistics can also be refreshed manually by pressing the «Refresh» button.
These options are available in the bottom-left side of the Device Status screen:
Figure 3 - Refresh option
The Device Status page has the following sections:
CPU load - displays the load percentage of the CPU Memory load:
- Memory (the data stored in volatile memory are valid only during the current session, until the system reset) displays in real-time the total memory available and the used memory by the running processes
- Flash memory (non-volatile memory) displays in real-time the total memory available and the used memory by the WANFleX and configuration files
Interface Statistics - displays the main parameters of all configured interfaces
(physical and logical)
Chapter 2 - Features set
User Manual
R5000 series - Web GUI
Displays all physical and logical set interfaces
MAC Address
Displays the MAC address of each interface
Displays for each interface whether it is up and runningor
Displays the operation mode of each interface. E.g.:
- 10,100 or 1000 Mbps and half or full duplex for the Ethernet interface
- Bitrate, frequency and bandwidth for the Radio interface
- Switch Group number for the SVI
Displays the number of received and transmitted packets for
each interface since the unit is operational. The local system packets are counted, too (and not only the ones that are passing through the switching groups - data traffic)
Displays the number of received and transmitted error
packets for each interface since the unit is operational
Displays the packet flow through each interface in real-time
(for the system and the data traffic)
Wireless Links Statistics - displays the main parameters of all wireless
connections between the device and the neighbor devices
Switch Statistics - displays counters of the frames which have been switched
(e.g. the number of dropped packets and if they are dropped because of the flood into their reachable destination, because of the STP, because of the firewall, etc).

2.3.1. Interface Statistics

Table 1 - Interface Statistics
All these counters can be reset by pressing the «Reset All Counters» button:
Chapter 2 - Features set
User Manual
R5000 series - Web GUI
Clearing these counters by pressing the «OK» button in the pop-up page means losing the history data about the functionality of your unit. Avoid this operation unless you are completely sure you don’t need these data in the future.
Link Quality
Gives a color indication for the wireless connection quality
with the neighbor unit:
- Red: poor connection
- Yellow: good connection
- Green: excellent connection
MAC Address
Displays the neighbors MAC address
Figure 4 - Counters reset
The MINT version is displayed in the right side of Interface Statistics section (e.g.: MINTv1.90.5).

2.3.2. Wireless Links Statistics

This section displays the following information for the radio interface of the unit:
- Node name and ID
- Noise level
- Number of established links
- ATPC status (activated or deactivated)
- Autobitrate status (activated or deactivated)
- Polling mode
Chapter 2 - Features set
User Manual
R5000 series - Web GUI
Displays the neighbors name
Node ID
Displays the sequential number of the neighboring node
Displays the calculated (theoretical) distance to the
neighbor unit (in Km)
Displays the power level of the Tx and Rx signals of the
neighbor unit (in dBm)
Ref. Level
Displays the Tx and Rx signals levels for the minimal
available bitrate of the neighbor unit (in dB)
Current Level
Displays the Tx and Rx signals levels for current bitrate
of the neighbor unit (in dB)
Displays the set bitrate value for the Tx and Rx signals of
the neighbor unit
Displays the percentage of Tx and Rx retries of the
neighbor unit
Displays the percentage of Tx and Rx errors of the
neighbor unit
Displays the number of kbps and packets that are going
inbound and outbound the radio interface of the neighbor unit (main data)
Table 2 - Wireless Links Statistics

2.3.3. Switch Statistics

This section displays the number of unicast, broadcast and flood packets switched within each Switch group and also within kernel system (internal traffic), in real-time (since the last reboot):
It also displays the number of dropped packets for: STP, unreachable destination, firewall, possible loop, discard, MAC limits and reverse, within each Switch group and kernel, in real-time (since the last reboot):
Figure 5 - Switch Statistics
Chapter 2 - Features set
User Manual
R5000 series - Web GUI
Sending a packet to a single host (network destination)
identified by a unique address
Sending a packet to all hosts (network destinations)
simultaneously (broadcasting is done by specifying a special broadcast address on packets)
Sending a packet along the same link multiple times
(without specifying a destination address for the packets)
Several copies of the same packet would ultimately reach
all nodes in the network in flooding
Spanning Tree Protocol - standardized as IEEE 802.1D Creates a spanning tree within a network of connected
layer-2 bridges (typically Ethernet switches) and disables those links that are not part of the spanning tree, leaving a single active path between any two network nodes
The value displayed in the Switch Statistics table
represents the number of the packets blocked by the Spanning Tree Protocol
The sender could not reach the specified network
The value displayed in the Switch Statistics table
represents the number of the packets dropped because they flood to unreachable destination
A software or hardware-based network security system
that controls the incoming and outgoing network traffic by analyzing the data packets and determining whether they should be allowed through or not, based on applied rules set
Figure 6 - Switch Statistics
Total forwarded, dropped and ignored packets are displayed in real-time, too. All these counters can be reset by pressing the «Reset All Counters» button. Switch Statistics parameters:
Chapter 2 - Features set
User Manual
R5000 series - Web GUI
The value displayed in the Switch Statistics table
represents the number of the packets dropped by the firewall system in the network
Possible loop
A switching or bridging loop occurs in a network when
there is more than one Layer 2 path between two endpoints
Because a physical topology that contains switching or
bridging loops is needed for the redundancy reasons, the solution is to allow physical loops, but create a loop-free logical topology using the spanning tree protocol (STP) on the network switches
The value displayed in the Switch Statistics table
represents the number of the packets dropped because they belong to a possible loop (more than one port declares same packet source)
The value displayed in the Switch Statistics table
represents the number of the packets dropped by the configuration (e.g. "switch group N start [discard]")
MAC Limit
MAC address-table limit reached (switch maxsources
(MAXSOURCES|0) # default 5000)
The value displayed in the Switch Statistics table
represents the number of the packets dropped because the limit of MAC address-table was reached
The value displayed in the Switch Statistics table
represents the number of the packets dropped because they have the same source and destination port (the frame came to the unit through one port and according to the switching table it must leave through the same port)
Table 3 - Switch statistics parameters
By pressing the «Show System Log» button, you can view the System Log section:
The System Log section allows browsing the unit’s system log. It is possible to minimize/enlarge the system log window by pressing the buttons:
Figure 7 - System log
Chapter 2 - Features set
User Manual
R5000 series - Web GUI
You can delete all the information saved in the system log by pressing the «Clear System Log» button. You can hide the System Log section by pressing the «Hide System Log» button.

2.3.4. Extended Interface Statistics

Extended Interface Statistics tools gather complete information and enhanced statistics for each interface of the unit. Each interface type has its own set of available tools applicable to it.
In order to access the Extended Interface Statistics tools, click on the row of each interface within the Interface Statistics section:
Figure 8 - Extended Interface Statistics General Statistics
The General Statistics tool displays the information about the interface such as the interface mode, current status, Rx and Tx statistics, etc. The actual statistics details depend on the interface type.
By pressing the «Close» button, you return to the Device Status page. By pressing the «Reset» button, you clear all counters displayed in the page. The "Auto Refresh" option is active by default and refreshes the statistics
automatically. You can disable the auto refresh.
Chapter 2 - Features set
User Manual
R5000 series - Web GUI
Figure 9 - General Statistics Radio Sources Analysis
The Radio Sources Analysis tool allows to estimate the efficiency of the radio links utilization, analyzing the radio-frequency environment for the current frequency, under the current channel bandwidth, without the radio link interruption and displays the following statistics:
- Radio parameters of every source in the radio link
- Number of sources, number of packets, including the skipped ones
- Number of pulses, their average level and average number of pulses per second
Chapter 2 - Features set
User Manual
R5000 series - Web GUI
Neighbor (connected)
Candidate (not connected yet)
Known node in the MINT network
Unknown source
Locally defined node (not authenticated)
Locally defined node (disabled)
Not authenticated MINT node
Own MAC address
Figure 10 - Radio Sources Analysis
The abbreviations for each node type are also displayed in the interface:
By pressing the «Close» button, you return to the Device Status page. The "Auto Refresh" option is active by default and refreshes the statistics
automatically. You can disable the auto refresh. QoS statistics
QoS (Quality of Service) characterizes the entire network performance which is defined by the parameters such as: throughput, latency, jitter, error rate, available
Table 4 - Node types
Chapter 2 - Features set
User Manual
R5000 series - Web GUI
Queue name
Priority/Queue number
bandwidth, etc. In order to provide the guaranteed Quality of Service for certain applications, users or data flows, different prioritization methods are used.
The QoS statistics tool displays the statistics of the MINT priority queues for the interface.
Priority is one of the parameters which define in what sequence, different types of data traversing every InfiNet device in MINT network are treated. Each channel may be assigned a priority (e.g. P01, P02 … P16).
Once assigned, a priority will be automatically recognized by every node inside the MINT network. Each priority value corresponds to a device queue. Once in a queue, every packet is scheduled according to the queuing algorithm set on the device. QM manager supports Strict Priority Queuing and Weighted Fair Queuing scheduling algorithms. Strict Priority Queuing means that the packets from queue with lower priority are not processed until the queue with higher priority is not empty. Weighted Fair Queuing uses weights for every queue of an interface and allows different queues to have different service shares, depending on that weight.
Every channel is also characterized by the latency parameter. This parameter determines the maximum time for the packets to stay in the channel. If a packet is waiting in a queue of the channel more than the time specified in the latency parameter, then it is discarded. Latency can be set for each channel in the Traffic Shaping section.
Chapter 2 - Features set
User Manual
R5000 series - Web GUI
MINT priority
802.1p/TOS priority/DSCP
00/00/00 (CS0, 000000)
No priority
01/01/08 (CS1, 001xxx)
No priority
02/02/16 (CS2, 010xxx)
03/03/24 (CS3, 011xxx)
04/04/32 (CS4, 100xxx)
05/05/40 (CS5, 101xxx)
06/06/48 (CS6, 110xxx)
07/07/56 (CS7, 111xxx)
Table 5 - MINT priorities and WANFLeX queues
Transparent packet prioritization is a WANFLeX feature which allows QM manager to transparently map 802.1p/TOS/DSCP priority to MINT priority for the ease of deployment.
You have to make sure that “Dot1p Tags” and/or IP ToSoptions are enabled in the QoS section.
Table 6 - MINT priority to 802.1p/TOS priority/DSCP map
This section displays the number of inbound packets to each priority queue and the number of dropped packets:
By pressing the «Close» button, you return to the Device Status page. By pressing the «Reset» button, you clear all counters displayed in the page.
Figure 11 - QoS Statistics
Chapter 2 - Features set
User Manual
R5000 series - Web GUI
The "Auto Refresh" option is active by default and refreshes the statistics automatically. You can disable the auto refresh. Network Address Table
The Network Address Table tool shows the network address table for the interface.
Figure 12 - The Network Address Table for the local unit
Figure 13 - The Network Address Table for the remote unit
By pressing the «Close» button, you return to the Device Status page. The "Auto Refresh" option is active by default and refreshes the statistics
automatically. You can disable the auto refresh. Extended Link Diagnostic
Once a wireless connection between the unit and the remote neighbor is established, it is possible to make extended diagnostics and optimization for the wireless link.
In order to access the Extended Link Diagnostic tools, click on the row of each wireless link within the Wireless Links Statistics for Interface section:
Chapter 2 - Features set
User Manual
R5000 series - Web GUI
All results are given in kilobits per second and retries levels are shown as a red chart.
Figure 14 - Extended Link Diagnostic
Five options are available: Performance Tests, Antenna Alignment Tool, Statistics Graphs, Remote Commands and Link Restart. Performance tests
The Performance tests tool performs link throughput tests for the configured channel bandwidth and on the current frequency, without radio link interruption.
The Performance tests tool generates traffic between the devices and displays the channel throughput for the traffic with chosen priority. For the full throughput tests of the channel, you must set the highest priority 0 for the test traffic. In this case, the transmission of any other traffic will be stopped for the testing time and the traffic generated by the tool will occupy all the channel.
The Performance tests tool displays the values of the full channel throughput which is available under the current settings, for each bitrate.
Chapter 2 - Features set
User Manual
R5000 series - Web GUI
Figure 15 - Performance test
By pressing the «Run Tests»/«Stop Tests» buttons at the bottom of the page, you can start/stop the performance tests.
By pressing the «Exit Test» button, you return to the Device Status page. Each row corresponds to a certain bitrate value and can be selected or deselected
for participating in the performance test by marking/unmarking the corresponding check-box on the right side. By marking “Select all” check-box, all the bitrates could be selected or deselected at once.
Three more parameters are available for management:
“Test time” parameter - allows setting the duration (in seconds) of the test for
each bitrate (5s by default)
“Bi-directional” check-box - allows choosing between bi-directional (when
checked) and unidirectional (when unchecked) performance test
“Use mint” check-box - allows performing MINT-enabled test when all the traffic
and link parameters are controlled and managed by MINT functions such as ATPC and auto-bitrate, which provide best throughput and minimal number of retries (the statistics for errors and retries are not available in this mode because
Chapter 2 - Features set
User Manual
R5000 series - Web GUI
The performance test with “Use MINT” option is very useful in case you want to get estimation about the best wireless link throughput (excluding the information about the bitrate, retries level, etc.).
the errors and retries are already taken into account in the throughput results, at the optimal bitrate)
Priority (0-16) - By default, it is 16, which is lower than the data traffic that has
priority 15. You can increase the test priority by setting a lower value.
The bitrates list on the Performance test tool consists of the bitrates that correspond to the channel bandwidth set on the unit (5/10/20/40MHz). To perform the tests for the bitrates related to the other channel bandwidth, you need to reconfigure the channel bandwidth (the “Channel Width” parameter in the Radio Setting section of the Basic Settings page) on both units within the tested link.
Examples given:
1. Bi-directional performance test output description for 180 Mbps bitrate (40 MHz channel bandwidth):
Figure 16 - Bi-directional performance test output
2. Bi-directional “Use MINT” performance test output:
Figure 17 - Bi-directional “Use MINT” performance test output
In order to see detailed information about throughput, errors and retries, you can move the mouse cursor over the indication strip of the required bitrate.
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