Infineon Traveo II User Manual

Please read the Important Notice and Warnings at the end of this document 002-19843 Rev.*E page 1 of 49 <2021-02>

Associated part family

Traveo II Family CYT2/CYT3/CYT4 Series

About this document

Scope and purpose
This application note explains the functionary and how to configure of the protection units for Traveo II family MCU. This document serves as a guide to enhance system security based on different operations. It also explains the structure, access attributes and some usage examples of each protection unit.
Intended audience
This document is intended for anyone using Traveo II family

Table of contents

Associated part family ..................................................................................................................... 1
About this document ....................................................................................................................... 1
Table of contents ............................................................................................................................ 1
1 Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 3
2 Protection Units ..................................................................................................................... 4
2.1 Location of Protection Units ................................................................................................................... 4
2.2 Protection Units Overview ...................................................................................................................... 4
3 Operation Overview ............................................................................................................... 5
3.1 Protection Properties of Bus Transfer .................................................................................................... 5
3.2 Attribute Inheritance ............................................................................................................................... 6
3.3 User/Privileged Attribute Switching ....................................................................................................... 7
3.3.1 User/Privileged Attribute Switching Procedure ................................................................................ 8
3.3.2 Configuration ..................................................................................................................................... 8
3.4 Protection Context Attribute Setting .................................................................................................... 10
3.4.1 Protection Context Attribute Switching Procedure ........................................................................ 11
3.4.2 Configuration ................................................................................................................................... 11
3.5 Bus Transfer Evaluation ........................................................................................................................ 15
3.5.1 Evaluation Process ........................................................................................................................... 15
3.5.2 PC_MATCH Operation ...................................................................................................................... 16
3.6 Master Identifier .................................................................................................................................... 18
3.7 Protection Violation .............................................................................................................................. 18
4 Protection Units Structure ..................................................................................................... 20
4.1 MPU Structure ....................................................................................................................................... 20
4.2 SMPU Structure ..................................................................................................................................... 21
4.3 PPU Structure ........................................................................................................................................ 22
4.4 Protection Pair Structure ...................................................................................................................... 23
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Protection Configuration in Traveo II
Table of contents
5 Configuration Example of Protection Units .............................................................................. 25
5.1 Configuration Example of MPU Implemented as Part of CPU ............................................................. 25
5.1.1 Use case ............................................................................................................................................ 25
5.1.2 Setting Procedure ............................................................................................................................ 26
5.1.3 Configuration ................................................................................................................................... 27
5.2 Configuration of MPU Implemented as Part of Bus Infrastructure ..................................................... 31
5.3 Configuration Example of SMPU ........................................................................................................... 32
5.3.1 Usage Assumptions .......................................................................................................................... 32
5.3.2 Setting Procedure for SMPU ............................................................................................................ 33
5.3.3 Configuration ................................................................................................................................... 33
5.4 Configuration Example of PPU ............................................................................................................. 38
5.4.1 Usage Assumptions .......................................................................................................................... 39
5.4.2 Setting Procedure for PPU ............................................................................................................... 39
5.4.3 Configuration ................................................................................................................................... 40
6 Glossary ............................................................................................................................... 45
Related Documents ........................................................................................................................ 46
Other References ........................................................................................................................... 47
Revision history............................................................................................................................. 48
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Protection Configuration in Traveo II

1 Introduction

This application note describes the Protection Units in Cypress Traveo II family series MCU. The series includes Arm® Cortex® CPUs with Enhanced Secure Hardware Extension (eSHE), CAN FD, memory, and analog and digital peripheral functions in a single chip.
The CYT2 series has one Arm Cortex-M4F-based CPU (CM4) and Cortex-M0+-based CPU (CM0+). The CYT4 series has two Arm Cortex-M7-based CPUs (CM7) and a Cortex-M0+ CPU and the CYT3 series has one Arm Cortex-M7­based CPUs (CM7) and CM0+.
Protection units are an important part for security system design, and enforce security based on different operations. A protection unit allows or restricts bus transfers on the bus infrastructure based on specific properties. A protection violation is caused by a mismatch between a bus transfer's address region and access attributes and the protection structures' address range and access attributes.
These series have three types of protection units: Memory Protection Unit (MPU), Shared Memory Protection Unit (SMPU), and Peripheral Protection Unit (PPU). Memory Protection is provided by MPU and SMPU; protection for peripheral resources is provided by PPU.
The MPU, SMPU, and PPU protection structure definition follows the Arm definition (in terms of memory region and access attribute definition) to ensure a consistent software interface.
If security is required, the SMPU and possibly PPUs registers must be controlled by a "secure" CPU that enforces system-wide protection.
To understand the functionality described and terminology used in this application note, see the “Protection Unit” chapter of the Architecture Technical Reference Manual (TRM).
In addition, this application note describes example code with the Sample Driver Library (SDL). The code snippets in this application note are part of SDL. See Other References for the SDL.
SDL basically has a configuration part and a driver part. The configuration part mainly configures the parameter values for the desired operation. The driver part configures each register based on the parameter values in the configuration part. You can configure the configuration part according to your system. This sample program shows for CYT2B7 series.
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Protection Configuration in Traveo II
Protection Units

2 Protection Units

2.1 Location of Protection Units

Figure 1 shows the locations of MPUs, SMPUs, and PPUs in the CYT2B series.
Peripheral Block
fast_infra slow_infra
Group 0
Slow external masters
Group 15
Figure 1 Protection Unit Locations in the CYT2B Series
See the Architecture TRM for other series location.

2.2 Protection Units Overview

MPUs are associated with a single master. There are following two types of MPUs.
An MPU that is implemented as part of the CPU: This type is found in the Arm CPUs.
An MPU that is implemented as part of the bus infrastructure: This type is found in bus masters such as test
However, Peripheral DMA (P-DMA 0/1), Memory DMA (M-DMA), and Cryptography (CRYPTO) component do not have an MPU. These masters inherit the access control attributes of the bus transfer that programmed channels or components.
An SMPU is shared by all bus masters. A single set of SMPU region structures provides the same protection information to all SMPUs in the systems.
A PPU is shared by all bus masters. PPU provides access control to the peripherals within a peripheral group. There are the following two types of PPU:
Fixed PPU: The address to protect is fixed and cannot be modified by software.
Programmable PPU: The address to protect is programmable by software.
MPU and SMPU have a higher priority over PPU. In addition, programmable PPU has a higher priority than fixed PPU.
See the Architecture TRM for more details on protection units.
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Protection Configuration in Traveo II
Operation Overview

3 Operation Overview

3.1 Protection Properties of Bus Transfer

Protection units identify the following properties of bus transfer:
An address range to be accessed
Access attributes such as the following:
Read/Write: Distinguish a read access from a write access
Execute: Distinguish a code access from a data access
User/Privileged: Distinguish a user access from a privileged access
Secure/non-secure: Distinguish a "secure" code access from a "non-secure" code access. The non-secure
attribute allows both non-secure and secure accesses.
Protection context: Distinguish accesses from different protection contexts
Not all bus masters provide all these access attributes. No bus master has a protected context; Arm CPUs do not have a secure attribute.
Access attributes not provided by the bus master are provided by the PROT_MPUx_MS_CTL and PROT_SMPU_MSx_CTL registers. These registers may be set during the boot process or by the secure CPU.
Figure 2 shows the structure of PROT_MPUx_MS_CTL registers.
Master Control 0
Master Control 1
Figure 2 PROT_MPUx_MS_CTL Register
This register grants a protection context attribute to its master access.
PROT_MPUx_MS_CTL.PC: Sets the protection context attribute of its own access
PROT_MPUx_MS_CTL.PC_SAVED: The boot process sets this field. This field is only present for the CM0+
Figure 1 shows the structure of the PROT_SMPU_MSx_CTL registers.
Master Control 0
Master Control 1
Figure 3 Figure 1. PROT_SMPU_MSx_CTL Register
This register grants a following attributes to its master access.
PROT_SMPU_MSx_CTL.P: Provides the User/Privileged attribute for masters that do not provide their own
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Protection Configuration in Traveo II
Operation Overview
PROT_SMPU_MSx_CTL.NS: Provides the Secure/Non-Secure attribute for masters that do not provide their
own attributes.
PROT_SMPU_MSx_CTL.PC_MASK_15_TO_1 and PC_MASK_0: Restricts the protection context that the bus
master can set to MPUx_MS_CTL.PC.
The PC_MASK_0 field is always ‘0’. This means that bus masters cannot set the PC = 0 attribute.
PROT_SMPU_MSx_CTL.PRIO: Sets the bus arbitration priority.
However, not all bus masters have these register fields. Table 1 shows the relationship of registers for each master.
Table 1 Register Field Provided to the Master
Register Field
CRYPTO Component
Test Controller
Yes – – – –
Yes – – – – – –
– – – – – – Yes
Yes – – – –
Yes – – – –
P-DMA0/1, M-DMA, and CRYPTO components do not have MPU. Therefore, these peripheral functions do not have fields to set attributes.
Each master has an associated SMPU MS_CTL register. However, in secure systems, this register can be typically controlled only by the secure master (CM0+) to prevent a master from changing its own privileged setting, security setting, arbitration priority, or enabled protection contexts.

3.2 Attribute Inheritance

As mentioned earlier, P-DMA, M-DMA, and CRYPTO components inherit the access control attributes of the bus transfers that programmed the channels and component. The inherited access attribute is allowed/restricted by SMPU and PPU.
Figure 4 shows examples of the setting and behavior for inheriting attributes.
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Protection Configuration in Traveo II
Operation Overview
Channel Setting Task
Task Attribute
- User
- Non-Secure
- PC=7
Configuration Register
Channel Attribute
- User
- Non-Secure
- PC=7
Channel A
Channel Setting
Inherit Access Attributes
Channel Attribute
- User
- Non-Secure
- PC=7
Channel A
Memory or Peripheral
User Write, Non-Secure, PC=7
User Read, Non-Secure, PC=7
Figure 4 Setting and Behavior Example for Attribute Inheritance

3.3 User/Privileged Attribute Switching

This section describes attribute switching of both CPUs supporting User/Privileged attributes. CPUs support two operating modes and two privilege levels as follows:
Operation Mode
Thread Mode: This mode is used to execute application software. This mode can run in Privileged level or
User level.
Handler Mode: This mode is used to handle exceptions. This mode only runs in Privileged level.
Privileged Levels
User Level: The software has limited access
Privileged Level: The software can use all instructions and access all resources
Privileged level is switched by the CONTROL register. It is a CPU-specific register. Switching from Privileged level to User level is performed by the CONTROL register. However, the CONTROL register can be rewritten only with the privileged level. Therefore, switching from the User level to the Privileged level must always go through the Handler mode. The CPU enters the Handler mode when an exception or interrupt occurs. Figure 5 shows an example User/Privileged level switching by the SVC (Supervisor call) instruction exception. The SVC instruction generates an exception and can enter the Handler mode.
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Protection Configuration in Traveo II
Operation Overview
Handler/Privileged Thread/Privileged Thread/User
Reset Relese
(1) Operation
(2) Operation (2) Operation
(3) Change CONTROL
= Unprivileged
(3) Operation
(4) Operation (4) Operation
(5) Operation
(6) Change CONTROL
= Privileged
(6) Operation
(5) SVC
2) Exception
(4) Exception
(5) SVC Exception
Figure 5 Example User/Privileged Level Switching for Both CPUs
1. CPUs are started in Thread/Privileged mode after reset release.
2. When an exception occurs in Thread/Privileged mode, the Handler/Privileged mode is entered, and upon
return from handler processing, Thread/Privileged mode is entered again.
3. In the Thread/Privileged mode, transition to the Thread/User mode is allowed by the CONTROL register.
4. When an exception occurs in the Thread/User mode, the Handler/Privileged mode is entered, and upon
return from handler processing, Thread/User mode is entered again.
5. When switching from the Thread/User mode to Thread/Privileged mode, use SVC instruction to enter the
Handler/Privileged mode. The SVC instruction can cause an SVC exception.
6. Set the Privileged level with the CONTROL register in the Handler/Privileged level. The CPU transitions to
the Thread/Privileged mode after returning from handler processing.
See the Arm documentation sets for CM4, CM7, and CM0+ for more details.
You need to register the SVC handler in advance.

3.3.1 User/Privileged Attribute Switching Procedure

This section explains how to switch between Privileged and User modes.

3.3.2 Configuration

Table 2 lists the functions in SDL for User/Privileged attribute switching using SVC instruction.
Table 2 List of Functions
Change Privileged Level to User
Change Privileged Level to Privileged
Generates SVC interrupt.
SVC handler pSvcArgs: SVC Index
Change to Privileged if index is “2”
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Protection Configuration in Traveo II
Operation Overview
The following code shows an example of switching using SVC.
Code Listing 1 Example of User/Privileged Switching using SVC
int main(void) { SystemInit();
: /* Get user mode from here */ GetUserMode();
: /* Access privileged write only port register after getting privileged mode */ SVC_GetPrivilegedMode(); :
/* Access privileged write only port register after getting user mode */ GetUserMode(); :
for(;;); }
Code Listing 2 GetUserMode() Function
void GetUserMode(void)
__ASM("MRS r0, CONTROL"); // Read CONTROL register into R0
__ASM("ORR r0, r0, #1"); // nPRIV -> 1
__ASM("MSR CONTROL, r0"); // Write R0 into CONTROL register
Code Listing 3 SVC_GetPrivilegedMode()
void SVC_GetPrivilegedMode(void)
__ASM("SVC 0x02"); // SVC index = 2: Get privileged mode
Change Privileged Mode to User Mode. See Code Listing 2.
Change from User Mode to Privileged Mode. See Code Listing 3.
Change from Privileged Mode to User Mode. See Code Listing 2.
Read CONTROL Register
Write back to CONTROL Register
(3) Change to User Mode
(5) SVC Exception with Index 2. It calls the SVC handler. See Code Listing 4.
CPUs are started in Thread/Privileged mode after reset release.
Set Index to “2”
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Protection Configuration in Traveo II
Operation Overview
Code Listing 4 SVC Handler
void Cy_SysLib_SvcHandler(uint32_t* pSvcArgs) { uint8_t svcIdx = ((char*)pSvcArgs[6])[-2];
switch(svcIdx) { case 0: : break; case 1: : break; case 2: GetPrivilegedMode(); break; default: break; } }
Code Listing 5 GetPrivilegedMode() Function
void GetPrivilegedMode(void) { __ASM("MRS r0, CONTROL"); // Read CONTROL register into R0 __ASM("BIC r0, r0, #1"); // nPRIV -> 0 __ASM("MSR CONTROL, r0"); // Write R0 into CONTROL register }

3.4 Protection Context Attribute Setting

Protection Contexts (PCs) are used to isolate software execution for security and safety purposes. PCs are used as the PC attribute for all bus transfers that are initiated by the master. SMPUs and PPUs allow or restrict bus transfers based on the PC attribute.
The series supports eight PCs. Protection contexts 0 and 1 out of eight PCs are special; these are controlled by hardware. In addition, PC0 has unrestricted access.
Specific bus masters have associated PC fields (PROT_MPUx_MS_CTL.PC and PROT_SMPU_MSx_CTL.PC_MASK_15_TO_1 and PC_MASK_0).
A bus master protection context is changed by reprogramming the associated PROT_MPUx_MS_CTL.PC field. The PROT_SMPU_MSx_CTL.PC_MASK field restricts the PCs that can be set for the associated bus master.
For example, if PROT_SMPU_MSx_CTL.PC_MASK[15:0] = 0x06 (PC1, 2 = "1"), the PCs to which the associated bus master can be set are PC = 1 and PC = 2. A bus master cannot be changed to a PC not allowed (PC=0,3,4,5,6,7).
Figure 6 shows an example of changing the flow of PCs.
SVC Processing for Index 0.
SVC Processing for Index 1.
SVC Processing for Index 2. Change to Privileged Mode. See Code Listing 5.
Read CONTROL Register
Write back to CONTROL Register
(6) Change to Privileged Mode
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Protection Configuration in Traveo II
Operation Overview
(1) Change PC
TASK A processing
(2) Change PC
TASK B processing
Task switch
Task A
Task B
PC = 4
All bus transfers initiated by the master are accessed as PC = 4.
PC = 5
All bus transfers initiated by
the master are accessed as PC = 5.
Task A (PC=4)
Task B (PC=5)
Region 0
Region 1
Region 2
Task B is
Task B is Not-allowed
Task A is
Region 0 PC = 4
Region 1 PC = 4
Region 2
PC = 5
Figure 6 Change Flow of PCs and Behavior
Note: PC values that can be set by each master are restricted by
This allows a single bus master to take on different protection roles by reprogramming only the protection context field without changing the settings of SMPUs and PPUs.

3.4.1 Protection Context Attribute Switching Procedure

This section explains how to switch protection context shown in Figure 6.
Region 0 and 1: PC=4 access has permissions
Region 2: PC=5 access has permissions

3.4.2 Configuration

Table 3 and Table 4 list the parameters and functions in SDL for protection context switching.
Table 3 List of Parameters
Define Memory size of each region
Define Protection Context number for TASK A
Define Protection Context number for TASK B
Define PROT_SMPU_MSx_CTL.PC_MASK value for enabling PC=4.
Define PROT_SMPU_MSx_CTL.PC_MASK value for enabling PC=5.
Set start address and memory size of Region 0/1/2
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Protection Configuration in Traveo II
Operation Overview Parameters
gSmpuStructConfigOfTask(A/B). address
Set SMPU region (Base Address)
gReservedRam.taskA_Region0/1/ 2
gSmpuStructConfigOfTask(A/B). regionSize
Set SMPU region (Region Size)
gSmpuStructConfigOfTask(A/B). subregions
Set SMPU region (Subregion setting)
0x00u (Not used)
gSmpuStructConfigOfTask(A/B). userPermission
Set SMPU region (User Permission setting)
CY_PROT_PERM_RWX (=0x07u) Full access for User
gSmpuStructConfigOfTask(A/B). privPermission
Set SMPU region (Privileged Permission setting)
CY_PROT_PERM_RWX (=0x07u) Full access for Privileged
gSmpuStructConfigOfTask(A/B). secure
Set SMPU region (Non-Secure setting)
False (Non-Secure)
gSmpuStructConfigOfTask(A/B). pcMatch
Set SMPU region (PC Match setting)
False (PC field participates in "matching")
gSmpuStructConfigOfTask(A/B). pcMask
Set SMPU region (PC_MASK setting)
Region 0/1: PC_MASK_OF_TASK_A
Define Base address of PROT_SMPU_SMPU_STRUCT0/1/ 2
It depends on the product. See
Registers TRM.
Define Bus muster Identifiers. It depends on the product. See
Master Identifier.
Table 4 List of Functions
Cy_Prot_ConfigBusMaster (busMaster, privileged, secure, pcmask)
busMaster: Bus muster Identifiers
privileged; P field setting secure: NS filed setting pcmask: PC_MASK field
setting See Registers TRM.
busMaster: CPUSS_MS_ID_CM4 privileged; true (User mode) secure: false (Non-Secure) pcmask: PC_MASK field setting
Cy_Prot_ConfigSmpuSlaveStruct (*base, *config)
SMPU Region setting *base: Register Base address *config: Configuration
*config: gSmpuStructConfigOfTask(A/B)
Cy_Prot_EnableSmpuSlaveStruct (*base)
SMPU Region enable *base: Register Base address
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Protection Configuration in Traveo II
Operation Overview Functions
Cy_Prot_SetActivePC(busMaster , PC)
PROT_MPU_MSx_CTL setting busMaster: Bus muster
Identifiers PC: PC value
busMaster: CPUSS_MS_ID_CM4 PC:
The following description will help you understand the register notation of the driver part of SDL:
• addrMpu->unMS_CTL.u32Register is the PROT_MPUx_MS_CTL register mentioned in the Registers TRM.
Other registers are also described in the same manner. x” signifies the bus master Identifiers.
Performance improvement measures
For register setting performance improvement, the SDL writes a complete 32-bit data to the register. Each
bit field is generated in advance in a bit writable buffer and written to the register as the final 32-bit data.
tempSL_ATT0.u32Register = base->unSL_ATT0.u32Register;
tempSL_ATT0.stcField.u1PC1_UR = (config->userPermission & CY_PROT_PERM_R);
tempSL_ATT0.stcField.u1PC1_UW = (config->userPermission & CY_PROT_PERM_W) >> 1;
tempSL_ATT0.stcField.u1PC1_PR = (config->privPermission & CY_PROT_PERM_R);
tempSL_ATT0.stcField.u1PC1_PW = (config->privPermission & CY_PROT_PERM_W) >> 1;
tempSL_ATT0.stcField.u1PC1_NS = !(config->secure);
base->unSL_ATT0.u32Register = tempSL_ATT0.u32Register;
See cyip_prot_v2.h and cyip_peri_ms_v2.h under hdr/rev_x/ip for more information on the union and structure representation of registers.
Code Listing 6 shows an example of switching protection context.
Code Listing 6 Example of User/Privileged Switching Protection Context
#define RESERVED_MEMORY_BLOCK_SIZE (0x400) // 1K
struct { uint8_t taskA_Region0[RESERVED_MEMORY_BLOCK_SIZE]; uint8_t taskA_Region1[RESERVED_MEMORY_BLOCK_SIZE]; uint8_t taskB_Region2[RESERVED_MEMORY_BLOCK_SIZE]; } gReservedRam;
cy_stc_smpu_cfg_t gSmpuStructConfigOfTaskA = { .address = NULL, // Will be updated in run time .regionSize = CY_PROT_SIZE_1KB, .subregions = 0x00u, .userPermission = CY_PROT_PERM_RWX, .privPermission = CY_PROT_PERM_RWX, .secure = false, // Non secure .pcMatch = false, .pcMask = PC_MASK_OF_TASK_A, // only enable for task A };
Define each region size
Define Protection context for Task A (PC=4)
Define Protection context for Task B (PC=5)
Define PC_Mask for each SMPU region.
Define SRAM region.
Configure SMPU for region 0 and 1. (PC=4 access has permissions)
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Protection Configuration in Traveo II
Operation Overview
cy_stc_smpu_cfg_t gSmpuStructConfigOfTaskB = { .address = NULL, // Will be updated in run time .regionSize = CY_PROT_SIZE_1KB, .subregions = 0x00u, .userPermission = CY_PROT_PERM_RWX, .privPermission = CY_PROT_PERM_RWX, .secure = false, // Non secure .pcMatch = false, .pcMask = PC_MASK_OF_TASK_B, // only enable for task B };
int main(void) { SystemInit();
cy_en_prot_status_t status;
/* Setting for MS14_CTL (for CM4) to allow the PC value to become 4 or 5 */ status = Cy_Prot_ConfigBusMaster(CPUSS_MS_ID_CM4, true, false, (PC_MASK_OF_TASK_A|PC_MASK_OF_TASK_B)); CY_ASSERT(status == CY_PROT_SUCCESS);
/* Setting for SMPU_STRUCT 0 */
/* Setting SMPU_STRUCT 0 for task A */
gSmpuStructConfigOfTaskA.address = (uint32_t*)gReservedRam.taskA_Region0; status = Cy_Prot_ConfigSmpuSlaveStruct(PROT_SMPU_SMPU_STRUCT0, &gSmpuStructConfigOfTaskA); CY_ASSERT(status == CY_PROT_SUCCESS);
/* Enable SMPU_STRUCT 0 */ status = Cy_Prot_EnableSmpuSlaveStruct(PROT_SMPU_SMPU_STRUCT0); CY_ASSERT(status == CY_PROT_SUCCESS);
/* Setting for SMPU_STRUCT 1 */
/* Setting SMPU_STRUCT 1 for task A */
gSmpuStructConfigOfTaskA.address = (uint32_t*)gReservedRam.taskA_Region1; status = Cy_Prot_ConfigSmpuSlaveStruct(PROT_SMPU_SMPU_STRUCT1, &gSmpuStructConfigOfTaskA); CY_ASSERT(status == CY_PROT_SUCCESS);
/* Enable SMPU_STRUCT 1 */ status = Cy_Prot_EnableSmpuSlaveStruct(PROT_SMPU_SMPU_STRUCT1); CY_ASSERT(status == CY_PROT_SUCCESS);
/* Setting for SMPU_STRUCT 2 */
/* Setting SMPU_STRUCT 2 for task B */
gSmpuStructConfigOfTaskB.address = (uint32_t*)gReservedRam.taskB_Region2; status = Cy_Prot_ConfigSmpuSlaveStruct(PROT_SMPU_SMPU_STRUCT2, &gSmpuStructConfigOfTaskB); CY_ASSERT(status == CY_PROT_SUCCESS);
/* Enable SMPU_STRUCT 2 */ status = Cy_Prot_EnableSmpuSlaveStruct(PROT_SMPU_SMPU_STRUCT2); CY_ASSERT(status == CY_PROT_SUCCESS); for(;;) { /* Setting for MPU so that CM4 PC for task A */ status = Cy_Prot_SetActivePC(CPUSS_MS_ID_CM4, PROTECTION_CONTEXT_OF_TASK_A); CY_ASSERT(status == CY_PROT_SUCCESS);
/* Do task A */ Routine_TaskA();
/* Setting for MPU so that CM4 PC for task B */ status = Cy_Prot_SetActivePC(CPUSS_MS_ID_CM4, PROTECTION_CONTEXT_OF_TASK_B); CY_ASSERT(status == CY_PROT_SUCCESS);
/* Do task B */ Routine_TaskB(); } }
Note: (*)This process specifies the value of the protection context that can be set by the corresponding
master. In a secure system, it is run by secure master. See Protection Properties of Bus Transfer for more details.
Enabled PC=5 by PC_MASK
Configure SMPU for region 2. (PC=5 access has permissions)
Set PROT_SMPU_MS14_CTL.PC_MASK. See Configuration
Example of SMPU for SMPU setting details. (*)
Set SMPU region
0. For details on setting SMPU, see
Configuration Example of SMPU.
Enable SMPU region 0. For details on setting SMPU, see Configuration Example of SMPU.
(1) Change protection context to PC=4 for TASK A. See 0.
(2) Change protection context to PC=5 for TASK B. See 0.
Access to RAM region 0 and 1. See Code Listing 8.
Access to RAM region 2. See Code Listing 8.
Set SMPU region 1. For details on setting SMPU, see
Configuration Example of SMPU.
Enable SMPU region 1. For details on setting SMPU, see Configuration Example of SMPU.
Set SMPU region 2. For details on setting SMPU, see
Configuration Example of
Enable SMPU region 1. For details on setting SMPU, see Configuration Example of SMPU.
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Protection Configuration in Traveo II
Operation Overview
Code Listing 7 Cy_Prot_SetActivePC() Function
cy_en_prot_status_t Cy_Prot_SetActivePC(en_prot_master_t busMaster, uint32_t pc) { cy_en_prot_status_t status = CY_PROT_SUCCESS; un_PROT_MPU_MS_CTL_t tProtMpuMsCtl = {0ul}; volatile stc_PROT_MPU_t* addrMpu = (stc_PROT_MPU_t*)(&PROT->CYMPU[busMaster]);
if(pc > (uint32_t)CY_PROT_MS_PC_NR_MAX) { /* Invalid PC value - not supported in device */ status = CY_PROT_BAD_PARAM; } else { tProtMpuMsCtl.stcField.u4PC = pc; addrMpu->unMS_CTL.u32Register = tProtMpuMsCtl.u32Register; status = ((addrMpu->unMS_CTL.stcField.u4PC != pc) ? CY_PROT_FAILURE : CY_PROT_SUCCESS); }
return status; }
Code Listing 8 Routine_TaskA() and Routine_TaskB() Function
void Routine_TaskA(void) { for(uint32_t i = 0; i < RESERVED_MEMORY_BLOCK_SIZE; i++) { gReservedRam.taskA_Region0[i] += 1; }
for(uint32_t i = 0; i < RESERVED_MEMORY_BLOCK_SIZE; i++) { gReservedRam.taskA_Region1[i] += 1; } }
void Routine_TaskB(void) { for(uint32_t i = 0; i < RESERVED_MEMORY_BLOCK_SIZE; i++) { gReservedRam.taskB_Region2[i] += 1; } }

3.5 Bus Transfer Evaluation

3.5.1 Evaluation Process

The evaluation of bus transfer by protection units is divided into two independent processes.
Matching process: For each protection structure, this process determines whether a transfer address is
contained within the address range.
Access evaluation process: For each protection structure, this process evaluates the bus transfer access
attributes against the access control attributes.
The following pseudo code shows the evaluation process of bus transfer.
match = 0; for (i = n-1; i >= 0; i--) // n: number of protection regions if (Match (“transfer address”, “protection context”) { match = 1; break; }
if (match) AccessEvaluate (“access attributes”, “protection context”); else “access allowed”
Matching Process
Access Evaluation Process
Access to region 0 and 1 with TASK A. If these regions are accessed with TASK B, it will cause bus fault.
Access to region 2 with TASK B. If these regions are accessed with TASK A, it will cause bus fault.
Check protection context value, if available.
Change protection context.
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