User Manual Please read the Important Notice and Warnings at the end of this document Rev.1.00
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TLD5190 VOLT DEMO evaluation board
User Manual
About this document
Product description
TLD5190: H-Bridge buck-boost DC-DC controller designed for high power, high efficiency automotive
• Constant current (LED driver) and constant voltage regulation
• EMC optimized device: Spread spectrum
Scope and purpose
Scope of this user manual is to provide to the audience instructions on usage of the TLD5190 VOLT DEMO
evaluation board schematic version V3.1, PCB version R2.
The TLD5190 VOLT DEMO is an evaluation platform for the TLD5190 set as compact voltage regulator.
Figure 1 TLD5190 VOLT DEMO evaluation board
Intended audience
Hardware engineers, system architects
User Manual 2 of 12 Rev.1.00
TLD5190 VOLT DEMO evaluation board
User Manual
1 Table of contents
About this document ......................................................................................................................... 1
1 Table of contents ...................................................................................................................... 2
2 Description .............................................................................................................................. 3
3 Quick start procedure ............................................................................................................... 4
4 Operating range and power derating ......................................................................................... 6
5 Electrical characteristics ........................................................................................................... 7
6 PCB - component placement ..................................................................................................... 8
7 Schematic ................................................................................................................................ 9
8 BOM .......................................................................................................................................10
Revision history ...............................................................................................................................11
User Manual 3 of 12 Rev.1.00
TLD5190 VOLT DEMO evaluation board
User Manual
2 Description
The H-Bridge architecture is among the most efficient buck-boost topologies for high current applications. The
TLD5190 can be configured as voltage regulator or LED driver.
The TLD5190 VOLT DEMO is an evaluation platform for the TLD5190 as voltage regulator. The PCB is extremely
compact and can fit in to small applications enclosures for fast prototyping.
Note: The board has been designed as voltage pre-regulator for rear lighting applications, so it will
startup correctly only with output current > 100 mA. In case of startup with no load the soft-start
capacitor has to be dimensioned accordingly with the application conditions (input and output
The soft start enables DCM (Discontinuous Conduction Mode), this may prevent exact regulation at startup with
no load. In case of startup without load the output voltage may rise above the target and the Comp capacitor to
be discharged. After the soft start expires, the TLD5190 applies CCM, and the output voltage would be discharged
producing a short circuit detection.
Figure 2 TLD5190 as voltage regulator
On the board, in addition there are 3 LEDs to indicate PWMI and error flags status, and 2 switches to activate
spread spectrum and PWMI.
Figure 3 TLD5190 VOLT DEMO LEDs signals
User Manual 4 of 12 Rev.1.00
TLD5190 VOLT DEMO evaluation board
User Manual
3 Quick start procedure
Below, step by step procedures are laid out for setup and running the TLD5190 VOLT DEMO.
1. Connect a dummy load at the OUT terminals which could withstand the Max V
a. Example: 10W 47 Ω resistor
2. Connect the power supply at the IN terminals
Figure 4 Connect the load and the power supply
3. Set J1-PWMI DIP switch to ON → the green PWMI LED should light up
4. Set the output voltage to the desired value by rotating RV2
Figure 5 Set PWMI to ON and trim V
to the desired value
5. Now that V
has been trimmed to the right value, connect the real load at the OUT terminals