The User Manual provide information about using, configuration and connecting the TriBoard with Infineon
AURIX™ TC3X7 ADAS device. The manual provide information for different hardware types. There exist different
hardware with Through Hole socket (TriBoard TC3X7 ADAS TH) and soldered devices (TriBoard TC3X7 ADAS). The
schematic is identically for the all boards if not other mentioned in chapter schematic. The placing on the boards
is slightly different around the TC3X7 ADAS itself dependent of the space (socket need more space and has
through hole), but the most components are on the same location. All figures are valid for each board if not
differently mentioned.
Intended audience
Design, verfication, test and software engineers will use this document to get an understanding of the
functionality and connections of the TriBoard.
We congratulate you on your purchase of the TriCore Evaluation Board. This kit is a versatile tool, providing quick
access to the capabilities of TriCore's powerful architecture.
Applications can be developed easily. The Evaluation Board is equipped with a variety of memories and
peripherals for connection to the environment. There is also an interface for the On Chip Debugging Features
(OCDS1 and DAP).
The Evaluation Board allows easily the development of TriCore applications with the corresponding tools.
Subsequently, the applications can be downloaded and can be tested with the powerful debugger software.
This TriBoard Hardware Manual familiarizes you with the TriCore Evaluation Board and guides you through the
initial configuration of the TriBoard.
For detailed technical information about the TC3X7 ADAS (e.g. TC397 ADAS, TC357, TC337 ADAS, TC3A7) please
refer to the User Manual of the used device.
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TriBoard TC3X7 ADAS TH V2.0 and TriBoard TC3X7 ADAS V2.0 2020-02
292_ADAS Package
– High Speed CAN Transceivers (CAN-FD capable)
– USB to UART bridge
– Ethernet Gigabit PHY
–Serial Eeprom
–LIN Transceiver
– Crystal 20MHz (default) or External Clock
– USB miniWiggler JDS for easy debugging
– 8 Low Power Status LEDs
– 8-DIP switches for configuration
– access to all pins of controller
– 100mm x 160mm (EURO-Board)
The TC3X7 ADAS TriBoard offers a wide variety of connectors:
– Standard power connector
– Micro USB connector for ASC Interface (ASC0) and miniWiggler
– RJ45 connector for Ethernet
– 16-pin header for JTAG interface (OCDS)
– 3 x 10-pin header for DAP, DAPE and DAP_SCR (DAPE only usable on Emulation Device)
– 10pin (2x5) Header for LIN Transceiver (LIN)
– 2 x 10pin (2x5) Header for CAN High Speed Transceiver (CAN0 and CAN1)
– 2 x 10pin (2x5) Header for FlexRay™ (ERAY-A and ERAY-B)
– 2 x 60pin (2x30) high speed connector for MMIC/RIF
– four 80-pin connectors (male) + four 80-pin connectors (female) with all I/O signals
– optional ETK connector
– optional 6pin (IEEE1394) Socket for HSCT
– optional Aurora connector (only with Emulation Device)
– Infineon’s Multi Voltage System Supply TLF30682QVS01
– Three LEDs to validate power supply (5Volt / 3,3 Volt / 1,25 Volt)
– LED indicating /HDRST (ESR0) active state
– LED indicating activ miniWiggler JDS
– LED switched via DAS software
– 2 x Infineon’s FlexRay™ Transceiver TLE9221SX
– 2 x Infineon’s High Speed CAN-Transceiver TLE9251VSJ
– Infineon’s LIN-Transceiver TLE 7259-3GE
– USB to UART bridge FT2232HL (FTDI)
1) Please see Chapter 3.2.1 for usable and Chapter 3.2.2 for restrict usable devices in the socketed board.
2) FlexRay™ is a trademark of FlexRay Consortium.
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TriBoard TC3X7 ADAS TH V2.0 and TriBoard TC3X7 ADAS V2.0 2020-02
TriBoard TC3X7 ADAS V2.0 is the soldered board and will be available only with usable devices. Please see also
chapter Usable devices.
3.2Socketed board
TriBoard TC3X7 TH V2.0 is the socketed board.
3.2.1Usable devices
Note:Note: Please check always the latest manual for complete list of usable/tested devices.
The board can be used with the following devices:
•TC397 A-Step (only TC397XR and TC397XA)
•TC397 B-Step (only TC397XA, TC397XT and TC397QA)
•TC337 (only TC337DA, TC337DT, TC337DH and TC337DZ)
•TC3A7 (planned, not yet tested)
3.2.2Restricted usable devices
•TC397 A-Step (except TC397XR and TC397XA)
•TC397 B-Step (except TC397XA, TC397XT and TC397QA)
•TC337 (except TC337DA, TC337DT, TC337DH and TC337DZ)
– RIF / MMIC not usable
– Ethernet will not work
– Select bootmode via DIP switch will not work
– different pinning therefore following signals are different connected
Board signal nameTC397/ TC387/ TC377/
TC3E7 signal name
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TriBoard TC3X7 ADAS TH V2.0 and TriBoard TC3X7 ADAS V2.0 2020-02
All needed voltages are generated via Infineon’s Multi Voltage System Micro Processor Supply TLF30682QVS01.
The TLF30682QVS01 provide the following voltages:
+3,3V for TriCore (connected to VEXT and VEVRSB) and Ethernet Phy
+5V supply (used by CAN and FlexRay™ transceivers and is connected to VDDM and VAREFx)
+1,25V for TriCore (connected to VDD)
Applying a stable supply voltage causes the power on reset after a short period. The three LED's (+5V, +3.3V,
+1V25) indicate the status of the on board generated voltages.
A manual power on reset is executed by pressing the reset button.
The Board has to be connected to a +3,5V to +40V DC power supply.
The power consumption is not specified yet but a supply with 12V and 500mA is recommended. The pinout for
the supply connector is shown in Figure 6-7. There can be used any standard power pack with a connector where
the positive line is surrounded by the ground line.
Note:The TLF30682QVS01 has a programmable voltage for the core supply. The default value for core supply
is 1,20V. This can and must be changed to 1,25 V by software to avoid problems with undervoltage on
VDD. For more information please see the corresponding Target Datasheet of TLF30682.
3.3.1Failsafe handling
In case that the device don’t contains a program which disable or service the window watchdog of the TLF30682
then the TLF30682 is going to a FAILSAFE state where all supplies are switched off. This state can be left via
reconnect the power plug or via the ENA button (S502). In this case you must connect a debugger which is able to
disable the window watchdog to reprogram the microcontroller.
In the default state of the board the switching to FAILSAFE state is switched off via resistor R508 (0R).
If you will use/evaluate all safety features of the TLF30682 remove assembled R508. Make sure that you have a
proper initialization of TLF30682 in your software. If needed you can assembled a 2,54mm jumper on JP501. With
this jumper you can then enable the safety features (jumper open) or disable the safety features (jumper closed).
Resistor R508 and jumper JP501 are red marked in the following Figure 3-1 and Figure 3-2:
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– D302 up to D305 (blue) -> toogle LEDs connected to P33.4 ... P33.7
– D306 up to D309 (blue) -> toogle LEDs connected to P20.11 ... P20.14
– D504 RST (red) -> RESET LED indicate the reset state of the board (/ESR0)
– D505 +1V25 (green) -> +1V25 power supply indication
– D506 +3V3 (green) -> +3,3V power supply indication
– D507 +5V (green) -> +5V power supply indication
– D508 SSO (green) -> not usable, please ignore
– D402 ACT (green) -> on board miniWiggler JDS is ACTIV
– D401 RUN (blue) -> Debug RUN mode (switched by DAS Server)
The board has 2 High Speed Samtec QSH-030 connectors where you can connect a MMIC board. For the pinout
of the connectors see Figure 6-14. The description of the used port for aech conenctor you can find in Table 5-7.
Note:TC337 don’t support P51/RIF1.
3.5.1Measurement RIF signals
The RIF signales (P50 and P51) are also connected to X701 and X801. If they make problems (e.g. many reflections
on the lines) then you can disconnect the X701 and X801 and the signals are only usable/available on the
MMIC/RIF connector.
On the TC3X7 ADAS Triboard this resistors are R621 up to R632 for P50 (RIF0) and R633 up to R644 for P51 (RIF1)
(red marked in Figure 3-3). This resistors needs to be removed.
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Figure 3-3 Resistors for measurement RIF signals on TriBoard TC3X7 ADAS (TH) V2.0
On the board is a fixed crystal with 20MHz assembled. You can change this by replacing Y101 (soldered).
3.7USB Connector
The USB connector is used for connection to a PC. Via the USB it is possible to power the board, using the ASCLIN0
as serial connection via USB and Debugging via DAS. For the pinout of USB socket see Figure 6-8.
NOTE: Before connecting the board to the PC, make sure that the actual DAS software is installed on the PC. For
actual DAS software please contact your local FAE.
The software can also be found on:
3.7.1Serial Connection to PC
After the first connection of USB to a PC the needed driver will be installed automatically. During this there will
be created a new COM port on PC. This COM port can be used to communicate with the board via ASCLIN0 of the
device. Per default the ASCLIN0 is used on P14.0 and P14.1 (e.g. Generic Bootstrap Loader) . In case you will use
the Generic Bootstrap Loader via CAN or ASCLIN0 via P15.2 and P15.3 you must:
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TriBoard TC3X7 ADAS TH V2.0 and TriBoard TC3X7 ADAS V2.0 2020-02
– remove R436 and R437 (this disconnect the serial connection from P14.0 and P14.1)
– remove R301 and R302 (this disconnect the CAN0 transceiver from P20.7 and P20.8)
– assemble R438 and R440 with 0R resistor (size 0603) to connect P15.2 and P15.3 to serial connection
– assemble R303 and R304 with 0R resistor (size 0603) to connect P14.0 and P14.1 to CAN0 transceiver
The mentioned resistors are red marked in Figure 3-4.
Figure 3-4 Resistors for ASC connection (ASC0)
3.7.2miniWiggler JDS
The miniWiggler JDS is a low cost debug tool which allows you access to the JTAG of the device. Make sure that
you have the latest DAS release. Debugging is possible via the DAS Server ‘UDAS‘. Please contact your prefered
debug vendor for support of DAS.
If you have connected the board to the PC and there runs the DAS server, then a working connection is visible via
the green ACTIV LED.
The status RUN LED is switched on/off through the DAS Server, depending on the used debugger (client).
IMPORTANT: Make sure that there is no or a tristated connection on X401 (OCDS1) and X402 (DAP) if the
ACTIV LED is on.
Per default the miniWiggler is connected to the DAP. It is possible to change the connection to DAPE (DAP of
emulation device if available). If resistors R214, R215 and R216 assembled (default) then the standard DAP is
connected to miniWiggler otherwise if R217, R218 and R219 are assembled the the DAPE of emulation device is
connected to miniWiggler. Please note that there should be connected only standard DAP or DAPE. If all this
resistors are not assembled then the miniWiggler can’t be used. In this case only the DAP connectors X402 and
X403 can be used. See Table 3-9 and Table 3-10.
3.8FlexRay™ (E-RAY)
The board has 2 IDC10 plugs for FlexRay™ Communication (channel A and B) with up to 10 Mbit/s. For the pinout
of the plugs see Figure 6-9. You can use a IDC female connector with crimpconnector, flat cable and SUB-D 9 plug
with crimpconnector to have a 1:1 adapter to SUB-D 9.
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The transceiver are connected to the TriCore device via zero ohm resistors (R325 up to R329 and R340 up to R344)
which must be removed to use the ports outside.
ERAY-A can be connected to P14.8, P14.9 and P14.10 (default, usable with ERAY0 and ERAY1) and to P02.0, P02.1
and P02.4 (only usable with ERAY0). Transceiver for channel A can be enabled/disabled via P32.3 (default) or via
P10.2. The error state of transceiver channel A can be read out via P32.2 (default) or via P10.1.
ERAY-B is connected to P14.5, P14.6 and P14.7 (default, usable with ERAY0 and ERAY1). Transceiver for channel A
can be enabled/disabled via P20.10 (default). The error state of transceiver channel A can be read out via P20.9
For more information look in the user manual for TC3X7.
Note:TC337 and TC3A7 don’t support FlexRay™.
3.9Serial Eeprom
Note:TC337 don’t have I2C module. Access to the eeprom only with simulation of I2C protocol via bit banging
The I2C via P15.4 and P15.5 of the TC3X7 is connected to a serial EEPROM with a size of 2KBit (2 x 128 x 8). The slave
address of this EEPROM is 0x50. The upper half of the array (80h-FFh) is permanently write-protected. Write
operations to this address range are inhibited. Read operations are not affected. This upper half contains a preprogrammed EUI-48™ node address which can be used as MAC ID for Ethernet. The other 128 bytes are writable
by customer.
To disconnect (disable) the EEPROM remove resistor R348 and R349.
On the board are two CAN transceiver connected to the CAN0 and CAN1 of TC3X7. The transceivers are connected
to two IDC10 plug. For the pinout of IDC10 plug see Figure 6-10. You can use a IDC female connector with
crimpconnector, flat cable and SUB-D 9 plug with crimpconnector to have a 1:1 adapter to SUB-D 9.
The transceiver are connected to the TriCore device via zero ohm resistors (R301 up to R304 and R311 up to R314)
which must be removed to use the ports outside.
CAN0 can be used via P20.7 and P20.8 (node 0, default) or P14.0 and P14.1 (node 1). CAN1 can be used via P23.0
and P23.1 (node 0, default) or P00.0 and P00.1 (node 0).
Note:CAN1 is not usable with TC337 and TC3A7.
On the board is one LIN transceiver connected to the ASCLIN1 on TC3X7 (P15.0 and P15.1). The transceiver are
connected to one IDC10 plug. For the pinout of IDC10 plug see Figure 6-11. You can use a IDC female connector
with crimpconnector, flat cable and SUB-D 9 plug with crimpconnector to have a 1:1 adapter to SUB-D 9.
To disconnect the LIN remove resistor R364 and R365.
The LIN can be used in master and in slave mode. For the master mode there is per default a pull-up of 1K (R360)
and a capacitor of 1nF (C304) on the BUS assembled. For using the LIN in slave mode the pull-up resistor R360
must be removed and maybe the capacitor changed to a smaller value (e.g. 220pF).
The mentioned resistor and capacitor are red marked in Figure 3-5
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TriBoard TC3X7 ADAS TH V2.0 and TriBoard TC3X7 ADAS V2.0 2020-02
The TriBoard provide a RJ45 connector (X306) for twisted pair ethernet connections.The TriBoard use a Realtek
Integrated 10/100/1000M Ethernet Precision Transceiver RTL8211FI-CG as physical interface device. For more
information about the ethernet modul see TC3X9 User’s Manual, about the PHY see the RTL8211F datasheet. For
the pinout of RJ45 see Figure 6-13.
The PHY is connected to the TriCore device via resistors and resistor arrays (R370 up to R374 and RN301 up to
For the connection between TriCore and PHY is used RGMII.
Note:Please note that the used signals for RGMII (P11.0 up to P11.12) are not connected to any connector.
3.13HSCT (optional)
The TriBoard provide a footprint of IEEE 1394 socket (X201) for connection to other TC3XX via HSCT.
Note:Don’t use X201 for connection to any IEEE 1394 device,
For connect two TriBoards you need to assemble this socket (Lumberg 2415 01) on each board and connect the
boards with a standard 6 pin IEEE 1394 cable. For the pinout of socket see Figure 6-12.
this can destroy the board and/or the connected device.
Note:TC357 and TC337 don’t support HSCT.
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Note:HSCT1 of TC397B and TC3A7 is not connected to special socket.
3.13.1High speed with HSCT
For use the HSCT connection between two board you need to remove 5 resistors to have a very short connection
between device and connector. On the TC3X7 ADAS Triboard this 5 resistors are R250, R251, R252, R253 and R254
(red marked in Figure 3-6). This resistors needs to be removed.
mportant: When the resistors are removed then the port signals P20.0, P21.2, P21.3, P21.4 and P21.5 are no
longer available on the 80 pin samtec connectors.
Figure 3-6 Resistors for high speed HSCT
On this boards are 5 ADC channels prepared with a low pass filter. On pin AN7, AN20, AN21, AN44 and AN45 is
assembled a capacitor of 47nF and a serial resistor of 4,7K. The filter components are red marked in the following
figures (Figure 3-7 and Figure 3-8).
Note:On TC357 is only AN7 available. AN20, AN21, AN44 and AN45 are not available
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