Infineon REF-22K-GPD-INV-EASY3B User Manual

User Guide Please read the Important notice and the Safety precautions and the Warnings page 1 of 38 2021-01-29
A reference design for a general purpose drive
About this document
Scope and purpose
This user guide provides an overview of the evaluation kit REF-22K-GPD-INV-EASY3B including its main features, key data, pin assignments, mechanical dimensions and corresponding control card. The reference kit REF-22K-GPD-INV-EASY3B is an industrial motor drive for three-phase 400 V AC grids and has a nominal power of 22 kW.
The REF-22K-GPD-INV-EASY3B includes the Easy3B power module FP100R12W3T7_B11, the current sensor TLI4971-A120T5, the gate driver IC 1ED3131MC12H, the 1.7 kV SiC-MOSFET IMBF170R1K0M1 and the microcontrollers XMC4800-F144F2048 and XMC4300-F100K256. The combination of these Infineon products allows the customer to evaluate these products in one design and experience the interaction between the products.
Beside the hardware, the REF-22K-GPD-INV-EASY3B offers you software for control and communication. The inverter can be controlled via a touch screen and PC-GUI.
Note: Please note that this product is not qualified according to the AEC Q100 or AEC Q101 documents of
the Automotive Electronics Council.
Intended audience
This user guide is intended for all technical specialists working on industrial drives and those interested in how
the latest Infineon products like IGBT7, XENSIV™ current sensors, EICE™ drivers and CoolSiC™ MOSFETs perform
under application conditions.
Reference Kit
The Infineon products are embedded on this PCB with functions and form factor close to a commercial design. PCB and auxiliary circuits are optimized for the final design.
Note: Boards do not necessarily meet safety, EMI, quality standards (for example UL, CE) requirements.
User Guide 2 of 38 2021-01-29
User Guide for REF-22K-GPD-INV-EASY3B
Reference design for motor general purpose drives
The reference board at a glance
Important notice
“Evaluation Boards and Reference Boards” shall mean products embedded on a printed circuit board
(PCB) for demonstration and/or evaluation purposes, which include, without limitation, demonstration, reference and evaluation boards, kits and design (collectively referred to as “Reference Board”).
Environmental conditions have been considered in the design of the Evaluation Boards and Reference Boards provided by Infineon Technologies. The design of the Evaluation Boards and Reference Boards has been tested by Infineon Technologies only as described in this document. The design is not qualified in terms of safety requirements, manufacturing and operation over the entire operating temperature range or lifetime.
The Evaluation Boards and Reference Boards provided by Infineon Technologies are subject to functional testing only under typical load conditions. Evaluation Boards and Reference Boards are not subject to the same procedures as regular products regarding returned material analysis (RMA), process change notification (PCN) and product discontinuation (PD).
Evaluation Boards and Reference Boards are not commercialized products, and are solely intended for evaluation and testing purposes. In particular, they shall not be used for reliability testing or production. The Evaluation Boards and Reference Boards may therefore not comply with CE or similar standards (including but not limited to the EMC Directive 2004/EC/108 and the EMC Act) and may not fulfill other requirements of the country in which they are operated by the customer. The customer shall ensure that all Evaluation Boards and Reference Boards will be handled in a way which is compliant with the relevant requirements and standards of the country in which they are operated.
The Evaluation Boards and Reference Boards as well as the information provided in this document are addressed only to qualified and skilled technical staff, for laboratory usage, and shall be used and managed according to the terms and conditions set forth in this document and in other related documentation supplied with the respective Evaluation Board or Reference Board.
It is the responsibility of the customer’s technical departments to evaluate the suitability of the
Evaluation Boards and Reference Boards for the intended application, and to evaluate the completeness and correctness of the information provided in this document with respect to such application.
The customer is obliged to ensure that the use of the Evaluation Boards and Reference Boards does not cause any harm to persons or third party property. The Evaluation Boards and Reference Boards and any information in this document is provided "as is" and Infineon Technologies disclaims any warranties, express or implied, including but not limited to warranties of non-infringement of third party rights and implied warranties of fitness for any purpose, or for merchantability.
Infineon Technologies shall not be responsible for any damages resulting from the use of the Evaluation Boards and Reference Boards and/or from any information provided in this document. The customer is obliged to defend, indemnify and hold Infineon Technologies harmless from and against any claims or damages arising out of or resulting from any use thereof.
Infineon Technologies reserves the right to modify this document and/or any information provided herein at any time without further notice.
User Guide 3 of 38 2021-01-29
User Guide for REF-22K-GPD-INV-EASY3B
Reference design for motor general purpose drives
The reference board at a glance
Safety precautions
Note: Please note the following warnings regarding the hazards associated with development systems.
Table 1 Safety precautions
Warning: The DC link potential of this board is up to 1000 VDC. When measuring
voltage waveforms by oscilloscope, high voltage differential probes must be used. Failure to do so may result in personal injury or death.
Warning: The evaluation or reference board contains DC bus capacitors which take time to discharge after removal of the main supply. Before working on the drive system, wait five minutes for capacitors to discharge to safe voltage levels. Failure to do so may result in personal injury or death. Darkened display LEDs are not an indication that capacitors have discharged to safe voltage levels.
Warning: The evaluation or reference board is connected to the grid input during testing. Hence, high-voltage differential probes must be used when measuring voltage waveforms by oscilloscope. Failure to do so may result in personal injury or death. Darkened display LEDs are not an indication that capacitors have discharged to safe voltage levels.
Warning: Remove or disconnect power from the drive before you disconnect or reconnect wires, or perform maintenance work. Wait five minutes after removing power to discharge the bus capacitors. Do not attempt to service the drive until the bus capacitors have discharged to zero. Failure to do so may result in personal injury or death.
Caution: The heat sink and device surfaces of the evaluation or reference board may become hot during testing. Hence, necessary precautions are required while handling the board. Failure to comply may cause injury.
Caution: Only personnel familiar with the drive, power electronics and associated machinery should plan, install, commission and subsequently service the system. Failure to comply may result in personal injury and/or equipment damage.
Caution: The evaluation or reference board contains parts and assemblies sensitive to electrostatic discharge (ESD). Electrostatic control precautions are required when installing, testing, servicing or repairing the assembly. Component damage may result if ESD control procedures are not followed. If you are not familiar with electrostatic control procedures, refer to the applicable ESD protection handbooks and guidelines.
Caution: A drive that is incorrectly applied or installed can lead to component damage or reduction in product lifetime. Wiring or application errors such as undersizing the motor, supplying an incorrect or inadequate AC supply, or excessive ambient temperatures may result in system malfunction.
Caution: The evaluation or reference board is shipped with packing materials that need to be removed prior to installation. Failure to remove all packing materials that are unnecessary for system installation may result in overheating or abnormal operating conditions.
User Guide 4 of 38 2021-01-29
User Guide for Ref_22k_GPD-INV_Easy3B
Reference design for motor general purpose drives
Table of contents
Table of contents
About this document ....................................................................................................................... 1
Important notice ............................................................................................................................ 2
Safety precautions .......................................................................................................................... 3
Table of contents ............................................................................................................................ 4
1 The reference board at a glance ............................................................................................... 5
1.1 Delivery content ...................................................................................................................................... 5
1.2 Block diagram .......................................................................................................................................... 5
1.3 Main features ........................................................................................................................................... 7
1.4 Board parameters and technical data .................................................................................................... 7
1.4.1 Overload profile normal duty ............................................................................................................ 8
1.4.2 Heavy duty overload profile .............................................................................................................. 9
2 System and functional description .......................................................................................... 10
2.1 Commissioning ...................................................................................................................................... 10
2.2 Description of the functional blocks ..................................................................................................... 14
2.2.1 Hardware partitioning ..................................................................................................................... 14
2.2.2 Isolation coordination ..................................................................................................................... 16
2.2.3 Board interconnection schemes ..................................................................................................... 17
2.2.4 Supply schemes ............................................................................................................................... 18
2.2.5 Component selection ....................................................................................................................... 18
3 System design....................................................................................................................... 19
3.1 Schematics ............................................................................................................................................ 19
3.2 Layout .................................................................................................................................................... 19
3.2.1 Power board ..................................................................................................................................... 19
3.3 Inverter cooling concept ....................................................................................................................... 21
3.4 Disassembly of the housing .................................................................................................................. 22
3.5 Bill of material ....................................................................................................................................... 25
3.6 Connector details .................................................................................................................................. 25
4 System performance ............................................................................................................. 28
4.1 Test results inverter start-up ................................................................................................................ 28
4.2 Operation under rated conditions ........................................................................................................ 29
4.3 Switching behavior of the IGBT turn-on ............................................................................................... 31
4.4 Switching behavior of the IGBT – turn-off ............................................................................................ 32
4.5 Thermal behavior of the inverter under high overload ....................................................................... 33
4.6 Short-circuit measurement ................................................................................................................... 34
5 References and appendices .................................................................................................... 36
5.1 Abbreviations and definitions ............................................................................................................... 36
5.2 References ............................................................................................................................................. 36
Revision history ............................................................................................................................. 37
User Guide 5 of 38 2021-01-29
The reference board at a glance
User guide for REF-22K-GPD-INV-EASY3B
A reference design for a general purpose drive
1 The reference board at a glance
1.1 Delivery content
The reference kit is a general purpose drive developed for applications like pumps, fans, compressors, conveyor belts. The design has the look and feel of a typical drive and includes EMI filter, pre-charge and capacitor bank, isolated power supplies, power module, controls and heat sink with fan. It can be operated directly on a three-phase grid, enabling a fast evaluation of Infineon's newest technologies like IGBT7, gate driver, current sensor and control in one system. This enables the unique opportunity to see the improvement by combining Infineon's newest technologies. You will see how the new IGBT7 modules work with the EICE gate driver, or test the accuracy of the current sensor.
1.2 Block diagram
The block diagram of the inverter REF-22K-GPD-INV-EASY3B is shown in Figure 1. The board consists of five boards: power board, EMI filter, high-voltage logic board, low-voltage interface board, and the DC-link board which are mounted in one housing. For more details see Section 2.2.1.
Figure 1 Block diagram of the inverter
The reference kit REF-22K-GPD-INV-EASY3B is a fully operation industrial drive inverter which can be connected to a three-phase AC input supply. The reference kit includes an input EMI-filter. The AC voltage is rectified via the uncontrolled diode full bridge. The inrush current is limited by pre-charge circuitry. The rectified AC voltage is stabilized by a DC-link capacitor bank. The IGBT six pack allows for the modulation of a three-phase output voltage/current which can be varied in terms of its amplitude and frequency. This three-phase current is used
User Guide 6 of 38 2021-01-29
The reference board at a glance
User guide for REF-22K-GPD-INV-EASY3B
A reference design for a general purpose drive
for controlling the speed and torque of the motor. During braking or deceleration of the motor, energy is transferred back into the DC-link capacitor increasing the DC bus voltage. Therefore, a brake chopper is included that absorbs this energy by switching an external brake resistor across the DC bus capacitors. The three-phase input rectifier, the six pack as well as the brake chopper are all included in one power module, the Easy3B IGBT FP100R12W3T7_B11. All IGBTs are switched using EICE™ drivers, the 1ED3131MC12H. The isolation coordination details of the unit can be found in Section 2.2.2.
The current measurement of the three-phase output current is done with TLI4971-A120T5 current sensors. The current signals are used for the motor control; additionally, these sensors are used to detect an external short circuit for the IGBT’s. To protect the module against an internal short circuit, a fourth current sensor is integrated between the DC-link capacitor and the IGBT module.
The auxiliary voltage for the inverter is generated with a DC/DC switch mode power supply (SMPS) converter. The CoolSiC-MOSFET IMBF170R1K0M1 is used in a flyback topology. More details about the flyback SMPS are listed in Section 2.2.4.
The reference inverter uses two microcontrollers; one for control and one for communication. For control the XMC4800-F144F2048 is used, for communication the XMC4300-F100K256 AA is designed in. Both microcontrollers communicate via an UART interface. The communication microcontroller allows the inverter to be controlled via a touch-screen or a PC-GUI. More details on the communication interface can be found in Section 2.2.1.
A simplified block diagram is shown in Figure 2. The block diagram shows the main components of the boards, the DC/DC SMPS converter, the low-voltage interface board (SELV board), high-voltage logic board (FELV board), the IGBT module incl. the gate driver IC, and the output phase current measurement. Also the main Infineon components used in the specific blocks are listed in the diagram.
high voltage
logic board
(FELV board)
low voltage
interface board
(SELV board)
DC/DC converter
EMI filter
six pack
3 phase AC Input
3 phase AC output
brake chopper
brake resistor
pre charge
3 ph
Figure 2 Simplified block diagram of the inverter
User Guide 7 of 38 2021-01-29
The reference board at a glance
User guide for REF-22K-GPD-INV-EASY3B
A reference design for a general purpose drive
1.3 Main features
FP100R12W3T7_B11: EASY3B IGBT7 module for high-current and high-power density [3] TLI4971-A120T5: XENSIV
current sensor for measuring high currents with minimal power loss [4]
1ED3131MC12H: Gate driver for optimal EMI performance and reduced power losses [5] IMBF170R1K0M1: Infineon CoolSiC
MOSFET 1700 V enables direct drive by most flyback controllers [6]
XMC4800-F144F2048 and XMC4300-F100K256 AA: XMC microcontrollers for inverter control and
communication [7]
1.4 Board parameters and technical data
The key parameters of the REF-22K-GPD-INV-EASY3B are shown in Table 2.
Table 2 Parameters of REF-22K-GPD-INV-EASY3B
Input line voltage
Three-phase AC ± 10%
380 … 480
Input frequency
± 3 Hz
50 … 60
Output voltage
three-phase AC
0 V … 0.95 x input voltage
Output frequency
0 … 550
Switching frequency of motor output
Factory setting 4 kHz
Rated power
Rated current
Low overload - base load power
<= 35°C
Low overload - base load current
ILO 45
High overload - base load power
PHO 18.5
High overload - base load current
IHO 38
Power losses
< 700
< 10
Ambient temperature
Relative humidity RH; 30% < RH< 80%
10 to 35
User Guide 8 of 38 2021-01-29
The reference board at a glance
User guide for REF-22K-GPD-INV-EASY3B
A reference design for a general purpose drive
1.4.1 Overload profile normal duty
The normal duty (ND) load cycle assumes a uniform base load with low requirements during short acceleration times at high torque; see Figure 3. Typical applications when designing according to normal duty include:
- Pumps, fans and compressors
- Wet or dry blasting technology
- Mills, mixers, kneaders, crushers, agitators
- Basic spindles
- Rotary kilns
- Extruders
Typical converter load cycle:
110% I
= 50 A
time in s
100% of I
= 45 A
in A
Figure 3 Overload profile normal duty
User Guide 9 of 38 2021-01-29
The reference board at a glance
User guide for REF-22K-GPD-INV-EASY3B
A reference design for a general purpose drive
1.4.2 Heavy duty overload profile
The heavy duty (HD) load cycle permits dynamic accelerating phases at a reduced base load; see Figure 4. Typical applications when designing according to heavy duty include:
- Horizontal and vertical conveyor technology (conveyor belts, roller conveyors, chain conveyors)
- Centrifuges
- Escalators/moving stairways
- Lifters
- Elevators
- Gantry cranes
- Storage and retrieval machines
Typical converter load cycle:
150% of I
= 57 A
100% of I
= 38 A
time in s
Figure 4 Overload profile heavy duty
User Guide 10 of 38 2021-01-29
System and functional description
User guide for REF-22K-GPD-INV-EASY3B
A reference design for a general purpose drive
2 System and functional description
2.1 Commissioning
The REF-22K-GPD-INV-EASY3B must be connected to a TN-S line system as shown in Figure 5. The connections to the inverter can be made only after the converter is unpacked and all packaging material has been removed.
or generator
L1 L2 L3 N PE
Figure 5 Connection of the inverter to TN-S line system
A TN-S system transfers the PE protective conductor to the installed plant or system using a cable. Generally, in a TN-S system, the neutral point is grounded. A TN system can transfer the neutral conductor N and the PE protective conductor either separately or combined. Also the connection to a TT system is permissible, but the connection to an IT is not permissible. The reason here is the missing or high-impedance earth connection.
The connection of the inverter is shown in Figure 6. The cross-section of the wires for the line connection, the brake chopper and the motor cable are in the range of 1.5 to 10 mm². Ensure that the inverter is in a no-voltage condition and the DC-link is discharged.
User Guide 11 of 38 2021-01-29
System and functional description
User guide for REF-22K-GPD-INV-EASY3B
A reference design for a general purpose drive
To connect the line feeder cables (L1, L2, L3 and PE), see Figure 6. To ensure correct fusing, it is recommended to make a selection according to IEC is 3NA3824 (80A). Also, connect the motor feeder cables (PE, U, V and W) to the inverter. The connection of a brake resistor is optional.
L2 L3
Figure 6 Connecting of the inverter
Also connect a USB cable to the inverter allowing for communication with the drive. The USB port is located at the front of the inverter; see Figure 7.
Figure 7 USB port of the inverter
User Guide 12 of 38 2021-01-29
System and functional description
User guide for REF-22K-GPD-INV-EASY3B
A reference design for a general purpose drive
Before you start the inverter, you need to install the XMC driver and launch the GUI. The software can be downloaded via Please register your inverter to get access to the software.
For installation, it is required to have admin rights on your computer. The software was tested with a laptop (HP EliteBook 840 G5) and Windows 10 Enterprise (Build: 10.0.17134). You have to first install the USB driver, so extract the file
To start with the installation, connect your computer with a USB cable to the inverter, and apply an appropriate voltage to the line feeder cable. The inverter will start operation in idle mode. Now you can install the USB
driver: Go to “Control Panel\All Control Panel Items” then to “Device Manager.” Select the new USB device “Infineon WinUSB Device;” see Figure 8 part 1, and double click it.
Figure 8 USB device installation
The window, as shown in Figure 8 part 2, will then appear. Click on the “Driver” tab, then “Update Driver” as shown in Figure 8 part 3. Now select the extracted folder “XMC_WinUSBDriver” as shown in Figure 8 part 4. Click on “OK” and close all windows you opened previously. The USB driver is now installed.
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