Application Note Please read the Important Notice and Warnings at the end of this document V 1.0
www.infineon.com/merus page 1 of 28 2019-04-28
User manual for MERUS
MA120xxx reference
P100002130 REF_AUDIO_MA12040
P100002140 REF_AUDIO_MA12040P
P100002170 REF_AUDIO_MA12070
P100002180 REF_AUDIO_MA12070P
About this document
Scope and purpose
This is a reference and demonstration board for MA12040, MA12040P, MA12070 and MA12070P proprietary
multi-level amplifiers.
This application note describes the functionality and set-up of the reference design (Sections 2 and 3). It also
includes a schematic, PCB layout, BOM and a discussion of circuit design considerations (Section 4).
Measurement results (Section 5) show high performance in audio and efficiency parameters, as well as good
thermal characteristics. Testing included a frequency sweep, output power sweep and electromagnetic
interference tests. Finally, Appendix A provides sample code that demonstrates basic I2C communication using
Arduino UNO.
Intended audience
Audio amplifier design engineers, audio system engineers and audio software engineers.

Application Note 2 of 28 V 1.0
User manual for MA120xxx reference boards
Table of contents
About this document ....................................................................................................................... 1
Table of contents ............................................................................................................................ 2
1 Board overview ...................................................................................................................... 3
1.1 General board specifications .................................................................................................................. 4
1.2 RFB device type ....................................................................................................................................... 4
1.3 Set-up guide ............................................................................................................................................ 4
1.4 Board configuration ................................................................................................................................ 6
1.5 Device configuration through I2C ............................................................................................................ 7
2 Schematic, layout and design considerations ............................................................................ 8
2.1 BOM ........................................................................................................................................................ 11
2.2 Design considerations ........................................................................................................................... 12
3 Measurement results ............................................................................................................. 13
3.1 Frequency sweep................................................................................................................................... 13
3.2 Output power sweep ............................................................................................................................. 15
3.3 Output spectrum ................................................................................................................................... 16
3.4 Power consumption and efficiency ...................................................................................................... 17
3.5 EMI radiated measurements ................................................................................................................. 20
3.5.1 EMI measurement setup .................................................................................................................. 20
3.5.2 EMI measurement results ................................................................................................................ 20
4 Appendix A – sample code ...................................................................................................... 25
Revision history............................................................................................................................. 27

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User manual for MA120xxx reference boards
1 Board overview
The reference board (RFB) is a reference and demonstration board for Infineon’s MA12040, MA12040P, MA12070
and MA12070P amplifiers. See the board in Figure 1 with MA12070 mounted.
It contains a variety of digital/analog input, output and set-up/selection features. It also contains one on-board
power supply (5 V buck converter), so only one external power supply (PVDD) is necessary.
Figure 1 Reference board PCB
The board can be used for evaluating or demonstrating key features/advantages of the MERUSTM Audio
Energy efficiency
− Power losses under normal user operating conditions (listening levels)
− Idle power loss
Adaptive power management system
No output filter components
− Solution cost and size reduction
Audio performance
− THD performance and audio quality
Fast product protyping
− All design files are available
− Guides as reference for product design-in

Application Note 4 of 28 V 1.0
User manual for MA120xxx reference boards
1.1 General board specifications
Number of audio channels 2 x BTL or 1 x PBTL
Audio input format:
o MA12040 and MA12070 Analog
o MA12040P and MA12070P Digital (I
Supply voltage range MA12040(P) 5 to 18 V
Supply voltage range MA12070(P) 5 to 26 V
Maximum output current per channel MA12040(P) 6 A
Maximum output current per channel MA12070(P) 8 A
Output power capability at 18 V PVDD:
o Peak 2 x 40 W sine 1 kHz (RMS) into 4 Ω (10 percent THD + N)
o Peak 2 x 20 W sine 1 kHz (RMS) into 8 Ω (10 percent THD + N)
o Continuous 2 x 9.0 W sine 1 kHz (RMS) into 4 Ω (less than 0.08 percent THD + N)
Output power capability at 26 V PVDD:
o Peak 2 x 80 W sine 1 kHz (RMS) into 4 Ω (10 percent THD + N)
o Peak 2 x 40 W sine 1 kHz (RMS) into 8 Ω (10 percent THD + N)
o Continuous 2 x 9.0 W sine 1 kHz (RMS) into 4 Ω (less than 0.02 percent THD + N)
Amplifier gain (MA12040 and MA12070 only) 20 dB or 26 dB (register configurable)
Output integrated noise:
o MA12040 and MA12070 Less than 100 µV
o MA12040P and MA12070P Less than 150 µV
Dynamic range:
o MA12040 and MA12070 More than 100 dB
o MA12040P and MA12070P More than 96 dB
Idle current consumption at 18 V PVDD:
o MA12040 and MA12070 Less than 16 mA
o MA12040P and MA12070P Less than 19 mA
Note: Idle consumption is the sum of output stage current and 5 V supply current. As all the supplies are tied to
PVDD, the efficiency of the buck converter 5 V should be taken into account when measuring idle current
consumption directly from PVDD. Please refer to the MA120xx/P device datasheet for exact current figures.
1.2 RFB device type
The type of device (MA12040, MA12040P, MA12070 and MA12070P) on the RFB is printed on the top of the
device, and is also stated on the serial number label placed on the bottom side of the PCB.
1.3 Set-up guide
The RFB works out of the box with speakers, input source and power connected. No external configuration or
set-up is needed for quick start-up.

Application Note 5 of 28 V 1.0
User manual for MA120xxx reference boards
Figure 2 shows the top view of the board assembly. The board has following key features, which are indicated by
corresponding numbers marked with red.
1. PVDD power connector: connect PVDD 5 V to 18 V for MA12040(P) or connect PVDD 5 V to 26 V for
2. BTL output connection channel 0
3. BTL output connection channel 1
4. PAUDIO: signal input connector:
o For MA12070 devices:
Pin 5: AN0A – analog input A channel 0
Pin 4: AN0B – analog input B channel 0
Pin 3: GND
Pin 2: AN1A – analog input A channel 1
Pin 1: AN1B – analog input B channel 1
o For MA12070P devices:
Pin 5: SCK – I
S bit clock
Pin 4: WS – I
S word clock
Pin 3: GND
Pin 2: SD0 – I
S audio data
Pin 1: CLK – I
S master clock
5. PCTRL external communication:
Pin 5: SCL – I
C clock
Pin 4: SDA – I
C data
Pin 3: GND
Pin 2: /ENABLE – enable or disable the amplifier
Pin 1: /MUTE – mute or unmute the amplifier
6. MA12040, MA12040P, MA12070 or MA12070P Eximo multi-level amplifier IC
7. Buck regulator: TPS62175 – for generating 5 V supply

Application Note 6 of 28 V 1.0
User manual for MA120xxx reference boards
Figure 2 Schematic top view of component and connector assembly
1.4 Board configuration
The board is shipped with a default configuration for automatic start-up, two channels of BTL output, and
default internal register settings. It is however possible to operate the board in different modes. The following
configurations are possible:
BTL or PBTL output configuration:
o BTL: RPBTL unmounted; RBTL mounted
o PBTL: RPBTL mounted; RBTL unmounted
External control of the /ENABLE pin: RENABLE unmounted
External control of the /MUTE pin: RMUTE unmounted
The board can carry MA12040(P) or MA12070(P) devices. Depending on which device is placed, the following
configurations apply for:
MA12040 and MA12070:
o CAPIN0A, CAPIN0B, CAPIN1A and CAPIN1B are mounted
o RCLK_ANA mounted; RCLK_DIG unmounted
o RCLK unmounted
MA12040P and MA12070P:
o CAPIN0A, CAPIN0B, CAPIN1A and CAPIN1B replaced by jumpers
o RCLK_ANA unmounted; RCLK_DIG mounted
o RCLK mounted

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User manual for MA120xxx reference boards
1.5 Device configuration through I
Multi-level technology offers the possibility to optimize for audio performance, efficiency or EMI. Depending on
the application, typically one parameter is more important than the others. The amplifiers offer the flexibility to
make this design trade-off by the use of different optimal modes (Power Mode Profiles or PMP), selected
through internal register settings. The RFB uses the MA120XXX in the default PMP0, which optimizes the
amplifier operation for highest power efficiency in the low to mid output power region. For a complete
overview of device configurations, please refer to the datasheets.
I2C is used to read and write the internal registers. SCL and SDA can be accessed through Pin 5 and Pin 4 on the
PCTRL header (see previous section). Figure 3 shows how to set up I2C communication using an Arduino UNO.
Sample code for I2C set-up can be found in Apendix A – sample code.
Figure 3 Arduino I
C communication to the RFB

Application Note 8 of 28 V 1.0
User manual for MA120xxx reference boards
Schematic, layout and design considerations
2 Schematic, layout and design considerations
Figure 4 Reference board schematic

Application Note 9 of 28 V 1.0
User manual for MA120xxx reference boards
Schematic, layout and design considerations
Figure 5 Top side of the PCB layout