Product Brief
Voltage (v: 1 kV/div), current (i: 1 kA/div)
Soft recovery FWDs for IGCTs & PP IGBTs
4500V/6500 V Diode Disc Series
The 4.5 kV diode disc series from IFBIP consists of rugged and powerful disc device
types developed and designed for the special requirements in medium voltage IGCT
inverter applications. All devices are designed for a high surge current capability.
Especially for the needs in IGCT inverter applications they are optimized to achieve an
excellent soft recovery behavior even under highest -di/dt conditions. To ensure these
outstanding dynamic parameters which enable best cost designs with less devices in
parallel to avoid overvoltage at the IGCT device in parallel high technology production
processes are used.
For some applications they are also suitable as clamping or free-wheeling diodes for
Press-Pack IGBTs under significant higher di/dt conditions.
v 25°C
v 125°C
Main Features
Blocking Voltage
= 4500 V ... 6500V
Housing Dimensions
Diameter = 75 mm ... 150 mm
Height = 26 mm
Free-wheeling or clamping diode in
IGCT inverter drives
Free-wheeling or clamping diode in
PP IGBT inverter drives
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Customer Benefit
Freewheeling or clamping diode for Presspack IGBT
Extreme soft switching behavior at low on-state losses
Low inductive connection to Presspack IGBT possible
t: 1 µs/div
Product Brief
Soft recovery FWDs for IGCTs & PP IGBTs
4500V/6500V Diode Disc Series
Electrical parameters – Outline dimensions
Type designation V
D350SH45T 4500 700 13.0 75 50.0 in production SP000993540
D911SH45T 4500 890 17.0 100 62.8 in production SP000091218
D1031SH45T 4500 1140 23.0 100 62.8 in production SP000096632
4500 1350 28.0 120 86.0 in production SP000972196
D1331SH45T 4500 1350 28.0 120 86.0 in production SP000096629
4500 1710 40.0 120 86.0 in production SP001185734
D1961SH45T 4500 1960 40.0 120 86.0 in production SP000258796
D931SH65T 6500 940 16.0 100 62.8 in production SP000264203
D1131SH65T 6500 1100 22.0 120 86.0 in production SP000091174
D1951SH65T 6500 2040 44.0 150 100.0 in production SP000940954
All types designed for -di/dt up to 1000A/µs
type designed for -di/dt up to 5000A/µs
Status Ordering code
Published by
Infineon Technologies Bipolar GmbH & Co. KG
Max-Planck-Str. 5
59581 Warstein
Tel. +49 (0) 2902 98 99-0
Fax +49 (0) 2902 98 99-2482
© 2013 Infineon Technologies Bipolar GmbH & Co. KG.
All Rights Reserved.
Visit us:
www.ifbip.com · www.ifbip-shop.com
Order Number: B157-H9791-G1-X-7600
Date: 05 / 2014
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