Infineon ICE2QS03G Application Note

Application note, Version 1.0, 7 April 2010
Application note
ANPS0045 - ICE2QS03G
Converter Design Using Quasi-resonant PWM Controller ICE2QS03G
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Title: ICE2QS03G Design Guide
Revision History: 7 April 2010 V1.0
Previous Version: none
Page Subjects (major changes since last revision)
Converter design using the quasi-resonant PWM controller ICE2QS03G License to Infineon Technologies Asia Pacific Pte Ltd
Wang Zan
He Yi
Jeoh Meng Kiat
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Application Note 3 7 April 2010
Converter design using the quasi-resonant
PWM controller ICE2QS03G
Table of Contents
1 Introduction .........................................................................................................5
2 IC description ......................................................................................................5
2.1 Main features ....................................................................................................................5
2.2 Pin layout ..........................................................................................................................5
2.3 Pin functions.....................................................................................................................5
2.3.1 ZC (Zero Crossing)........................................................................................................6
2.3.2 FB (Feedback)...............................................................................................................6
2.3.3 CS (Current Sensing) .................................................................................................... 6
2.3.4 Gate (Gate drive output)................................................................................................6
2.3.5 HV (High voltage)..........................................................................................................6
2.3.6 VCC (Power supply)......................................................................................................6
2.3.7 GND (Ground)...............................................................................................................6
3 Overview of quasi-resonant flyback converter ...............................................6
4 Functions and Application Overview ...............................................................8
4.1 VCC Pre-Charging and Typical VCC Voltage During Start-up ......................................8
4.2 Soft-Start...........................................................................................................................9
4.3 Normal Operation .............................................................................................................9
4.3.1 Switch-on Determination ...............................................................................................9
4.3.2 Switch-off Determination .............................................................................................10
4.4 Active Burst Mode Operation ........................................................................................11
4.4.1 Entering Active Burst Mode Operation ........................................................................11
4.4.2 During Burst Mode Operation......................................................................................11
4.4.3 Leaving Active Burst Mode.......................................................................................... 12
4.5 Current sense .................................................................................................................12
4.6 Feedback.........................................................................................................................12
4.7 Zero crossing..................................................................................................................12
4.8 Gate drive........................................................................................................................13
4.9 Others..............................................................................................................................13
5 Typical application circuit................................................................................14
6 References.........................................................................................................14
Application Note 4 7 April 2010
Converter design using the quasi-resonant
PWM controller ICE2QS03G
1 Introduction
This application notes describes how to design quasi-resonant flyback converters using ICE2QS03G, which is a new Quasi-resonant PWM controller developed by Infineon Technologies In this application note, The basic description of IC will be given first including the main features and Pin’s layout. Then an overview of quasi-resonant flyback converter will be given, followed by the introduction of ICE2QS03G’s functions and operations. Some application examples and hints will be given in the last part of this document.
2 IC description
ICE2QS03G is a second generation quasi-resonant PWM controller optimized for off-line power supply applications such as LCD TV, and notebook adapter. The digital frequency reduction with decreasing load enables a quasi-resonant operation till very low load. As a result, the system average efficiency is significantly improved compared to conventional solutions. The active burst mode operation enables ultra-low power consumption at standby mode operation and low output voltage ripple. The numerous protection functions give a full protection of the power supply system in failure situation. All of these make the ICE2QS03G an outstanding controller for quasi-resonant flyback converter in the market. In addition, numerous protection functions have been implemented in the IC to protect the system and customize the IC for the chosen applications. All of these make the ICE2QS03G an outstanding product for real quasi-resonant flyback converter in the market.
2.1 Main features
Quasi-resonant operation
Load dependent digital frequency reduction
Active burst mode for light load operation
Built-in high voltage startup cell
Built-in digital soft-start
Cycle-by-cycle peak current limitation with built-in leading edge blanking time
Foldback Point Correction with digitalized sensing and control circuits
VCC undervoltage and overvoltage protection with Autorestart mode
Over Load /open loop Protection with Autorestart mode
Built-in Over temperature protection with Autorestart mode
Adjustable output overvoltage protection with Latch mode
Short-winding protection with Latch mode
Maximum on time limitation
Maximum switching period limitation
2.2 Pin layout
Figure 1 Pin configurations (top view)
2.3 Pin functions
Application Note 5 7 April 2010
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