Infineon EVAL-6ED100HPDRIVE-AS User Manual

Manual for HybridKIT Evaluation Gate Board
About this document This application note describes the features as well as limitations of the evaluation gate driver board
EVAL-6ED100HPDRIVE-AS for HybridPACK Drive modules with 750V EDT2 IGBTs. A comprehensive quickstart guide with main interfaces and function description is given. The evaluation gate driver board is equal to the gate driver boards on the HYBRIDKIT DRIVE Inverter evaluation kits and is an open design for lab testing purposes.
For evaluation of HybridPACK™ Drive modules with 1200V IGBT4 chipset please see [4].
Author: Tomas Reiter (IFAG ATV HP EDT MD).
Scope and purpose The evaluation gate driver board was designed to support customers during their first steps in designing applications with the HybridPACK Drive and EICEDriver Sense/Boost. An evaluation board is not intended to be an optimal design for every specific requirement. But it gives a good starting point and useful design hints for a serial development. Furthermore, practical experience from the power module switching characteristic as well as the gate driver features can be obtained in the lab at a minimum effort by using such evaluation tools.
Before getting started it is mandatory to read and understand the safety warnings (section 1.1) and the features and limitations (chapter 3).
Intended audience Experienced engineers designing gate drive boards for HybridPACK Drive.
Table of Contents
1 Introduction .................................................................................................................. 2
1.1 Safety Warning for Evaluation Kit ........................................................................................................... 2
2 How to order Gate Driver Boards (EVAL-6ED100HPDrive-AS) .............................................. 3
3 Feature and Limitations Overview ................................................................................... 4
3.1 Block Diagram & Key Features ................................................................................................................ 4
3.2 Operating Mode “Inverter Kit” & “Stand Alone” .................................................................................... 4
3.3 Recommended Operating Conditions .................................................................................................... 5
3.4 Limitations of the Evaluation Kit ............................................................................................................ 5
3.5 Key Components List .............................................................................................................................. 6
4 Quickstart Guide ............................................................................................................ 7
4.1 Recommended equipment for evaluation ............................................................................................. 7
4.2 Interface and Testpad Description ......................................................................................................... 7
4.2.1 Signal Connector Pinnout & Interface PCB ....................................................................................... 7
4.2.2 Overview of Testpads ......................................................................................................................... 8
4.3 Supply of the Gate Driver Board ............................................................................................................. 9
4.4 Double Pulse Testing in driver DEBUG Mode (w/o SPI communication) ............................................ 10
4.4.1 Enabling DEBUG Mode ..................................................................................................................... 10
4.4.2 Switching the gate driver ................................................................................................................. 11
4.5 Using the gate driver boad with HybridKIT logic board....................................................................... 12
4.6 Digital NTC Measurement R2f converter (SPI required) ...................................................................... 12
5 References and Revision History .................................................................................... 13
Application Note Please read the Important Notice and Warnings at the end of this document <Revision 1.2> <2017-11-09>
Manual for HybridKIT Evaluation Gate Board
HybridKIT Evaluation Gate Driver Board for 750V EDT2 IGBT
1 Introduction
The evaluation gate driver board EVAL-6ED100HPDRIVE-AS is an isolated six channel gate driver board dedicated for evaluation purpose of HybridPACK Drive products with 750V EDT2 IGBT chipset. It comes with the new Infineon automotive EICEDriver Sense/Boost gate driver ICs. The evaluation gate driver board supports the customers in their first steps designing applications with the HybridPACK Drive or the EICEDriver Sense/Boost.
Please read and understand the manual and the following safety warnings (see section 1.1).
1.1 Safety Warning for Evaluation Kit
The design operates with unprotected high voltages. Therefore, the Evaluation Kit may only be handled by
persons with sufficient electrical engineering training and experience. The customer assumes all responsibility and liability for its correct handling and/or use of the Evaluation Kit and undertakes to indemnify and hold Infineon Technologies harmless from any third party claim in connection with or arising out of the use and/or handling of the Evaluation Kit by the customer. The Evaluation Kit is a sample to be used by the customer solely for the purpose of evaluation and testing. It is not a commercialized product and shall not be used for series production. The Evaluation Kit is thus not intended to meet any automotive qualifications. Due to the purpose of the system, it is not subjected to the same procedures regarding Returned Material Analysis (RMA), Process Change Notification (PCN) and Product Withdraw (PWD) as regular products. See Legal Disclaimer and Warnings for further restrictions on Infineon Technologies warranty and liability. European legislation in relation to inter alia the restriction of hazardous substances (RoHS), waste from electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE), electromagnetic compatibility, as well as duties to comply with CE, FCC or UL standards do not apply to the Evaluation Kit and the Evaluation Kit may not fulfill such requirements.
Information For further information on technology, delivery terms and conditions and prices, please contact the nearest Infineon Technologies Office ( Warnings Due to technical requirements, components may contain dangerous substances. For information on the types in question, please contact the nearest Infineon Technologies Office. Infineon Technologies components may be used in life-support devices or systems only with the express written approval of Infineon Technologies, if a failure of such components can reasonably be expected to cause the failure of that life­support device or system or to affect the safety or effectiveness of that device or system. Life support devices or systems are intended to be implanted in the human body or to support and/or maintain and sustain and/or protect human life. If they fail, it is reasonable to assume that the health of the user or other persons may be endangered.
Application Note 2 <Revision 1.2> <2017-11-09>
Manual for HybridKIT Evaluation Gate Board
HybridKIT Evaluation Gate Driver Board for 750V EDT2 IGBT
How to order Gate Driver Boards (EVAL-6ED100HPDrive-AS)
2 How to order Gate Driver Boards (EVAL-6ED100HPDrive-AS)
The evaluation gate driver board EVAL-6ED100HPDRIVE-AS, compatible for HybridPACK Drive 750V EDT2 IGBT modules FSxxxR08A6P2xx, can be ordered via Infineon Sales Partners:
SAP ordering number for EVAL-6ED100HPDRIVE-AS: SP001386654.
The shipping content include:
Gate driver board compatible to FSxxxR08A6P2xx. Interface PCB.
Please note that the gate driver board comes without logicboard, software, cooler, DC-link capacitor, etc. The gate driver board is equal to the gate driver board of the full inverter evaluation kit HYBRIDKIT DRIVE and also HYBRIDKIT DRIVE SENSE. See [2] for information how to order the full inverter evaluation kit. The typical appearance of the stand alone gate driver board is shown in Figure 1, where also the small interface PCB can be seen. This PCB provides a 1-1 connection to the 80pin signal connector and can be used e.g. with the logic board from the HybridKITs.
Figure 1 Typical appearance of the gate driver evaluation board EVAL-6ED100HPDRIVE-AS (SP001386654) from side, top and bottom view.
For gate driver boards compatible to HybridPACK™ Drive modules with 1200V IGBT4 chipset FSxxxR12A6T4xx please see [4]
Application Note 3 <Revision 1.2> <2017-11-09>
Manual for HybridKIT Evaluation Gate Board
HybridKIT Evaluation Gate Driver Board for 750V EDT2 IGBT
Feature and Limitations Overview
3 Feature and Limitations Overview
3.1 Block Diagram & Key Features
The Figure 2 shows the block diagram with simplified signal and power flow.
Figure 2 Simplified block diagram. Right side show exemplarily the six EICEDrivers with the booster ICs as companion parts.
The key features can be summarized:
6x isolated gate driver channels compatible for HybridPACK Drive power modules with EDT2 IGBT
chipset (FSxxxR08A6P2xx)
Gate driver solution based on EICEDriver Sense/Lite 1EDI2010AS/1EDI2015AS and EICEDriver BoostLite
1EBN1002AE. #
IGBT desaturation (short circuit) detection. IGBT overvoltage protection via active collector gate clamping (<750Vces clamping). All programmable functions from the EiceDRIVER Sense and Boost via SPI communication. Digital NTC temperature measurement with R2f converter
featured by EiceDRIVER Sense/Lite 1EDI2010AS/1EDI2015AS (requires SPI communication).
Power supply with reverse polarity protection for 8..18V input voltage
featured by TLE8386-2EL
6x isolated power supply for +15V/-8V gate driver supply Redundant digital DC-Link voltage measurement up to 550Vdc
featured by ADC of EICEDriver Sense 1EDI2010AS.
256kbyte EEPROM (requires SPI communication). Single side SMD assembly for simple evaluation and measurements.
# The gate drivers 1EDI2010AS & 1EDI2015AS are pin and software compatible. The EICEDriver Sense 1EDI2010AS come with an additional ADC used in this design for measurement of the DC-link voltage. The design uses features of the BoostLite 1EBN1002AE but it is fully compatible to the Boost 1EBN1001AE.
3.2 Operating Mode “Inverter Kit” & “Stand Alone”
The evaluation gate driver board was designed to be used in the HybridKIT Drive with SPI communication. In the HybridKITs it comes with already preprogrammed settings which means the HybridKIT logic board detects the version and loads the right software librarys for the EiceDrivers automatically. Before using a gate driver board in a HybridKIT Drive the gate driver board has to be initialized as described in chapter 4.5. The gate driver can be also used stand alone and also without SPI communication for e.g. simple double pulse switching tests. For this purpose please follow the description of chapter 4.4.
Application Note 4 <Revision 1.2> <2017-11-09>
Manual for HybridKIT Evaluation Gate Board
HybridKIT Evaluation Gate Driver Board for 750V EDT2 IGBT
Feature and Limitations Overview
Gate Driver Board Supply
Working Voltage Capacitor DC-Link Voltage
500V* 550V* short time
* limited by TVS clamping diodes
Ambient Temperature
Limited by PCB temperature. Use fan for testing >85°C.
Switching frequency
fsw 12 kHz
Thermal limited by T
Up tp 18kHz at low ambient temperature or active cooling
3.3 Recommended Operating Conditions
The following recommended operating conditions describe the targeted lab testing environment. Testing beyond the given area may be possible in specific cases when all individual parts are driven within their specification. On the other hand the evaluation gate driver board together with the power module should not be regarded as a protected system. It is not a considered product for end customers. The intention of the evaluation gate driver board is to support engineers in their first steps designing with the Infineon EICEDrivers and HybridPACKs. Please see also the section 3.4 in order to understand the limitations.
Table 1 Operating Conditions
The operating temperature is mainly limited by the power dissipation of the power supply implemented on the evaluation kit board. The gate drivers, gate resistances are not the limitation in this design.
3.4 Limitations of the Evaluation Kit
The gate driver board with the power module should not be regarded as a protected system. It was designed for evaluation under lab conditions with minimum automatic shutdown routines. The design was intended to be usable also under extreme conditions where protection mechanism would limit the evaluation possibilities. The evaluation gate driver board is not protected against:
Over- & undervoltages on the signal connectors. Overvoltages of the HV working voltage
(>550V may damage the clamping diodes and/or lead to IGBT short circuit destruction)
Overtemperature of the PCB and module.
The power module NTC temperature info can be obtained as digital signal, but no shutdown limit is set by the gate driver board.
Testing at high switching frequencies may require an active cooling of the gate driver board especially
at high ambient temperatures.
Please read and understand the manual and the safety warnings (see section 1.1).
Please note that the list are giving examples and should not be seen exhaustive.
Application Note 5 <Revision 1.2> <2017-11-09>
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