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Infineon Alarm System (IAS) Mounting
Instructions for placement of the IAS in a room
About this document
Scope and purpose
The document describes the placement of the Infineon Alarm System (IAS) within a room. It also describes the
sensitivity settings and minimum/maximum ratings for relevant parameters. All information refers to productÂlevel devices on a PCB. The potential impact of the manufacturer’s housing on product performance should be
considered by the manufacturer.
Intended audience
Manufacturers of IAS PCBs.
Table of contents
About this document ....................................................................................................................... 1
Table of contents ............................................................................................................................ 1
1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 2
2 Sensitivity setting for the IAS ...................................................................................................... 3
3 Mounting locations .................................................................................................................... 4
3.1 Preferred mounting location ............................................................................................................................. 4
4 Testing of alarm system ............................................................................................................. 5
5 Specifications ........................................................................................................................... 6
Revision history.............................................................................................................................. 8
Infineon Alarm System (IAS) Mounting Recommendation
1 Introduction
The Infineon Alarm System (IAS) is a true two-sensor alarm system. It monitors acoustic patterns captured by a
microphone and pressure patterns captured by a pressure sensor. Only when both sensors detect the target
pattern is an alarm initiated. This dual-sensor principle enables users to develop alarm systems that are highly
robust against false alarms.
Figure 1 Building blocks of IAS software
Infineon Alarm System (IAS) Mounting Recommendation
Sensitivity setting for the IAS
2 Sensitivity setting for the IAS
The IAS enables users to adjust the alarm system sensitivity to a level that is most suitable for the specific
environment where the system is used. In its initial state of delivery the system is pre-set to the maximum
sensitivity (sensitivity = 1). This setting provides maximum reception distance, and there can even be objects*
in the line of sight between the alarm system and the window/door to be protected.
Figure 2 Relationship between sensitivity setting and detection range
Even with the sensitivity set to maximum, the IAS is immune to typical audio triggers, for example from TV,
music (stereo speakers) or alarm clocks. By reducing the sensitivity, the IAS provides additional immunity
against very loud sounds, which makes it suitable for use when occupants are in the house.
Note: Reducing the sensitivity also reduces the maximum detection distance and the ability to tolerate
objects in the line of sight.
*Always keep a distance between the IAS and objects in the line of sight e.g. a chair, of at least the
size of the object (Figure 6).
Detection range increases
Objects in line of sight
Very high immunity against
false alarms