Inertial Labs INS-P, INS-B, INS Series, INS-P-OEM, INS-D-OEM User Manual

GUI User’s Manual
Inertial Navigation System
Graphical User Interface
User’s Manual
Revision 2.13
Inertial Labs, Inc
Tel: +1 (703) 880-4222, Fax: +1 (703) 935-8377 Website:
Address: 39959 Catoctin Ridge Street, Paeonian Springs, VA 20129 U.S.A.
Jul.15, 2015
Released version.
Sep.03, 2015
1. Implemented auto start option with choice of desirable variant of output data format after device power on (since INS firmware version See section 10.5.
2. Added option Use SBAS to GNSS receiver tab in the Devices options menu.
3. Corrected mistake in Tables B.2, B.5, B.6, B.12 in Appendix B.1: ms_pos is replaced by ms_gps
4. Updated description of the INS NMEA Output data format in Appendix B.2 (timestamp is added).
5. Added description of the INS Sensors NMEA output data format in Appendix B.2.
Nov.02, 2015
For INS Demo version and higher.
1. Updated section “4.2.2. GNSS receiver“ tab” (affected since INS firmware version
2. Added section “4.5. Magnetometers calibration options”.
3. Updated section “10.3. Features of Altitude and Heave calculation”.
4. Parameters of adaptive algorithm of heave
calculation are added to “Correction options” window
(Fig.4.7) and described in section “10.3.1. Adjustment of
the algorithm of heave calculation(affected since INS firmware version
5. Added section “10.2. Control of the GNSS receiver”.
6. Added section “12. INS and GNSS data post-
Nov.26, 2015
1. Added “The most important notes” section.
2. Corrected TSS1 data format description in Appendix
B.2. Text presentation of output data formats.
Feb.05, 2016
For INS Demo version from 01/15/2016 and higher.
1. Added possibility of automatic creation of new data folder for each run, see section 4.1.
2. Added description of new features in “7.4. Preset parameters” section.
3. Added possibility of COM Port baud rate change for output raw GNSS data (see 4.2.2. “GNSS receiver” tab” section).
4. Updated section “12.1 Recording of raw GNSS data”
GUI User’s Manual
Revision history
Inertial Labs, Inc
Tel: +1 (703) 880-4222, Fax: +1 (703) 935-8377 Website:
Address: 39959 Catoctin Ridge Street, Paeonian Springs, VA 20129 U.S.A.
due to item 3.
5. Added description of new “Additional” tab in the “Correction options” menu.
Feb.17, 2016
1. Corrected INS message payload at the “INS OPVT” data format in the Appendix B, Table B.2.
2. Added new output data format “INS QPVT” (Quaternion of orientation, Position, Velocity, Time) and its description – for INS Demo version from 02/17/2016 and higher.
Apr.21, 2016
1. Updated “The most important notes” section, “At the first use” subject.
2. Added sections “4.2.4. Change of the main COM port
baud rate” and “4.2.5. Limitation of the INS maximum
measurement rate” – for INS Demo version from 03/25/2016 and higher.
3. Added Appendix B. Installation of the MOXA Serial­to-USB converter drivers (for INS with RS-422 interface).
4. Added Note 2 to Table C.5 about correct relationship between orientation angles and quaternion presentation
5. Added magnetic declination field to “INS Full Output Data” format instead of reserved field (see Table C.6)
since INS firmware version
Jul.29, 2016
For INS Demo version from 04/22/2016 and higher.
1. Updated “The most important notes” section.
2. Changed “IMU” and “GNSS receiver” tabs in “Devices
options” and their description.
3. Added section “12.3. INS sensors error model for INS + GNSS data post-processing”.
4. Added section “13. Synchronization of INS data with LiDAR and other devices”.
5. Added possibility to change PPS configuration and processing of mark input signal (since INS firmware version – see sections 13.1 and 13.2.
6. In Appendix C: Changed GNSS information in output data formats INS OPVT; INS QPVT; INS Full Output Data; INS Minimal Data (Tables C.2 – C.6, C.13).
Aug.09, 2016
For INS Demo version from 08/05/2016 and higher that supports new line of Inertial Labs INS units: INS-B, INS-P, INS-D.
1. Added two output data formats – INS OPVT2A, INS OPVT2Ahr to “Test Options” (see section 4.1).
2. Changed “Correction options” window and available
settings there (see section 4.3).
GUI User’s Manual
Inertial Labs, Inc
Tel: +1 (703) 880-4222, Fax: +1 (703) 935-8377 Website:
Address: 39959 Catoctin Ridge Street, Paeonian Springs, VA 20129 U.S.A.
3. Features of INS algorithm and possibilities of their adjustment are described in section “4.3.1. “Settings” tab of “Correction options…” window”.
4. Removed Marine device parameters” and Track angle for INS correction” from “Preset parameters” item in Parameters menu (see section 7.4).
Aug.23, 2016
1. Added ±450°/s gyro range for KG values (see notes to Tables C.2, C.5, C.6, in Appendix C.1).
2. Added examples of text presentation of INS OPVT2A and INS OPVT2Ahr output data formats in Appendix C.2
Sep.05, 2016
For INS Demo version from 2016-09-02 and higher.
1. Allowed change of the GNSS data rate in the “GNSS receiver” tab of “Devices options…” window (see
section 4.2.2)..
2. Added indication of GNSS receiver failure in the Unit Status Word – since INS firmware version (see Appendix D).
3. INS Demo program stops the INS unit if failure of gyro, accelerometer or GNSS receiver is detected (see section 11).
Sep.19, 2016
For INS Demo version from 2016-09-15 and higher.
1. Added output data format – OPVT2AW to “Test Options”
(see section 4.1).
2. Added examples of text presentation of INS OPVT2AW output data format in Appendix C.2
Dec.12, 2016
1. Added “Extended Initial alignment” checkbox (see
Fig. 4.2) and its description.
2. Changed GNSS COM port 2 parameters and their description (see Section 4.2.2).
3. Changed Pressure sensor tab (see Section 4.2.3)
4. Added new INS settings – for catapult start (Figs
4.16) and combined heading correction (Figs 4.17), see section 4.3.
5. Corrected note to description of 3D calibration run (see Section 10.4.1, Step 8).
6. Changed description of USW bits #7,15 (Appendix B)
7. Corrected KA scale factor for ±8g accelerometer
range and scale factor for supply voltage (see Tables C.2, C.5 to C.8 and notes to them in Appendix C.1).
Jun.24, 2017
1. Changed “IMU” tab of the “Device options” menu: since INS Demo version from 2017-06-23 it supports arbitrary (but known) installation of INS-D two
GUI User’s Manual
Inertial Labs, Inc
Tel: +1 (703) 880-4222, Fax: +1 (703) 935-8377 Website:
Address: 39959 Catoctin Ridge Street, Paeonian Springs, VA 20129 U.S.A.
antennas on carrier object, for INS-D firmware since version
2. Added Appendix F. Installation of GNSS antennas.
3. Added scale factor values to Table 12.2. Binary
Structure of raw IMU data (see Section 12.2).
Nov.15, 2017
1. Updated “The most important notes”.
2. Deleted “INS Full Output” and“TSS1” output formats.
3. Added “INS OPVTAD” output data format.
4. Deleted Heave related information.
5. Changed “GNSS receiver”, “Pressure sensor” tabs of
the “Device options” window (see sections 4.2.2, 4.2.3).
6. Added “External sensors” and “Triggers” tabs to the “Device options” window and their description (see
sections 4.2.4, 4.2.5).
7. Changed “Preset Parameters” menu and its description (see section 7.4).
8. Added description of the VG3D calibration (see section 10.4.1).
9. Added on-the-fly VG3D calibration and its description (see section 10.4.4).
10. Added possibility to enter GPS Time shift at generation of raw IMU data (see section 12.2).
11. Changed description of USW bits #7,15 that are used for indication of stages of on-the- fly VG3D calibration (see Appendix D).
12. Deleted section 14. “Compatibility between the INS firmware and INS Demo versions”.
13. Added g value to notes to Tables C.2, C.5 – C.9 with description of output data formats (Appendix C.1).
14. Added Appendix G. “Using of the STRSVR tool”.
Jan.23, 2018
For INS Demo version from 2018-01-12 and higher.
1.Added possibility to set coordinates of any measuring point for calculation of INS position and velocity (see section 4.2.1).
2. Changed “External sensors” tab in the “Device options” window to include parameters of encoder-
based odometer (see section 4.2.4).
3. Added description of COM4 port functions (to receive external data from a device with RS232 interface or to output GPRMC messages), see sections 4.2.2, 4.2.4.
4. Removed “Time stamp correction” switch from
“Correction options” window (see section 4.3). Time
stamp correction is always active.
5. Added section “10.7. INS operation with encoder-
GUI User’s Manual
Inertial Labs, Inc
Tel: +1 (703) 880-4222, Fax: +1 (703) 935-8377 Website:
Address: 39959 Catoctin Ridge Street, Paeonian Springs, VA 20129 U.S.A.
based odometer (wheel speed sensor)”.
6. Added two output data formats “INS OPVT & Raw IMU Data” and “SPAN rawimu”.
7. Changed recommendations for “Advanced Settings for COMN” window in “USB serial port (COMN) Properties” (see Appendix A, Fig.A.10).
8. Increased header of the text presentation of saved INS output data to include values of all INS parameters which change is allowed to user (see Appendix C.2).
9. Added Appendix H. Using Ethernet port for communication with the Inertial LabsTM INS”.
Jun.14, 2018
For INS Demo version from 2018-05-15 and higher.
1. Added “INS OPVT GNSSext” and “User Defined Data” output data formats in “Test options” menu item.
2. Added “User Defined Data” menu item to the “Options” menu and its description in section 4.6.
3. Added “Round time stamp” switch in “Correction options” window (see section 4.3).
4. Added possibility to restore INS parameters from prm file where serial number differs from serial number of INS unit which is currently connected, see section 7.2.
5. Added section “10.8. Operations with CAN data”.
6. Added “Pressure sensor noise STD” parameter to
“Pressure sensor” tab of the “Device options” window
(see section 4.2.3).
7. Added “Round time stamp” check-box to “Correction options…” window (see section 4.3).
8. Added description of the extended block of the initial alignment data in Appendix C.1, Table C.2.
9. Changed type of “Air Speed” field in aiding data from word to sword (signed short), see Table C.11.
10. Added KA scale factors for ±4g, ±10g, ±15g and ±40g accelerometer ranges (see notes to Tables C.3, С.7, С.8, С.9, С.26 in Appendix C.1).
11. Added Table С.6. New_GPS indicator of new update of GNSS data, in Appendix C.1.
12. Added INS-DL to the list of models of INS products (see Introduction).
13. Added note about raw GNSS data logs for INS-DL (see notes below the Table 12.1)
Jul.31, 2018
For INS Demo version from 2018-07-26 and higher.
1. Added “COM4” tab to “Devices options” window to
GUI User’s Manual
Inertial Labs, Inc
Tel: +1 (703) 880-4222, Fax: +1 (703) 935-8377 Website:
Address: 39959 Catoctin Ridge Street, Paeonian Springs, VA 20129 U.S.A.
combine settings of all variants of COM4 port using. Added appropriate section 4.2.5. “COM4” tab of “Devices options…” window.
2. Changed name and structure of section “10.7. INS operation with odometer”. Added section “10.7.1. INS operation with OBDII odometer.
3. Added “Heading” measurement type to aiding data (see Table C.12) and appropriate data type to “User Defined Data” output format (see Table 4.2, Table C.27).
4. Added “Dilution of precision” data type to “User Defined Data” output format (see Table 4.2, Table
5. Added more detailed description of INS Demo operation with Inertial Labs CAN2.0-to-RS232 adapter (see section 10.8.1).
6. Added description of profile creation for INS data post processing in Waypoint Inertial Explorer (see section
7. Added choice of “Min Raw GNSS” (minimal set of raw GNSS data logs, see Table 12.2 in section 12.1) in COM2, COM3 port settings in the “GNSS receiver” tab of “Devices options…” window. It is supported in INS firmware since version
8. Added description of “Get BIT” item in “Run” menu
(see section 5.7).
9. Corrected position of the accelerometer mass-center in Inertial LabsTM INS unit (see Fig.F.1 in Appendix F.1).
Aug.30, 2018
For INS Demo version from 2018-08-23 and higher.
1. Added “UTC” data type to “Time data” group, “GNSS Position and Speed accuracy” data type to GNSS data” group in “User Defined Data” output format (see Table
4.2, Table C.27).
2. Updated “User defined data…” dialog window (see Fig.4.28, Fig.4.29 in section 4.6).
Oct.03, 2018
1. Added Inertial LabsTM INS-B/P-OEM and INS-D/DL­OEM units (see Introduction).
2. Added position of the accelerometer mass-center in Inertial LabsTM INS-OEM unit (see Fig.F.2 in Appendix F.1).
3. Changed measurement units of accelerations AccX,
AccY, AccZ from m/s2 to ‘g’ in “INS OPVT GNSSext”
data format (see Table C.25).
4. Added “GDOP, PDOP” and “GNSS Track over
GUI User’s Manual
Inertial Labs, Inc
Tel: +1 (703) 880-4222, Fax: +1 (703) 935-8377 Website:
Address: 39959 Catoctin Ridge Street, Paeonian Springs, VA 20129 U.S.A.
ground” data types to “User Defined Data” output format (see Table 4.2, Table C.27).
5. Renamed “UTC” data types in “User Defined Data” output format (see Table C.27).
6. Added “Device self test” menu item to the “Run menu and its description in section 5.7.
7. Added explanation of INS average data rate that appears in the left part of the status bar (see section
8. Added explanation of "UTC Decimal Seconds" in “User Defined Data” output format (see Note 4 to Table C.27 in Appendix C.1).
Feb.04, 2019
1. “GPIO” line of electrical interface is renamed to “MARK IN”.
2. Added “Cobham UAV 200 Satcom” output data format in “Test options” menu item.
Feb.26, 2019
For INS GUI version from 2019-02-25 and higher.
1. Added Averaged output data checkbox to IMU tabs of “Devices options” window to switch between averaged and instant data at output data at rate less than 200Hz.
2. Changed “External sensors” tab of “Devices options” window and its description in section 4.2.4.
3. “COM4” tab of “Devices options” window is renamed
to “CAN / COM4” tab, see its description in section
4. Updated section “10.7. INS operation with odometer”.
5. Added support and configuration of both CAN 2.0A
and CAN 2.0B messages (see sections, 10.8).
6. Updated section “10.8. Operations with CAN data”.
7. Removed section “10.8.1. Using Inertial Labs
CAN2.0-to-RS232 adapter for evaluation”.
8. Added “Magnetometers axes alignment” menu item
to the “Plugins” menu and its description in section 8.4,
and section “10.9. INS and OS3D-FG SAMC axes alignment”
9. Added section “12.2.1. Embedding raw IMU data into GNSS stream”
GUI User’s Manual
Inertial Labs, Inc
Tel: +1 (703) 880-4222, Fax: +1 (703) 935-8377 Website:
Address: 39959 Catoctin Ridge Street, Paeonian Springs, VA 20129 U.S.A.
GUI User’s Manual
Table of contents
1. Introduction ................................................................................................................ 13
The most important notes .................................................................................................... 15
1. General information ................................................................................................... 17
2. Installation of drivers and configuration of PC parameters ......................................... 18
3. Main menu of the program ......................................................................................... 19
4. Options Menu ............................................................................................................ 21
4.1. Test options ............................................................................................................ 21
4.2. Devices options ...................................................................................................... 24
4.2.1. “IMU” tab of “Devices options…” window ........................................................... 25
4.2.2. “GNSS receiver” tab of “Devices options…” window ......................................... 29
4.2.3. “Pressure sensor” tab of “Devices options…” window ....................................... 37
4.2.4. “External sensors” tab of “Devices options…” window ....................................... 38 Parameters of encoder-based odometer ...................................................... 39 Using the main COM1 port to receive external aiding data ........................... 39 Using external magnetic compass ................................................................ 40
4.2.5. “CAN / COM4” tab of “Devices options…” window ............................................ 41 Configuration of CAN messages output ........................................................ 41 Configuration of COM4 port .......................................................................... 42 Parameters of OBDII odometer ..................................................................... 43
4.2.6. “Triggers” tab of “Devices options…” window ................................ .................... 44
4.2.7. Change of the main COM port baud rate ........................................................... 45
4.2.8. Limitation of the INS maximum output data rate ................................................ 48
4.3. Correction options .................................................................................................. 51
4.4. Swaying compensation ........................................................................................... 55
4.5. Magnetometers calibration options ......................................................................... 56
4.6. User defined data ................................................................................................... 57
4.6.1. Review and editing of the existing configuration of the “User defined data”
format in INS unit ........................................................................................................... 62
4.6.2. “User defined data” format configuration file (*.udd) .......................................... 64
4.6.3. INS start with “User defined data” output format ................................................ 65
5. Run Menu ................................................................ ................................ .................. 65
5.1. INS 3D .................................................................................................................... 66
5.2. Cockpit style of visualization ................................................................................... 72
5.3. On-the-fly accuracy style of visualization ................................................................ 73
5.4. Data graphs style of visualization ........................................................................... 74
5.5. Visualization of INS relative position ....................................................................... 76
5.6. Peculiarities of data displayed at the “INS Sensors Data” format ........................... 77
5.7. Other items of the Run menu .................................................................................. 78
6. File Menu ................................................................................................................... 80
6.1. “Open” item ............................................................................................................. 80
6.2. “Save as” item ........................................................................................................ 81
7. Parameters menu ...................................................................................................... 82
7.1. “Load block parameters” and “Read block parameters” items ................................ 82
Inertial Labs, Inc
Tel: +1 (703) 880-4222, Fax: +1 (703) 935-8377 Website:
Address: 39959 Catoctin Ridge Street, Paeonian Springs, VA 20129 U.S.A.
GUI User’s Manual
7.2. Restore parameters ................................................................................................ 82
7.3. Save parameters .................................................................................................... 83
7.4. Preset parameters .................................................................................................. 83
8. Plugins Menu ............................................................................................................. 86
8.1. Embedded .............................................................................................................. 86
8.2. Magnetometers field calibration .............................................................................. 88
8.3. Angles accuracy ..................................................................................................... 90
8.4. Magnetometers axes alignment .............................................................................. 94
9. Convert Menu ............................................................................................................ 96
10. The INS operation ...................................................................................................... 98
10.1. The main operation modes of the INS ................................................................. 98
10.2. Control of the GNSS receiver ............................................................................ 101
10.2.1. GNSS correction .............................................................................................. 101
10.2.2. Control of GNSS receiver model ...................................................................... 105 Adding new model to the GNSS receiver .................................................. 106 Choosing of one of saved models for the GNSS receiver ......................... 106 Removing model from the GNSS receiver ................................................ 107
10.3. Features of Altitude calculation in the INS ......................................................... 108
10.4. Calibration of the INS ........................................................................................ 109
10.4.1. Description of the 2D, 2D-2T, 3D and VG3D calibration procedures ............... 111
10.4.2. Clearing of the soft and hard iron calibration parameters ................................ 119
10.4.3. Conditions of successful calibration of the INS ................................................ 120
10.4.4. On -the-fly VG3D calibration ............................................................................. 121
10.5. Orientation accuracy test of the INS .................................................................. 124
10.5.1. Separate accuracy test for each reference angle ............................................ 124
10.5.2. On -the-fly accuracy test ................................................................................... 126
10.6. INS automatic start ............................................................................................ 131
10.7. INS operation with odometer ............................................................................. 133
10.7.1. INS operation with OBDII odometer ................................................................. 133
10.7.2. INS operation with encoder-based odometer (wheel speed sensor) .............. 134
10.7.3. Encoder-based odometer calibration ............................................................... 135
10.8. Operations with CAN data ................................................................................. 137
10.8.1. Review and editing of the existing configuration of the “CAN message set”
format in INS unit ......................................................................................................... 142
10.8.2. “CAN message set” format configuration file (*.ucan) ...................................... 143
10.9. INS and OS3D-FG SAMC axes alignment ........................................................ 144
10.9.1. Description of the axes alignment procedures ................................................. 144
10.9.2. Clearing axes alignment parameters ............................................................... 147
11. Continuous self-monitoring of the INS health ........................................................... 148
12. INS and GNSS data post-processing ....................................................................... 149
12.1. Recording of raw GNSS data ............................................................................ 149
12.2. Raw IMU data generation .................................................................................. 153
12.2.1. Embedding raw IMU data into GNSS stream ................................................... 157
12.3. INS sensors error model for INS + GNSS data post-processing ....................... 158
13. Synchronization of INS data with LiDAR and other devices ..................................... 160
Inertial Labs, Inc
Tel: +1 (703) 880-4222, Fax: +1 (703) 935-8377 Website:
Address: 39959 Catoctin Ridge Street, Paeonian Springs, VA 20129 U.S.A.
GUI User’s Manual
13.1. Control of PPS output signal ............................................................................. 160
13.2. Processing of mark input signal ......................................................................... 162
13.3. INS operation with LiDAR .................................................................................. 162
13.3.1. Configuration of INS main data ........................................................................ 163
13.3.2. Configuration of COM2 port for output of GNSS raw data ............................... 163
13.3.3. Configuration of COM3 port for output of $GPRMC messages ...................... 164
13.3.4. Configuration of PPS signal ............................................................................. 164
13.3.5. Configuration of mark input signal ................................................................... 164
14. Choice of 3D model for visualization of the INS orientation ..................................... 165
15. Troubleshooting ....................................................................................................... 166
15.1. How to repair the INS parameters ..................................................................... 166
15.2. What do you have to do at strange behavior of the INS .................................... 166
15.3. What do you have to do if messages “Cannot read parameters!”, “Cannot load
parameters!”, or “Cannot start INS” appear ................................................................... 168
APPENDIX A. Installation of the COM-to-USB converter drivers and configuration of PC
parameters ........................................................................................................................ 169
APPENDIX B. Installation of the MOXA Serial-to-USB converter drivers (for INS with
RS-422 interface)............................................................................................................... 177
APPENDIX C. Description of data files ............................................................................ 184
C.1. Structure of binary file ............................................................................................. 184
C.2. Text presentation of output data formats ................................................................. 220
APPENDIX D. The Unit Status Word definition ............................................................... 236
APPENDIX E. Variants of the Inertial LabsTM INS mounting relative to object axes ...... 238
APPENDIX F. Installation of the GNSS antennas ........................................................... 241
F.1. Installation of single GNSS antenna ........................................................................ 241
F.2. Installation of two GNSS antennas for INS-D operation .......................................... 243
APPENDIX G. Using of the STRSVR tool ....................................................................... 246
APPENDIX H. Using Ethernet port for communication with the Inertial LabsTM INS ...... 248
H.1. Connection overview ............................................................................................... 248
H.2. Connection steps .................................................................................................... 249
H.3. Networking details ................................................................................................... 249
H.4. Checking the connection to the network.................................................................. 249
H.5. Creating a virtual serial port .................................................................................... 250
Inertial Labs, Inc
Tel: +1 (703) 880-4222, Fax: +1 (703) 935-8377 Website:
Address: 39959 Catoctin Ridge Street, Paeonian Springs, VA 20129 U.S.A.
GUI User’s Manual
List of Tables
Table 4.1 INS maximum measurement rate for different output data formats ......................... 49
Table 4.2 Groups and data types of the “User Defined Data” .................................................. 59
Table 10.1 Available variants of SBAS data .............................................................................. 102
Table 10.2 Example of the *.csv file created at accuracy test .................................................... 130
Table 10.3. List of supported CAN messages ........................................................................... 140
Table 10.4 Example of rotation angles ...................................................................................... 144
Table 12.1 Logs for raw GNSS data .......................................................................................... 150
Table 12.2 Minimal set of raw GNSS data logs ......................................................................... 150
Table 12.3 Binary Structure of raw IMU data ............................................................................. 154
Table C.1 Structure of the first 50 bytes of *.bin file (short block of initial alignment data) ......... 184
Table C.2 Structure of the first 128 bytes of *.bin file at extended block of initial alignment
data ....................................................................................................................................... 185
Table C.3 The INS message payload at the “INS OPVT” (Orientation, Position, Velocity,
Time) data format .................................................................................................................. 186
Table C.4 GNSS_info1 – information about GNSS data ............................................................ 187
Table C.5 GNSS_info2 – information about GNSS data ............................................................ 188
Table C.6 New_GPS indicator of new update of GNSS data .................................................... 188
Table C.7 The INS message payload at the “INS QPVT” (Quaternion of orientation,
Position, Velocity, Time) data format ..................................................................................... 189
Table C.8 The INS message payload at the “INS OPVT2A” (Orientation, Position,
Velocity, Time, Dual-antenna receiver data) format .............................................................. 191
Table C.9 The INS message payload at the “INS OPVT2AW” (Orientation, Position,
Velocity, Time, Dual-antenna receiver data, GPS Week) format ........................................... 193
Table C.10 The INS message payload at the “INS OPVT2Ahr” (Orientation, Position,
Velocity, Time, Dual-antenna receiver data, with high resolution) data format ...................... 195
Table C.11 The INS message payload at the “INS OPVTAD” data format ................................ 197
Table C.12 New aiding data indicator ........................................................................................ 199
Table C.13 The message payload at the “INS Sensors Data” format ........................................ 200
Table C.14 sol_stat – GNSS solution status .............................................................................. 202
Table C.15 pos_type – GNSS position or velocity type ............................................................. 202
Table C.16 ext_sol_stat – GNSS extended solution status ....................................................... 203
Table C.17 GPS and GLONASS signal-used mask .................................................................. 203
Table C.18 Galileo and BeiDou signal-used mask .................................................................... 203
Table C.19 The message payload at the “INS Minimal Data” format ......................................... 204
Table C.20 The message payload at the “INS OPVT & Raw IMU Data” format ........................ 204
Table C.21 The “SPAN rawimu” message structure .................................................................. 206
Table C.22 GPS Reference Time Status ................................................................................... 207
Table C.23 GNSS Receiver Status ............................................................................................ 207
Table C.24 IMU Status .............................................................................................................. 208
Table C.25 The INS message payload at the “INS OPVT GNSSext” data format ..................... 208
Table C.26 Payload of the “User Defined Data” ....................................................................... 211
Table C.27 Detailed description of “User Defined Data” structure ............................................. 211
Table C.28 INS solution status (data type # 0x54) .................................................................... 216
Table C.29. Structure of the “Cobham UAV 200 Satcom” sentence .......................................... 218
Inertial Labs, Inc
Tel: +1 (703) 880-4222, Fax: +1 (703) 935-8377 Website:
Address: 39959 Catoctin Ridge Street, Paeonian Springs, VA 20129 U.S.A.
Fig. 1.1 Inertial LabsTM INS-B and INS-P
Fig. 1.2 Inertial LabsTM INS-D and INS-DL
GUI User’s Manual
Table D.1 The Unit Status Word description .............................................................................. 236

1. Introduction

This manual is designed to study and use software for all modifications of Inertial Labs™ Inertial Navigation System (INS) for its designed purposes.
Use of the INS should be restricted to only those who have read its user manual and are following the safety measures specified in that user manual.
Inertial Labs
provides the next models of INS products (see Fig. 1.1 to Fig.
INS-B and INS-B-OEM (Basic model) – use high grade IMU and high
grade single antenna GNSS receiver;
INS-P and INS-P-OEM (Professional model) – use high-grade
Fluxgate magnetometers, high grade IMU and high grade single antenna GNSS receiver;
INS-D, INS-DL and INS-D-OEM (Dual antenna model) – use high
grade IMU, dual-antenna GNSS receiver and measures static and dynamic Heading, independent on magnetic field disturbance.
1. In this document all information related to the INS-D is correct for the INS-DL, unless otherwise specified.
2. In this document all information related to the INS-B, INS-P, INS-D are correct for the INS-B-OEM, INS-P-OEM, INS-D-OEM respectively, unless otherwise specified.
Inertial Labs, Inc
Tel: +1 (703) 880-4222, Fax: +1 (703) 935-8377 Website:
Address: 39959 Catoctin Ridge Street, Paeonian Springs, VA 20129 U.S.A.
Fig. 1.3 Inertial LabsTM INS-B-OEM
Fig. 1.4 Inertial LabsTM INS-D-OEM and
GUI User’s Manual
Inertial Labs, Inc
Tel: +1 (703) 880-4222, Fax: +1 (703) 935-8377 Website:
Address: 39959 Catoctin Ridge Street, Paeonian Springs, VA 20129 U.S.A.

The most important notes

To view and edit INS parameters
INS must be connected to computer and powered. Serial port number to which INS is connected and its baud rate should be chosen in the “Test options” menu (see section 4.1).
INS readiness for operations
INS is ready to receive commands and to output data after initialization time is completed (not more than 25 sec after power on) so LED indicator switched color from yellow to red.
At the first use
1. Please enter approximately true Latitude, Longitude, Altitude and Date in the "Devices options", "IMU" tab (see section 4.2.1). This allows correct INS start even at absence of visible GNSS satellites.
2. Set correct value of the magnetic declination there. This parameter is necessary to calculate true heading using measured magnetic heading. Since INS firmware version the magnetic declination can be calculated in the INS continuously. Check Auto check-box in Devices options…” to activate this option.
After INS and GNSS antenna(s) installation
Measure the GNSS antenna position relative to the IMU (m). For INS-D measure also the secondary antenna position relative to the IMU (m). Then enter these coordinates in appropriate fields in IMU tab of the “Device options” menu (see section 4.2.1).
Measurement rate (update rate)
It can be changed in the “Device options” menu, but it must not exceed maximum value shown in the Table 4.1 (see section 4.2.8).
Object hard and soft iron compensation
Do not forget to calibrate INS-P on hard and soft iron after mounting on the carrier object (see section 10.4). But if
“Use_mags” switch is disabled in the “Settings” tab of
“Correction options…” window, then such calibration is not
Pressure sensor
If the INS has no access to the ambient external pressure (for example, if it is installed inside a pressurized cabin) or if the INS pressure sensor can be exposed to speed air
GUI User’s Manual
Inertial Labs, Inc
Tel: +1 (703) 880-4222, Fax: +1 (703) 935-8377 Website:
Address: 39959 Catoctin Ridge Street, Paeonian Springs, VA 20129 U.S.A.
streams, please set “Disabled” for the Baro-altimeter in the "Pressure sensor" tab " of "Device options" menu to switch the INS vertical correction to the GNSS altitude only.
Automatic start
INS has ability to start operation automatically after power on, with continuous output data in desirable output data format (see section 10.6).
Changing parameters of GNSS receiver or CAN, COM4 settings
After changing of parameters in “GNSS receiver” or “CAN / COM4” tab of the “Device options” menu it is necessary to power off, power on the INS unit to restart onboard GNSS receiver or to re-initialize COM4 port.
INS algorithm adjustment
Features of INS algorithm and possibilities of their adjustment are described in section “4.3. Correction options.
GUI User’s Manual
Inertial Labs, Inc
Tel: +1 (703) 880-4222, Fax: +1 (703) 935-8377 Website:
Address: 39959 Catoctin Ridge Street, Paeonian Springs, VA 20129 U.S.A.
GUI User’s Manual

1. General information

Operating system. This version of the GUI software is fully compatible with the operating system MS Windows XP, MS Windows Vista, MS Windows 7.
Working with the software. The Inertial Labs INS GUI software is a windows-based Win32 application, and standard means used in the Windows (mouse and keyboard) are needed to use it. Directory structure necessary for data storage is created by user. All necessary configurations and calibration coefficients are stored in the INS nonvolatile memory, and they are automatically loaded into the INS microprocessor. Calibration coefficients are set by INS developers, and they can be changed, but only under guidance of the INS developer. Upon termination the Inertial Labs INS GUI software creates a default.prm file for its operation, in which the latest used parameters of the microprocessor and shell are stored. During work with the INS, the files with extensions .txt, .rtf, .prm, .dat and .bin can be created. Files with extensions .txt and .rtf can be created by operator, and files with extensions .prm, .dat and .bin are created automatically by the software when it is saving text or graphical data.
Requirements to the system resources. The software requires 6 Mbytes of RAM for proper operation. Hard disk capacity required for proper operation is determined by the size of the GUI software files (approximately 12 MBytes) and by the files saved during operation, no more than 100 Mbytes. Recommended screen resolution is 1280х1024 pixels. The INS is connected to a computer through a standard COM port. The INS can also be connected to a PC through a USB port with a COM-to-USB converter. In this case, reliability of signal reception/transmission between a PC and the INS can greatly depend on the quality of the COM-to-USB converter and on correct configuration of its driver. INS manufacturer guarantees reliable operation of the INS if it is connected directly to the COM port. In the Appendix A, installation and configuration of drivers for one of the possible COM-to-USB converters is described.
Requirements to operators. The INS GUI software uses a standard Windows operating system. Therefore, operators should know the basic principles of PC operation to use the GUI software, and they should be able to use the MS Windows operating system.
Inertial Labs, Inc
Tel: +1 (703) 880-4222, Fax: +1 (703) 935-8377 Website:
Address: 39959 Catoctin Ridge Street, Paeonian Springs, VA 20129 U.S.A.
Fig. 2.1
Fig. 2.2
GUI User’s Manual

2. Installation of drivers and configuration of PC parameters

The Inertial Labs INS GUIsoftware doesn’t require any installation. Just copy the software folder INS_GUI_002 to the working directory.
When you connect the INS to a standard computer COM port, drivers are not needed. If the INS is connected to a USB port with a COM-to-USB
converter see “Appendix A. Installation of the COM-to-USB converter drivers and configuration of PC parameters” for more details.
If you use the INS with RS-422 interface you need to install RS422-to-USB converter driver. See “Appendix B. Installation of the MOXA Serial-to-USB converter drivers (for INS with RS-422 interface)”
To know the numbers of the PC COM ports click Device Manager in the
Hardware tab of the System Properties window (Fig. 2.1). In the opened Device Manager window (Fig. 2.2) you will see the COM ports which will
be marked as “Communications Port (COMN) or “USB Serial Port (COMN) or MOXA USB Serial Port (COMN). Number N in the port name
is assigned by OS.
Inertial Labs, Inc
Tel: +1 (703) 880-4222, Fax: +1 (703) 935-8377 Website:
Address: 39959 Catoctin Ridge Street, Paeonian Springs, VA 20129 U.S.A.
Fig. 3.1
Fig. 3.2
Fig. 3.3
Fig. 3.4
GUI User’s Manual

3. Main menu of the program

The main menu of the Inertial Labs INS GUIsoftware contains the following items (see Fig. 3.1).
File Menu contains standard Windows file management commands (Fig.
Run Menu contains the INS control commands (Fig. 3.3). Parameters Menu contains operations with INS parameters (Fig. 3.4). Plugins Menu contains the INS GUI plugins (Fig. 3.5). Convert Menu contains conversion of binary data to the text format (Fig.
3.6). Options Menu contains the INS configuration commands (Fig. 3.7).
Inertial Labs, Inc
Tel: +1 (703) 880-4222, Fax: +1 (703) 935-8377 Website:
Address: 39959 Catoctin Ridge Street, Paeonian Springs, VA 20129 U.S.A.
Fig. 3.5
Fig. 3.6
Fig. 3.7
- INS visualization, F4;
- Stop INS;
- Restore parameters;
- Save parameters;
- Report of experiment, F8;
- Test options...;
- Device options...;
- Correction options…;
- Swaying compensation options;
- Magnetometers calibration options;
- User defined data.
GUI User’s Manual
Icons for the most often used commands are placed on toolbars.
Inertial Labs, Inc
Tel: +1 (703) 880-4222, Fax: +1 (703) 935-8377 Website:
Address: 39959 Catoctin Ridge Street, Paeonian Springs, VA 20129 U.S.A.
GUI User’s Manual

4. Options Menu

4.1. Test options

To set operation parameters of the INS, COM port, format of output data, select Test options…” (Fig. 3.7) from the Options menu (or click
button). A Test Options dialog box (Fig. 4.1) will be opened.
Fig. 4.1
You can set the following parameters in the “Test Options window:
Inertial Labs, Inc
Tel: +1 (703) 880-4222, Fax: +1 (703) 935-8377 Website:
Address: 39959 Catoctin Ridge Street, Paeonian Springs, VA 20129 U.S.A.
GUI User’s Manual
Serial port – number of the COM port to which main port of the INS
is connected.
Baud rate – is the set rate of computer COM port for connection of
INS unit. See section 4.2.7 for details. The default value of the baud rate is 115200 bps.
Allow data saving checkbox – allows to record the test data to file. If
it is unchecked then no file will be created and no message Data are writing in file will be displayed.
Enable debug log – allows to record the log file of test run. In case
of the INS GUI crash it can be used to debug errors. Log file contains information about commands that were sent by the INS GUI and appeared errors. In case of errors this file should be sent to the Inertial Labs with brief description of user actions.
Allow auto start checkbox – allows operation with INS which was
already started before run of the INS GUI software. See section 10.6 for details.
Create separate run folder – allows automatic creation of separate
data folder for each run. On default this option is disabled.
Record time – sets data recording time in hours:minutes:seconds
format. The parameter is active when data is being saved to file. Values of hours, minutes, seconds can be changed with the arrows or by entering the required value from a keyboard.
Number data for average – the quantity of averaged data. This can
be used for smoothing of viewed data. Note that averaging relates to the data output on the screen only and is not applied to the data written in a file. The minimal value for the parameter is 1 and changed with the arrows to 1 or by entering the required value from a keyboard. The default value is 1.
Operating Mode – defines INS’s output method, Continuous or
stepped On Request. The default value is Continuous.
Output Data Format – sets format of the INS output data. Select
one of the formats:
“INS Sensors (contains data from the devices inside INS – IMU (as
AHRS), GNSS receiver, pressure sensor),
Inertial Labs, Inc
Tel: +1 (703) 880-4222, Fax: +1 (703) 935-8377 Website:
Address: 39959 Catoctin Ridge Street, Paeonian Springs, VA 20129 U.S.A.
GUI User’s Manual
INS OPVT Output (Orientation, Position, Velocity, Time), INS OPVT2A (Orientation, Position, Velocity, Time, Dual-antenna
receiver data),
“INS OPVT2AW (Orientation, Position, Velocity, Time, Dual-antenna
receiver data, GPS week),
“INS OPVT2AHR (Orientation, Position, Velocity, Time, Dual-
antenna receiver data, with high resolution),
“INS OPVTAD (Orientation, Position, Velocity, Time, external Aiding
“INS QPVT Output (Quaternion of orientation, Position, Velocity,
“INS Minimal Data (minimal configuration of orientation, position,
velocity and time data),
“INS OPVT & Raw IMU Data (Orientation, Position, Velocity, Time
and raw IMU data);
SPAN rawimu (raw IMU data in NovAtel SPAN rawimub format); INS OPVT GNSSext” (Orientation, Position, Velocity and extended
information about time and the GNSS data,
INS NMEA”, INS Sensors NMEA, “Cobham UAV 200 Satcom” “User Defined Data” (see section 4.6 for details).
For more information on the output data format see Appendix C. The default variant is INS OPVT Output data format.
Inertial Labs, Inc
Tel: +1 (703) 880-4222, Fax: +1 (703) 935-8377 Website:
Address: 39959 Catoctin Ridge Street, Paeonian Springs, VA 20129 U.S.A.
GUI User’s Manual

4.2. Devices options

To set and control of INS operation parameters, select “Devices options…” from the Options menu (Fig. 3.7), or click button (Fig. 3.1).
A Devices Options” (Fig. 4.2) dialog box will be opened. There are six tabs “IMU”, “GNSS receiver”, “Pressure sensor”, “External sensors”, “CAN / COM4”, “Triggers”.
Fig. 4.2
Note: “Device option…” item is available only if:
INS is powered, and INS is connected to computer, and СОМ port number and its baud rate are chosen properly,  and INS initialization time (about 25 sec after power on) is completed
so LED indicator lights red.
Inertial Labs, Inc
Tel: +1 (703) 880-4222, Fax: +1 (703) 935-8377 Website:
Address: 39959 Catoctin Ridge Street, Paeonian Springs, VA 20129 U.S.A.
GUI User’s Manual
In the other case the error window with message “Cannot read parameters! appears over above window (see Fig. 4.3). Click OK, then
close Device Options window and choose the correct COM port number (see section 4.1. Test options).
Fig. 4.3

4.2.1. “IMU” tab of “Devices options…” window

There are options for the Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU). You can check or set the following parameters in the “IMU” tab of the Devices Options window Fig. 4.2:
IMU type – shows type of IMU inside the INS unit. This parameter
cannot be changed.
COM Port bps – sets baud rate of the main INS COM port (see
section “4.2.7. Change of the main COM port baud rate” for details). Default
value is set to 115200 bps.
Data rate (Hz) – sets output data rate in Hertz. Minimal value of the
parameter is 1, maximal value is 200; it is changed with the arrows to 10 or by entering the required value from a keyboard. Default value is set to 100.
Important note: the maximum data rate is limited by chosen baud rate of the COM port which the INS unit is connected to, and also it depends on chosen output data format (see Fig. 4.1) because of different number of transferred bytes. See section “4.2.8. Limitation of the INS maximum output data rate” for details.
Fixed checkbox limits data rates to be factors of 200 Hz: (1, 2, 4, 5,
8, 10, 20, 25, 40, 50, 100, 200) Hz.
Initial alignment time (sec) – sets the initial alignment time in
seconds. The INS output data will be displayed in respective windows only after the time set in this parameter is over. During initial alignment the INS
Inertial Labs, Inc
Tel: +1 (703) 880-4222, Fax: +1 (703) 935-8377 Website:
Address: 39959 Catoctin Ridge Street, Paeonian Springs, VA 20129 U.S.A.
GUI User’s Manual
must be absolutely unmovable relative to the Earth. Minimum value of the parameter is 1 and it can be changed to 1 with arrows or by entering the necessary value from a keyboard. Default value is set to 30 seconds.
Extended data checkbox specifies format of block of the initial
alignment. If this checkbox is set then INS outputs extended initial alignment block after initial alignment is completed. Otherwise INS outputs short block of the initial alignment data (see Appendix C.1 for details).
Averaged output data checkbox – if it is checked then averaged
data are output at rate less than 200Hz. Otherwise instant data are output.
IMU s/n – specifies the serial number of the IMU inside the INS unit.
This parameter cannot be changed.
INS s/n – specifies the serial number of the INS in use. This
parameter cannot be changed.
Device firmware version – the firmware version of the INS in use. It
consists of symbols of the firmware type, firmware version and date of this version issue separated by blanks. This parameter cannot be changed.
Latitude (deg) – initial latitude of the INS operating location. Longitude (deg) – initial longitude of the INS operational location. Altitude (m) – initial altitude above sea level of the INS operational
Date – day, month and year when the INS is used.
1. It is highly recommended to set current latitude, longitude and altitude for setting the initial position in case of the GNSS data may be not available at the INS start.
2. It is necessary to set current latitude, longitude, altitude and date before hard/soft iron calibration of the INS magnetometers (see section 8.2).
Magnetic declination (deg) – sets magnetic declination at the place
where the INS operates. The parameter value is changed by entering the required value from a keyboard or by automatic calculation by click on Calculate button, using Latitude, Longitude, Altitude and Date values. Default value of the magnetic declination is set to 0.
Inertial Labs, Inc
Tel: +1 (703) 880-4222, Fax: +1 (703) 935-8377 Website:
Address: 39959 Catoctin Ridge Street, Paeonian Springs, VA 20129 U.S.A.
GUI User’s Manual
1. It is important to set the magnetic declination correctly for the INS operation because it requires to know the true heading which is calculated by addition of the magnetic declination to measured magnetic heading.
2. Magnetic declination is calculated using the World Magnetic Model produced by the U.S. National Geophysical Data Center and the British Geological Survey, see
Since INS firmware version the magnetic declination can be calculated in the INS continuously using calculated current position and time. Check Auto check-box (see Fig. 4.2) to activate this option.
Alignment angles (deg) – angles between the INS axes and the
carrier object are set after INS mounting, see Appendix E. Variants of the Inertial Labs™ INS mounting relative to object axes. Default values are set to 0 degrees.
PV measuring point relative to the IMU (m) – sets coordinates of
measuring point for Position and Velocity calculation. Set coordinates of the measuring point relative to the accelerometer mass-center of the INS unit (see Appendix F, Fig. F.1) in the object axes – on the right, forward and up directions, in meters.
Auto start – enables or disables automatic start of the INS and data
output after power on without any command from the host computer. See section 10.6 for details.
Primary antenna position relative to the IMU (m) – sets the
primary GNSS antenna mounting lever relative to the INS unit, in meters. After the INS unit and GNSS antenna installation on the carrier object it is necessary to measure the center of antenna position relative to the accelerometer mass-center of the INS unit, in the object axes – on the right, forward and up directions (see Appendix F). Then it is necessary to enter these coordinates in appropriate fields in the IMU tab (Fig. 4.2) and click “OK” to apply these coordinates and store them in the INS nonvolatile memory.
Secondary antenna position relative to the IMU (m) – sets the
secondary GNSS antenna mounting lever relative to the INS unit, in meters. This option is supported for INS-D with firmware version since and
allows the secondary antenna installation in arbitrary (but known) position relative to the INS-D unit and primary antenna.
Inertial Labs, Inc
Tel: +1 (703) 880-4222, Fax: +1 (703) 935-8377 Website:
Address: 39959 Catoctin Ridge Street, Paeonian Springs, VA 20129 U.S.A.
GUI User’s Manual
Note: Earlier two antennas should be installed in parallel to the longitudinal axis of the carrier object.
The secondary antenna position can be set in two ways. One way is to measure the center of antenna position in meters relative to the accelerometer mass-center of the INS unit, in the object axes – on the right, forward and up directions (see Appendix F), and then enter these coordinates in the “Secondary antenna position relative to the IMU (m)” fields (see Fig. 4.2). Click “OK” to apply these coordinates and store them in the INS nonvolatile memory.
Antennas baseline orientation (deg) – provides alternate way to
set the secondary antenna position – as orientation of the baseline between two antennas relative to the carrier object axes (see Appendix F for details). There two angles Alpha, Beta should be measured and entered in appropriate fields in Antennas baseline orientation (deg)” (see Fig. 4.2). Then click “OK” to apply these angles and store them in the INS nonvolatile memory. This setting is supported for INS-D with firmware version since
1. If after the INS mounting its axes X, Y, Z are parallel to the carrier object lateral, longitudinal and vertical axes, then the antenna coordinates should be measured in the directions of the INS X, Y and Z axes.
2. On the other hand, the INS unit can be mounted on the object in any known position (up to upside-down, upright etc., see Appendix E. Variants of the Inertial LabsTM INS mounting relative to the object axes). In that case please set the GNSS antenna coordinates measured just in the object axes (on the right, forward and up directions), but not in the INS axes.
Inertial Labs, Inc
Tel: +1 (703) 880-4222, Fax: +1 (703) 935-8377 Website:
Address: 39959 Catoctin Ridge Street, Paeonian Springs, VA 20129 U.S.A.
GUI User’s Manual

4.2.2. “GNSS receiver” tab of “Devices options…” window

There are options for the onboard GNSS receiver (see Fig. 4.4). The first two rows show the next information: GNSS receiver name, model, serial number, firmware version and maximum data rate.
Fig. 4.4
There are the next very important settings for the GNSS receiver:
GNSS enabled – enables using of the GNSS data. This parameter
cannot be changed.
Set measurement rate (Hz) – rate of the GNSS data update. It is
highly recommended to set this rate to the maximum value supported by actual model of the GNSS receiver. Note the INS unit controls entered rate of the GNSS data and does not allow to set it larger than supported by the current GNSS receiver model.
Inertial Labs, Inc
Tel: +1 (703) 880-4222, Fax: +1 (703) 935-8377 Website:
Address: 39959 Catoctin Ridge Street, Paeonian Springs, VA 20129 U.S.A.
GUI User’s Manual
Vertical position – allows to choose variant of output altitude
above mean sea level MSL) or above WGS84 ellipsoid.
GNSS COM Port 2 fields configure COM2 port setting for output
GNSS raw data or NMEA data set:
Data set – allows choosing desirable set of GNSS receiver data for output through COM2 port. User can choose GNSS raw data (full or minimal set) or NMEA set output in the drop-down list (see Fig. 4.5).
When “No” is chosen then no GNSS data are output. Default setting is “No”.
Fig. 4.5
Data rate – sets frequency of COM2 port raw GNSS data output. When Data set is set to “Raw GNSS” or “Min Raw GNSS” user can choose frequency of data output in the drop-down list (see Fig. 4.6). See section “12.1. Recording of raw GNSS data” for more details.
Inertial Labs, Inc
Tel: +1 (703) 880-4222, Fax: +1 (703) 935-8377 Website:
Address: 39959 Catoctin Ridge Street, Paeonian Springs, VA 20129 U.S.A.
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