Figure 1: Connection NetTEST II in the cable thread.....5
Figure 2: Screen ‘Start-up’..............................................7
Figure 3: Screen ‘Main menu’.........................................8
Figure 4: Screen ‘Test without PLC’ ...............................9
Figure 5: Screen ‘Segment list’ .....................................10
Figure 6: Screen ‘Segment configuration’ .....................10
Figure 7: Screen ‘Test with no term’ .............................13
Figure 8: Screen after ‘Test with no term’ ..................... 13
Figure 9: Screen after ‘Test with 1 term.'.......................16
Figure 10: Screen after ‘Test with 2 term.’...................... 18
Figure 11: Screen ‘Generate livelist’ ............................... 19
Figure 12: Screen ‘Slave ident number’...........................20
Figure 13: Screen ‘Slave signal quality’ ..........................21
Figure 14: Screen ‘Baud rate detection’........................... 22
Figure 15: Screen ‘Test protocol’ ....................................23
Figure 16: Selection menu ‘Test protocol’....................... 23
Figure 17: Screen ‘Test protocol with PLC’.....................24
Figure 18: Screen ‘Test Company’ ..................................26
Figure 19: Screen ‘User name list’ .................................. 26
Figure 20: Screen ‘Customer list’ .................................... 27
Figure 21: Screen ‘Plant List’..........................................27
Figure 22: Screen ‘System configuration’........................ 28
Figure 23: Screen ‘Device properties’..............................29
Figure 24: Screen ‘License code’..................................... 29
Figure 25: Screen ‘Basic parameters’ .............................. 30
Figure 26: Screen ‘GSD - library’ ...................................33
Figure 27: Connection Setting via COM1........................35
Figure 28: Characteristics of the serial interface..............36
Figure 29: "Start-up" Screen with the PB-Master ............40
Figure 30: Screen ‘Line test’...........................................40
Figure 31: Screen ‘Profibus master mode’....................... 41
Figure 32: Screen ‘Slave line-up’ ....................................41
Figure 33: Screen ‘Slave line-up’ ....................................42
Figure 34: Screen ‘Extended master’............................... 44
Figure 35: Screen ‘Master parameters’............................ 44
Figure 36: Screen ‘Other address’................................... 45
Figure 37: Entry mask ‘Master configuration’................. 45
Figure 38: Screen ‘Config. with livelist’..........................46
Figure 39: Screen ‘context menu in the Configurator’ .... 47
Figure 40: Slave –Configuration Dialogue.......................48
Figure 41: Screen ‘Receive CFG file’ ..............................49
Figure 42: Download Configurator -Tool dialogue .........50