Thank you for making Induro your choice for
professional photographic gear. Your Induro gear
is manufactured to provide years of dependable
service. In order to obtain optimum satisfaction
and performance we suggest that you carefully
read these instructions and provide them to
anyone who may also use your Induro gear.
c Do not exceed the ma ximum specified lo ad
capac ity (see specific ations on the package
label or vi sit www.ind
c Alway s ensur e that all Panhe ad locks are
tightly eng aged before mounti ng any gear.
c Do not use any Panhe ad below
temper atures of −4°F or above +158°F
(−20°C / +70°C).
c Alway s clean and dr y any Panhead after
it has been exp osed to wet, dusty, sand y
or salty co nditions. Your Panhea d is not
recomm ended for use in salt water. If
requir ed, clean Panhead usin g a mild soap
soluti on applied with a soft clo th, rinse
with fre sh water and dry with sof t towel.
Remove any dus t, dirt or sand from all
locks and al l movin g part s.
c Do not leave any Pan head in the sun
for prolo nged periods and avo id high
temperature exposure.
c Avoid leav ing any Tripod or Monopod
unatte nded in areas where peo ple could
trip over th e gear and get hur t.
c Remove camera, len s, and all gear from
any Tripod or Mono pod when transpo rting.
c For your safe ty, don’t let your Induro
gear come in cont act with any electrical
power sou rce.
Speci fications an d design are subje ct to change witho ut notice.
All trad enames, log os, and brand ref erences are the re spectiv e trademark s of their owners .
INDURO Camera Suppor t Gear | 75 Virginia Road, North White Plains, NY 1060 3 | T 914-347-3300 | F 914-347-3309 | info@indu |