Induro PHQ Series Operating Instructions Manual

Thank you for making Induro your choice for
professional photographic gear. Your Induro gear
is manufactured to provide years of dependable
service. In order to obtain optimum satisfaction
and performance we suggest that you carefully
read these instructions and provide them to
c Do not exceed the ma ximum specified lo ad
capac ity (see specific ations on the package label or vi sit www.ind
c Alway s ensur e that all Panhe ad locks are
tightly eng aged before mounti ng any gear.
c Do not use any Panhe ad below
temper atures of −4°F or above +158°F (−20°C / +70°C).
c Alway s clean and dr y any Panhead after
it has been exp osed to wet, dusty, sand y or salty co nditions. Your Panhea d is not recomm ended for use in salt water. If requir ed, clean Panhead usin g a mild soap soluti on applied with a soft clo th, rinse with fre sh water and dry with sof t towel. Remove any dus t, dirt or sand from all locks and al l movin g part s.
c Do not leave any Pan head in the sun
for prolo nged periods and avo id high temperature exposure.
c Avoid leav ing any Tripod or Monopod
unatte nded in areas where peo ple could trip over th e gear and get hur t.
c Remove camera, len s, and all gear from
any Tripod or Mono pod when transpo rting.
c For your safe ty, don’t let your Induro
gear come in cont act with any electrical power sou rce.
Speci fications an d design are subje ct to change witho ut notice.
All trad enames, log os, and brand ref erences are the re spectiv e trademark s of their owners .
INDURO Camera Suppor t Gear | 75 Virginia Road, North White Plains, NY 1060 3 | T 914-347-3300 | F 914-347-3309 | info@indu |
Head Mounting
Instal l by screwing the head clockwis e onto the 3/8" mounting thre ad of the top plate of the Tripod. Once it is hand tight, if av ailable on the tripo d, secure by fully tightening the Head Lockin g Screw(s) from below.
Five-way positioning of ca mera and lens movement is directly controll able on the PHQ Serie s Panheads. Two comfor table, foldable Handles provide both movement and locking of front to rear Tilt, and side to sid e Tilt. A separate Lockin g Knob per mits the entir e Head assembly to move freely within a 360° rotational adjustment on the Pan Base and another Locking Kno b permits the Top Platform assem bly to move freely within a 360° rot ational adjustment on the tilted axi s of the head. Addition ally, the Quick Release pl ate can slide per pendicular to the rot ational ax is.
Universal Quick Release Plate System
The PHQ-Series Panheads feature an indexed Univer sal Arca-Swi ss style Quick Release Plate system. It offer s a quick metho d of mounting or releasing a Camera or Equipment fr om the Head. It’s impor tant that the correc t Quick Release Plate be used along with the proper mounting screw (1/4–2 0 is include d as the standard size but spare 1/4–20 and 3/8 plate s of various lengths are avail able as accessor ies).
The Mounti ng Screw requires an Allen Key which is include d (some scre ws also have a coin slot). Extr a Plates are recommended as you can screw one to each Camera or Lens for even greater convenience when rapidly mounting and dismounting gear. And because of compatibilit y with the Uni versa l Arca-S wiss st yle system, most plates and special bracket s from other manufacturer s can be used as well.
Quick Release Lock (FI GURE 1)
When use d properly, and with a featur ed Quick Release Plate or Acces sory, the Quick Relea se Lock off ers two le vels of sec urity for your gear. To remove the Quick Rel ease Plate, turn the Quick Release Locking Knob counter-clo ckwise. A partial opening of the cl amping mechanism allows the Quick Release Plate to slide on the Mounting Platform for proper balance and positio ning. Two removable Stop Screws on the bottom of a featured Quick Release Pl ate provi de this first level of secur ity. An additional counter­clock wise turn of the Quick Release Locking Knob opens the cl amp fully so that the Quick Rele ase Plate can be tilted out to be removed. Reverse the proces s and tighten the Quick Relea se Locking Knob to secure the Quick Release Plate.
Stop Screws (2)
Mounting Screw
Locking Collar Nut
Locking Collar Nut
Front to Rear Tilt Control /Lock Handle
Quick Release Plate
Rotating Top Platform
Quick Release
Plate Index
Quick Release Locking K nob
Top Platfor m Pan
Control/Lock Knob
Rotating Pan Base
Base Pan
Control/Lock Knob
Side to Side Tilt
Control /Lock Handle
Dual Bubble Level
Single Bubble Level s (2)
Base Single Bubble Level
NOTE: Alw ays hold on firmly to bala nce the weight of the camera when making any movement adjustments.
Tilt Controls (FIG URE 2)
Front to Rear Angle or Tilt adjustments can be easily acco mplished by first loosening the Front to Rear Tilt Control Handl e (be sure to hold on firmly to balance weight of the camera). Position as requir ed and then tighten Handle securely. The same Control and Lock are available on the oth er axis for Side to Side An gle or Tilt adju stment s by using the Side to Side Til t Control Handle. Bubble Levels can be viewed on all sides while making adjustment s.
NOTE: Do not ov er tighten the Tilt Control Locks as this could damage the lock ing mechanism.
Base Pan Control (FIG URE 3)
Horizontal rotation or Panning can be easily accompl ished by first loosening the Base Pan Lock Knob and the n rotating the Head on the Pan Base. Once in position tighten the Ba se Pan Lock securely.
NOTE: Do not ov er tighten the Ba se Pan Lock as this could damage the lock ing mechan ism.
Top Platform Pan Control (FIGURE 4)
Similar to the Base Pan Control the Top Platform Pan Control Knob allow s rotation or Panning of the Top Platfor m at any axis of Panhea d Tilt. To accompl ish this first loosen the Top Platform Pan Lock Kno b and then rota te the Top Platfor m. Once in positi on tighten the Top Plat form Pan Lock securely.
NOTE: Do not ov er tighten the Top Platform Pan Lock as this could damage the locking mechanism.
Folding Tilt Control Handles (FIGURE 5)
Both Tilt Control Handles can easily fold down along the sides of the PHQ Head to make packing and transport much more conve nient. To prepar e for transport (w ithout a camera mounted), firmly hold the Handle and rotate the Locking Co llar Nut counter- clockwise until you can slide it back on the shaft ex posing the joint and allowing it to bend. Revers e the procedure to secure the Handle for normal operation.
Quinta xial Camera Control (FIGUR E 6)
A unique feature of the PHQ head is the exceptional level of cal ibrated adjustm ents, and control of camera and lens positioning on five axis of mo vement. This offer s exceptional convenience for studio, archite ctural and nature photogr aphers. And, w hen used in comb ination with long er plates an d other specialized Ar ca­Swiss compatible Quick Releas e compon ents (which allow for nodal point positi oning), the capability ex tends to panoramic , QTVR and Spherical photography as well.