This item allows you to set a desired system date (usually current date).
Day It
is a read-only and bios-defined weekday attribute ranging from Sun (Sunday) to Sat
Month It is a month attribute ranging from Jan (January) to Dec (December).
Date It is a date attribute ranging from 1 to 31 and can be modified via numeric keys.
Year It is a user-defined year attribute.
This item allows you to set a desired system time (usually current time).
Channel 0 Master / Channel 0 Slave
Channel 1 Master / Channel 1 Slave
Press PgUp/<+> or PgDn/<-> key to select among Manual, None and Auto type. Note that the
specification of your drive device must be in compliance with the contents of Drive Table. If the
information registered in this item is not correct, your hard disk will not work properly; if your hard
disk specification is not found or does not conform to or the Driver Table, you may select Manual
type to set the specification manually.
If you choose Manual, you will be requested to enter relevant information in the following entries.
Keyboard input is also supported. For details, you may refer to the instructive materials provided
by distributor or device manufacturer.
If a SCSI HDD device is used, set this item to "NONE".
If a CD-ROM drive is connected to the HDD port, set this item to "NONE"
AccessMode Options are: Auto, Normal, Large and LBA
Cylinder Number of cylinders
Head Number of heads
Precomp Write precompensation cylinder
Landing Zone Head landing zone
Halt on
The item allows you to determine when the system will stop.
Options are: No Errors; All Errors; All, But Keyboard
No Errors The system boot will not stop for any error.
All Errors Whenever the BIOS detects a non-fatal error, the
system boot will stop.
All, But Keyboard The system boot will not stop for a keyboard error but
stop for all other errors as detected by BIOS. (default)
The time format is <hour><minute><second>.
The date format is <day><month><date><year>.
Chapter 2: BIOS Setup
IMP-A1x0T User Manual