Inductosense 0001 User Manual

WAND Data Collector
User Manual
Document: 1.04.04 Rev6
Document: 1.04.04 Rev6
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UnitDX, St.Phillips Central, Albert Road, Bristol, U.K.
Document: 1.04.04 Rev6
Inductosense Ltd.
How to use this manual
The WAND Data Collector (referred to as WAND from this point forward) manu­al has been laid out to reect the menu bar that appears on the WAND screen.
This booklet includes: Introduction to WAND Page 4 Description of Key Features Page 4 Powering up Page 5
Page 7 How to take thickness measurements
Measure Settings
Page 10 Conguring the WAND for a measurement
Page 12 Conguring WAND for use
Other instruction manuals in the WAND series:
WAND IDM Software Manual WAND TMS - Sensor Installation Manual
Document: 1.04.04 Rev6
Page 14 Retrieving stored data
The WAND is used to activate the Inductosense Thickness Monitoring Sensors (TMS) in order to take ultrasonic thickness measurements from structures. The WAND powers and subsequently acquires the thickness data from the installed sensors. The TMS sensors can be installed on thickness/corrosion monitoring locations (CMLs/ TMLs). Measurements from the TMS sensors are displayed on the WAND’s screen
and can also be analysed using the Inductosense Data Management (IDM) software.
Description of Key Features
Transmission Coil
Scan Button
Navigation Button
Figure 1: The Key Features of the WAND Data Collector
Document: 1.04.04 Rev6
On/Off Button
Enter Button
Data & Power Connector
Powering-up the WAND
To switch the WAND on press the ON/OFF button. Once the WAND is turned on, a user sign-in page will be displayed. A user can sign-in to the device by either scanning a user RFID card or by entering a PIN Number against a specied user name.
When using an RFID card, simply hold the card under the WAND and depress the scan button.
With a USER ID and PASSWORD, press the enter button to reveal a list of recorded users..
Navigate to the appropriate user using the navigation buttons and select by pressing the ENTER button.
Navigate to the PIN eld and press the Enter Button
Enter the 4-digit PIN number by scolling throught the numbers (up and down buttons) and move to the next number using the left and right buttons.
Once the PIN has been entered press the enter button
If the PIN number entered is succesful the screen will change to the MEASUREMENT screen
If the PIN number is incorrect an ‘Error’ message will appear.
Clear the error message by pressing the enter button and retry the PIN.
Document: 1.04.04 Rev6
Figure 2: The Sign-in Screen
+ 11 hidden pages